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The ilApplyProfile function applies a colour profile to the currently bound image.

ILboolean ilApplyProfile(
  const ILstring InProfile,
  const ILstring OutProfile


Profile file describing the colour space the image is in.
Profile file describing the colour space to convert the image to.


iluApplyProfile applies a colour profile (files with extension .icm) to the currently bound image. InProfile describes the current image's colour space, and OutProfile describes the colour space to convert the currently bound image to. If InProfile is NULL, DevIL attempts to use the colour profile present in the image, if one is present, else it returns IL_FALSE.

Error Codes

IL_ILLEGAL_OPERATION - There is currently no image bound. Use ilGenImages and ilBindImage before calling this function.
IL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Could not allocate memory for the new image data.
IL_INVALID_PARAM - InProfile and/or OutProfile was NULL.

See Also

ilGenImages, ilBindImage