// @(#)root/memstat:$Name$:$Id: TMemStatDrawDlg.h 24371 2008-06-19 12:48:36Z anar $ // Author: Anar Manafov (A.Manafov@gsi.de) 31/05/2008 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef _ROOT_TMEMSTATDRAWDLG_H #define _ROOT_TMEMSTATDRAWDLG_H // STD #include #include // ROOT #include "RQ_OBJECT.h" #include "TGFrame.h" class TMemStat; class TGComboBox; class TGNumberEntry; class TRootEmbeddedCanvas; typedef std::vector StringVector_t; class TMemStatDrawDlg { RQ_OBJECT("TMemStatDrawDlg") public: TMemStatDrawDlg(TGCompositeFrame *parent, TMemStat *MemStat); virtual ~TMemStatDrawDlg(); // slots void HandleDrawMemStat(); private: void PlaceCtrls(TGCompositeFrame *frame); void PlaceLBoxCtrl(TGCompositeFrame *frame, TGComboBox **box , const std::string &Label, const StringVector_t &Vealues, Int_t resource); void PlaceDeepCtrl(TGCompositeFrame *frame); void PlaceEmbeddedCanvas(TGCompositeFrame *frame); void ReDraw(); private: TMemStat *fMemStat; TGComboBox *fboxOrder; TGComboBox *fboxSortStat; TGComboBox *fboxSortStamp; TGNumberEntry *fNmbStackDeep; TGNumberEntry *fNmbSortDeep; TGNumberEntry *fNmbMaxLength; TRootEmbeddedCanvas *fEc; }; #endif