// @(#)root/proof:$Id: TProofLite.cxx 26399 2008-11-24 01:44:18Z rdm $
// Author: G. Ganis March 2008

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TProofLite                                                           //
//                                                                      //
// This class starts a PROOF session on the local machine: no daemons,  //
// client and master merged, communications via UNIX-like sockets.      //
// By default the number of workers started is NumberOfCores+1; a       //
// different number can be forced on construction.                      //
//                                                                      //

#include "TProofLite.h"

#ifdef WIN32
#   include <io.h>
#include "TDSet.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TFileCollection.h"
#include "TFileInfo.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TMessage.h"
#include "TMonitor.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TPluginManager.h"
#include "TProofDataSetManager.h"
#include "TProofQueryResult.h"
#include "TProofServ.h"
#include "TQueryResultManager.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TServerSocket.h"
#include "TSlave.h"
#include "TSortedList.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TVirtualProofPlayer.h"

#include "TH3F.h"


TProofLite::TProofLite(const char *url, const char *conffile, const char *confdir,
                       Int_t loglevel, const char *alias, TProofMgr *mgr)
   // Create a PROOF environment. Starting PROOF involves either connecting
   // to a master server, which in turn will start a set of slave servers, or
   // directly starting as master server (if master = ""). Masterurl is of
   // the form: [proof[s]://]host[:port]. Conffile is the name of the config
   // file describing the remote PROOF cluster (this argument alows you to
   // describe different cluster configurations).
   // The default is proof.conf. Confdir is the directory where the config
   // file and other PROOF related files are (like motd and noproof files).
   // Loglevel is the log level (default = 1). User specified custom config
   // files will be first looked for in $HOME/.conffile.


   // This may be needed during init
   fManager = mgr;

   // Default server type
   fServType = TProofMgr::kProofLite;

   // Default query mode
   fQueryMode = kSync;

   // Client and master are merged
   fMasterServ = kTRUE;

   // Protocol and Host

   // User
   if (strlen(fUrl.GetUser()) <= 0) {
      // Get user logon name
      UserGroup_t *pw = gSystem->GetUserInfo();
      if (pw) {
         delete pw;
   fMaster = gSystem->HostName();

   // Determine the number of workers giving priority to users request.
   // Otherwise use the system information, if available, or just start
   // the minimal number, i.e. 2 .
   fNWorkers = GetNumberOfWorkers(url);
   Printf(" +++ Starting PROOF-Lite with %d workers +++", fNWorkers);

   // Init the session now
   Init(url, conffile, confdir, loglevel, alias);

   // Still needed by the packetizers: needs to be changed
   gProof = this;

Int_t TProofLite::Init(const char *, const char *conffile,
                       const char *confdir, Int_t loglevel, const char *)
   // Start the PROOF environment. Starting PROOF involves either connecting
   // to a master server, which in turn will start a set of slave servers, or
   // directly starting as master server (if master = ""). For a description
   // of the arguments see the TProof ctor. Returns the number of started
   // master or slave servers, returns 0 in case of error, in which case
   // fValid remains false.


   fValid = kFALSE;

   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster)) {
      // Fill default conf file and conf dir
      if (!conffile || strlen(conffile) == 0)
         fConfFile = kPROOF_ConfFile;
      if (!confdir  || strlen(confdir) == 0)
         fConfDir  = kPROOF_ConfDir;
   } else {
      fConfDir     = confdir;
      fConfFile    = conffile;

   // The sandbox for this session
   if (CreateSandbox() != 0) {
      Error("Init", "could not create/assert sandbox for this session");
      return 0;

   // UNIX path for communication with workers
   fSockPath       = Form("%s/prooflite-sockpath-%s", gSystem->TempDirectory(), GetName());

   fLogLevel       = loglevel;
   fProtocol       = kPROOF_Protocol;
   fSendGroupView  = kTRUE;
   fImage          = "<local>";
   fIntHandler     = 0;
   fStatus         = 0;
   fRecvMessages   = new TList;
   fSlaveInfo      = 0;
   fChains         = new TList;
   fAvailablePackages = 0;
   fEnabledPackages = 0;
   fEndMaster      = TestBit(TProof::kIsMaster) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   fInputData      = 0;

   // Timeout for some collect actions
   fCollectTimeout = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.CollectTimeout", -1);

   fProgressDialog        = 0;
   fProgressDialogStarted = kFALSE;

   // Client logging of messages from the workers
   fRedirLog = kFALSE;
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {
      fLogFileName = Form("%s/session-%s.log", fWorkDir.Data(), GetName());
      if ((fLogFileW = fopen(fLogFileName.Data(), "w")) == 0)
         Error("Init", "could not create temporary logfile %s", fLogFileName.Data());
      if ((fLogFileR = fopen(fLogFileName.Data(), "r")) == 0)
         Error("Init", "could not open logfile %s for reading", fLogFileName.Data());
   fLogToWindowOnly = kFALSE;

   fCacheLock = new TProofLockPath(Form("%s/%s%s", gSystem->TempDirectory(),

   // Create 'queries' locker instance and lock it
   fQueryLock = new TProofLockPath(Form("%s/%s%s-%s", gSystem->TempDirectory(),
                                   kPROOF_QueryLockFile, GetName(),
   // Create the query manager
   fQMgr = new TQueryResultManager(fQueryDir, GetName(), fWorkDir,
                                   fQueryLock, fLogFileW);

   // Apply quotas, if any
   if (fQMgr && fQMgr->ApplyMaxQueries(10) != 0)
      Warning("Init", "problems applying fMaxQueries");

   if (InitDataSetManager() != 0)
      Warning("Init", "problems initializing the dataset manager");

   // Status of cluster
   fNotIdle = 0;

   // Query type
   fSync = kTRUE;

   // List of queries
   fQueries = 0;
   fOtherQueries = 0;
   fDrawQueries = 0;
   fMaxDrawQueries = 1;
   fSeqNum = 0;

