// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: Functor.h 24482 2008-06-23 15:33:08Z moneta $
// Author: L. Moneta Mon Nov 13 15:58:13 2006

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2006  LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT                *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *

// Heaer file for Functor classes. 
// designed is inspired by the Loki Functor

#ifndef ROOT_Math_Functor
#define ROOT_Math_Functor

#ifndef ROOT_Math_IFunction
#include "Math/IFunction.h"

// #ifndef Root_Math_StaticCheck
// #include "Math/StaticCheck.h"
// #endif

#include <memory> 

namespace ROOT { 

namespace Math { 

   Functor Handler class is responsible for wrapping any other functor and pointer to 
   free C functions.
   It can be created from any function implementing the correct signature 
   corresponding to the requested type
   In the case of one dimension the function evaluation object must implement
   double operator() (double x). If it implements a method:  double Derivative(double x) 
   can be used to create a Gradient function type. 
   In the case of multi-dimension the function evaluation object must implement 
   double operator()(const double *x). If it implements a method: 
   double Derivative(const double *x, int icoord) 
   can be used to create a Gradient function type.

   @ingroup  Functor_int

template<class ParentFunctor, class Func >
class FunctorHandler : public ParentFunctor::Impl { 

   typedef typename ParentFunctor::Impl ImplFunc; 
   typedef typename ImplFunc::BaseFunc BaseFunc; 
   //typedef typename ParentFunctor::Dim Dim; 


   // constructor for 1d functions 
   FunctorHandler(const Func & fun) : fDim(1), fFunc(fun) {}

   // constructor for multi-dimensional functions w/0 NDim()
   FunctorHandler(unsigned int dim, const Func & fun ) :

   // clone of the function handler (use copy-ctor) 
   BaseFunc * Clone() const { 
     return new FunctorHandler(*this); 

   // constructor for multi-dimensional functions
   unsigned int NDim() const { 
      return fDim;

private :

   inline double DoEval (double x) const { 
      return fFunc(x); 

   inline double DoEval (const double * x) const { 
      return fFunc(x); 

   inline double DoDerivative (double x) const { 
      return fFunc.Derivative(x);

   inline double DoDerivative (const double * x, unsigned int icoord ) const { 
      return fFunc.Derivative(x,icoord);

   unsigned int fDim; 
   mutable Func fFunc; 


   Functor Handler class for gradient functions where both callable objects are provided for the function 
   evaluation (type Func) and for the gradient (type GradFunc) .
   It can be created from any function implementing the correct signature 
   corresponding to the requested type
   In the case of one dimension the function evaluation object and the derivative function object must implement
   double operator() (double x).
   In the case of multi-dimension the function evaluation object must implement 
   double operator() (const double * x) and the gradient function object must implement 
   double operator() (const double * x, int icoord) 

   @ingroup  Functor_int
template<class ParentFunctor, class Func, class GradFunc  >
class FunctorGradHandler : public ParentFunctor::Impl { 

   typedef typename ParentFunctor::Impl ImplFunc; 
   typedef typename ImplFunc::BaseFunc BaseFunc; 
   //typedef typename ParentFunctor::Dim Dim; 


   // constructor for 1d functions 
   FunctorGradHandler(const Func & fun, const GradFunc & gfun) : 

   // constructor for multi-dimensional functions 
   FunctorGradHandler(unsigned int dim, const Func & fun, const GradFunc & gfun) :
      fGradFunc( gfun ) 

   // clone of the function handler (use copy-ctor) 
   BaseFunc * Clone() const { return new FunctorGradHandler(*this); }

   // constructor for multi-dimensional functions
   unsigned int NDim() const { 
      return fDim;

private :

   inline double DoEval (double x) const { 
      return fFunc(x); 

   inline double DoEval (const double * x) const { 
      return fFunc(x); 

   inline double DoDerivative (double x) const { 
      return fGradFunc(x);

   inline double DoDerivative (const double * x, unsigned int icoord ) const { 
      return fGradFunc(x, icoord); 

   unsigned int fDim; 
   mutable Func fFunc; 
   mutable GradFunc fGradFunc;  


