// @(#)root/tmva $Id: MethodSeedDistance.cxx 26050 2008-11-01 09:18:41Z brun $    
// Author: Andreas Hoecker, Peter Speckmayer

 * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
 * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
 * Class  : MethodSeedDistance                                                    *
 * Web    : http://tmva.sourceforge.net                                           *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description:                                                                   *
 *      Implementation                                                            *
 *                                                                                *
 * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
 *      Peter Speckmayer <speckmay@mail.cern.ch>  - CERN, Switzerland             *
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006:                                                       *
 *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         *
 *      MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany                                                 *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE)                                          *

/* Begin_Html
   This method is experimental only. It does not show any improvements
   compared to any of the traditional methods.
End_Html */

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TFormula.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TRandom.h"

#include "TMVA/MethodSeedDistance.h"
#include "TMVA/Tools.h"
#include "TMVA/Interval.h"
#include "TMVA/Timer.h"
#include "TMVA/GeneticFitter.h"
#include "TMVA/SimulatedAnnealingFitter.h"
#include "TMVA/MinuitFitter.h"
#include "TMVA/MCFitter.h"
#include "TMVA/MetricEuler.h"
#include "TMVA/MetricManhattan.h"
#include "TMVA/SeedDistance.h"

#include <stdlib.h>


TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::MethodSeedDistance( const TString& jobName, const TString& methodTitle, DataSet& theData, 
                            const TString& theOption, TDirectory* theTargetDir )
   : TMVA::MethodBase( jobName, methodTitle, theData, theOption, theTargetDir ), 
   // standard constructor

   // interpretation of configuration option string
   SetConfigName( TString("Method") + GetMethodName() );

TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::MethodSeedDistance( DataSet& theData, 
                            const TString& theWeightFile,  
                            TDirectory* theTargetDir )
   : TMVA::MethodBase( theData, theWeightFile, theTargetDir ) 
   // constructor from weight file


void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::InitSeedDistance( void )
   // default initialisation
   SetMethodName( "SeedDistance" );
   SetMethodType( TMVA::Types::kSeedDistance );

   fNPars    = 0;


   fSumOfWeightsSig = 0;
   fSumOfWeightsBkg = 0;

void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::DeclareOptions() 
   // define the options (their key words) that can be set in the option string 
   // format of function string:
   //    "x0*(0)+((1)/x1)**(2)..."
   // where "[i]" are the parameters, and "xi" the input variables
   // format of parameter string:
   //    "(-1.2,3.4);(-2.3,4.55);..."
   // where the numbers in "(a,b)" correspond to the a=min, b=max parameter ranges;
   // each parameter defined in the function string must have a corresponding range
   DeclareOptionRef( fSeedRangeStringP = "", "SeedRanges", "Range intervals confining the variables for the seeds" );
   DeclareOptionRef( fDataSeeds = 1, "DataSeeds", "Number of used data seeds" );
   DeclareOptionRef( fBackSeeds = 1, "BackSeeds", "Number of used background seeds" );
   DeclareOptionRef( fMetricType = "Euler", "Metric", "Type of metric used (Euler, Manhattan)" );

   DeclareOptionRef( fPow2Estimator = false, "Pow2Estimator", "Squared deviation from desired result (true) or number of correct classifications (false) as estimator" );
   DeclareOptionRef( fScalingFactor = true, "Scaling", "Produces an additional free parameter for a Seed which scales the calculated distance" );

   // fitter
   DeclareOptionRef( fFitMethod = "MINUIT", "FitMethod", "Optimisation Method");

   DeclareOptionRef( fConverger = "None", "Converger", "FitMethod uses Converger to improve result");

void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::ProcessOptions() 
   // the option string is decoded, for availabel options see "DeclareOptions"

   // clean up first

   // process transient strings
   //   fFormulaStringT  = fFormulaStringP;
   fSeedRangeStringT = fSeedRangeStringP;