   // Remote ID of the session
   fSessionID = -1;

   // Part of active query
   fWaitingSlaves = 0;

   // Make remote PROOF player
   fPlayer = 0;

   fFeedback = new TList;

   // Sort workers by descending performance index
   fSlaves           = new TSortedList(kSortDescending);
   fActiveSlaves     = new TList;
   fInactiveSlaves   = new TList;
   fUniqueSlaves     = new TList;
   fAllUniqueSlaves  = new TList;
   fNonUniqueMasters = new TList;
   fBadSlaves        = new TList;
   fAllMonitor       = new TMonitor;
   fActiveMonitor    = new TMonitor;
   fUniqueMonitor    = new TMonitor;
   fAllUniqueMonitor = new TMonitor;
   fCurrentMonitor   = 0;
   fServSock         = 0;

   // Control how to start the workers; copy-on-write (fork) is *very*
   // experimental and available on Unix only.
   fForkStartup      = kFALSE;
   if (gEnv->GetValue("ProofLite.ForkStartup", 0) != 0) {
#ifndef WIN32
      fForkStartup   = kTRUE;
      Warning("Init", "fork-based workers startup is not available on Windows - ignoring");

   fPackageLock             = 0;
   fEnabledPackagesOnClient = 0;
   fLoadedMacros            = 0;
   fGlobalPackageDirList    = 0;
   if (TestBit(TProof::kIsClient)) {

      // List of directories where to look for global packages
      TString globpack = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.GlobalPackageDirs","");
      if (globpack.Length() > 0) {
         Int_t ng = 0;
         Int_t from = 0;
         TString ldir;
         while (globpack.Tokenize(ldir, from, ":")) {
            if (gSystem->AccessPathName(ldir, kReadPermission)) {
               Warning("Init", "directory for global packages %s does not"
                               " exist or is not readable", ldir.Data());
            } else {
               // Add to the list, key will be "G<ng>", i.e. "G0", "G1", ...
               TString key = Form("G%d", ng++);
               if (!fGlobalPackageDirList) {
                  fGlobalPackageDirList = new THashList();
               fGlobalPackageDirList->Add(new TNamed(key,ldir));

      UserGroup_t *ug = gSystem->GetUserInfo();
      fPackageLock = new TProofLockPath(Form("%s%s", kPROOF_PackageLockFile, ug->fUser.Data()));
      delete ug;

      fEnabledPackagesOnClient = new TList;

   // Start workers
   if (SetupWorkers(0) != 0) {
      Error("Init", "problems setting up workers");
      return 0;

   // we are now properly initialized
   fValid = kTRUE;

   // De-activate monitor (will be activated in Collect)

   // By default go into parallel mode
   GoParallel(9999, kFALSE);

   // Send relevant initial state to slaves


   if (IsValid()) {
      // Activate input handler
      // Set PROOF to running state
   return fActiveSlaves->GetSize();
   // Destructor

   // Shutdown the workers

   if (!(fQMgr && fQMgr->Queries() && fQMgr->Queries()->GetSize())) {
      // needed in case fQueryDir is on NFS ?!
      gSystem->Exec(Form("%s %s", kRM, fQueryDir.Data()));

   // Remove lock file
   if (fQueryLock) {


Int_t TProofLite::GetNumberOfWorkers(const char *url)
   // Static method to determine the number of workers giving priority to users request.
   // Otherwise use the system information, if available, or just start
   // the minimal number, i.e. 2 .

   Int_t nWorkers = -1;
   if (url && strlen(url)) {
      TString o(url);
      Int_t in = o.Index("workers=");
      if (in != kNPOS) {
         o.Remove(0, in + strlen("workers="));
         while (!o.IsDigit())
         nWorkers = (!o.IsNull()) ? o.Atoi() : nWorkers;
   if (nWorkers <= 0) {
      nWorkers = gEnv->GetValue("ProofLite.Workers", -1);
      if (nWorkers <= 0) {
         SysInfo_t si;
         if (gSystem->GetSysInfo(&si) == 0 && si.fCpus > 2) {
            nWorkers = si.fCpus;
         } else {
            // Two workers by default
            nWorkers = 2;

   // Done
   return nWorkers;

Int_t TProofLite::SetupWorkers(Int_t opt, TList *startedWorkers)
   // Start up PROOF workers.

   // Create server socket on the assigned UNIX sock path
   if (!fServSock) fServSock = new TServerSocket(fSockPath);
   if (!fServSock || !fServSock->IsValid()) {
            "unable to create server socket for internal communications");
      return -1;

   // Create a monitor and add the socket to it
   TMonitor *mon = new TMonitor;

   TList started;
   TSlave *wrk = 0;
   Int_t nWrksDone = 0, nWrksTot = -1;
   TString fullord;

   if (opt == 0) {
      nWrksTot = fForkStartup ? 1 : fNWorkers;
      // Now we create the worker applications which will call us back to finalize
      // the setup
      Int_t ord = 0;
      for (; ord < nWrksTot; ord++) {

         // Ordinal for this worker server
         fullord = Form("0.%d", ord);

         // Create environment files

         // Create worker server and add to the list
         if ((wrk = CreateSlave("lite", fullord, 100, fImage, fWorkDir)))

         // Notify
         NotifyStartUp("Opening connections to workers", ++nWrksDone, nWrksTot);

      } //end of worker loop
   } else {
      if (!fForkStartup) {
         Warning("SetupWorkers", "standard startup: workers already started");
         return -1;
      nWrksTot = fNWorkers - 1;
      // Now we create the worker applications which will call us back to finalize
      // the setup
      TString clones;
      Int_t ord = 0;
      for (; ord < nWrksTot; ord++) {

         // Ordinal for this worker server
         fullord.Form("0.%d", ord + 1);
         if (!clones.IsNull()) clones += " ";
         clones += fullord;

         // Create worker server and add to the list
         if ((wrk = CreateSlave("lite", fullord, -1, fImage, fWorkDir)))

