// @(#)root/reflex:$Id: Object.cxx 26193 2008-11-14 14:12:27Z axel $
// Author: Stefan Roiser 2004

// Copyright CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, 2004-2006, All rights reserved.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
// purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that this copyright and
// permissions notice appear in all copies and derivatives.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.


#include "Reflex/Object.h"

#include "Class.h"
#include "DataMember.h"
#include "FunctionMember.h"

Reflex::Object::Get( const std::string & dm ) const {
// Get a data member value of this object.
   Member m = TypeOf().MemberByName( dm );
   if ( !m )
      throw RuntimeError("No such MemberAt " + dm );
   return m.Get( * this );

  Reflex::Object::Invoke( const std::string & fm,
  std::vector< Object > args ) const {
  Member m = TypeOf().FunctionMemberAt( fm );
  if ( m ) {
  if ( args.size() ) return m.Invoke( * this, args );
  else               return m.Invoke( * this );
  else throw RuntimeError("No such MemberAt " + fm );
  return Object();

Reflex::Object::Invoke( const std::string & fm,
                        Object* ret,
                        const std::vector < void * >& args ) const {
// Invoke a data member of this object. Put return value(if not void) into ret.
   Invoke(fm, Type(), ret, args);
     m = TypeOf().FunctionMemberAt( fm );
     if ( m ) {
     if ( args.size() ) return m.Invoke( * this, args );
     else               return m.Invoke( * this );
     else throw RuntimeError("No such MemberAt " + fm );
     return Object();

Reflex::Object::Invoke( const std::string & fm,
                        const Type & sign,
                        Object* ret,
                        const std::vector < void * >& args ) const {
// Invoke a data member of this object. Sign can be used for finding overloaded funs.
// Put return value(if not void) into ret.
   Member m = TypeOf().FunctionMemberByName( fm, sign );
   if ( !m )
      throw RuntimeError("No such MemberAt " + fm );

   m.Invoke( * this, ret, args );

//void Reflex::Object::Set( const std::string & dm,
//                                const Object & value ) const {
//  Member m = TypeOf().MemberAt( dm );
//  if ( m ) m.Set( * this, value );
//  else throw RuntimeError("No such MemberAt " + dm );

void Reflex::Object::Set2( const std::string & dm,
                                 const void * value ) const {
// Internal set method. Wrapped from Set methods.
   Member m = TypeOf().MemberByName( dm );
   if ( m ) m.Set( * this, value );
   else throw RuntimeError("No such MemberAt " + dm );

Last change: Fri Nov 14 16:51:42 2008
Last generated: 2008-11-14 16:51

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