#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include "KeySymbols.h"
#include "TVirtualX.h"
#include "Buttons.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TColor.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TAxis.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TGLLegoPainter.h"
#include "TGLOrthoCamera.h"
#include "TGLIncludes.h"
TGLLegoPainter::TGLLegoPainter(TH1 *hist, TGLOrthoCamera *cam, TGLPlotCoordinates *coord, TGLPaintDevice *dev)
: TGLPlotPainter(hist, cam, coord, dev, kFALSE, kTRUE, kTRUE),
char *TGLLegoPainter::GetPlotInfo(Int_t , Int_t )
fBinInfo = "";
if (fSelectedPart) {
if (fSelectedPart < fSelectionBase) {
if (fHist->Class())
fBinInfo += fHist->Class()->GetName();
fBinInfo += "::";
fBinInfo += fHist->GetName();
} else if (!fHighColor) {
const Int_t binI = (fSelectedPart - fSelectionBase) / fCoord->GetNYBins() + fCoord->GetFirstXBin();
const Int_t binJ = (fSelectedPart - fSelectionBase) % fCoord->GetNYBins() + fCoord->GetFirstYBin();
fBinInfo.Form("(binx = %d; biny = %d; binc = %f)", binI, binJ,
fHist->GetBinContent(binI, binJ));
} else
fBinInfo = "Switch to true-color mode to obtain correct info";
return (Char_t *)fBinInfo.Data();
Bool_t TGLLegoPainter::InitGeometry()
Bool_t ret = kFALSE;
switch (fCoord->GetCoordType()) {
case kGLCartesian:
ret = InitGeometryCartesian(); break;
case kGLPolar:
ret = InitGeometryPolar(); break;
case kGLCylindrical:
ret = InitGeometryCylindrical(); break;
case kGLSpherical:
ret = InitGeometrySpherical(); break;
return kFALSE;
if (ret && fCamera) fCamera->SetViewVolume(fBackBox.Get3DBox());
return ret;
Bool_t TGLLegoPainter::InitGeometryCartesian()
if (!fCoord->SetRanges(fHist, fDrawErrors, kFALSE))
return kFALSE;
fBackBox.SetPlotBox(fCoord->GetXRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetYRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetZRangeScaled());
const Int_t nX = fCoord->GetNXBins();
const Double_t barWidth = fHist->GetBarWidth(), barOffset = fHist->GetBarOffset();
const TGLVertex3 *frame = fBackBox.Get3DBox();
if (fCoord->GetXLog()) {
for (Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
const Double_t xWidth = fXAxis->GetBinWidth(ir);
Double_t low = fXAxis->GetBinLowEdge(ir) + xWidth * barOffset;
fXEdges[i].first = TMath::Log10(low) * fCoord->GetXScale();
fXEdges[i].second = TMath::Log10(low + xWidth * barWidth) * fCoord->GetXScale();
if (fXEdges[i].second > frame[1].X())
fXEdges[i].second = frame[1].X();
if (fXEdges[i].first < frame[0].X())
fXEdges[i].first = frame[0].X();
if (fXEdges[i].second < frame[0].X())
fXEdges[i].second = frame[0].X();
} else {
for (Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
const Double_t xWidth = fXAxis->GetBinWidth(ir);
fXEdges[i].first = (fXAxis->GetBinLowEdge(ir) + xWidth * barOffset) * fCoord->GetXScale();
fXEdges[i].second = fXEdges[i].first + xWidth * barWidth * fCoord->GetXScale();
if (fXEdges[i].second > frame[1].X())
fXEdges[i].second = frame[1].X();
if (fXEdges[i].first < frame[0].X())
fXEdges[i].first = frame[0].X();
if (fXEdges[i].second < frame[0].X())
fXEdges[i].second = frame[0].X();
const Int_t nY = fCoord->GetNYBins();
if (fCoord->GetYLog()) {
for (Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
const Double_t yWidth = fYAxis->GetBinWidth(jr);
Double_t low = fYAxis->GetBinLowEdge(jr) + yWidth * barOffset;
fYEdges[j].first = TMath::Log10(low) * fCoord->GetYScale();
fYEdges[j].second = TMath::Log10(low + yWidth * barWidth) * fCoord->GetYScale();
if (fYEdges[j].second > frame[2].Y())
fYEdges[j].second = frame[2].Y();
if (fYEdges[j].first < frame[0].Y())
fYEdges[j].first = frame[0].Y();
if (fYEdges[j].second < frame[0].Y())
fYEdges[j].second = frame[0].Y();
} else {
for (Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
const Double_t yWidth = fYAxis->GetBinWidth(jr);
fYEdges[j].first = (fYAxis->GetBinLowEdge(jr) + yWidth * barOffset) * fCoord->GetYScale();
fYEdges[j].second = fYEdges[j].first + yWidth * barWidth * fCoord->GetYScale();
if (fYEdges[j].second > frame[2].Y())
fYEdges[j].second = frame[2].Y();
if (fYEdges[j].first < frame[0].Y())
fYEdges[j].first = frame[0].Y();
if (fYEdges[j].second < frame[0].Y())
fYEdges[j].second = frame[0].Y();
fMinZ = frame[0].Z();
if (fMinZ < 0.)