         // Notify
         NotifyStartUp("Opening connections to workers", ++nWrksDone, nWrksTot);

      } //end of worker loop

      // Send the request
      TMessage m(kPROOF_FORK);
      m << clones;
      Broadcast(m, kActive);

   // Wait for call backs
   nWrksDone = 0;
   nWrksTot = started.GetSize();
   Int_t nSelects = 0;
   Int_t to = gEnv->GetValue("ProofLite.StartupTimeOut", 5) * 1000;
   while (started.GetSize() > 0 && nSelects < nWrksTot) {

      // Wait for activity on the socket for max 5 secs
      TSocket *xs = mon->Select(to);

      // Count attempts and check
      if (xs == (TSocket *) -1) continue;

      // Get the connection
      TSocket *s = fServSock->Accept();
      if (s && s->IsValid()) {
         // Receive ordinal
         TMessage *msg = 0;
         if (msg) {
            TString ord;
            *msg >> ord;
            // Find who is calling back
            if ((wrk = (TSlave *) started.FindObject(ord))) {
               // Remove it from the started list

               // Assign tis socket the selected worker
               // Remove socket from global TROOT socket list. Only the TProof object,
               // representing all worker sockets, will be added to this list. This will
               // ensure the correct termination of all proof servers in case the
               // root session terminates.
               {  R__LOCKGUARD2(gROOTMutex);
               if (wrk->IsValid()) {
                  // Set the input handler
                  wrk->SetInputHandler(new TProofInputHandler(this, wrk->GetSocket()));
                  // Set fParallel to 1 for workers since they do not
                  // report their fParallel with a LOG_DONE message
                  wrk->fParallel = 1;
                  // Finalize setup of the server
                  wrk->SetupServ(TSlave::kSlave, 0);

               // Monitor good workers
               if (wrk->IsValid()) {
                  if (opt == 1) fActiveSlaves->Add(wrk);
                  // Recod also in the list for termination
                  if (startedWorkers) startedWorkers->Add(wrk);
                  // Notify startup operations
                  NotifyStartUp("Setting up worker servers", ++nWrksDone, nWrksTot);
               } else {
                  // Flag as bad

   // Cleanup the monitor and the server socket
   delete mon;

   // Create Progress dialog, if needed
   if (!gROOT->IsBatch() && !fProgressDialog) {
      if ((fProgressDialog =
         if (fProgressDialog->LoadPlugin() == -1)
            fProgressDialog = 0;

   if (opt == 1) {
      // Collect replies
      // Update group view
      // By default go into parallel mode
      SetParallel(9999, 0);
   // Done
   return 0;

void TProofLite::NotifyStartUp(const char *action, Int_t done, Int_t tot)
   // Notify setting-up operation message

   Int_t frac = (Int_t) (done*100.)/tot;
   char msg[512] = {0};
   if (frac >= 100) {
      sprintf(msg, "%s: OK (%d workers)                 \n",
                   action, tot);
   } else {
      sprintf(msg, "%s: %d out of %d (%d %%)\r",
                   action, done, tot, frac);
   fprintf(stderr,"%s", msg);

Int_t TProofLite::SetProofServEnv(const char *ord)
   // Create environment files for worker 'ord'

   // Check input
   if (!ord || strlen(ord) <= 0) {
      Error("SetProofServEnv", "ordinal string undefined");
      return -1;

   // ROOT env file
   TString rcfile(Form("%s/worker-%s.rootrc", fWorkDir.Data(), ord));
   FILE *frc = fopen(rcfile.Data(), "w");
   if (!frc) {
      Error("SetProofServEnv", "cannot open rc file %s", rcfile.Data());
      return -1;

   // The session working dir depends on the role
   fprintf(frc,"# The session working dir\n");
   fprintf(frc,"ProofServ.SessionDir: %s/worker-%s\n", fWorkDir.Data(), ord);

   // Log / Debug level
   fprintf(frc,"# Proof Log/Debug level\n");
   fprintf(frc,"Proof.DebugLevel: %d\n", gDebug);

   // Ordinal number
   fprintf(frc,"# Ordinal number\n");
   fprintf(frc,"ProofServ.Ordinal: %s\n", ord);

   // ROOT Version tag
   fprintf(frc,"# ROOT Version tag\n");
   fprintf(frc,"ProofServ.RootVersionTag: %s\n", gROOT->GetVersion());

   // Work dir
   TString sandbox = gEnv->GetValue("ProofLite.Sandbox", Form("%s/%s",
                                     gSystem->WorkingDirectory(), kPROOF_WorkDir));
   fprintf(frc,"# Users sandbox\n");
   fprintf(frc, "ProofServ.Sandbox: %s\n", sandbox.Data());

   // Cache dir
   fprintf(frc,"# Users cache\n");
   fprintf(frc, "ProofServ.CacheDir: %s\n", fCacheDir.Data());

   // Package dir
   fprintf(frc,"# Users packages\n");
   fprintf(frc, "ProofServ.PackageDir: %s\n", fPackageDir.Data());

   // Image
   fprintf(frc,"# Server image\n");
   fprintf(frc, "ProofServ.Image: %s\n", fImage.Data());

   // Set Open socket
   fprintf(frc,"# Open socket\n");
   fprintf(frc, "ProofServ.OpenSock: %s\n", fSockPath.Data());

   // Client Protocol
   fprintf(frc,"# Client Protocol\n");
   fprintf(frc, "ProofServ.ClientVersion: %d\n", kPROOF_Protocol);

