PS: Just looking over the paper I found that the references are for my taste not in a reasonable style or incoherent (I compared to our last 2 pubs, lumi and psi', and found it ok there): As an example I would write: M.J. Leitch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 3256. in detail: - et al. (and not et al) - after authors a ',' as you do it in 1, 2, 10, .. - I do not see why anything (except for a title which you do not quote anyway) should be in italics (I know that there are some bib-styles which offer that, but I see no good reason). - If the year is put into brackets I think one can omit the ',' before. - did you make sure that always the abbreviation dor does not cause a longer space as for the end of a sentence (looked sometimes like that)? - in 2. is a 'G' too much: G. Rudolphi G --> Sorry for the confusion about the list of references. It is my fault: --> I took the EJP template instead of EPJC, and this only got corrected --> before I made this last distribution, without a careful final check.