#ifndef ROOT_TProofQueryResult
#define ROOT_TProofQueryResult
#ifndef ROOT_TQueryResult
#include "TQueryResult.h"
class TDSet;
class TProofServ;
class TProofQueryResult : public TQueryResult {
friend class TProofServ;
Int_t fStartLog;
TProofQueryResult(Int_t seqnum, const char *opt, TList *inlist,
Long64_t entries, Long64_t first, TDSet *dset,
const char *selec, TObject *elist = 0);
void SetFinalized() { TQueryResult::SetFinalized(); }
void SetRunning(Int_t startlog, const char *par);
TProofQueryResult() : TQueryResult(), fStartLog(-1) { }
virtual ~TProofQueryResult() { }
Last change: Tue Oct 7 11:41:42 2008
Last generated: 2008-10-07 11:41
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