// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: Error.h 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $ // Authors: L. Moneta /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2007 LCG ROOT Math team, CERN/PH-SFT * * * **********************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_Math_Error #define ROOT_Math_Error #ifdef DEBUG #ifndef WARNINGMSG #define WARNINGMSG #endif #endif /** Pre-processor macro to report messages which can be configured to use ROOT error or simply an iostream in case of stan-alone builds */ #ifndef USE_ROOT_ERROR // use iostream instead of ROOT #include #ifndef ROOT_MATH_LOG #define ROOT_MATH_OS std::cerr #else #define ROOT_MATH_LOG #endif // giving a location + string #define MATH_INFO_MSG(loc,str) \ ROOT_MATH_OS << "Info in ROOT::Math::" << loc << ">: " << str \ << std::endl; #define MATH_WARN_MSG(loc,str) \ ROOT_MATH_OS << "Warning in ROOT::Math::" << loc << ">: " << str \ << std::endl; #define MATH_ERROR_MSG(loc,str) \ ROOT_MATH_OS << "Error in ROOT::Math::" << loc << ">: " << str \ << std::endl; // giving location + a value # define MATH_INFO_VAL(loc,x) \ ROOT_MATH_OS << "Info in : " << #x << " = " << (x) << std::endl; # define MATH_WARN_VAL(loc,x) \ ROOT_MATH_OS << "Warning in ROOT::Math::" << loc << ">: " << #x << " = " << (x) << std::endl; # define MATH_ERROR_VAL(loc,x) \ ROOT_MATH_OS << "Error in ROOT::Math::" << loc << ">: " << #x << " = " << (x) << std::endl; // giving a location + string + value # define MATH_INFO_MSGVAL(loc,str,x) \ ROOT_MATH_OS << "Info in : " << str << "; " << #x << " = " << (x) << std::endl; # define MATH_WARN_MSGVAL(loc,str,x) \ ROOT_MATH_OS << "Warning in ROOT::Math::" << loc << ">: " << str << "; " << #x << " = " << (x) << std::endl; # define MATH_ERROR_MSGVAL(loc,str,x) \ ROOT_MATH_OS << "Error in ROOT::Math::" << loc << ">: " << str << "; " << #x << " = " << (x) << std::endl; #else // use ROOT error reporting system #include "TError.h" #include "Math/Util.h" #define MATH_INFO_MSG(loc,str) \ ::Info("ROOT::Math",str); #define MATH_WARN_MSG(loc,str) \ ::Warning("ROOT::Math",str); #define MATH_ERROR_MSG(loc,str) \ ::Error("ROOT::Math",str); # define MATH_INFO_VAL(loc,x) \ {std::string sl = "ROOT::Math::" + std::string(loc); \ std::string str = std::string(#x) + std::string(" = ") + ROOT::Math::Util::ToString(x); \ ::Info(sl.c_str(),str.c_str() );} # define MATH_WARN_VAL(loc,x) \ {std::string sl = "ROOT::Math::" + std::string(loc); \ std::string str = std::string(#x) + std::string(" = ") + ROOT::Math::Util::ToString(x); \ ::Warning(sl.c_str(),str.c_str() );} # define MATH_ERROR_VAL(loc,x) \ {std::string sl = "ROOT::Math::" + std::string(loc); \ std::string str = std::string(#x) + std::string(" = ") + ROOT::Math::Util::ToString(x); \ ::Error(sl.c_str(),str.c_str() );} # define MATH_INFO_MSGVAL(loc,txt,x) \ {std::string sl = "ROOT::Math::" + std::string(loc); \ std::string str = std::string(txt) + std::string("; ") + std::string(#x) + std::string(" = ") + ROOT::Math::Util::ToString(x); \ ::Info(sl.c_str(),str.c_str() );} # define MATH_WARN_MSGVAL(loc,txt,x) \ {std::string sl = "ROOT::Math::" + std::string(loc); \ std::string str = std::string(txt) + std::string("; ") + std::string(#x) + std::string(" = ") + ROOT::Math::Util::ToString(x); \ ::Warning(sl.c_str(),str.c_str() );} # define MATH_ERROR_MSGVAL(loc,txt,x) \ {std::string sl = "ROOT::Math::" + std::string(loc); \ std::string str = std::string(txt) + std::string("; ") + std::string(#x) + std::string(" = ") + ROOT::Math::Util::ToString(x); \ ::Error(sl.c_str(),str.c_str() );} #endif #endif // ROOT_MATH_Error