CERN - IJS/F-9 Collaboration: The LHC-Atlas Experiment

Barrel & Forward Power Distribution

Cable and connectivity test proposal
Obsolete! - see latest info at:

Downloadable PDF Files :
New files :  17.02.2005.
  67 KB PDF: adc16_sch.pdf ............. Cable test system : the ADC-16bit subcircuit
  99 KB PDF: iddt_sch.pdf.................. Cable test system : 24 channel +/-2.5V drive side subcircuit
  71 KB PDF: idst_sch.pdf.................. Cable test system :  20 channel V-sense and 4 channel I-sense subcircuit
Note : these files replace the Test_cid.pdf file below, which is now outdated.

Last update : 06.02.2005.
198 KB PDF: dppb1_tt.pdf ............... Cable & DummyPPB1 testing proposal ( text and figures)
  30 KB PDF: cable_install.pdf ........... Cable Installation testing proposal ( text and figures)
  34 KB PDF: cpp3dpp1.pdf .............. Cables+PP3+DummyPPB1 circuit diagram
113 KB PDF: DPPB1_Led_pcb.pdf ... DummyPPB1 printed circuit board
  17 KB PDF: Test_cid.pdf.................. Cable connection identification and verification test block diagram
  89 KB PDF: HV_tt_sch.pdf ............. High-Voltage test circuit diagram
108 KB PDF: VLim_tt_sch.pdf .......... PP3 Voltage Limiter activation threshold test circuit diagram
117 KB PDF: Prn2Bus0.pdf .............. PC PRN-port to Test Box Bus interface logic
  27 KB PDF: PP3_V30.pdf............... PP3 circuit diagram

All these files were updated according to the requirements set at the phone conference of 05-01-26.

The proposed Test Box will be similar to the one used for testing the Patch-Panels :
TestBox1(JPG-File, 79KB)
The test program runs under PC control via the parallel port
TestBox2(JPG-File, 57KB)
On top: High-Voltage card
For 256ms I was considering of adding a movie, with an ecclipse in the background, slowly zooming
on the box, with some monumental music (something like the Richard Strauss' "Also sprach Zarathustra",
you know : Burrrrrrrrrr, Traaa, traaa, traaaaaa, Ta-daaaaaaam, tam-tom tam-tom tam-tom tam-tom ....),
but then I thought 'oh, what the heck!' and I leave it to your imagination. I just hope that it will not start
to multiply itself, doubling every 74 hours, eventually eat up the whole Earth and turn it into a supernova...

Old Test Box Documentation :
  12 KB PDF: PPx_test_specs.pdf ... Test Specs, Preliminary (text)
  15 KB PDF: RC_tt_BD.pdf ........... RC-Test Principle Block Diagram
  86 KB PDF: RC_tt_pcb.pdf .......... RC-Test Printed Circuit Board
  22 KB PDF: HV_tt_BD.pdf .......... High-Voltage Test Principle Block Diagram
  84 KB PDF: HV_tt_sch.pdf .......... High-Voltage Schematic Diagram
  60 KB PDF: HV_tt_pcb.pdf ......... High-Voltage Printed Circuit Board
  17 KB PDF: Rx_tt_BD.pdf ........... 20-ch. Line Resistance Test Principle Block Diagram
  71 KB PDF: Rx_tt_pcb.pdf .......... 20-ch. Line Resistance Test Printed Circuit Board
117 KB PDF: Prn2Bus0.pdf ............ PC PRN-port to Test Box Bus Interface Schematic Diagram

RXonComments, suggestions, error reports,
protests, or feedback (negative, please!)
are always warmly welcome by RXon

Please, do not send comments about the page;
I know it's all gray and dull and no flashing ads
and not a word on Harry Potter, either!

First Publication Date : 2005-02-01
Last Revision Date : 2005-02-17