   // interpret parameter string   
   fSeedRangeStringT.ReplaceAll( " ", "" );
   fNPars = fSeedRangeStringT.CountChar( ')' );
   //   fNPars = 4;
   //   fLogger << kINFO << "rangestring " << fSeedRangeStringT << Endl;
   //   fLogger << kINFO << "rangestring number ) " << fNPars << Endl;
   TList* parList = gTools().ParseFormatLine( fSeedRangeStringT, ";" );
   //   if (parList->GetSize()*2 != fNPars) {
   //      fLogger << kFATAL << "<ProcessOptions> Mismatch in parameter string: " 
   //              << "the number of parameters: " << fNPars << " != ranges defined: " 
   //              << parList->GetSize() << "; the format of the \"ParRanges\" string "
   //              << "must be: \"(-1.2,3.4);(-2.3,4.55);...\", "
   //              << "where the numbers in \"(a,b)\" correspond to the a=min, b=max parameter ranges; "
   //              << "each parameter defined in the function string must have a corresponding rang."
   //              << Endl;
   //   }

   fParRange.resize( fNPars );
   for (Int_t ipar=0; ipar<fNPars; ipar++) fParRange[ipar] = 0;

   for (Int_t ipar=0; ipar<fNPars; ipar++) {
      // parse (a,b)
      TString str = ((TObjString*)parList->At(ipar))->GetString();
      Ssiz_t istr = str.First( ',' );
      TString pminS(str(1,istr-1));
      TString pmaxS(str(istr+1,str.Length()-2-istr));
      Float_t pmin = atof(pminS.Data());
      Float_t pmax = atof(pmaxS.Data());

      // sanity check
      if (pmin > pmax) fLogger << kFATAL << "<ProcessOptions> max > min in interval for parameter: [" 
                               << ipar << "] : [" << pmin  << ", " << pmax << "] " << Endl;

      fParRange[ipar] = new Interval( pmin, pmax );

   delete parList;

   if( fScalingFactor ){
      fParRange.push_back( new Interval( 0.0, 1.0 ) );
   for( Int_t i = 0; i< fDataSeeds+fBackSeeds; i++ ){
      fSeeds.push_back( std::vector< Double_t >() );
      for(std::vector<TMVA::Interval*>::const_iterator parIt = fParRange.begin(); parIt != fParRange.end(); parIt++) {
         fSeeds[i].push_back( (*parIt)->GetMean() );

   std::vector<Interval*>::iterator maxpos;
   for( Int_t i = 1; i< fDataSeeds+fBackSeeds; i++ ){
      maxpos = fParRange.begin();
      for( Int_t j=0; j< fNPars; j++ ){
      if( fScalingFactor ){
      fParRange.insert( fParRange.end(), fParRange.begin(), maxpos );

   for( Int_t i = 0; i < fNPars; i++) {
      fMetricPars.push_back( 0.5 );
      fParRange.push_back( new Interval( 0.0, 1.0 ) );
   if( fMetricType == "Euler" )     fMetric = new MetricEuler();
   if( fMetricType == "Manhattan" ) fMetric = new MetricManhattan();

   fMetric->SetParameters( &fMetricPars );
   fSeedDistance = new SeedDistance( *fMetric, fSeeds );

   fIntermediateFitter = (TMVA::IFitterTarget*)this;
   if (fConverger == "MINUIT")
      fIntermediateFitter = new TMVA::MinuitFitter( *this, Form("%s_MINUIT", GetName()), fParRange, GetOptions() );
   if      (fFitMethod == "MC")     fFitter = new TMVA::MCFitter                ( *fIntermediateFitter, Form("%sFitter_MC", GetName()), fParRange, GetOptions() );
   else if (fFitMethod == "GA")     fFitter = new TMVA::GeneticFitter           ( *fIntermediateFitter, Form("%sFitter_GA", GetName()), fParRange, GetOptions() );
   else if (fFitMethod == "SA")     fFitter = new TMVA::SimulatedAnnealingFitter( *fIntermediateFitter, Form("%sFitter_SA", GetName()), fParRange, GetOptions() );
   else if (fFitMethod == "MINUIT") fFitter = new TMVA::MinuitFitter            ( *fIntermediateFitter, Form("%sFitter_MINUIT", GetName()), fParRange, GetOptions() );
   else {
      fLogger << kFATAL << "<Train> Do not understand fit method: " << fFitMethod << Endl;

TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::~MethodSeedDistance( void )
   // destructor

void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::ClearAll( void )
   // reset all parameters of the method
   std::map< Interval*, Int_t > delmap;
   for (UInt_t ipar=0; ipar<fParRange.size(); ipar++) {
      delmap[fParRange[ipar]] = ipar;
      fParRange[ipar] = 0;
   for( std::map< Interval*, Int_t >::iterator it = delmap.begin(); it != delmap.end(); it++ ){
      delete it->first;



void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::Train( void )
   // FDA training 

   // default sanity checks
   if (!CheckSanity()) fLogger << kFATAL << "<Train> sanity check failed" << Endl;

   // cache training events
   fSumOfWeightsSig = 0;
   fSumOfWeightsBkg = 0;

   for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<Data().GetNEvtTrain(); ievt++) {

      // read the training event 

      // true event copy
      Event*  ev = new Event( GetEvent() );
      Float_t w  = ev->GetWeight();

      if (ev->IsSignal()) { fEventsSig.push_back( ev ); fSumOfWeightsSig += w; }
      else                { fEventsBkg.push_back( ev ); fSumOfWeightsBkg += w; }

   // sanity check
   if (fSumOfWeightsSig <= 0 || fSumOfWeightsBkg <= 0) {
      fLogger << kFATAL << "<Train> Troubles in sum of weights: " 
              << fSumOfWeightsSig << " (S) : " << fSumOfWeightsBkg << " (B)" << Endl;

   // starting values (not used by all fitters)

   MakeListFromStructure( fPars, fSeeds, fMetricPars );

   // execute the fit
//   Double_t estimator = fFitter->Run( fPars );
   Double_t estimator = fFitter->Run( fPars );

   MakeStructureFromList( fPars, fSeeds, fMetricPars );

   // print results
   PrintResults( fFitMethod, fPars, estimator );

   // free cache 
   std::vector<const Event*>::const_iterator itev;
   for (itev = fEventsSig.begin(); itev != fEventsSig.end(); itev++) delete *itev;
   for (itev = fEventsBkg.begin(); itev != fEventsBkg.end(); itev++) delete *itev;


   if (fConverger == "MINUIT") delete fIntermediateFitter;
   delete fFitter; fFitter = 0;

void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::PrintResults( const TString& fitter, std::vector<Double_t>& , const Double_t estimator ) const
   //MakeStructureFromList( pars, fSeeds, fMetricPars );

   // display fit parameters
   // check maximum length of variable name
   fLogger << kINFO;
   fLogger << "Results for distance to seed method using fitter: \"" << fitter << Endl;
   fLogger << "Value of estimator at minimum: " << estimator << Endl;

   // print seeds
   fLogger << kINFO << "Number of Seeds: " << fSeeds.size() << Endl;
   for( Int_t i = 0; i< (Int_t)fSeeds.size(); i++ ){
      if( i < fDataSeeds ){
         fLogger << kINFO << "Seed " << i << " -- DATA" << Endl;
         fLogger << kINFO << "Seed " << i << " -- BACKGROUND" << Endl;
      for( Int_t j = 0; j< (Int_t)fSeeds[i].size(); j++ ){
         if( fScalingFactor && j >= (Int_t)fSeeds[i].size()-1 ){
            fLogger << kINFO << "   scaling factor " << ": " << fSeeds[i][j] << Endl;
            fLogger << kINFO << "   dimension " << j << ": " << fSeeds[i][j] << Endl;
   // print metric parameters
   fLogger << kINFO << Endl;
   fLogger << kINFO << "Metric: " << fMetricType << " with " << fMetricPars.size() << " parameters" << Endl;
   for( Int_t i = 0; i< (Int_t)fMetricPars.size(); i++ ){
      fLogger << kINFO << "   par " << i << ": " << fMetricPars[i] << Endl;


