// @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: ParamFunctor.h 26722 2008-12-08 10:35:18Z moneta $
// Author: L. Moneta Mon Nov 13 15:58:13 2006

 *                                                                    *
 * Copyright (c) 2006  LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT                *
 *                                                                    *
 *                                                                    *

// Header file for Functor classes. 
// design is inspired by the Loki Functor

#ifndef ROOT_Math_ParamFunctor
#define ROOT_Math_ParamFunctor

// #ifndef ROOT_Math_IFunction
// #include "Math/IFunction.h"
// #endif

// #ifndef Root_Math_StaticCheck
// #include "Math/StaticCheck.h"
// #endif

//#ifndef __CINT__
//#include <memory> 

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

namespace ROOT { 

namespace Math { 

/** class defining the signature for multi-dim parametric functions 

   @ingroup  ParamFunctor_int

class ParamFunctionBase { 
   virtual ~ParamFunctionBase() {}
//   virtual double operator() (const double * x, const double *p) const = 0; 
   virtual double operator() (double * x, double *p) = 0; 
   virtual ParamFunctionBase * Clone() const = 0; 

   ParamFunctor Handler class is responsible for wrapping any other functor and pointer to 
   free C functions.
   It can be created from any function implementing the correct signature 
   corresponding to the requested type

   @ingroup  ParamFunctor_int

#ifndef __CINT__

template<class ParentFunctor, class Func >
class ParamFunctorHandler : public ParentFunctor::Impl { 

   typedef typename ParentFunctor::Impl Base; 


   // constructor 
   ParamFunctorHandler(const Func & fun) : fFunc(fun) {}

   virtual ~ParamFunctorHandler() {}

   // for 1D functions
   inline double operator() (double x, double *p)  { 
      return fFunc(x,p); 
//    inline double operator() (double x, const double *p) const { 
//       return fFunc(x,p); 
//    }  
   // for multi-dimensional functions
//    inline double operator() (const double * x, const double *p) const { 
//       return fFunc(x,p); 
//    }  
   inline double operator() (double * x, double *p)  { 
      return FuncEvaluator<Func>::Eval(fFunc,x,p); 

   // clone (use same pointer)
   ParamFunctorHandler  * Clone() const { 
      return new ParamFunctorHandler(fFunc); 

private :
   Func fFunc; 

   // structure to distinguish pointer types
   template <typename F> struct FuncEvaluator { 
      inline static double Eval( F & f, double *x, double * p) { 
         return f(x,p);
   template <typename F> struct FuncEvaluator<F*> { 
      inline static double Eval( F * f, double *x, double * p) { 
         return (*f)(x,p);
   template <typename F> struct FuncEvaluator<F* const> { 
      inline static double Eval( const F * f, double *x, double * p) { 
         return (*f)(x,p);
   // need maybe also volatile ? 

#if defined(__MAKECINT__) || defined(G__DICTIONARY) 
// needed since CINT initialize it with TRootIOCtor
//class TRootIOCtor; 
template<class ParentFunctor> 
class ParamFunctorHandler<ParentFunctor,TRootIOCtor *> : public ParentFunctor::Impl 

   ParamFunctorHandler(TRootIOCtor  *) {}

   double operator() (double *, double * )  { return 0; } 
   // clone (use same pointer)
   ParamFunctorHandler  * Clone() const { 
      return 0; 


   ParamFunctor Handler to Wrap pointers to member functions 

   @ingroup  ParamFunctor_int
template <class ParentFunctor, typename PointerToObj,
          typename PointerToMemFn>
class ParamMemFunHandler : public ParentFunctor::Impl
   typedef typename ParentFunctor::Impl Base;

   /// constructor from a pointer to the class and a pointer to the function
   ParamMemFunHandler(const PointerToObj& pObj, PointerToMemFn pMemFn) 
      : fObj(pObj), fMemFn(pMemFn)

   virtual ~ParamMemFunHandler() {}
//    inline double operator() (double x, const double * p) const { 
//       return ((*fObj).*fMemFn)(x,p);  
//    }  

   inline double operator() (double x, double * p)  { 
      return ((*fObj).*fMemFn)(x,p);  
//    inline double operator() (const double * x, const double * p) const { 
//       return ((*fObj).*fMemFn)(x,p);  
//    }

   inline double operator() (double * x, double * p)  { 
      return ((*fObj).*fMemFn)(x,p);  

   // clone (use same pointer)
   ParamMemFunHandler  * Clone() const { 
      return new ParamMemFunHandler(fObj, fMemFn); 

private :
   ParamMemFunHandler(const ParamMemFunHandler&); // Not implemented
   ParamMemFunHandler& operator=(const ParamMemFunHandler&); // Not implemented
   PointerToObj fObj;
   PointerToMemFn fMemFn; 



   Param Functor class for Multidimensional functions. 
   It is used to wrap in a very simple and convenient way 
   any other C++ callable object (implemention double operator( const double *, const double * ) ) 
   or a member function with the correct signature, 
   like Foo::EvalPar(const double *, const double *)

   @ingroup  ParamFunc


class ParamFunctor   { 


   typedef  ParamFunctionBase Impl;   

      Default constructor
   ParamFunctor ()  : fImpl(0) {}  

       construct from a pointer to member function (multi-dim type)
   template <class PtrObj, typename MemFn>
   ParamFunctor(const PtrObj& p, MemFn memFn)
      : fImpl(new ParamMemFunHandler<ParamFunctor, PtrObj, MemFn>(p, memFn))

      construct from another generic Functor of multi-dimension 
   template <typename Func> 
   explicit ParamFunctor( const Func & f) : 
      fImpl(new ParamFunctorHandler<ParamFunctor,Func>(f) )

   // specialization used in TF1
   typedef double (* FreeFunc ) (double * , double *);
   ParamFunctor(FreeFunc f) : 
      fImpl(new ParamFunctorHandler<ParamFunctor,FreeFunc>(f) )

      Destructor (no operations)
   virtual ~ParamFunctor ()  {
      if (fImpl) delete fImpl;

      Copy constructor
   ParamFunctor(const ParamFunctor & rhs) : 
//       if (rhs.fImpl.get() != 0) 
//          fImpl = std::auto_ptr<Impl>( (rhs.fImpl)->Clone() ); 
      if (rhs.fImpl != 0)  fImpl = rhs.fImpl->Clone(); 

      Assignment operator
   ParamFunctor & operator = (const ParamFunctor & rhs)  {
//      ParamFunctor copy(rhs); 
      // swap auto_ptr by hand
//       Impl * p = fImpl.release(); 
//       fImpl.reset(copy.fImpl.release());
//       copy.fImpl.reset(p);

      if (fImpl) delete fImpl;
      fImpl = 0; 
      if (rhs.fImpl != 0) 
         fImpl = rhs.fImpl->Clone();

      return *this;

   void * GetImpl() { return (void *) fImpl; }

   double operator() (double * x, double * p)  { 
      return (*fImpl)(x,p); 

   bool Empty() { return fImpl == 0; }

   void SetFunction(Impl * f) { 
      fImpl = f;

private :

   //std::auto_ptr<Impl> fImpl; 
   Impl * fImpl; 


   } // end namespace Math

} // end namespace ROOT

#endif /* ROOT_Math_ParamFunctor */

Last change: Tue Dec 9 09:00:30 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-09 09:00

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