   Functor Handler to Wrap pointers to member functions 
   The member function type must be (XXX means any name is allowed) : 
   double XXX ( double x) for 1D functions 
   double XXXX (const double *x) for multi-dimensional functions

   @ingroup  Functor_int
template <class ParentFunctor, typename PointerToObj,
          typename PointerToMemFn>
class MemFunHandler : public ParentFunctor::Impl
   //typedef typename ParentFunctor::Dim Dim; 
   typedef typename ParentFunctor::Impl ImplFunc; 
   typedef typename ImplFunc::BaseFunc BaseFunc; 
   /// constructor from a pointer to the class and a pointer to the function
   MemFunHandler(const PointerToObj& pObj, PointerToMemFn pMemFn) 
      : fDim(1), fObj(pObj), fMemFn(pMemFn)

   /// constructor from a pointer to the class and a pointer to the function
   MemFunHandler(unsigned int dim, const PointerToObj& pObj, PointerToMemFn pMemFn) 
      : fDim(dim), fObj(pObj), fMemFn(pMemFn)
   // clone of the function handler (use copy-ctor) 
   BaseFunc * Clone() const { return new MemFunHandler(*this); }

   // constructor for multi-dimensional functions
   unsigned int NDim() const { 
      return fDim;

private :
   inline double DoEval (double x) const { 
      return ((*fObj).*fMemFn)(x);  
   inline double DoEval (const double * x) const { 
      return ((*fObj).*fMemFn)(x);  

   unsigned int fDim; 
   mutable PointerToObj fObj;
   PointerToMemFn fMemFn; 


   Functor Handler to Wrap pointers to member functions for the evaluation of the function 
   and the gradient.  
   The member function type must be (XXX means any name is allowed) : 
   double XXX ( double x) for 1D function and derivative evaluation  
   double XXX (const double *x) for multi-dimensional function evaluation and 
   double XXX (cost double *x, int icoord) for partial derivatives evaluation

   @ingroup  Functor_int

template <class ParentFunctor, typename PointerToObj,
          typename PointerToMemFn, typename PointerToGradMemFn>
class MemGradFunHandler : public ParentFunctor::Impl
   typedef typename ParentFunctor::Impl ImplFunc; 
   typedef typename ImplFunc::BaseFunc BaseFunc; 
   //typedef typename ParentFunctor::Dim Dim; 

   /// constructor from a pointer to the class and a pointer to the function
   MemGradFunHandler(const PointerToObj& pObj, PointerToMemFn pMemFn, PointerToGradMemFn pGradMemFn) 
      : fDim(1), 

   /// constructor from a pointer to the class and a pointer to the function
   MemGradFunHandler(unsigned int dim, 
                 const PointerToObj& pObj, 
                 PointerToMemFn pMemFn, 
                 PointerToGradMemFn pGradMemFn ) 
      : fDim(dim), 
   // clone of the function handler (use copy-ctor) 
     BaseFunc * Clone() const { return new MemGradFunHandler(*this); }

   // constructor for multi-dimensional functions
   unsigned int NDim() const { 
      return fDim;

private :
   inline double DoEval (double x) const { 
      return ((*fObj).*fMemFn)(x);  
   inline double DoEval (const double * x) const { 
      return ((*fObj).*fMemFn)(x);  

   inline double DoDerivative (double x) const { 
      return ((*fObj).*fGradMemFn)(x);  

   inline double DoDerivative (const double * x, unsigned int icoord ) const { 
      return ((*fObj).*fGradMemFn)(x,icoord);  

   unsigned int fDim; 
   mutable PointerToObj fObj;
   PointerToMemFn fMemFn;
   PointerToGradMemFn fGradMemFn;

#if defined(__MAKECINT__) || defined(G__DICTIONARY) 
// needed since CINT initialize it with TRootIOCtor
//class TRootIOCtor; 
template<class ParentFunctor> 
class FunctorHandler<ParentFunctor,TRootIOCtor *> : public ParentFunctor::Impl 
   typedef typename ParentFunctor::Impl ImplFunc; 
   typedef typename ImplFunc::BaseFunc BaseFunc; 

