#ifndef ROOT_TEveGValuators
#define ROOT_TEveGValuators
#include "TGNumberEntry.h"
class TGLabel;
class TGHSlider;
class TGDoubleHSlider;
class TEveGValuatorBase: public TGCompositeFrame, public TGWidget
TEveGValuatorBase(const TEveGValuatorBase&);
TEveGValuatorBase& operator=(const TEveGValuatorBase&);
UInt_t fLabelWidth;
Bool_t fAlignRight;
Bool_t fShowSlider;
Int_t fNELength;
Int_t fNEHeight;
TGLabel* fLabel;
TEveGValuatorBase(const TGWindow *p, const char* title, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, Int_t widgetId=-1);
virtual ~TEveGValuatorBase() {}
virtual void Build(Bool_t connect=kTRUE) = 0;
void SetLabelWidth(Int_t w) { fLabelWidth = w; }
void SetAlignRight(Bool_t a) { fAlignRight = a; }
void SetShowSlider(Bool_t s=kTRUE) { fShowSlider = s; }
void SetNELength(Int_t l) { fNELength = l; }
void SetNEHeight(Int_t h) { fNEHeight = h; }
TGLabel* GetLabel() {return fLabel;}
ClassDef(TEveGValuatorBase, 0);
class TEveGValuator: public TEveGValuatorBase
TEveGValuator(const TEveGValuator&);
TEveGValuator& operator=(const TEveGValuator&);
Float_t fValue;
Float_t fMin;
Float_t fMax;
Bool_t fSliderNewLine;
Int_t fSliderDivs;
TGNumberEntry* fEntry;
TGHSlider* fSlider;
Int_t CalcSliderPos(Float_t v);
TEveGValuator(const TGWindow *p, const char* title, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, Int_t widgetId=-1);
virtual ~TEveGValuator() {}
virtual void Build(Bool_t connect=kTRUE);
Float_t GetValue() const { return fValue; }
virtual void SetValue(Float_t v, Bool_t emit=kFALSE);
void SliderCallback();
void EntryCallback();
void ValueSet(Double_t);
TGHSlider* GetSlider() { return fSlider; }
TGNumberEntry* GetEntry() { return fEntry; }
void SetSliderNewLine(Bool_t nl) { fSliderNewLine = nl; }
void GetLimits(Float_t& min, Float_t& max) const { min = fMin; max = fMax; }
Float_t GetLimitMin() const { return fMin; }
Float_t GetLimitMax() const { return fMax; }
void SetLimits(Int_t min, Int_t max);
void SetLimits(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t npos,
TGNumberFormat::EStyle nef=TGNumberFormat::kNESRealTwo);
void SetToolTip(const Text_t* tip);
void SetEnabled(Bool_t state);
ClassDef(TEveGValuator, 0);
class TEveGDoubleValuator: public TEveGValuatorBase
TEveGDoubleValuator(const TEveGDoubleValuator&);
TEveGDoubleValuator& operator=(const TEveGDoubleValuator&);
TGNumberEntry* fMinEntry;
TGNumberEntry* fMaxEntry;
TGDoubleHSlider* fSlider;
TEveGDoubleValuator(const TGWindow *p, const char* title, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, Int_t widgetId=-1);
virtual ~TEveGDoubleValuator() {}
virtual void Build(Bool_t connect=kTRUE);
void MinEntryCallback();
void MaxEntryCallback();
void SliderCallback();
void ValueSet();
TGDoubleHSlider* GetSlider() { return fSlider; }
TGNumberEntry* GetMinEntry() { return fMinEntry; }
TGNumberEntry* GetMaxEntry() { return fMaxEntry; }
void SetLimits(Int_t min, Int_t max);
void SetLimits(Float_t min, Float_t max, TGNumberFormat::EStyle nef=TGNumberFormat::kNESRealTwo);
void SetValues(Float_t min, Float_t max, Bool_t emit=kFALSE);
void GetValues(Float_t& min, Float_t& max) const
{ min = fMinEntry->GetNumber(); max = fMaxEntry->GetNumber(); }
Float_t GetMin() const { return fMinEntry->GetNumber(); }
Float_t GetMax() const { return fMaxEntry->GetNumber(); }
Float_t GetLimitMin() const { return fMinEntry->GetNumMin(); }
Float_t GetLimitMax() const { return fMaxEntry->GetNumMax(); }
ClassDef(TEveGDoubleValuator, 0);
class TEveGTriVecValuator : public TGCompositeFrame, public TGWidget
TEveGTriVecValuator(const TEveGTriVecValuator&);
TEveGTriVecValuator& operator=(const TEveGTriVecValuator&);
TEveGValuator* fVal[3];
UInt_t fLabelWidth;
Int_t fNELength;
Int_t fNEHeight;
TEveGTriVecValuator(const TGWindow *p, const char* name, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, Int_t widgetId=-1);
virtual ~TEveGTriVecValuator() {}
void Build(Bool_t vertical, const char* lab0, const char* lab1, const char* lab2);
TEveGValuator* GetValuator(Int_t i) const { return fVal[i]; }
Float_t GetValue(Int_t i) const { return fVal[i]->GetValue(); }
void SetValue(Int_t i, Float_t v) { fVal[i]->SetValue(v); }
void GetValues(Float_t& v0, Float_t& v1, Float_t& v2) const
{ v0 = GetValue(0); v1 = GetValue(1); v2 = GetValue(2); }
void GetValues(Float_t v[3]) const
{ v[0] = GetValue(0); v[1] = GetValue(1); v[2] = GetValue(2); }
void GetValues(Double_t v[3]) const
{ v[0] = GetValue(0); v[1] = GetValue(1); v[2] = GetValue(2); }
void SetValues(Float_t v0, Float_t v1, Float_t v2)
{ SetValue(0, v0); SetValue(1, v1); SetValue(2, v2); }
void SetValues(Float_t v[3])
{ SetValue(0, v[0]); SetValue(1, v[1]); SetValue(2, v[2]); }
void SetValues(Double_t v[3])
{ SetValue(0, v[0]); SetValue(1, v[1]); SetValue(2, v[2]); }
void ValueSet();
void SetLabelWidth(Int_t w) { fLabelWidth = w; }
void SetNELength(Int_t l) { fNELength = l; }
void SetNEHeight(Int_t h) { fNEHeight = h; }
void SetLimits(Int_t min, Int_t max);
void SetLimits(Float_t min, Float_t max,
TGNumberFormat::EStyle nef=TGNumberFormat::kNESRealTwo);
ClassDef(TEveGTriVecValuator, 0);
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:36:56 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:36
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