   // ROOT env file created

   // System env file
   TString envfile(Form("%s/worker-%s.env", fWorkDir.Data(), ord));
   FILE *fenv = fopen(envfile.Data(), "w");
   if (!fenv) {
      Error("SetProofServEnv", "cannot open env file %s", envfile.Data());
      return -1;
   fprintf(fenv, "ROOTSYS=%s\n", gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS"));
   // Conf dir
   fprintf(fenv, "ROOTCONFDIR=%s\n", gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS"));
   // TMPDIR
   fprintf(fenv, "TMPDIR=%s\n", gSystem->TempDirectory());
   // Log file in the log dir
   TString logfile(Form("%s/worker-%s.log", fWorkDir.Data(), ord));
   fprintf(fenv, "ROOTPROOFLOGFILE=%s\n", logfile.Data());
   // RC file
   fprintf(fenv, "ROOTRCFILE=%s\n", rcfile.Data());
   // ROOT version tag (needed in building packages)
   fprintf(fenv, "ROOTVERSIONTAG=%s\n", gROOT->GetVersion());
   // Set the user envs
   if (fgProofEnvList) {
      TString namelist;
      TIter nxenv(fgProofEnvList);
      TNamed *env = 0;
      while ((env = (TNamed *)nxenv())) {
         fprintf(fenv, "%s=%s\n", env->GetName(), env->GetTitle());
         if (namelist.Length() > 0)
            namelist += ',';
         namelist += env->GetName();
      fprintf(fenv, "PROOF_ALLVARS=%s\n", namelist.Data());

   // System env file created

   // Done
   return 0;

Int_t TProofLite::CreateSandbox()
   // Create the sandbox for this session

   // Make sure the sandbox area exist and is writable
   TString sandbox = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.Sandbox", "");
   if (sandbox.IsNull()) {
      sandbox.Form("~/%s", kPROOF_WorkDir);
   if (AssertPath(sandbox, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;

   // Package Dir
   fPackageDir = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.PackageDir", "");
   if (fPackageDir.IsNull())
      fPackageDir.Form("%s/%s", sandbox.Data(), kPROOF_PackDir);
   if (AssertPath(fPackageDir, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;

   // Cache Dir
   fCacheDir = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.CacheDir", "");
   if (fCacheDir.IsNull())
      fCacheDir.Form("%s/%s", sandbox.Data(), kPROOF_CacheDir);
   if (AssertPath(fCacheDir, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;

   // Data Set Dir
   fDataSetDir = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.DataSetDir", "");
   if (fDataSetDir.IsNull())
      fDataSetDir.Form("%s/%s", sandbox.Data(), kPROOF_DataSetDir);
   if (AssertPath(fDataSetDir, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;

   // Session unique tag (name of this TProof instance)
   TString stag;
   stag.Form("%s-%d-%d", gSystem->HostName(), (int)time(0), gSystem->GetPid());

   // Subpath for this session in the sandbox (<sandbox>/path-to-working-dir)
   TString sessdir(gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
   sessdir.Insert(0, sandbox.Data());

   // Session working and queries dir
   fWorkDir.Form("%s/session-%s", sessdir.Data(), stag.Data());
   if (AssertPath(fWorkDir, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;

   // Create symlink to the last session
   TString lastsess;
   lastsess.Form("%s/last-lite-session", sessdir.Data());
   gSystem->Symlink(fWorkDir, lastsess);

   // Queries Dir: local to the working dir, unless required differently
   fQueryDir = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.QueryDir", "");
   if (fQueryDir.IsNull())
      fQueryDir.Form("%s/%s", sessdir.Data(), kPROOF_QueryDir);
   if (AssertPath(fQueryDir, kTRUE) != 0) return -1;

   // Cleanup old sessions dirs

   // Done
   return 0;

void TProofLite::Print(Option_t *option) const
   // Print status of PROOF-Lite cluster.

   if (IsParallel())
      Printf("*** PROOF-Lite cluster (parallel mode, %d workers):", GetParallel());
      Printf("*** PROOF-Lite cluster (sequential mode)");

   Printf("Host name:                  %s", gSystem->HostName());
   Printf("User:                       %s", GetUser());
   TString ver(gROOT->GetVersion());
   if (gROOT->GetSvnRevision() > 0)
      ver += Form("|r%d", gROOT->GetSvnRevision());
   if (gSystem->Getenv("ROOTVERSIONTAG"))
      ver += Form("|%s", gSystem->Getenv("ROOTVERSIONTAG"));
   Printf("ROOT version|rev|tag:       %s", ver.Data());
   Printf("Architecture-Compiler:      %s-%s", gSystem->GetBuildArch(),
   Printf("Protocol version:           %d", GetClientProtocol());
   Printf("Working directory:          %s", gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
   Printf("Communication path:         %s", fSockPath.Data());
   Printf("Log level:                  %d", GetLogLevel());
   Printf("Number of workers:          %d", GetNumberOfSlaves());
   Printf("Number of active workers:   %d", GetNumberOfActiveSlaves());
   Printf("Number of unique workers:   %d", GetNumberOfUniqueSlaves());
   Printf("Number of inactive workers: %d", GetNumberOfInactiveSlaves());
   Printf("Number of bad workers:      %d", GetNumberOfBadSlaves());
   Printf("Total MB's processed:       %.2f", float(GetBytesRead())/(1024*1024));
   Printf("Total real time used (s):   %.3f", GetRealTime());
   Printf("Total CPU time used (s):    %.3f", GetCpuTime());
   if (TString(option).Contains("a", TString::kIgnoreCase) && GetNumberOfSlaves()) {
      Printf("List of workers:");
      TIter nextslave(fSlaves);
      while (TSlave* sl = dynamic_cast<TSlave*>(nextslave())) {
         if (sl->IsValid())

TProofQueryResult *TProofLite::MakeQueryResult(Long64_t nent, const char *opt,
                                               Long64_t fst, TDSet *dset,
                                               const char *selec)
   // Create a TProofQueryResult instance for this query.

   // Increment sequential number
   if (fQMgr) fQMgr->IncrementSeqNum();

   // Create the instance and add it to the list
   TProofQueryResult *pqr = new TProofQueryResult(fQMgr->SeqNum(), opt,
                                                  fPlayer->GetInputList(), nent,
                                                  fst, dset, selec,
                                                  (dset ? dset->GetEntryList() : 0));
   // Title is the session identifier

   return pqr;

void TProofLite::SetQueryRunning(TProofQueryResult *pq)
   // Set query in running state.