frame[4].Z() > 0. ? fMinZ = 0. : fMinZ = frame[4].Z();
if (fCoord->Modified()) {
fUpdateSelection = kTRUE;
fXOZSectionPos = frame[0].Y();
fYOZSectionPos = frame[0].X();
fXOYSectionPos = frame[0].Z();
Rgl::SetZLevels(fZAxis, fCoord->GetZRange().first, fCoord->GetZRange().second, fCoord->GetZScale(), fZLevels);
fMinMaxVal.first = fHist->GetBinContent(fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), fCoord->GetFirstYBin());
fMinMaxVal.second = fMinMaxVal.first;
for (Int_t i = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), e = fCoord->GetLastXBin(); i <= e; ++i) {
for (Int_t j = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(), e1 = fCoord->GetLastYBin(); j <= e1; ++j) {
Double_t val = fHist->GetBinContent(i, j);
fMinMaxVal.first = TMath::Min(fMinMaxVal.first, val);
fMinMaxVal.second = TMath::Max(fMinMaxVal.second, val);
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TGLLegoPainter::InitGeometryPolar()
if (!fCoord->SetRanges(fHist, kFALSE, kFALSE))
return kFALSE;
fBackBox.SetPlotBox(fCoord->GetXRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetYRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetZRangeScaled());
if (fCoord->Modified()) {
fUpdateSelection = kTRUE;
const Int_t nY = fCoord->GetNYBins();
for (Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
fYEdges[j].first = ((fYAxis->GetBinLowEdge(jr)) - fCoord->GetYRange().first) /
fCoord->GetYLength() * fCoord->GetYScale();
fYEdges[j].second = ((fYAxis->GetBinUpEdge(jr)) - fCoord->GetYRange().first) /
fCoord->GetYLength() * fCoord->GetYScale();
const Int_t nX = fCoord->GetNXBins();
fCosSinTableX.resize(nX + 1);
const Double_t fullAngle = fXAxis->GetXmax() - fXAxis->GetXmin();
const Double_t phiLow = fXAxis->GetXmin();
Double_t angle = 0;
for (Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
angle = (fXAxis->GetBinLowEdge(ir) - phiLow) / fullAngle * TMath::TwoPi();
fCosSinTableX[i].first = TMath::Cos(angle);
fCosSinTableX[i].second = TMath::Sin(angle);
angle = (fXAxis->GetBinUpEdge(fCoord->GetLastXBin()) - phiLow) / fullAngle * TMath::TwoPi();
fCosSinTableX[nX].first = TMath::Cos(angle);
fCosSinTableX[nX].second = TMath::Sin(angle);
fMinZ = fBackBox.Get3DBox()[0].Z();
if (fMinZ < 0.)