   FunctorHandler(TRootIOCtor  *) {}
   // function required by interface
   double DoEval (double ) const  { return 0; } 
   double DoDerivative (double ) const  { return 0; } 
   BaseFunc  * Clone() const {  return 0;  } 


   Documentation for class Functor class. 
   It is used to wrap in a very simple and convenient way multi-dimensional function objects. 
   It can wrap all the following types:
   <li> any C++ callable object implemention double operator()( const double *  ) 
   <li> a free C function of type double ()(double * ) 
   <li> a member function with the correct signature like Foo::Eval(const double * ). 
       In this case one pass the object pointer and a pointer to the member function (&Foo::Eval) 
   The function dimension is required when constructing the functor.  

   @ingroup  GenFunc

class Functor : public IBaseFunctionMultiDim  { 


   typedef IBaseFunctionMultiDim Impl;   
   typedef IBaseFunctionMultiDim::BaseFunc ImplBase;   

      Default constructor
   Functor ()  : fImpl(0) {}  

       construct from a pointer to member function (multi-dim type)
   template <class PtrObj, typename MemFn>
   Functor(const PtrObj& p, MemFn memFn, unsigned int dim )
      : fImpl(new MemFunHandler<Functor, PtrObj, MemFn>(dim, p, memFn))

      construct from a callable object of multi-dimension 
      with the right signature (implementing operator()(double *x)
   template <typename Func> 
   Functor( const Func & f, unsigned int dim ) : 
      fImpl(new FunctorHandler<Functor,Func>(dim,f) )

   //implement for interpreted CINT functions
#if defined(__CINT__) || defined(G__DICTIONARY) || defined(MAKE_CINT_FUNCTOR)
   Functor(void * p, unsigned int dim, const char * className = 0, const char * methodName = 0);

      Destructor (no operations)
   virtual ~Functor ()  {}  

#ifndef __CINT__
      Copy constructor for functor based on ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction
   Functor(const Functor & rhs) : 
      if (rhs.fImpl.get() != 0) 
         fImpl = std::auto_ptr<Impl>( (rhs.fImpl)->Clone() ); 
   // need a specialization in order to call base classes and use  clone


      Assignment operator
   Functor & operator = (const Functor & rhs)  {
      Functor copy(rhs); 
      // swap auto_ptr by hand
      Impl * p = fImpl.release(); 
      return *this;

   // clone of the function handler (use copy-ctor) 
   ImplBase * Clone() const { return new Functor(*this); }

   // for multi-dimensional functions
   unsigned int NDim() const { return fImpl->NDim(); } 

private :

   inline double DoEval (const double * x) const { 
      return (*fImpl)(x); 

   std::auto_ptr<Impl> fImpl;   // pointer to base functor handler


   Functor1D class for one-dimensional functions. 
   It is used to wrap in a very simple and convenient way: 
   <li> any C++ callable object implemention double operator()( double  ) 
   <li> a free C function of type double ()(double ) 
   <li> a member function with the correct signature like Foo::Eval(double ). 
       In this case one pass the object pointer and a pointer to the member function (&Foo::Eval) 

   @ingroup  GenFunc


class Functor1D : public IBaseFunctionOneDim  { 


   typedef IBaseFunctionOneDim          Impl;   
   typedef IBaseFunctionOneDim::BaseFunc ImplBase; 

      Default constructor
   Functor1D ()  : fImpl(0) {}  

       construct from a pointer to member function (1D type)
   template <class PtrObj, typename MemFn>
   Functor1D(const PtrObj& p, MemFn memFn)
      : fImpl(new MemFunHandler<Functor1D, PtrObj, MemFn>(p, memFn))

      construct from a callable object with the right signature 
      implementing operator() (double x)
   template <typename Func> 
   Functor1D(const Func & f) : 
      fImpl(new FunctorHandler<Functor1D,Func>(f) )

