3.6.4  Poly Object

The polynomial object (and its "shortcut" versions: cubic, quartic and quadric) of POV-Ray is one of the most complex and mathematical primitives of the program. One could think that it's seldom used and more or less obsolete, but we have to remember that for example the torus primitive is just a shortcut for the equivalent quartic, which is just a shortcut for the equivalent poly object. Polys are, however, seldom used in scenes due to the fact that they are so difficult to define and it's far from trivial to get the desired shape with just a polynomial equation. It is mostly used by the most mathematically oriented POV-Ray users.

This tutorial explains the process of making a polynomial object in POV-Ray.

Note: POV-Ray 3.5 includes the new isosurface object which makes the polynomial object more or less obsolete. The isosurface is more versatile (you can specify any mathematical function, not just polynomials), easier to use. You can write the function as is, without needing to put values in a gigantic vector. Isosurfaces often render considerably faster than equivalent polys.

However, the most mathematically oriented still like polys because isosurfaces are calculated just by approximating the right value, while the poly is calculated in a mathematically exact way. Usually isosurfaces are more than good enough for most applications, though.

Note: only a 7th degree polynomial at maximum can be represented with the poly object. If a higher degree polynomial or other non-polynomial function has to be represented, then it's necessary to use the isosurface object.  Creating the polynomial function

The first step is to create the polynomial function to be represented. You will need some (high-school level) mathematical knowledge for this.

1) Let's start with an easy example: A sphere.

The sphere function is:

sphere function
sphere function

Now we have to convert this to polynomial form:

sphere polynomial
sphere polynomial

We will need a polynomial of the 2nd degree to represent this.

2) A more elaborated example:

Let's take the function:


Converting this to polynomial form we get:


Altough the highest power is 4 we will need a 5th order polynomial to represent this function (because we can't represent y4z with a 4th order polynomial).

3) And since we talked about the torus, let's also take it as an example.

A torus can be represented with the function:

torus function
torus function

where r1 is the major radius and r2 is the minor radius.

Now, this is tougher to convert to polynomial form, but finally we get:

torus polynomial
torus polynomial

A 4th order polynomial is enough to represent this.

Note: not every function can be represented in polynomial form. Only functions that use addition (and substraction), multiplication (and division) and scalar powers (including rational powers, eg. the square root) can be represented. Also, the poly primitive supports only polynomials of the 7th degree at max.

Converting a function to polynomial form may be a very laborious task for certain functions. Some mathematical programs are very helpful in this matter.  Writing the polynomial vector

Now that we have the function in polynomial form, we have to write it in POV-Ray syntax. The syntax is specified in the in the chapters "Poly, Cubic and Quartic" and "Quadric" of the SDL section. There's also a table in this chapter which we will be using to make the polynomial vector. It's most easy to have this table printed on paper.

Note: It is also possible to make a little program with your favorite programming language which will print the poly vector from the polynomial function, but making a program like this is up to you.

1) Let's start with the easy one, ie. the sphere.

Since the sphere can be represented with a polynomial of 2nd degree, we look at the row titled "2nd" in the table. We see that it has 10 items, ie. we need a vector of size 10. Each item of the vector will be the factor of the term listed in the table.

The polynomial was:

sphere polynomial
sphere polynomial

Writing the poly in this way we get:

#declare Radius=1;
{ 2,

Put each group of factors (separated with lines in the table) in their own lines.

In the table we see that the first item is the factor for x2, which is 1 in the function. The next item is xy. Since it isn't in the function, its factor is 0. Likewise the next item, which is xz. And so on. The last item is the scalar term, which is in this case -r2.

If we make a proper scene and render it, we get:

camera { location y*4-z*5 look_at 0 angle 35 }
light_source { <100,200,-50> 1 }
background { rgb <0,.25,.5> }

#declare Radius=1;
{ 2,
  pigment { rgb <1,.7,.3> } finish { specular .5 }
Sphere polynomial
Sphere polynomial

Note: there's a shortcut for 2nd degree polynomials: The quadric primitive. Using a shortcut version, whenever possible, can lead to faster renderings. We can write the sphere code described above in the following way:

{ <1,1,1>, <0,0,0>, <0,0,0>, -Radius*Radius
  pigment { rgb <1,.7,.3> } finish { specular .5 }

2) Now lets try the second one. We do it similarly, but this time we need to look at the row titled "5th" in the table.

The polynomial was:

5th order polynomial
5th order polynomial

Writing the poly primitive we get:

{ 5,

With the proper scene we get:

camera { location <8,20,-10>*.7 look_at x*.01 angle 35 }
light_source { <100,200,20> 1 }
background { rgb <0,.25,.5> }

{ 5,
  clipped_by { box { <-4,-4,-1><4,4,1> } }
  bounded_by { clipped_by }
  pigment { rgb <1,.7,.3> } finish { specular .5 }
  rotate <0,90,-90>
5th order polynomial example
5th order polynomial example

3) And finally the torus:

The polynomial was:

torus polynomial
torus polynomial

And we get the proper 4th degree poly primitive:

camera { location y*4-z*5 look_at 0 angle 35 }
light_source { <100,200,-50> 1 }
background { rgb <0,.25,.5> }

#declare r1=1;
#declare r2=.5;
{ 4,
  pigment { rgb <1,.7,.3> } finish { specular .5 }

When rendered we get:

Torus polynomial
Torus polynomial

There's a shortcut for 4th order polynomials: The quartic primitive. We can write the torus like this:

{ <1,0,0,0,2,
  pigment { rgb <1,.7,.3> } finish { specular .5 }