// @(#)root/table:$Id: TVolumeViewIter.cxx 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
// Author: Valery Fine(fine@bnl.gov)   25/01/99

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TVolumeViewIter.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TVolumeView.h"
#include "TDataSetIter.h"
#include "TGeometry.h"

//   TVolumeViewIter is a special class-iterator to
//   iterate over GEANT geometry dataset TVolumeView.
//   Class should provide a "standard" well-known
//   "TDataSetIter" interface to navigate and access
//   the geometry information supplied by Tgeant_Maker
//   as the TVolume object. Apart of the the base
//   TDataSetIter this special class may supply
//   not only pointer to the selected dataset but some
//   "position" information (like translate vectors and
//   rotation matrice).

TVolumeViewIter::TVolumeViewIter(TVolumeView *view, Int_t depth, Bool_t dir):
   //to be documented

   //to be documented
   if (fPositions) { fPositions->Delete(); delete fPositions; }
const TVolumePosition *TVolumeViewIter::GetPosition(Int_t level) const
   //to be documented
   const TVolumePosition *pos = 0;
   if (fPositions) {
      Int_t thisLevel = level;
      if (!thisLevel) thisLevel = fDepth;
      pos=(TVolumePosition *)fPositions->At(thisLevel);
   return pos;

TVolumePosition *TVolumeViewIter::operator[](Int_t level)
   //to be documented
   const TVolumePosition *pos = GetPosition(level);
   if (pos) return new TVolumePosition(*pos);
   else {
      Error("operator[]"," GetPosition: %d %d %x", level,fDepth, fPositions);
      return 0;

void TVolumeViewIter::Notify(TDataSet *set)
   //to be documented
   if (!set) return;
   TVolumeView     *view         = (TVolumeView *) set;
   TVolumePosition *position     = 0;
   position = view->GetPosition();

TVolumePosition *TVolumeViewIter::UpdateTempMatrix(TVolumePosition *curPosition)
   // Pick the "old" position by pieces
   TVolumePosition *newPosition = 0;
   TVolume *curNode = 0;
   UInt_t curPositionId    = 0;
   if (curPosition) {
      curNode       = curPosition->GetNode();
      curPositionId = curPosition->GetId();
   if (fDepth-1) {
      TVolumePosition *oldPosition = 0;
      const TRotMatrix *oldMatrix = 0;
      oldPosition = fPositions ? (TVolumePosition *)fPositions->At(fDepth-1):0;
      Double_t oldTranslation[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
      if (oldPosition) {
         oldMatrix         = oldPosition->GetMatrix();
         oldTranslation[0] = oldPosition->GetX();
         oldTranslation[1] = oldPosition->GetY();
         oldTranslation[2] = oldPosition->GetZ();

      // Pick the "current" position by pieces
      const TRotMatrix *curMatrix        = curPosition->GetMatrix();

      // Create a new position
      Double_t newTranslation[3];
      Double_t newMatrix[9];

      if(oldMatrix) {
         TGeometry::UpdateTempMatrix(oldTranslation,((TRotMatrix *)oldMatrix)->GetMatrix()
                       ,((TRotMatrix *)curMatrix)->GetMatrix()
         Int_t num = gGeometry->GetListOfMatrices()->GetSize();
         Char_t anum[100];
         newPosition = SetPositionAt(curNode
                                ,new TRotMatrix(anum,"NodeView",newMatrix));
      } else {
         newTranslation[0] = oldTranslation[0] + curPosition->GetX();
         newTranslation[1] = oldTranslation[1] + curPosition->GetY();
         newTranslation[2] = oldTranslation[2] + curPosition->GetZ();
         newPosition = SetPositionAt(curNode,newTranslation[0],newTranslation[1],newTranslation[2]);
   } else if (curPosition)  {
      newPosition =  SetPositionAt(*curPosition);
//         printf(" new level %d %s\n",fDepth, curNode->GetName());
   } else
      Error("UpdateTempMatrix","No position has been defined");
   if (newPosition) newPosition->SetId(curPositionId);
   return newPosition;

void TVolumeViewIter::ResetPosition(Int_t level, TVolumePosition *newPosition)
   //to be documented
   Int_t thisLevel = level;
   if (!thisLevel) thisLevel = fDepth;
   TVolumePosition *thisPosition  =  (TVolumePosition *) GetPosition(level);
   if (newPosition)
      *thisPosition =  *newPosition;

void TVolumeViewIter::Reset(TDataSet *l,Int_t depth)
   //to be documented

TVolumePosition *TVolumeViewIter::SetPositionAt(TVolume *node,Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, TRotMatrix *matrix)
   //to be documented
   if (!fPositions)  fPositions = new TObjArray(100);
   TVolumePosition *position =  (TVolumePosition *) fPositions->At(fDepth);
   if (position) position->Reset(node,x,y,z,matrix);
   else {
      position = new TVolumePosition(node,x,y,z,matrix);
   return position;

TVolumePosition *TVolumeViewIter::SetPositionAt(TVolumePosition &curPosition)
   //to be documented
   if (!fPositions)  fPositions = new TObjArray(100);
   TVolumePosition *position =  (TVolumePosition *) fPositions->At(fDepth);
   if (position) *position = curPosition;
   else {
      position = new TVolumePosition(curPosition);
   return position;

Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:55:05 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:55

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