   //implement for interpreted CINT functions
#if defined(__CINT__) || defined(G__DICTIONARY) || defined(MAKE_CINT_FUNCTOR)
   Functor1D(void * p, const char * className = 0, const char * methodName = 0);

      Destructor (no operations)
   virtual ~Functor1D ()  {}  

#ifndef __CINT__

      Copy constructor for Functor based on ROOT::Math::IGenFunction
   Functor1D(const Functor1D & rhs) : 
      // strange that this is required eventhough Impl is an abstract class
      if (rhs.fImpl.get() != 0) 
         fImpl = std::auto_ptr<Impl>( (rhs.fImpl)->Clone() ); 

      Assignment operator
   Functor1D & operator = (const Functor1D & rhs)  {
      Functor1D copy(rhs); 
      // swap auto_ptr by hand
      Impl * p = fImpl.release(); 
      return *this;

   // clone of the function handler (use copy-ctor) 
   ImplBase * Clone() const { return new Functor1D(*this); }

private :

   inline double DoEval (double x) const { 
      return (*fImpl)(x); 

   std::auto_ptr<Impl> fImpl;   // pointer to base functor handler


   GradFunctor class for Multidimensional gradient functions. 
   It is used to wrap in a very C++ callable object to make gradient functions. 
   It can be constructed in three different way: 
   <li> from an object implementing both  
        double operator()( const double * ) for the function evaluation  and 
        double Derivative(const double *, int icoord) for the partial derivatives
    <li>from an object implementing any member function like Foo::XXX(const double *) for the function evaluation 
        and any member function like Foo::XXX(const double *, int icoord) for the partial derivatives
    <li>from an function object implementing 
        double operator()( const double * ) for the function evaluation and another function object implementing 
        double operator() (const double *, int icoord) for the partial derivatives
   The function dimension is required when constructing the functor.  

   @ingroup  GenFunc

class GradFunctor : public IGradientFunctionMultiDim  { 


   typedef IGradientFunctionMultiDim Impl;   
   typedef IGradientFunctionMultiDim::BaseFunc ImplBase;   

      Default constructor
   GradFunctor ()  : fImpl(0) {}  

      construct from a callable object of multi-dimension 
      implementing operator()(const double *x) and 
      Derivative(const double * x,icoord)
   template <typename Func> 
   GradFunctor( const Func & f, unsigned int dim ) : 
      fImpl(new FunctorHandler<GradFunctor,Func>(dim,f) )

       construct from a pointer to member function and member function types for function and derivative evaluations
   template <class PtrObj, typename MemFn, typename GradMemFn>
   GradFunctor(const PtrObj& p, MemFn memFn, GradMemFn gradFn, unsigned int dim )
      : fImpl(new MemGradFunHandler<GradFunctor, PtrObj, MemFn, GradMemFn>(dim, p, memFn, gradFn))

      construct for Gradient Functions of multi-dimension
      Func gives the function evaluatiion, GradFunc the partial derivatives
      The function dimension is  required 
   template <typename Func, typename GradFunc> 
   GradFunctor(const Func & f, const GradFunc & g, int dim  ) : 
      fImpl(new FunctorGradHandler<GradFunctor,Func,GradFunc>(dim, f, g) )
   { }

   // for interpreted CINT functions
#if defined(__CINT__) || defined(G__DICTIONARY) || defined(MAKE_CINT_FUNCTOR)
   GradFunctor(void * p1, unsigned int dim, const char * className, const char * methodName, const char * derivName);
   GradFunctor(void * p1, void * p2, unsigned int dim);

      Destructor (no operations)
   virtual ~GradFunctor ()  {}  

#ifndef __CINT__

      Copy constructor for functor based on ROOT::Math::IMultiGradFunction
   GradFunctor(const GradFunctor & rhs) : 
      if (rhs.fImpl.get() != 0) 
         fImpl = std::auto_ptr<Impl>( dynamic_cast<Impl *>( (rhs.fImpl)->Clone()) ); 

