#ifndef ROOT_TProofProgressStatus
#define ROOT_TProofProgressStatus
#ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include "TObject.h"
class TProofProgressStatus : public TObject {
Long64_t fEntries;
Long64_t fBytesRead;
Double_t fProcTime;
Double_t fCPUTime;
TProofProgressStatus(Long64_t fEntries = 0, Long64_t fBytesRead = 0,
Double_t fProcTime = 0, Double_t fCPUTime = 0);
void Reset() { fEntries = 0,
fBytesRead = 0, fProcTime = 0, fCPUTime = 0; }
Long64_t GetEntries() const { return fEntries; }
Long64_t GetBytesRead() const { return fBytesRead; }
Double_t GetProcTime() const { return fProcTime; }
Double_t GetCPUTime() const { return fCPUTime; }
Double_t GetRate() const { return fProcTime?fEntries/fProcTime:0; }
void SetEntries(Long64_t entries) { fEntries = entries; }
void IncEntries(Long64_t entries = 1) { fEntries += entries; }
void IncBytesRead(Long64_t bytesRead) { fBytesRead += bytesRead; }
void SetBytesRead(Long64_t bytesRead) { fBytesRead = bytesRead; }
void SetProcTime(Double_t procTime) { fProcTime = procTime; }
void IncProcTime(Double_t procTime) { fProcTime += procTime; }
void SetCPUTime(Double_t procTime) { fCPUTime = procTime; }
void IncCPUTime(Double_t procTime) { fCPUTime += procTime; }
void Print(Option_t* option = "") const;
TProofProgressStatus operator-(TProofProgressStatus &st);
TProofProgressStatus &operator+=(const TProofProgressStatus &st);
TProofProgressStatus &operator-=(const TProofProgressStatus &st);
Last change: Wed Oct 15 17:13:59 2008
Last generated: 2008-10-15 17:13
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