fBackBox.Get3DBox()[4].Z() > 0. ? fMinZ = 0. : fMinZ = fBackBox.Get3DBox()[4].Z();
fMinMaxVal.first = fHist->GetBinContent(fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), fCoord->GetFirstYBin());
fMinMaxVal.second = fMinMaxVal.first;
for (Int_t i = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), e = fCoord->GetLastXBin(); i <= e; ++i) {
for (Int_t j = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(), e1 = fCoord->GetLastYBin(); j <= e1; ++j) {
Double_t val = fHist->GetBinContent(i, j);
fMinMaxVal.first = TMath::Min(fMinMaxVal.first, val);
fMinMaxVal.second = TMath::Max(fMinMaxVal.second, val);
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TGLLegoPainter::InitGeometryCylindrical()
if (!fCoord->SetRanges(fHist, kFALSE, kFALSE))
return kFALSE;
fBackBox.SetPlotBox(fCoord->GetXRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetYRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetZRangeScaled());
const Int_t nY = fCoord->GetNYBins();
if (fCoord->GetYLog()) {
for (Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
fYEdges[j].first = TMath::Log10(fYAxis->GetBinLowEdge(jr)) * fCoord->GetYScale();
fYEdges[j].second = TMath::Log10(fYAxis->GetBinUpEdge(jr)) * fCoord->GetYScale();
} else {
for (Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
fYEdges[j].first = fYAxis->GetBinLowEdge(jr) * fCoord->GetYScale();
fYEdges[j].second = fYAxis->GetBinUpEdge(jr) * fCoord->GetYScale();
const Int_t nX = fCoord->GetNXBins();
fCosSinTableX.resize(nX + 1);
const Double_t fullAngle = fXAxis->GetXmax() - fXAxis->GetXmin();
const Double_t phiLow = fXAxis->GetXmin();
Double_t angle = 0.;
for (Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
angle = (fXAxis->GetBinLowEdge(ir) - phiLow) / fullAngle * TMath::TwoPi();
fCosSinTableX[i].first = TMath::Cos(angle);
fCosSinTableX[i].second = TMath::Sin(angle);
angle = (fXAxis->GetBinUpEdge(fCoord->GetLastXBin()) - phiLow) / fullAngle * TMath::TwoPi();
fCosSinTableX[nX].first = TMath::Cos(angle);
fCosSinTableX[nX].second = TMath::Sin(angle);
if (fCoord->Modified()) {
fUpdateSelection = kTRUE;
fMinZ = fCoord->GetZRange().first;
if (fMinZ < 0.)
fCoord->GetZRange().second > 0. ? fMinZ = 0. : fMinZ = fCoord->GetZRange().second;
fMinMaxVal.first = fHist->GetBinContent(fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), fCoord->GetFirstYBin());
fMinMaxVal.second = fMinMaxVal.first;
for (Int_t i = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), e = fCoord->GetLastXBin(); i <= e; ++i) {
for (Int_t j = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(), e1 = fCoord->GetLastYBin(); j <= e1; ++j) {
Double_t val = fHist->GetBinContent(i, j);
fMinMaxVal.first = TMath::Min(fMinMaxVal.first, val);
fMinMaxVal.second = TMath::Max(fMinMaxVal.second, val);
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TGLLegoPainter::InitGeometrySpherical()
if (!fCoord->SetRanges(fHist, kFALSE, kFALSE))
return kFALSE;
fBackBox.SetPlotBox(fCoord->GetXRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetYRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetZRangeScaled());
const Int_t nY = fCoord->GetNYBins();
fCosSinTableY.resize(nY + 1);
const Double_t fullTheta = fYAxis->GetXmax() - fYAxis->GetXmin();
const Double_t thetaLow = fYAxis->GetXmin();
Double_t angle = 0.;
for (Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
angle = (fYAxis->GetBinLowEdge(jr) - thetaLow) / fullTheta * TMath::Pi();
fCosSinTableY[j].first = TMath::Cos(angle);
fCosSinTableY[j].second = TMath::Sin(angle);
angle = (fYAxis->GetBinUpEdge(fCoord->GetLastYBin()) - thetaLow) / fullTheta * TMath::Pi();
fCosSinTableY[nY].first = TMath::Cos(angle);
fCosSinTableY[nY].second = TMath::Sin(angle);
const Int_t nX = fCoord->GetNXBins();
fCosSinTableX.resize(nX + 1);
const Double_t fullPhi = fXAxis->GetXmax() - fXAxis->GetXmin();
const Double_t phiLow = fXAxis->GetXmin();
for (Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
angle = (fXAxis->GetBinLowEdge(ir) - phiLow) / fullPhi * TMath::TwoPi();
fCosSinTableX[i].first = TMath::Cos(angle);
fCosSinTableX[i].second = TMath::Sin(angle);
angle = (fXAxis->GetBinUpEdge(fCoord->GetLastXBin()) - phiLow) / fullPhi * TMath::TwoPi();
fCosSinTableX[nX].first = TMath::Cos(angle);
fCosSinTableX[nX].second = TMath::Sin(angle);
fMinZ = fCoord->GetZRange().first;
if (fMinZ < 0.)
