This document explains CINT error message, warning messsage and note.

General Information: =====================================================

    Error: message indicates cint execution error that may cause from bad
   source code or some external factor.  
    When this type of message is displayed, execution of the interpreted 
   program is stopped. 

    Limitation: message indicates cint execution error due to limitation of
   cint implemetaion. 
    In most of the cases, execution of the interpreted program is stopped. 

    Warning: is a notification of non-critical error or limitation.

    Note: is just a notification about cint limitation. Note: is harmless.
   Normally, you can ignore them.

Internal error:
cint internal error:
    This kind of message, which indicates error of cint implementation, 
   should not be displayed.

makecint or rootcint messages: ===========================================

Note: Link requested for undefined class [ClassName] 
    If class name is declared but not class definition is not given, and
   that class is precompiled into dictionary, makecint or rootcint displays
   this message. A user can only refer to name of the class. This message
   is usually harmless.

    // user.h
    class MyClass;

    $ makecint -mk Makefile -dl user.dll -H user.h
    $ make -f Makefile
    Note: Link requested for undefined class MyClass

Note: operator new() masked [HexNumber]
Note: operator delete() masked [HexNumber]
    When making cint dictionary or interface method source code, it usually
   overloads global new and delete operators. If you have yourown new/delete
   operator, you may want to elimitate new and delete from the dictionary
   source code. Above message indicates, status of new/delete operator 
   masking.  Mask flag is shown as hex number. 

    #define G__IS_OPERATOR_NEW      0x01
         Global operator new is found in user header file. Cint automatically
        stops generating operator new function in the dictionary.

    #define G__IS_OPERATOR_DELETE   0x02
         Global operator delete is found in user header file. Cint 
        automatically stops generating operator delete function in the 

    #define G__MASK_OPERATOR_NEW    0x04
         Cint does not generate operator new function in the dictionary
        because it is explicitly masked by -M0x4 command line option.

    #define G__MASK_OPERATOR_DELETE 0x08
         Cint does not generate operator new function in the dictionary
        because it is explicitly masked by -M0x8 command line option.

    #define G__NOT_USING_2ARG_NEW   0x10
         Cint uses operator new function with 1 argument in dictionary
        source code.

    From cint5.14.60, a new scheme is introduced. In the new method, 
   following flags dominates others. This scheme is intended to fix 
   problems associated with global operator new/delete.
    Before 5.14.59, -M0x1c or -M0x10 was needed for HP-UX aCC, Solaris
   CC5 and few other compilers. From 5.14.60, this option is not 
   needed for those platforms any more.

    #define G__DUMMYARG_NEWDELETE        0x100
	  If this flag is set, a new operator new/delete scheme
	 is turned on. With this scheme, cint dictionary generates
	 following functions.

            void* operator new(size_t size,[DLLID]_tag* p);
            void operator delete(void *p,[DLLID]_tag* x);
            static void G__operator_delete(void *p);

          This flag makes operator new a static function. So,
	 following functions will be generated.

            static void* operator new(size_t size,[DLLID]_tag* p);
            static void operator delete(void *p,[DLLID]_tag* x);
            static void G__operator_delete(void *p);

 Default value is 0x100 for pure CINT and 0x1c for ROOTCINT.

class [ClassName] in [FILE] line [LINE] original base of virtual func
    This message indicates this class is the grand root of polymorphic
   inheritance. The message is displayed purely as information. No harm.
