12th RD50 - Workshop on 

Radiation hard semiconductor devices 
for very high luminosity colliders

Ljubljana, 2 - 4 June, 2008

Workshop venue   



          12th RD50 workshop will be organized  by  Experimental particle Physics Department  at the Jožef Stefan Institute. Institute is located on walking distance (1.5 km. 20 minutes) from the centre of Ljubljana. There are regular busses (line 1, direction Mestni Log or line 6, direction Dolgi most) from  town to the institute (map).  Cost of one drive is 1 EUR (piad to the driver with cash, no money return). Please use the main entrance to the institute. Details how to come from bus stations to the institute are shown on this map.

             Arrival to Ljubljana is possible by airplane, train or car.  From the airport there is   bus and shuttle  service. More detailed description is here.

            Registration fee: 50 EUR - covering three lunches, all coffe breaks and welcome drink - payment with cash at arrival

            Conference dinner: 50 EUR - will be organized on Tuesday (June 3th) evening (combined with excursion)  on touristic farm  about 50 minute drive from Ljubljana. Payment with cash at arrival.

            Excursion: to Škocjans cave park  will be organised on Tuesday afternoon. Transportation with bus will take about one hour drive. Visit tour starts at 17:00 and takes about 1h 45min.  Walking   shoes are recommended.  After excursion about 20 min drive to the conference dinner.

            Currency: EURO

             Visa: Slovenia is a member of Schengen Europe. How to get visa if it is needed.

             Climate: weather in June can be quite hot with temperatures around 30 C, however rainy days with temperatures not exceeding 20 C can be also expected.


Vladimir Cindro  26.5.2008

  12th RD50 Workshop on Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders
Ljubljana 2-4 June, 2008
  Workshop Home-Page