   // Record current position in the log file at start
   Int_t startlog = lseek(fileno(fLogFileW), (off_t) 0, SEEK_END);

   // Add some header to logs
   Printf(" ");
   Info("SetQueryRunning", "starting query: %d", pq->GetSeqNum());

   // Build the list of loaded PAR packages
   TString parlist = "";
   TIter nxp(fEnabledPackagesOnClient);
   TObjString *os= 0;
   while ((os = (TObjString *)nxp())) {
      if (parlist.Length() <= 0)
         parlist = os->GetName();
         parlist += Form(";%s",os->GetName());

   // Set in running state
   pq->SetRunning(startlog, parlist);

   // Bytes and CPU at start (we will calculate the differential at end)
   pq->SetProcessInfo(pq->GetEntries(), GetCpuTime(), GetBytesRead());

TList *TProofLite::GetDataSet(const char *name)
   // Utility function used in various methods for user dataset upload.

   TString fileListPath;
   if (strchr(name, '~') == name) {
      char *nameCopy = new char[strlen(name)];
      strcpy(nameCopy, name + 1);
      char *userName = strtok(nameCopy, "/");
      if (strcmp(strtok(0, "/"), "public"))
         return 0;
      fileListPath = fWorkDir + "/../" + userName + "/"
                     + kPROOF_DataSetDir + "/public/";
      delete[] nameCopy;
   } else if (strchr(name, '/') && strstr(name, "public") != name) {
      Printf("Dataset name should be of form [[~user/]public/]dataset");
      return 0;
   } else
      fileListPath = fDataSetDir + "/" + name + ".root";
   TList *fileList = 0;
   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(fileListPath.Data(), kFileExists) == kFALSE) {
      TFile *f = TFile::Open(fileListPath);
      fileList = (TList *) f->Get("fileList");
      delete f;
      if (strchr(name, '~') == name)  // not when allocated with Form
         delete[] fileListPath;
   return fileList;

Long64_t TProofLite::DrawSelect(TDSet *dset, const char *varexp,
                                const char *selection, Option_t *option,
                                Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first)
   // Execute the specified drawing action on a data set (TDSet).
   // Event- or Entry-lists should be set in the data set object using
   // TDSet::SetEntryList.
   // Returns -1 in case of error or number of selected events otherwise.

   if (!IsValid()) return -1;

   // Make sure that asynchronous processing is not active
   if (!IsIdle()) {
      Info("DrawSelect","not idle, asynchronous Draw not supported");
      return -1;
   TString opt(option);
   Int_t idx = opt.Index("ASYN", 0, TString::kIgnoreCase);
   if (idx != kNPOS)

   // Prepare the description string
   TString q;
   q.Form("draw|%s|%s", varexp, selection);

   return Process(dset, q.Data(), opt, nentries, first);

Long64_t TProofLite::Process(TDSet *dset, const char *selector, Option_t *option,
                             Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first)
   // Process a data set (TDSet) using the specified selector (.C) file.
   // Entry- or event-lists should be set in the data set object using
   // TDSet::SetEntryList.
   // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in
   // in case of success.

   // For the time being cannot accept other queries if not idle, even if in async
   // mode; needs to set up an event handler to manage that

   // Resolve query mode
   fSync = (GetQueryMode(option) == kSync);
   if (!fSync) {
      Info("Process","asynchronous mode not yet supported in PROOF-Lite");
      return -1;

   if (!IsIdle()) {
      // Notify submission
      Info("Process", "not idle: cannot accept queries");
      return -1;

   // Cleanup old temporary datasets
   if (IsIdle() && fRunningDSets && fRunningDSets->GetSize() > 0) {

   if (!IsValid() || !fQMgr) {
      Error("Process", "invalid sesion or query-result manager undefined!");
      return -1;

   // Make sure that all enabled workers get some work, unless stated
   // differently 
   if (!fPlayer->GetInputList()->FindObject("PROOF_MaxSlavesPerNode"))
      SetParameter("PROOF_MaxSlavesPerNode", (Long_t)fNWorkers);

   Bool_t hasNoData = (dset->TestBit(TDSet::kEmpty)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   // If just a name was given to identify the dataset, retrieve it from the
   // local files
   // Make sure the dataset contains the information needed
   if ((!hasNoData) && dset->GetListOfElements()->GetSize() == 0) {
      TString emsg;
      if (TProof::AssertDataSet(dset, fPlayer->GetInputList(), fDataSetManager, emsg) != 0) {
         Error("Process", "from AssertDataSet: %s", emsg.Data());
         return -1;
      if (dset->GetListOfElements()->GetSize() == 0) {
         Error("Process", "no files to process!");
         return -1;

   TString selec(selector), varexp, selection, objname;
   // If a draw query, extract the relevant info
   if (selec.BeginsWith("draw|")) {
      TString ss(selector), s;
      Ssiz_t from = 0;
      ss.Tokenize(s, from, "|");
      // The expression is mandatory
      if (!ss.Tokenize(varexp, from, "|")) {
         Error("Process", "draw query: badly formed expression: %s", selector);
         return -1;
      // Check if a section is present
      ss.Tokenize(selection, from, "|");
      // Decode not the expression
      if (fPlayer->GetDrawArgs(varexp, selection, option, selec, objname) != 0) {
         Error("Process", "draw query: error parsing arguments %s, %s, %s",
                          varexp.Data(), selection.Data(), option);
         return -1;

   // Create instance of query results (the data set is added after Process)
   TProofQueryResult *pq = MakeQueryResult(nentries, option, first, 0, selec);

   // If not a draw action add the query to the main list
   if (!(pq->IsDraw())) {
      if (fQMgr->Queries()) fQMgr->Queries()->Add(pq);
      // Also save it to queries dir