fCoord->GetZRange().second > 0. ? fMinZ = 0. : fMinZ = fCoord->GetZRange().second;
fMinMaxVal.first = fHist->GetBinContent(fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), fCoord->GetFirstYBin());
fMinMaxVal.second = fMinMaxVal.first;
for (Int_t i = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), e = fCoord->GetLastXBin(); i <= e; ++i) {
for (Int_t j = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(), e1 = fCoord->GetLastYBin(); j <= e1; ++j) {
Double_t val = fHist->GetBinContent(i, j);
fMinMaxVal.first = TMath::Min(fMinMaxVal.first, val);
fMinMaxVal.second = TMath::Max(fMinMaxVal.second, val);
return kTRUE;
void TGLLegoPainter::StartPan(Int_t px, Int_t py)
fMousePosition.fX = px;
fMousePosition.fY = fCamera->GetHeight() - py;
fCamera->StartPan(px, py);
fBoxCut.StartMovement(px, py);
void TGLLegoPainter::Pan(Int_t px, Int_t py)
if (!MakeGLContextCurrent())
if (fSelectedPart >= fSelectionBase || fSelectedPart == 1)
fCamera->Pan(px, py);
else if (fSelectedPart > 0) {
py = fCamera->GetHeight() - py;
if (!fHighColor) {
if (fBoxCut.IsActive() && (fSelectedPart >= kXAxis && fSelectedPart <= kZAxis))
fBoxCut.MoveBox(px, py, fSelectedPart);
MoveSection(px, py);
} else
MoveSection(px, py);
fMousePosition.fX = px, fMousePosition.fY = py;
fUpdateSelection = kTRUE;
void TGLLegoPainter::AddOption(const TString &option)
using namespace std;
const Ssiz_t legoPos = option.Index("lego");
if (legoPos + 4 < option.Length() && isdigit(option[legoPos + 4])) {
switch (option[legoPos + 4] - '0') {
case 1:
fLegoType = kColorSimple;
case 2:
fLegoType = kColorLevel;
case 3:
fLegoType = kCylindricBars;
fLegoType = kColorSimple;
} else
fLegoType = kColorSimple;
Ssiz_t ePos = option.Index("e");
if (ePos == legoPos + 1)
ePos = option.Index("e", legoPos + 4);
fDrawErrors = ePos != kNPOS ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
option.Index("z") == kNPOS ? fDrawPalette = kFALSE : fDrawPalette = kTRUE;
void TGLLegoPainter::InitGL()const
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawPlot()const
switch (fCoord->GetCoordType()) {
case kGLCartesian:
return DrawLegoCartesian();
case kGLPolar:
return DrawLegoPolar();
case kGLCylindrical:
return DrawLegoCylindrical();
case kGLSpherical:
return DrawLegoSpherical();
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCartesian()const
if (fCoord->GetCoordType() == kGLCartesian) {
fBackBox.DrawBox(fSelectedPart, fSelectionPass, fZLevels, fHighColor);
const TGLDisableGuard cullGuard(GL_CULL_FACE);
if (!fSelectionPass) {
glPolygonOffset(1.f, 1.f);
if (fXOZSectionPos > fBackBox.Get3DBox()[0].Y() || fYOZSectionPos> fBackBox.Get3DBox()[0].X()) {
const Int_t nX = fXEdges.size();
const Int_t nY = fYEdges.size();
const Int_t frontPoint = fBackBox.GetFrontPoint();
Int_t iInit = 0, jInit = 0, irInit = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), jrInit = fCoord->GetFirstYBin();
const Int_t addI = frontPoint == 2 || frontPoint == 1 ? 1 : (iInit = nX - 1, irInit = fCoord->GetLastXBin(), -1);
const Int_t addJ = frontPoint == 2 || frontPoint == 3 ? 1 : (jInit = nY - 1, jrInit = fCoord->GetLastYBin(), -1);
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass) {
if (!PreparePalette()) {
fLegoType = kColorSimple;
fDrawPalette = kFALSE;
} else
if (fSelectionPass && fHighColor)
Rgl::ObjectIDToColor(fSelectionBase, kTRUE);
for(Int_t i = iInit, ir = irInit; addI > 0 ? i < nX : i >= 0; i += addI, ir += addI) {
for(Int_t j = jInit, jr = jrInit; addJ > 0 ? j < nY : j >= 0; j += addJ, jr += addJ) {
Double_t zMax = fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr) * fCoord->GetFactor();
if (!ClampZ(zMax))
const Int_t binID = fSelectionBase + i * fCoord->GetNYBins() + j;
if (fSelectionPass && !fHighColor)
Rgl::ObjectIDToColor(binID, kFALSE);
else if(!fHighColor && fSelectedPart == binID)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, Rgl::gOrangeEmission);
if (fLegoType == kCylindricBars) {
Rgl::DrawCylinder(&fQuadric, fXEdges[i].first, fXEdges[i].second, fYEdges[j].first,
fYEdges[j].second, fMinZ, zMax);
} else if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass) {
Rgl::DrawBoxFrontTextured(fXEdges[i].first, fXEdges[i].second, fYEdges[j].first,
fYEdges[j].second, fMinZ, zMax, fPalette.GetTexCoord(fMinZ),
fPalette.GetTexCoord(zMax), frontPoint);
