/***************************************************************************** * Project: RooFit * * Package: RooFitCore * * @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id: RooResolutionModel.cxx 24285 2008-06-16 15:05:15Z wouter $ * Authors: * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * *****************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // RooResolutionModel is the base class of for PDFs that represent a // resolution model that can be convoluted with physics a physics model of the form // // Phys(x,a,b) = Sum_k coef_k(a) * basis_k(x,b) // // where basis_k are a limited number of functions in terms of the variable // to be convoluted and coef_k are coefficients independent of the convolution // variable. // // Classes derived from RooResolutionModel implement // _ _ _ _ // R_k(x,b,c) = Int(dx') basis_k(x',b) * resModel(x-x',c) // // which RooAbsAnaConvPdf uses to construct the pdf for [ Phys (x) R ] : // _ _ _ _ _ _ // PDF(x,a,b,c) = Sum_k coef_k(a) * R_k(x,b,c) // // A minimal implementation of a RooResolutionModel consists of a // // Int_t basisCode(const char* name) // // function indication which basis functions this resolution model supports, and // // Double_t evaluate() // // Implementing the resolution model, optionally convoluted with one of the // supported basis functions. RooResolutionModel objects can be used as regular // PDFs (They inherit from RooAbsPdf), or as resolution model convoluted with // a basis function. The implementation of evaluate() can identify the requested // from of use from the basisCode() function. If zero, the regular PDF value // should be calculated. If non-zero, the models value convoluted with the // basis function identified by the code should be calculated. // // Optionally, analytical integrals can be advertised and implemented, in the // same way as done for regular PDFS (see RooAbsPdf for further details). // Also in getAnalyticalIntegral()/analyticalIntegral() the implementation // should use basisCode() to determine for which scenario the integral is // requested. // // The choice of basis returned by basisCode() is guaranteed not to change // of the lifetime of a RooResolutionModel object. // #include "RooFit.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "RooResolutionModel.h" #include "RooMsgService.h" #include "RooSentinel.h" ClassImp(RooResolutionModel) ; RooFormulaVar* RooResolutionModel::_identity = 0; //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooResolutionModel::cleanup() { // Cleanup hook for RooSentinel atexit handler delete _identity ; _identity = 0 ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooResolutionModel::RooResolutionModel(const char *name, const char *title, RooRealVar& _x) : RooAbsPdf(name,title), x("x","Dependent or convolution variable",this,_x), _basisCode(0), _basis(0), _ownBasis(kFALSE) { // Constructor with convolution variable 'x' if (!_identity) { _identity = identity() ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooResolutionModel::RooResolutionModel(const RooResolutionModel& other, const char* name) : RooAbsPdf(other,name), x("x",this,other.x), _basisCode(other._basisCode), _basis(0), _ownBasis(kFALSE) { // Copy constructor if (other._basis) { _basis = (RooFormulaVar*) other._basis->Clone() ; _ownBasis = kTRUE ; //_basis = other._basis ; } if (_basis) { TIterator* bsIter = _basis->serverIterator() ; RooAbsArg* basisServer ; while((basisServer = (RooAbsArg*)bsIter->Next())) { addServer(*basisServer,kTRUE,kFALSE) ; } delete bsIter ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooResolutionModel::~RooResolutionModel() { // Destructor if (_ownBasis && _basis) { delete _basis ; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooFormulaVar* RooResolutionModel::identity() { // Return identity formula pointer if (!_identity) { _identity = new RooFormulaVar("identity","1",RooArgSet("")) ; RooSentinel::activate() ; } return _identity ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooResolutionModel* RooResolutionModel::convolution(RooFormulaVar* inBasis, RooAbsArg* owner) const { // Instantiate a clone of this resolution model representing a convolution with given // basis function. The owners object name is incorporated in the clones name // to avoid multiple convolution objects with the same name in complex PDF structures. // Check that primary variable of basis functions is our convolution variable if (inBasis->getParameter(0) != x.absArg()) { coutE(InputArguments) << "RooResolutionModel::convolution(" << GetName() << "," << this << ") convolution parameter of basis function and PDF don't match" << endl << "basis->findServer(0) = " << inBasis->findServer(0) << endl << "x.absArg() = " << x.absArg() << endl ; return 0 ; } TString newName(GetName()) ; newName.Append("_conv_") ; newName.Append(inBasis->GetName()) ; newName.Append("_[") ; newName.Append(owner->GetName()) ; newName.Append("]") ; RooResolutionModel* conv = (RooResolutionModel*) clone(newName) ; TString newTitle(conv->GetTitle()) ; newTitle.Append(" convoluted with basis function ") ; newTitle.Append(inBasis->GetName()) ; conv->SetTitle(newTitle.Data()) ; conv->changeBasis(inBasis) ; return conv ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooResolutionModel::changeBasis(RooFormulaVar* inBasis) { // Change the basis function we convolute with. // For one-time use by convolution() only. // Remove client-server link to old basis if (_basis) { TIterator* bsIter = _basis->serverIterator() ; RooAbsArg* basisServer ; while((basisServer = (RooAbsArg*)bsIter->Next())) { removeServer(*basisServer) ; } delete bsIter ; if (_ownBasis) { delete _basis ; } } _ownBasis = kFALSE ; // Change basis pointer and update client-server link _basis = inBasis ; if (_basis) { TIterator* bsIter = _basis->serverIterator() ; RooAbsArg* basisServer ; while((basisServer = (RooAbsArg*)bsIter->Next())) { addServer(*basisServer,kTRUE,kFALSE) ; } delete bsIter ; } _basisCode = inBasis?basisCode(inBasis->GetTitle()):0 ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ const RooRealVar& RooResolutionModel::basisConvVar() const { // Return the convolution variable of the selection basis function. // This is, by definition, the first parameter of the basis function // Convolution variable is by definition first server of basis function TIterator* sIter = basis().serverIterator() ; RooRealVar* var = (RooRealVar*) sIter->Next() ; delete sIter ; return *var ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ RooRealVar& RooResolutionModel::convVar() const { // Return the convolution variable of the resolution model return (RooRealVar&) x.arg() ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t RooResolutionModel::getVal(const RooArgSet* nset) const { // Modified version of RooAbsPdf::getVal(). If used as regular PDF, // call RooAbsPdf::getVal(), otherwise return unnormalized value // regardless of specified normalization set if (!_basis) return RooAbsPdf::getVal(nset) ; // Return value of object. Calculated if dirty, otherwise cached value is returned. if (isValueDirty()) { _value = evaluate() ; // WVE insert traceEval traceEval if (_verboseDirty) cxcoutD(Tracing) << "RooResolutionModel(" << GetName() << ") value = " << _value << endl ; clearValueDirty() ; clearShapeDirty() ; } return _value ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t RooResolutionModel::redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t /*isRecursive*/) { // Forward redirectServers call to our basis function, which is not connected to either resolution // model or the physics model. if (!_basis) { _norm = 0 ; return kFALSE ; } RooFormulaVar* newBasis = (RooFormulaVar*) newServerList.find(_basis->GetName()) ; if (newBasis) { if (_ownBasis) { delete _basis ; } _basis = newBasis ; _ownBasis = kFALSE ; } _basis->redirectServers(newServerList,mustReplaceAll,nameChange) ; return (mustReplaceAll && !newBasis) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t RooResolutionModel::traceEvalHook(Double_t value) const { // Floating point error checking and tracing for given float value // check for a math error or negative value return isnan(value) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooResolutionModel::normLeafServerList(RooArgSet& list) const { // Return the list of servers used by our normalization integral _norm->leafNodeServerList(&list) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t RooResolutionModel::getNorm(const RooArgSet* nset) const { // Return the integral of this PDF over all elements of 'nset'. if (!nset) { return getVal() ; } syncNormalization(nset,kFALSE) ; if (_verboseEval>1) cxcoutD(Tracing) << IsA()->GetName() << "::getNorm(" << GetName() << "): norm(" << _norm << ") = " << _norm->getVal() << endl ; Double_t ret = _norm->getVal() ; return ret ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void RooResolutionModel::printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose, TString indent) const { // Print info about this object to the specified stream. In addition to the info // from RooAbsArg::printStream() we add: // // Shape : value, units, plot range // Verbose : default binning and print label RooAbsPdf::printMultiline(os,content,verbose,indent) ; if(verbose) { os << indent << "--- RooResolutionModel ---" << endl; os << indent << "basis function = " ; if (_basis) { _basis->printStream(os,kName|kAddress|kTitle,kSingleLine,indent) ; } else { os << "<none>" << endl ; } } }