   // Set the query number
   fSeqNum = pq->GetSeqNum();

   // Set in running state

   // Save to queries dir, if not standard draw
   if (!(pq->IsDraw()))

   // Start or reset the progress dialog
   if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) {
      Int_t dsz = dset->GetListOfElements()->GetSize();
      if (fProgressDialog && !TestBit(kUsingSessionGui)) {
         if (!fProgressDialogStarted) {
            fProgressDialog->ExecPlugin(5, this, selec.Data(), dsz,
                                           first, nentries);
            fProgressDialogStarted = kTRUE;
         } else {
            ResetProgressDialog(selec.Data(), dsz, first, nentries);

   // Add query results to the player lists
   if (!(pq->IsDraw()))

   // Set query currently processed

   // Make sure the unique query tag is available as TNamed object in the
   // input list so that it can be used in TSelectors for monitoring
   TNamed *qtag = (TNamed *) fPlayer->GetInputList()->FindObject("PROOF_QueryTag");
   if (qtag) {
   } else {
      fPlayer->AddInput(new TNamed("PROOF_QueryTag",

   // Set PROOF to running state

   // deactivate the default application interrupt handler
   // ctrl-c's will be forwarded to PROOF to stop the processing
   TSignalHandler *sh = 0;
   if (fSync) {
      if (gApplication)
         sh = gSystem->RemoveSignalHandler(gApplication->GetSignalHandler());

   // Start the additional workers now if using fork-based startup
   TList *startedWorkers = 0;
   if (fForkStartup) {
      startedWorkers = new TList;
      SetupWorkers(1, startedWorkers);

   Long64_t rv = 0;
   if (!(pq->IsDraw())) {
      rv = fPlayer->Process(dset, selec, option, nentries, first);
   } else {
      rv = fPlayer->DrawSelect(dset, varexp, selection, option, nentries, first);

   if (fSync) {

      // Terminate additional workers if using fork-based startup
      if (fForkStartup && startedWorkers) {

      // reactivate the default application interrupt handler
      if (sh)

      // Return number of events processed
      if (fPlayer->GetExitStatus() != TVirtualProofPlayer::kFinished) {
         Bool_t abort = (fPlayer->GetExitStatus() == TVirtualProofPlayer::kAborted)
                     ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
         if (abort) fPlayer->StopProcess(kTRUE);
         Emit("StopProcess(Bool_t)", abort);

      // In PROOFLite this has to be done once only in TProofLite::Process 
      pq->SetOutputList(fPlayer->GetOutputList(), kFALSE);
      // If the last object, notify the GUI that the result arrived
      QueryResultReady(Form("%s:%s", pq->GetTitle(), pq->GetName()));
      // Processing is over

      // Save the data set into the TQueryResult (should be done after Process to avoid
      // improper deletion during collection)
      if (dset && pq->GetInputList()) {
         if (dset->GetEntryList())

      // Complete filling of the TQueryResult instance
      if (!(pq->IsDraw())) {
         if (fQMgr->FinalizeQuery(pq, this, fPlayer)) {
            // Automatic saving is controlled by ProofLite.AutoSaveQueries
            if (!strcmp(gEnv->GetValue("ProofLite.AutoSaveQueries", "off"), "on"))
               fQMgr->SaveQuery(pq, -1);

      // Remove aborted queries from the list
      if (fPlayer->GetExitStatus() == TVirtualProofPlayer::kAborted) {
         if (fQMgr) fQMgr->RemoveQuery(pq);
      } else {
         // If the last object, notify the GUI that the result arrived
         QueryResultReady(Form("%s:%s", pq->GetTitle(), pq->GetName()));
         // Keep in memory only light infor about a query
         if (!(pq->IsDraw())) {
            if (fQMgr->Queries()) {
               TQueryResult *pqr = pq->CloneInfo();
               if (pqr)
               // Remove from the fQueries list


   // Done
   return rv;

Int_t TProofLite::CreateSymLinks(TList *files)
   // Create in each worker sandbox symlinks to the files in the list
   // Used to make the caceh information available to workers.

   Int_t rc = 0;
   if (files) {
      TIter nxf(files);
      TObjString *os = 0;
      while ((os = (TObjString *) nxf())) {
         // Expand target
         TString tgt(os->GetName());
         // Loop over active workers
         TIter nxw(fActiveSlaves);
         TSlave *wrk = 0;
         while ((wrk = (TSlave *) nxw())) {
            // Link name
            TString lnk = Form("%s/%s", wrk->GetWorkDir(), gSystem->BaseName(os->GetName()));
            if (gSystem->Symlink(tgt, lnk) != 0) {
               Warning("CreateSymLinks", "problems creating sym link: %s", lnk.Data());
   } else {
      Warning("CreateSymLinks", "files list is undefined");
   // Done
   return rc;

Int_t TProofLite::InitDataSetManager()
   // Initialize the dataset manager from directives or from defaults
   // Return 0 on success, -1 on failure

   fDataSetManager = 0;

   // Default user and group
   TString user("???"), group("default");
   UserGroup_t *pw = gSystem->GetUserInfo();
   if (pw) {
      user = pw->fUser;
      delete pw;

   // Dataset manager instance via plug-in
   TPluginHandler *h = 0;
   TString dsm = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.DataSetManager", "");
   if (!dsm.IsNull()) {
      // Get plugin manager to load the appropriate TProofDataSetManager
      if (gROOT->GetPluginManager()) {
         // Find the appropriate handler
         h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TProofDataSetManager", dsm);
         if (h && h->LoadPlugin() != -1) {
            // make instance of the dataset manager
            fDataSetManager =
               reinterpret_cast<TProofDataSetManager*>(h->ExecPlugin(3, group.Data(),
                                                         user.Data(), dsm.Data()));
   if (fDataSetManager && fDataSetManager->TestBit(TObject::kInvalidObject)) {
      Warning("InitDataSetManager", "dataset manager plug-in initialization failed");

