#ifndef ROO_MATH
#define ROO_MATH
#include "RooComplex.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
typedef RooComplex* pRooComplex ;
typedef Double_t* pDouble_t ;
class RooMath {
virtual ~RooMath() {} ;
static RooComplex ComplexErrFunc(Double_t re, Double_t im= 0);
static RooComplex ComplexErrFunc(const RooComplex& z);
static RooComplex FastComplexErrFunc(const RooComplex& z) ;
static Double_t FastComplexErrFuncRe(const RooComplex& z) ;
static Double_t FastComplexErrFuncIm(const RooComplex& z) ;
static RooComplex ITPComplexErrFunc(const RooComplex& z, Int_t nOrder) ;
static Double_t ITPComplexErrFuncRe(const RooComplex& z, Int_t nOrder) ;
static Double_t ITPComplexErrFuncIm(const RooComplex& z, Int_t nOrder) ;
static void cacheCERF(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) ;
static Double_t interpolate(Double_t yArr[],Int_t nOrder, Double_t x) ;
static Double_t interpolate(Double_t xa[], Double_t ya[], Int_t n, Double_t x) ;
static Double_t erf(Double_t x) ;
static Double_t erfc(Double_t x) ;
static void cleanup() ;
static Bool_t loadCache() ;
static void storeCache() ;
static const char* cacheFileName() ;
static void initFastCERF(Int_t reBins= 800, Double_t reMin=-4.0, Double_t reMax=4.0,
Int_t imBins=1000, Double_t imMin=-4.0, Double_t imMax=6.0) ;
static pDouble_t* _imCerfArray ;
static pDouble_t* _reCerfArray ;
static Int_t _reBins ;
static Double_t _reMin ;
static Double_t _reMax ;
static Double_t _reRange ;
static Double_t _reStep ;
static Int_t _imBins ;
static Double_t _imMin ;
static Double_t _imMax ;
static Double_t _imRange ;
static Double_t _imStep ;
static Bool_t _cacheTable ;
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:33:26 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:33
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