// @(#)root/pyroot:$Id: TPyException.cxx 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
// Author: Scott Snyder, Apr 2004

// Bindings
#include "PyROOT.h"
#include "TPyException.h"

//                 C++ exception for throwing python exceptions
//                 ============================================
// Purpose: A C++ exception class for throwing python exceptions
//          through C++ code.
// Created: Apr, 2004, sss, from the version in D0's python_util.
// Note: Don't be tempted to declare the virtual functions defined here
//       as inline.
//       If you do, you may not be able to properly throw these
//       exceptions across shared libraries.

//- data ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void* PyROOT::TPyExceptionMagic = (PyObject*)1;
namespace {

   class TManageMagic {  // ensures that no valid PyObject can occupy the magic
      TManageMagic() { PyROOT::TPyExceptionMagic = new int(1); }
      ~TManageMagic() { delete (int*)PyROOT::TPyExceptionMagic; }
   } manageMagic;

} // unnamed namespace

//- constructors/destructor --------------------------------------------------
// default constructor

PyROOT::TPyException::~TPyException() throw()
// destructor

//- public members -----------------------------------------------------------
const char* PyROOT::TPyException::what() const throw()
// Return reason for throwing this exception: a python exception was raised.
   return "python exception";

Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:29:12 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:29

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