} else {
Rgl::DrawBoxFront(fXEdges[i].first, fXEdges[i].second, fYEdges[j].first,
fYEdges[j].second, fMinZ, zMax, frontPoint);
if (!fHighColor && !fSelectionPass && fSelectedPart == binID)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, Rgl::gNullEmission);
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass)
if (!fSelectionPass) {
const TGLDisableGuard lightGuard(GL_LIGHTING);
if (fXOZSectionPos <= fBackBox.Get3DBox()[0].Y() && fYOZSectionPos <= fBackBox.Get3DBox()[0].X())
glColor3d(0., 0., 0.);
glColor4d(0., 0., 0., 0.4);
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);
const TGLEnableGuard blendGuard(GL_BLEND);
const TGLEnableGuard smoothGuard(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
for(Int_t i = iInit, ir = irInit; addI > 0 ? i < nX : i >= 0; i += addI, ir += addI) {
for(Int_t j = jInit, jr = jrInit; addJ > 0 ? j < nY : j >= 0; j += addJ, jr += addJ) {
Double_t zMax = fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr) * fCoord->GetFactor();
if (!ClampZ(zMax))
if (fLegoType != kCylindricBars) {
Rgl::DrawBoxFront(fXEdges[i].first, fXEdges[i].second, fYEdges[j].first,
fYEdges[j].second, fMinZ, zMax, frontPoint);
if (fDrawErrors && zMax > 0.) {
Double_t errorZMax = (fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr) + fHist->GetCellError(ir, jr)) * fCoord->GetFactor();
Rgl::DrawError(fXEdges[i].first, fXEdges[i].second, fYEdges[j].first,
fYEdges[j].second, zMax, errorZMax);
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
if(!fSelectionPass && fDrawPalette)
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoPolar()const
const Int_t nX = fCosSinTableX.size() - 1;
const Int_t nY = fYEdges.size();
if (!fSelectionPass) {
glPolygonOffset(1.f, 1.f);
Double_t points[4][2] = {};
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass) {
if (!PreparePalette()) {
fLegoType = kColorSimple;
fDrawPalette = kFALSE;
} else
if (fHighColor && fSelectionPass)
Rgl::ObjectIDToColor(fSelectionBase, kTRUE);
for(Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
for(Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
Double_t zMax = fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr);
if (!ClampZ(zMax))
points[0][0] = fYEdges[j].first * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[0][1] = fYEdges[j].first * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[1][0] = fYEdges[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[1][1] = fYEdges[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[2][0] = fYEdges[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[2][1] = fYEdges[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[3][0] = fYEdges[j].first * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[3][1] = fYEdges[j].first * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
const Int_t binID = fSelectionBase + i * fCoord->GetNYBins() + j;
if (!fHighColor && fSelectionPass)
Rgl::ObjectIDToColor(binID, kFALSE);
else if(!fHighColor && fSelectedPart == binID)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, Rgl::gOrangeEmission);
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass)
Rgl::DrawTrapezoidTextured(points, fMinZ, zMax, fPalette.GetTexCoord(fMinZ),
Rgl::DrawTrapezoid(points, fMinZ, zMax);
if (!fHighColor && !fSelectionPass && fSelectedPart == binID)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, Rgl::gNullEmission);
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass)
if (!fSelectionPass) {
const TGLDisableGuard lightGuard(GL_LIGHTING);
glColor3d(0., 0., 0.);
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);
const TGLEnableGuard blendGuard(GL_BLEND);
const TGLEnableGuard smoothGuard(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
for(Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
for(Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
Double_t zMax = fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr);
if (!ClampZ(zMax))
points[0][0] = fYEdges[j].first * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[0][1] = fYEdges[j].first * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[1][0] = fYEdges[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[1][1] = fYEdges[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[2][0] = fYEdges[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[2][1] = fYEdges[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[3][0] = fYEdges[j].first * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[3][1] = fYEdges[j].first * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
