#include "TFriendProxyDescriptor.h"
#include "TBranchProxyDescriptor.h"
#include "TList.h"
namespace ROOT {
TFriendProxyDescriptor::TFriendProxyDescriptor(const char *treename,
const char *aliasname,
Int_t index) :
Bool_t TFriendProxyDescriptor::IsEquivalent(const TFriendProxyDescriptor *other)
if ( !other ) return kFALSE;
if ( strcmp(GetName(),other->GetName()) ) return kFALSE;
TBranchProxyDescriptor *desc;
TBranchProxyDescriptor *othdesc;
if ( fListOfTopProxies.GetSize() != other->fListOfTopProxies.GetSize() ) return kFALSE;
TIter next(&fListOfTopProxies);
TIter othnext(&other->fListOfTopProxies);
while ( (desc=(TBranchProxyDescriptor*)next()) ) {
if (!desc->IsEquivalent(othdesc) ) return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
void TFriendProxyDescriptor::OutputClassDecl(FILE *hf, int offset, UInt_t maxVarname)
fprintf(hf,"%-*sstruct TFriendPx_%s : public TFriendProxy {\n", offset," ", GetName() );
fprintf(hf,"%-*s TFriendPx_%s(TBranchProxyDirector *director,TTree *tree,Int_t index) :\n",
offset," ", GetName() );
fprintf(hf,"%-*s %-*s(director,tree,index)",offset," ",maxVarname,"TFriendProxy");
TBranchProxyDescriptor *data;
TIter next = &fListOfTopProxies;
while ( (data = (TBranchProxyDescriptor*)next()) ) {
fprintf(hf,",\n%-*s %-*s(&fDirector,\"%s\")",
offset," ",maxVarname, data->GetDataName(), data->GetBranchName());
fprintf(hf,"\n%-*s { }\n",offset," ");
fprintf(hf, "\n%-*s // Proxy for each of the branches and leaves of the tree\n",offset," ");
while ( (data = (TBranchProxyDescriptor*)next()) ) {
data->OutputDecl(hf, offset+3, maxVarname);
fprintf(hf,"%-*s};\n",offset," ");
void TFriendProxyDescriptor::OutputDecl(FILE *hf, int offset, UInt_t maxVarname)
TString typeName = "TFriendPx_";
typeName += GetName();
fprintf(hf,"%-*s%-*s %s;\n",
offset," ",maxVarname,typeName.Data(),GetTitle());
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:31:04 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:31
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