   // If no valid dataset manager has been created we instantiate the default one
   if (!fDataSetManager) {
      TString opts("As:");
      TString dsetdir = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.DataSetDir", "");
      if (dsetdir.IsNull()) {
         // Use the default in the sandbox
         dsetdir = fDataSetDir;
         opts += "Sb:";
      // Find the appropriate handler
      if (!h) {
         h = gROOT->GetPluginManager()->FindHandler("TProofDataSetManager", "file");
         if (h && h->LoadPlugin() == -1) h = 0;
      if (h) {
         // make instance of the dataset manager
         fDataSetManager = reinterpret_cast<TProofDataSetManager*>(h->ExecPlugin(3,
                           group.Data(), user.Data(),
                           Form("dir:%s opt:%s", dsetdir.Data(), opts.Data())));
      if (fDataSetManager && fDataSetManager->TestBit(TObject::kInvalidObject)) {
         Warning("InitDataSetManager", "default dataset manager plug-in initialization failed");

   if (gDebug > 0 && fDataSetManager) {
      Info("InitDataSetManager", "datasetmgr Cq: %d, Ar: %d, Av: %d, As: %d, Sb: %d",

   // Done
   return (fDataSetManager ? 0 : -1);

void TProofLite::ShowCache(Bool_t)
   // List contents of file cache. If all is true show all caches also on
   // slaves. If everything is ok all caches are to be the same.

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   Printf("*** Local file cache %s ***", fCacheDir.Data());
   gSystem->Exec(Form("%s %s", kLS, fCacheDir.Data()));

void TProofLite::ClearCache(const char *file)
    // Remove files from all file caches.

   if (!IsValid()) return;

   if (!file || strlen(file) <= 0) {
      gSystem->Exec(Form("%s %s/*", kRM, fCacheDir.Data()));
   } else {
      gSystem->Exec(Form("%s %s/%s", kRM, fCacheDir.Data(), file));

Int_t TProofLite::CleanupSandbox()
   // Remove old sessions dirs keep at most 'Proof.MaxOldSessions' (default 10)

   Int_t maxold = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.MaxOldSessions", 10);

   if (maxold < 0) return 0;

   TSortedList *olddirs = new TSortedList(kFALSE);

   TString sandbox = gSystem->DirName(fWorkDir.Data());

   void *dirp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(sandbox);
   if (dirp) {
      const char *e = 0;
      while ((e = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dirp))) {
         if (!strncmp(e, "session-", 8) && !strstr(e, GetName())) {
            TString d(e);
            Int_t i = d.Last('-');
            if (i != kNPOS) d.Remove(i);
            i = d.Last('-');
            if (i != kNPOS) d.Remove(0,i+1);
            TString path = Form("%s/%s", sandbox.Data(), e);
            olddirs->Add(new TNamed(d, path));

   // Clean it up, if required
   Bool_t notify = kTRUE;
   while (olddirs->GetSize() > maxold) {
      if (notify && gDebug > 0)
         Printf("Cleaning sandbox at: %s", sandbox.Data());
      notify = kFALSE;
      TNamed *n = (TNamed *) olddirs->Last();
      if (n) {
         gSystem->Exec(Form("%s %s", kRM, n->GetTitle()));
         delete n;

   // Cleanup
   delete olddirs;

   // Done
   return 0;

TList *TProofLite::GetListOfQueries(Option_t *opt)
   // Get the list of queries.

   Bool_t all = ((strchr(opt,'A') || strchr(opt,'a'))) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   TList *ql = new TList;
   Int_t ntot = 0, npre = 0, ndraw= 0;
   if (fQMgr) {
      if (all) {
         // Rescan
         TString qdir = fQueryDir;
         Int_t idx = qdir.Index("session-");
         if (idx != kNPOS)
         // Gather also information about previous queries, if any
         if (fQMgr->PreviousQueries()) {
            TIter nxq(fQMgr->PreviousQueries());
            TProofQueryResult *pqr = 0;
            while ((pqr = (TProofQueryResult *)nxq())) {
               pqr->fSeqNum = ntot;

      npre = ntot;
      if (fQMgr->Queries()) {
         // Add info about queries in this session
         TIter nxq(fQMgr->Queries());
         TProofQueryResult *pqr = 0;
         TQueryResult *pqm = 0;
         while ((pqr = (TProofQueryResult *)nxq())) {
            pqm = pqr->CloneInfo();
            pqm->fSeqNum = ntot;
      // Number of draw queries
      ndraw = fQMgr->DrawQueries();

   fOtherQueries = npre;
   fDrawQueries = ndraw;
   if (fQueries) {
      delete fQueries;
      fQueries = 0;
   fQueries = ql;

   // This should have been filled by now
   return fQueries;

Bool_t TProofLite::RegisterDataSet(const char *uri,
                                   TFileCollection *dataSet, const char* optStr)
   // Register the 'dataSet' on the cluster under the current
   // user, group and the given 'dataSetName'.
   // Fails if a dataset named 'dataSetName' already exists, unless 'optStr'
   // contains 'O', in which case the old dataset is overwritten.
   // If 'optStr' contains 'V' the dataset files are verified (default no
   // verification).
   // Returns kTRUE on success.

   if (!fDataSetManager) {
      Info("RegisterDataSet", "dataset manager not available");
      return kFALSE;

   if (!uri || strlen(uri) <= 0) {
      Info("RegisterDataSet", "specifying a dataset name is mandatory");
      return kFALSE;

   Bool_t result = kTRUE;
   if (fDataSetManager->TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kAllowRegister)) {
      // Check the list
      if (!dataSet || dataSet->GetList()->GetSize() == 0) {
         Error("RegisterDataSet", "can not save an empty list.");
         result = kFALSE;
      // Register the dataset (quota checks are done inside here)
      result = (fDataSetManager->RegisterDataSet(uri, dataSet, optStr) == 0)
             ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   } else {
      Info("RegisterDataSets", "dataset registration not allowed");
      result = kFALSE;

   if (!result)
      Error("RegisterDataSet", "dataset was not saved");