Double_t TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::EstimatorFunction( std::vector<Double_t>& pars )
   // compute estimator for given parameter set (to be minimised)

   MakeStructureFromList( pars, fSeeds, fMetricPars );
   std::vector< Double_t > point;
   Double_t looksLike = 0.0;
   // species-specific stuff
   const std::vector<const Event*>* eventVecs[] = { &fEventsSig, &fEventsBkg };
   const Double_t sumOfWeights[]                = { fSumOfWeightsSig, fSumOfWeightsBkg };
   const Double_t desiredVal[]                  = { 1, 0 };
   Double_t estimator[]                         = { 0, 0 };
   std::vector<const Event*>::const_iterator itev;

   Double_t distData;
   Double_t distBack;
   Double_t deviation;
   // loop over species
   for (Int_t itype=0; itype<2; itype++) {

      // loop over specific events
      for (itev = eventVecs[itype]->begin(); itev != eventVecs[itype]->end(); itev++) {
         for (Int_t ivar=0;  ivar<GetNvar();   ivar++) point.push_back( (**itev).GetVal(ivar) );

         std::vector< Double_t >& distances = fSeedDistance->GetDistances( point );
         distData = distances[0];
         for( Int_t i=1; i< fDataSeeds; i++ ){
            distData = min( distData, distances[i] );
         distBack = distances[fDataSeeds];
         for( Int_t i=fDataSeeds; i< fDataSeeds+fBackSeeds; i++ ){
            distBack = min( distBack, distances[i] );
         if( !fPow2Estimator ){
            if( distData < distBack ){ 
               deviation = 1-desiredVal[itype];
               deviation = desiredVal[itype];
            looksLike = distBack/(distData+distBack);
            deviation = (looksLike - desiredVal[itype])*(looksLike - desiredVal[itype]);

         estimator[itype] += deviation * (*itev)->GetWeight();
      estimator[itype] /= sumOfWeights[itype];

   // return value is sum over normalised signal and background contributions
   return estimator[0] + estimator[1];

Double_t TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::GetMvaValue()
   // returns MVA value for given event
   std::vector< Double_t > point;
   const Event& event = GetEvent();

   Double_t distData;
   Double_t distBack;

   for (Int_t ivar=0;  ivar<GetNvar();   ivar++) point.push_back( event.GetVal(ivar) );

   std::vector< Double_t >& distances = fSeedDistance->GetDistances( point );

   distData = distances[0];
   for( Int_t i=1; i< fDataSeeds; i++ ){
      distData = min( distData, distances[i] );
   distBack = distances[fDataSeeds];
   for( Int_t i=fDataSeeds; i< fDataSeeds+fBackSeeds; i++ ){
      distBack = min( distBack, distances[i] );

   if( distData+distBack == 0 ){
      fLogger << kINFO << "backgroundseed=dataseed";
      return 0.0;
   Double_t looksLike = distBack/(distData+distBack);

   return looksLike;

void  TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::WriteWeightsToStream( ostream& o ) const
   // write the weight from the training to a file (stream)

   // save seeds
   o << fSeeds.size() << endl;
//   fLogger << kINFO << fSeeds.size() << " ";
   for( unsigned int i = 0; i< fSeeds.size(); i++ ){
      o << fSeeds[i].size() << endl;
//      fLogger << kINFO << fSeeds[i].size() << " ";
      for( unsigned int j = 0; j< fSeeds[i].size(); j++ ){
         o << fSeeds[i][j] << endl;
//         fLogger << kINFO << fSeeds[i][j] << " ";
   o << fDataSeeds << endl;
   o << fBackSeeds << endl;
   o << fScalingFactor << endl;
   // save metric parameters
   o << fMetricType << endl;
   o << fMetricPars.size() << endl;
//   fLogger << kINFO << fMetricPars.size() << " ";
   for( unsigned int i = 0; i< fMetricPars.size(); i++ ){
      o << fMetricPars[i] << endl;
//      fLogger << kINFO << fMetricPars[i] << " ";
void  TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::ReadWeightsFromStream( istream& istr )
   // read back the training results from a file (stream)