      Assignment operator
   GradFunctor & operator = (const GradFunctor & rhs)  {
      GradFunctor copy(rhs); 
      // swap auto_ptr by hand
      Impl * p = fImpl.release(); 
      return *this;

   // clone of the function handler (use copy-ctor) 
   ImplBase * Clone() const { return new GradFunctor(*this); }

   // for multi-dimensional functions
   unsigned int NDim() const { return fImpl->NDim(); } 

private :

   inline double DoEval (const double * x) const { 
      return (*fImpl)(x); 

   inline double DoDerivative (const double * x, unsigned int icoord  ) const { 
      return fImpl->Derivative(x,icoord);

   std::auto_ptr<Impl> fImpl;    // pointer to base grad functor handler


   GradFunctor1D class for one-dimensional gradient functions. 
   It is used to wrap in a very C++ callable object to make a 1D gradient functions. 
   It can be constructed in three different way: 
   <li> from an object implementing both  
        double operator()( double  ) for the function evaluation  and 
        double Derivative(double ) for the partial derivatives
    <li>from an object implementing any member function like Foo::XXX(double ) for the function evaluation 
        and any other member function like Foo::YYY(double ) for the derivative.
    <li>from an 2 function objects implementing 
        double operator()( double ) . One object provides the function evaluation, the other the derivative.

   @ingroup  GenFunc


class GradFunctor1D : public IGradientFunctionOneDim  { 


   typedef IGradientFunctionOneDim  Impl; 
   typedef IGradientFunctionOneDim::BaseFunc ImplBase; 

      Default constructor
   GradFunctor1D ()  : fImpl(0) {}  

      construct from an object with the right signature 
      implementing both operator() (double x) and Derivative(double x)
   template <typename Func> 
   GradFunctor1D(const Func & f) : 
      fImpl(new FunctorHandler<GradFunctor1D,Func>(f) )

       construct from a pointer to class and two pointers to member functions, one for 
       the function evaluation and the other for the derivative. 
       The member functions must take a double as argument and return a double
   template <class PtrObj, typename MemFn, typename GradMemFn>
   GradFunctor1D(const PtrObj& p, MemFn memFn, GradMemFn gradFn)
      : fImpl(new MemGradFunHandler<GradFunctor1D, PtrObj, MemFn, GradMemFn>(p, memFn, gradFn))

      construct from two 1D function objects
   template <typename Func, typename GradFunc> 
   GradFunctor1D(const Func & f, const GradFunc & g ) : 
      fImpl(new FunctorGradHandler<GradFunctor1D,Func, GradFunc>(f, g) )

   // eventually implement for interpreted CINT functions
#if defined(__CINT__) || defined(G__DICTIONARY) || defined(MAKE_CINT_FUNCTOR)
   GradFunctor1D(void * p1, const char * className, const char * methodName, const char * derivName);
   GradFunctor1D(void * p1, void * p2);

      Destructor (no operations)
   virtual ~GradFunctor1D ()  {}  

#ifndef __CINT__

      Copy constructor for Functor based on ROOT::Math::IGradFunction
   GradFunctor1D(const GradFunctor1D & rhs) : 
      // strange that this is required eventhough Impl is an abstract class
      if (rhs.fImpl.get() != 0) 
         fImpl = std::auto_ptr<Impl>( dynamic_cast<Impl *>( (rhs.fImpl)->Clone() ) ); 

      Assignment operator
   GradFunctor1D & operator = (const GradFunctor1D & rhs)  {
      GradFunctor1D copy(rhs); 
      // swap auto_ptr by hand
      Impl * p = fImpl.release(); 
      return *this;

   // clone of the function handler (use copy-ctor) 
   ImplBase * Clone() const { return new GradFunctor1D(*this); }

private :

   inline double DoEval (double x) const { 
      return (*fImpl)(x); 

   inline double DoDerivative (double x) const { 
      return fImpl->Derivative(x);

   std::auto_ptr<Impl> fImpl;    // pointer to base gradient functor handler


   } // end namespace Math

} // end namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Math_Functor */

Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:29:37 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:29

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