// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: DataRange.h 25486 2008-09-22 12:43:03Z moneta $
// Author: L. Moneta Wed Aug 30 11:05:02 2006

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2006  LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT                *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *

// Header file for class DataRange

#ifndef ROOT_Fit_DataRange
#define ROOT_Fit_DataRange

#include <vector>

namespace ROOT { 

   namespace Fit { 

   class describing the range in the coordinates 
   it supports  multiple range in a coordinate. 
   The rnage dimension is the dimension of the coordinate, its size is 
   the number of interval for each coordinate. 
   Default range is -inf, inf
   Range can be modified with the add range method

   @ingroup FitData
class DataRange {


   typedef std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > RangeSet;
   typedef std::vector< RangeSet >   RangeIntervals; 

      Default constructor (infinite range) 
   explicit DataRange (unsigned int dim = 1) :
      fRanges ( std::vector<RangeSet> (dim) )

      construct a range for [xmin, xmax] 
   DataRange(double xmin, double xmax);  

      construct a range for [xmin, xmax] , [ymin, ymax] 
   DataRange(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax);  
      construct a range for [xmin, xmax] , [ymin, ymax] , [zmin, zmax] 
   DataRange(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax); 
      get range dimension
   unsigned int NDim() const { return fRanges.size(); }

      return range size for coordinate icoord (starts from zero)
      Size == 0 indicates no range is present [-inf, + inf]
   unsigned int Size(unsigned int icoord) const { 
      return icoord <  fRanges.size() ? fRanges[icoord].size() : 0;

       return the vector of ranges for the coordinate icoord
   const RangeSet & Ranges(unsigned int icoord) const { 
      // return icoord <  fRanges.size() ? fRanges[icoord] : RangeSet(); 
      return fRanges.at(icoord); 

       return the first range for the coordinate icoord.
       Useful method when only one range is present for the given coordinate 
   std::pair<double, double> operator() (unsigned int icoord) const {
     return Size(icoord) >  0 ? fRanges[icoord].front() : std::make_pair<double,double>(0,0);     

      get the first range for given coordinate
   void GetRange(unsigned int icoord, double & xmin, double & xmax) const { 
      if (Size(icoord) == 0) { 
         xmin = 0; 
         xmax = 0; 
      xmin = fRanges[icoord].front().first; 
      xmax = fRanges[icoord].front().second; 
      get range for the x - coordinate
   void GetRange(double & xmin, double & xmax) const {  GetRange(0,xmin,xmax); }
      get range for the x and y coordinates
   void GetRange(double & xmin, double & xmax, double & ymin, double & ymax) const {  
      GetRange(0,xmin,xmax); GetRange(1,ymin,ymax); 
      get range for the x and y and z coordinates
   void GetRange(double & xmin, double & xmax, double & ymin, double & ymax, double & zmin, double & zmax) const {  
      GetRange(0,xmin,xmax); GetRange(1,ymin,ymax); GetRange(2,zmin,zmax); 

      Destructor (no operations)
   ~DataRange ()  {}  

      add a range [xmin,xmax] for the new coordinate icoord 
      Adding a range does not delete existing one, but takes the OR with 
      existing ranges. 
      if want to replace range use method SetRange, which replace range with existing one
   void AddRange(unsigned  int  icoord , double xmin, double xmax ); 

      add a range [xmin,xmax] for the first coordinate icoord 
   void AddRange(double xmin, double xmax ) { AddRange(0,xmin,xmax); }
      add a range [xmin,xmax] for the first and [ymin,ymax] for the second coordinate
   void AddRange(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax ) { AddRange(0,xmin,xmax); AddRange(1,ymin,ymax); }
      add a range [xmin,xmax] for the first and [ymin,ymax] for the second coordinate and 
      [zmin,zmax] for the third coordinate
   void AddRange(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax ) { 
      AddRange(0,xmin,xmax); AddRange(1,ymin,ymax); AddRange(2,zmin,zmax); }

      set a range [xmin,xmax] for the new coordinate icoord 
      If more range exists for other coordinates, delete the existing one and use it the new one
      Use Add range if want to keep the union of the existing ranges 
   void SetRange(unsigned  int  icoord , double xmin, double xmax ); 

      set a range [xmin,xmax] for the first coordinate icoord 
   void SetRange(double xmin, double xmax ) { SetRange(0,xmin,xmax); }
      set a range [xmin,xmax] for the first and [ymin,ymax] for the second coordinate
   void SetRange(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax ) { SetRange(0,xmin,xmax); SetRange(1,ymin,ymax); }
      set a range [xmin,xmax] for the first and [ymin,ymax] for the second coordinate and 
      [zmin,zmax] for the third coordinate
   void SetRange(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax ) { 
      SetRange(0,xmin,xmax); SetRange(1,ymin,ymax); SetRange(2,zmin,zmax); }

      clear all ranges in one coordinate (is now -inf, +inf)
   void Clear (unsigned  int  icoord = 0 );

      check if a point is inside the range for the given coordinate
   bool IsInside(double x, unsigned int icoord = 0) const; 

       internal function to remove all the existing ranges between xmin and xmax 
       called when a new range is inserted
   void CleanRangeSet(unsigned int icoord, double xmin, double xmax); 


   RangeIntervals fRanges;  // list of all ranges


   } // end namespace Fit

} // end namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Fit_DataRange */

Last change: Mon Sep 22 15:41:09 2008
Last generated: 2008-09-22 15:41

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