Rgl::DrawTrapezoid(points, fMinZ, zMax, kFALSE);
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
if(!fSelectionPass && fDrawPalette)
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoCylindrical()const
const Int_t nX = fCosSinTableX.size() - 1;
const Int_t nY = fYEdges.size();
Double_t legoR = gStyle->GetLegoInnerR();
if (legoR > 1. || legoR < 0.)
legoR = 0.5;
const Double_t rRange = fCoord->GetZLength();
if (!fSelectionPass) {
glPolygonOffset(1.f, 1.f);
Double_t points[4][2] = {};
const Double_t sc = (1 - legoR) * fCoord->GetXScale();
legoR *= fCoord->GetXScale();
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass) {
if (!PreparePalette()) {
fLegoType = kColorSimple;
fDrawPalette = kFALSE;
} else
if (fHighColor && fSelectionPass)
Rgl::ObjectIDToColor(fSelectionBase, kTRUE);
for(Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
for(Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
Double_t zMin = legoR + (fMinZ - fCoord->GetZRange().first) / rRange * sc;
Double_t zMax = legoR + (fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr) - fCoord->GetZRange().first) / rRange * sc;
if (zMin > zMax)
std::swap(zMin, zMax);
points[0][0] = fCosSinTableX[i].first * zMin;
points[0][1] = fCosSinTableX[i].second * zMin;
points[1][0] = fCosSinTableX[i].first * zMax;
points[1][1] = fCosSinTableX[i].second * zMax;
points[2][0] = fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first * zMax;
points[2][1] = fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second * zMax;
points[3][0] = fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first * zMin;
points[3][1] = fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second * zMin;
const Int_t binID = fSelectionBase + i * fCoord->GetNYBins() + j;
if (fSelectionPass && !fHighColor)
Rgl::ObjectIDToColor(binID, kFALSE);
else if(!fHighColor && fSelectedPart == binID)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, Rgl::gOrangeEmission);
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass){
Rgl::DrawTrapezoidTextured2(points, fYEdges[j].first, fYEdges[j].second,
fPalette.GetTexCoord(fMinZ), fPalette.GetTexCoord(fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr)));
Rgl::DrawTrapezoid(points, fYEdges[j].first, fYEdges[j].second);
if(!fSelectionPass && !fHighColor && fSelectedPart == binID)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, Rgl::gNullEmission);
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass)
if (!fSelectionPass) {
const TGLDisableGuard lightGuard(GL_LIGHTING);
glColor3d(0., 0., 0.);
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);
const TGLEnableGuard blendGuard(GL_BLEND);
const TGLEnableGuard smoothGuard(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
for(Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
for(Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
Double_t zMin = legoR + (fMinZ - fCoord->GetZRange().first) / rRange * sc;
Double_t zMax = legoR + (fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr) - fCoord->GetZRange().first) / rRange * sc;
if (zMin > zMax)
std::swap(zMin, zMax);
points[0][0] = fCosSinTableX[i].first * zMin;
points[0][1] = fCosSinTableX[i].second * zMin;
points[1][0] = fCosSinTableX[i].first * zMax;
points[1][1] = fCosSinTableX[i].second * zMax;
points[2][0] = fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first * zMax;
points[2][1] = fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second * zMax;
points[3][0] = fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first * zMin;
points[3][1] = fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second * zMin;
Rgl::DrawTrapezoid(points, fYEdges[j].first, fYEdges[j].second);
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
if(!fSelectionPass && fDrawPalette)
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawLegoSpherical()const
const Int_t nX = fCosSinTableX.size() - 1;
const Int_t nY = fCosSinTableY.size() - 1;
const Double_t rRange = fCoord->GetZLength();
Double_t legoR = gStyle->GetLegoInnerR();
if (legoR > 1. || legoR < 0.)
