#ifndef ROOT_TGLCameraOverlay
#define ROOT_TGLCameraOverlay
#include "TGLOverlay.h"
#include "TGLAxisPainter.h"
#include "TAttAxis.h"
class TGLCameraOverlay : public TGLOverlayElement
enum EMode { kPlaneIntersect, kBar, kAxis };
TGLCameraOverlay(const TGLCameraOverlay&);
TGLCameraOverlay& operator=(const TGLCameraOverlay&);
Bool_t fShowOrthographic;
Bool_t fShowPerspective;
EMode fOrthographicMode;
EMode fPerspectiveMode;
TGLAxisPainter fAxisPainter;
TGLAxisAttrib fAxisAtt;
Float_t fAxisExtend;
TGLPlane fExternalRefPlane;
Bool_t fUseExternalRefPlane;
Double_t fFrustum[4];
void RenderPlaneIntersect(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx, const TGLFont &font);
void RenderAxis(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx);
void RenderBar(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx, const TGLFont &font);
TGLCameraOverlay(Bool_t showOrtho=kTRUE, Bool_t showPersp=kFALSE);
virtual ~TGLCameraOverlay() {}
virtual void Render(TGLRnrCtx& rnrCtx);
TGLAxisAttrib& RefAxisAttrib() { return fAxisAtt; }
Float_t GetAxisExtend() const { return fAxisExtend; }
void SetAxisExtend(Float_t x) { fAxisExtend = x; }
TGLPlane& RefExternalRefPlane() { return fExternalRefPlane; }
void UseExternalRefPlane(Bool_t x) { fUseExternalRefPlane=x; }
Bool_t GetUseExternalRefPlane() const { return fUseExternalRefPlane; }
Int_t GetPerspectiveMode() const { return fPerspectiveMode;}
void SetPerspectiveMode(EMode m) {fPerspectiveMode = m;}
Int_t GetOrthographicMode() const { return fOrthographicMode;}
void SetOrthographicMode(EMode m) {fOrthographicMode = m;}
Bool_t GetShowOrthographic() const { return fShowOrthographic; }
void SetShowOrthographic(Bool_t x) {fShowOrthographic =x;}
Bool_t GetShowPerspective() const { return fShowPerspective; }
void SetShowPerspective(Bool_t x) {fShowPerspective =x;}
ClassDef(TGLCameraOverlay, 1);
Last change: Tue Oct 21 09:17:37 2008
Last generated: 2008-10-21 09:17
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