   Int_t size;
   Double_t val;
   istr >> size;
//   fLogger << kINFO << size << " ";
   for( Int_t i = 0; i<size; i++ ){
      fSeeds.push_back( std::vector< Double_t >() );
      Int_t subSize;
      istr >> subSize;
//      fLogger << kINFO << subSize << " ";
      for( Int_t j = 0; j<subSize; j++ ){
         istr >> val;
//         fLogger << kINFO << val << " ";
         fSeeds[i].push_back( val );

   istr >> fDataSeeds;
   istr >> fBackSeeds;
   istr >> fScalingFactor;

   istr >> fMetricType;
   istr >> size;
//   fLogger << kINFO << size << " ";
   for( Int_t i = 0; i<size; i++ ){
      istr >> val;
//      fLogger << kINFO << val << " ";
      fMetricPars.push_back( val );

   if( fMetricType == "Euler" ) fMetric = new MetricEuler();
   else if( fMetricType == "Manhattan" ) fMetric = new MetricManhattan();
      fLogger << kFATAL << "unknown metric" << Endl;
   fMetric->SetParameters( &fMetricPars );
   fSeedDistance = new SeedDistance( *fMetric, fSeeds );

void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::MakeClassSpecific( std::ostream& fout, const TString& /*className*/ ) const
//    fout << "Bool_t                 fScalingFactor = " << fScalingFactor << ";" << endl;
//    fout << "IMetric*               fMetric = new Metric" << fMetricType << "();" << endl;
//    fout << "SeedDistance*          fSeedDistance;" << endl;
//    fout << "std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > fSeeds;" << endl;
//    fout << "std::vector<Double_t>  fMetricPars;" << endl;
//    fout << "Int_t                  fDataSeeds = " << fDataSeeds << ";" << endl;
//    fout << "Int_t                  fBackSeeds = " << fBackSeeds << ";" << endl;
//    fout << "TString                fMetricType = \"" << fMetricType << "\";" << endl;
//    fout << "Int_t                  fNPars = " << fNPars << ";" << endl;
   fout << "not implemented for class" << endl;

void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::MakeListFromStructure( std::vector<Double_t>& linear, 
                                  std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > >& seeds,
                                  std::vector<Double_t>& metricParams )
   // linear: / /-seed1-//-seed-2//...//-seed n-/ /metricParams/ /
   for( std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > >::iterator itSeed = seeds.begin(); itSeed != seeds.end(); itSeed++ ){
      linear.insert( linear.end(), (*itSeed).begin(), (*itSeed).end() );
   linear.insert( linear.end(), metricParams.begin(), metricParams.end() );

void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::MakeStructureFromList( std::vector<Double_t>& linear, 
                                  std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > >& seeds,
                                  std::vector<Double_t>& metricParams )
   // makes the structure from the list
   std::vector<Double_t>::iterator loc = linear.begin();
   for( std::vector< std::vector<Double_t> >::iterator itSeed = seeds.begin(); itSeed != seeds.end(); itSeed++ ){
      for( std::vector<Double_t>::iterator it = (*itSeed).begin(); it != (*itSeed).end(); it++ ){
         (*it) = (*loc);
   for( std::vector<Double_t>::iterator it = metricParams.begin(); it != metricParams.end(); it++ ){
      (*it) = (*loc);

void TMVA::MethodSeedDistance::GetHelpMessage() const
   // get help message text
   // typical length of text line: 
   //         "|--------------------------------------------------------------|"
   fLogger << Endl;
   fLogger << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Short description:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
   fLogger << Endl;
   fLogger << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Performance optimisation:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
   fLogger << Endl;
   fLogger << Endl;
   fLogger << gTools().Color("bold") << "--- Performance tuning via configuration options:" << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
   fLogger << Endl;

Last change: Sat Nov 1 10:21:56 2008
Last generated: 2008-11-01 10:21

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