legoR = 0.5;
if (!fSelectionPass) {
glPolygonOffset(1.f, 1.f);
Double_t points[8][3] = {};
const Double_t sc = 1 - legoR;
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass) {
if (!PreparePalette()) {
fLegoType = kColorSimple;
fDrawPalette = kFALSE;
} else
if (fSelectionPass && fHighColor)
Rgl::ObjectIDToColor(fSelectionBase, kTRUE);
for(Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
for(Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
Double_t zMin = legoR + (fMinZ - fCoord->GetZRange().first) / rRange * sc;
Double_t zMax = legoR + (fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr) - fCoord->GetZRange().first) / rRange * sc;
if (zMin > zMax)
std::swap(zMin, zMax);
points[4][0] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[4][1] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[4][2] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].first;
points[5][0] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[5][1] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[5][2] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].first;
points[6][0] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[6][1] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[6][2] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].first;
points[7][0] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[7][1] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[7][2] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].first;
points[0][0] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[0][1] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[0][2] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].first;
points[1][0] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[1][1] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[1][2] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].first;
points[2][0] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[2][1] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[2][2] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].first;
points[3][0] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[3][1] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[3][2] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].first;
const Int_t binID = fSelectionBase + i * fCoord->GetNYBins() + j;
if (fSelectionPass && !fHighColor)
Rgl::ObjectIDToColor(binID, kFALSE);
else if(!fHighColor && fSelectedPart == binID)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, Rgl::gOrangeEmission);
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass)
Rgl::DrawTrapezoidTextured(points, fPalette.GetTexCoord(fMinZ),
fPalette.GetTexCoord(fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr)));
if(!fHighColor && fSelectedPart == binID)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, Rgl::gNullEmission);
if (fLegoType == kColorLevel && !fSelectionPass)
if (!fSelectionPass) {
const TGLDisableGuard lightGuard(GL_LIGHTING);
glColor3d(0., 0., 0.);
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);
const TGLEnableGuard blendGuard(GL_BLEND);
const TGLEnableGuard smoothGuard(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
for(Int_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(); i < nX; ++i, ++ir) {
for(Int_t j = 0, jr = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(); j < nY; ++j, ++jr) {
Double_t zMin = legoR + (fMinZ - fCoord->GetZRange().first) / rRange * sc;
Double_t zMax = legoR + (fHist->GetCellContent(ir, jr) - fCoord->GetZRange().first) / rRange * sc;
if (zMin > zMax)
std::swap(zMin, zMax);
points[4][0] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[4][1] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[4][2] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].first;
points[5][0] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[5][1] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[5][2] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j].first;
points[6][0] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[6][1] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[6][2] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].first;
points[7][0] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[7][1] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[7][2] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j].first;
points[0][0] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[0][1] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[0][2] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].first;