   // Done
   return result;

TMap *TProofLite::GetDataSets(const char *uri, const char *)
   // lists all datasets
   // that match given uri

   if (!fDataSetManager) {
      Info("GetDataSets", "dataset manager not available");
      return (TMap *)0;

   // Get the datasets and return the map
   UInt_t opt = (UInt_t)TProofDataSetManager::kExport;
   return fDataSetManager->GetDataSets(uri, opt);

void TProofLite::ShowDataSets(const char *uri, const char *)
   // Shows datasets in locations that match the uri
   // By default shows the user's datasets and global ones

   if (!fDataSetManager) {
      Info("GetDataSet", "dataset manager not available");

   // Scan the existing datasets and print the content
   UInt_t opt = (UInt_t)TProofDataSetManager::kPrint;
   fDataSetManager->GetDataSets(uri, opt);

TFileCollection *TProofLite::GetDataSet(const char *uri, const char *)
   // Get a list of TFileInfo objects describing the files of the specified
   // dataset.

   if (!fDataSetManager) {
      Info("GetDataSet", "dataset manager not available");
      return (TFileCollection *)0;

   if (!uri || strlen(uri) <= 0) {
      Info("GetDataSet", "specifying a dataset name is mandatory");
      return 0;

   // Return the list
   return fDataSetManager->GetDataSet(uri);

Int_t TProofLite::RemoveDataSet(const char *uri, const char *)
   // Remove the specified dataset from the PROOF cluster.
   // Files are not deleted.

   if (!fDataSetManager) {
      Info("RemoveDataSet", "dataset manager not available");
      return -1;

   if (fDataSetManager->TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kAllowRegister)) {
      if (!fDataSetManager->RemoveDataSet(uri)) {
         // Failure
         return -1;
   } else {
      Info("RemoveDataSet", "dataset creation / removal not allowed");
      return -1;

   // Done
   return 0;

Int_t TProofLite::VerifyDataSet(const char *uri, const char *)
   // Verify if all files in the specified dataset are available.
   // Print a list and return the number of missing files.

   if (!fDataSetManager) {
      Info("VerifyDataSet", "dataset manager not available");
      return -1;

   Int_t rc = -1;
   if (fDataSetManager->TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kAllowVerify)) {
      rc = fDataSetManager->ScanDataSet(uri);
   } else {
      Info("VerifyDataSet", "dataset verification not allowed");
      return -1;

   // Done
   return rc;

void TProofLite::SendInputDataFile()
   // Make sure that the input data objects are available to the workers in a
   // dedicated file in the cache; the objects are taken from the dedicated list
   // and / or the specified file.
   // If the fInputData is empty the specified file is sent over.
   // If there is no specified file, a file named "inputdata.root" is created locally
   // with the content of fInputData and sent over to the master.
   // If both fInputData and the specified file are not empty, a copy of the file
   // is made locally and augmented with the content of fInputData.

   // Prepare the file
   TString dataFile;

   // Make sure it is in the cache, if not empty
   if (dataFile.Length() > 0) {

      if (!dataFile.BeginsWith(fCacheDir)) {
         // Destination
         TString dst;
         dst.Form("%s/%s", fCacheDir.Data(), gSystem->BaseName(dataFile));
         // Remove it first if it exists
         if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(dst))
         // Copy the file
         gSystem->CopyFile(dataFile, dst);

      // Set the name in the input list so that the workers can find it
      AddInput(new TNamed("PROOF_InputDataFile", Form("%s", gSystem->BaseName(dataFile))));

Int_t TProofLite::Remove(const char *ref, Bool_t all)
   // Handle remove request.

   PDB(kGlobal, 1)
      Info("Remove", "Enter: %s, %d", ref, all);

   if (all) {
      // Remove also local copies, if any
      if (fPlayer)

   TString queryref(ref);

   if (queryref == "cleanupdir") {

      // Cleanup previous sessions results
      Int_t nd = (fQMgr) ? fQMgr->CleanupQueriesDir() : -1;

      // Notify
      Info("Remove", "%d directories removed", nd);
      // We are done
      return 0;

   if (fQMgr) {
      TProofLockPath *lck = 0;
      if (fQMgr->LockSession(queryref, &lck) == 0) {

         // Remove query
         fQMgr->RemoveQuery(queryref, 0);

         // Unlock and remove the lock file
         if (lck) {

         // We are done
         return 0;
   } else {
      Warning("Remove", "query result manager undefined!");

   // Notify failure
        "query %s could not be removed (unable to lock session)", queryref.Data());

   // Done
   return -1;

TTree *TProofLite::GetTreeHeader(TDSet *dset)
   // Creates a tree header (a tree with nonexisting files) object for
   // the DataSet.

   TTree *t = 0;
   if (!dset) {
      Error("GetTreeHeader", "undefined TDSet");
      return t;

   TDSetElement *e = dset->Next();
   Long64_t entries = 0;
   TFile *f = 0;
   if (!e) {
      PDB(kGlobal, 1) Info("GetTreeHeader", "empty TDSet");
   } else {
      f = TFile::Open(e->GetFileName());
      t = 0;
      if (f) {
         t = (TTree*) f->Get(e->GetObjName());
         if (t) {
            entries = t->GetEntries();

            // compute #entries in all the files
            while ((e = dset->Next()) != 0) {
               TFile *f1 = TFile::Open(e->GetFileName());
               if (f1) {
                  TTree *t1 = (TTree*) f1->Get(e->GetObjName());
                  if (t1) {
                     entries += t1->GetEntries();
                     delete t1;
                  delete f1;
            t->SetMaxEntryLoop(entries);   // this field will hold the total number of entries ;)
   // Done
   return t;

Last change: Mon Nov 24 08:19:57 2008
Last generated: 2008-11-24 08:19

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