points[1][0] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[1][1] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[1][2] = zMin * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].first;
points[2][0] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].first;
points[2][1] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i + 1].second;
points[2][2] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].first;
points[3][0] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i].first;
points[3][1] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].second * fCosSinTableX[i].second;
points[3][2] = zMax * fCosSinTableY[j + 1].first;
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
if(!fSelectionPass && fDrawPalette)
void TGLLegoPainter::SetLegoColor()const
Float_t diffColor[] = {0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.15f};
if (fLegoType != kColorLevel && fHist->GetFillColor() != kWhite)
if (const TColor *c = gROOT->GetColor(fHist->GetFillColor()))
c->GetRGB(diffColor[0], diffColor[1], diffColor[2]);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, diffColor);
const Float_t specColor[] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, specColor);
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawSectionXOZ()const
Int_t binY = -1;
for (Int_t i = 0, e = fYEdges.size(); i < e; ++i) {
if (fYEdges[i].first <= fXOZSectionPos && fXOZSectionPos <= fYEdges[i].second) {
binY = i;
if (binY >= 0) {
binY += fCoord->GetFirstYBin();
glColor3d(1., 0., 0.);
for (UInt_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstXBin(), e = fXEdges.size(); i < e; ++i, ++ir) {
Double_t zMax = fHist->GetBinContent(Int_t(ir), binY);
if (!ClampZ(zMax))
glVertex3d(fXEdges[i].first, fXOZSectionPos, fMinZ);
glVertex3d(fXEdges[i].first, fXOZSectionPos, zMax);
glVertex3d(fXEdges[i].second, fXOZSectionPos, zMax);
glVertex3d(fXEdges[i].second, fXOZSectionPos, fMinZ);
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawSectionYOZ()const
Int_t binX = -1;
for (Int_t i = 0, e = fXEdges.size(); i < e; ++i) {
if (fXEdges[i].first <= fYOZSectionPos && fYOZSectionPos <= fXEdges[i].second) {
binX = i;
if (binX >= 0) {
binX += fCoord->GetFirstXBin();
glColor3d(1., 0., 0.);
for (UInt_t i = 0, ir = fCoord->GetFirstYBin(), e = fYEdges.size(); i < e; ++i, ++ir) {
Double_t zMax = fHist->GetBinContent(binX, ir);
if (!ClampZ(zMax))
glVertex3d(fYOZSectionPos, fYEdges[i].first, fMinZ);
glVertex3d(fYOZSectionPos, fYEdges[i].first, zMax);
glVertex3d(fYOZSectionPos, fYEdges[i].second, zMax);
glVertex3d(fYOZSectionPos, fYEdges[i].second, fMinZ);
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawSectionXOY()const
void TGLLegoPainter::ProcessEvent(Int_t event, Int_t , Int_t py)
const TGLVertex3 *frame = fBackBox.Get3DBox();
if (event == kButton1Double && (fXOZSectionPos > frame[0].Y() || fYOZSectionPos > frame[0].X())) {
fXOZSectionPos = frame[0].Y();
fYOZSectionPos = frame[0].X();
if (fBoxCut.IsActive())
if (!gVirtualX->IsCmdThread())
gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("((TGLPlotPainter *)0x%lx)->Paint()", this));
} else if (event == kKeyPress && (py == kKey_c || py == kKey_C)) {
Info("ProcessEvent", "Box cut does not exist for lego");
Bool_t TGLLegoPainter::ClampZ(Double_t &zVal)const
if (fCoord->GetZLog())
if (zVal <= 0.)
return kFALSE;
zVal = TMath::Log10(zVal) * fCoord->GetZScale();
zVal *= fCoord->GetZScale();
const TGLVertex3 *frame = fBackBox.Get3DBox();
if (zVal > frame[4].Z())
zVal = frame[4].Z();
else if (zVal < frame[0].Z())
zVal = frame[0].Z();
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TGLLegoPainter::PreparePalette()const
if(fMinMaxVal.first == fMinMaxVal.second)
return kFALSE;
if (fHist->TestBit(TH1::kUserContour))
UInt_t paletteSize = gStyle->GetNumberContours();
if (!paletteSize)
paletteSize = 20;
return fPalette.GeneratePalette(paletteSize, Rgl::Range_t(fMinZ, fMinMaxVal.second));
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawPalette()const
Rgl::DrawPalette(fCamera, fPalette);
fCamera->Apply(fPadPhi, fPadTheta);
void TGLLegoPainter::DrawPaletteAxis()const
Rgl::DrawPaletteAxis(fCamera, fMinMaxVal, fCoord->GetCoordType() == kGLCartesian ? fCoord->GetZLog() : kFALSE);
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:40:59 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:40
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