#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TColor.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TLine.h"
#include "TEllipse.h"
#include "TPad.h"
#include "TBox.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TGaxis.h"
#include "THLimitsFinder.h"
#include "TSpectrum2Painter.h"
ClassImp (TSpectrum2Painter)
TSpectrum2Painter::TSpectrum2Painter(TH2* h2)
: TNamed ("Spectrum Painter2","Miroslav Morhac Painter")
int i, j;
double val;
gPad->Range(0, 0, 1 ,1);
fXmin = 0;
fXmax = h2->GetNbinsX() - 1;
fYmin = 0;
fYmax = h2->GetNbinsY() - 1;
fZmin = 0, fZmax = 0;
for (i = 0;i <= fXmax; i++) {
for (j = 0;j <= fYmax; j++) {
val = h2->GetBinContent(i + 1,j + 1);
if (val > fZmax) fZmax = val;
fBx1 = gPad->XtoPixel(0.1);
fBx2 = gPad->XtoPixel(0.99);
fBy1 = gPad->YtoPixel(0.99);
fBy2 = gPad->YtoPixel(0.05);
fModeGroup = kModeGroupLightHeight;
fDisplayMode = kDisplayModeSurface;
fZscale = kZScaleLinear;
fNodesx = fXmax-fXmin+1;
fNodesy = fYmax-fYmin+1;
fContWidth = 50;
fAlpha = 20;
fBeta = 60;
fViewAngle = 0;
fLevels = 256;
fRainbow1Step = 1;
fRainbow2Step = 1;
fRainbow3Step = 1;
fColorAlg = kColorAlgRgbSmooth;
fLHweight = 0.5;
fXlight = 1000;
fYlight = 1000;
fZlight = 1000;
fShadow = kShadowsNotPainted;
fShading = kShaded;
fBezier = kNoBezierInterpol;
fPenColor = kBlack;
fPenWidth = 1;
fPenDash = kPenStyleSolid;
fChanmarkEnDis = kChannelMarksNotDrawn;
fChanmarkColor = kBlue;
fChanmarkWidth = 8;
fChanmarkHeight = 8;
fChanmarkStyle = kChannelMarksStyleDot;
fChanlineEnDis = kChannelGridNotDrawn;
fChanlineColor = kRed;
fEnvelope = new Short_t [kMaximumXScreenResolution];
fEnvelopeContour = new Short_t [kMaximumXScreenResolution];
for (i=0;i<kMaximumXScreenResolution;i++) {
fEnvelope[i] = fBy2;
fEnvelopeContour[i] = fBy2;
fH2 = h2;
TColor* col;
for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
col = gROOT->GetColor(250+i);
if (col) delete col;
void TSpectrum2Painter::Transform(Int_t it,Int_t jt,Int_t zmt)
Int_t lxt,lyt,ix,iy;
Double_t zf = 0;
Double_t p1,p2;
p1 = fXmin+fKx*(Double_t)it;
p2 = fYmin+fKy*(Double_t)jt;
ix = (Int_t)p1;
iy = (Int_t)p2;
fDxspline = p1;
fDyspline = p2;
if ((zmt==0)||(zmt==-3)||(zmt==-4)) {
zf = fH2->GetBinContent(ix+1,iy+1);
} else if (zmt==-2) zf = fZPresetValue;
if (zf<fZmin) zf = fZmin;
fZeq = zf;
switch (fZscale) {
case kZScaleLog:
if (zf>=1.0) zf = log(zf);
else zf = 0;
case kZScaleSqrt:
if (zf>0) zf = sqrt(zf);
else zf = 0;
lxt = (Int_t)(fTxx*(Double_t)it+fTxy*(Double_t)jt+fVx);
lyt = (Int_t)(fTyx*(Double_t)it+fTyy*(Double_t)jt+fTyz*zf+fVy);
if (lxt<fBx1) lxt = fBx1;
if (lxt>fBx2) lxt = fBx2;
if (lyt<fBy1) lyt = fBy1;
if (lyt>fBy2) lyt = fBy2;
fXt = lxt;
fYt = lyt;
fZ = zf;
Double_t TSpectrum2Painter::ColorCalculation(
Double_t dx1, Double_t dy1, Double_t z1,
Double_t dx2, Double_t dy2, Double_t z2,
Double_t dx3, Double_t dy3, Double_t z3)
Double_t da,db,dc=0,dd,dl,dm,dn,xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,v=0,v1;
Double_t pi=3.1415927;
Int_t i;
switch (fZscale) {
case kZScaleLog:
if (z1>900) z1 = 900;
z1 = exp(z1);
if (z2>900) z2 = 900;
z2 = exp(z2);
if (z3>900) z3 = 900;
z3 = exp(z3);
case kZScaleSqrt:
z1 = z1*z1;
z2 = z2*z2;
z3 = z3*z3;
i = fViewAngle;
i = i/90;
if ((i==1)||(i==3)) {
da = dx1;
dx1 = dx2;
dx2 = da;
da = dy1;
dy1 = dy2;
dy2 = da;
da = z1;
z1 = z2;
z2 = da;
xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
ztaz = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupLight) {
dn = (Double_t)fZlight-ztaz;
dm = (Double_t)fYlight-ytaz;
dl = (Double_t)fXlight-xtaz;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = (da*da+db*db+dc*dc)*(dl*dl+dm*dm+dn*dn);
dd = sqrt(dd);
if (dd!=0) v = (da*dl+db*dm+dc*dn)/dd;
else v = 0;
if (v<-1) v=-1;
if (v>1) v=1;
v = asin(v);
v = v+pi/2;
v = v/pi;
} else if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupHeight) {
da = fZmax-fZmin;
if (ztaz<fZmin) ztaz=fZmin;
if (ztaz>=fZmax) ztaz=fZmax-1;
db = ztaz-fZmin;
if (da!=0) {
switch (fZscale) {
case kZScaleLinear:
dc = db/da;
case kZScaleLog:
if (da>=1) da=log(da);
if (db>=1) db=log(db);
if (da!=0) dc=db/da;
else dc=0;
case kZScaleSqrt:
da = sqrt(da);
db = sqrt(db);
dc = db/da;
} else {
i = (Int_t)dc;
v = dc-i;
} else if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupLightHeight) {
dn = (Double_t)fZlight-ztaz;
dm = (Double_t)fYlight-ytaz;
dl = (Double_t)fXlight-xtaz;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = (da*da+db*db+dc*dc)*(dl*dl+dm*dm+dn*dn);
dd = sqrt(dd);
if (dd!=0) v = (da*dl+db*dm+dc*dn)/dd;
else v = 0;
if (v<-1) v=-1;
if (v>1) v=1;
v = asin(v);
v = v+pi/2;
v = v/pi;
da = fZmax-fZmin;
if (ztaz<fZmin) ztaz = fZmin;
if (ztaz>=fZmax) ztaz = fZmax-1;
db = ztaz-fZmin;
if (da!=0) {
switch (fZscale) {
case kZScaleLinear:
dc = db/da;
case kZScaleLog:
if (da>=1) da = log(da);
if (db>=1) db = log(db);
if (da!=0) dc = db/da;
else dc = 0;
case kZScaleSqrt:
da = sqrt(da);
db = sqrt(db);
dc = db/da;
} else {
dc = 0;
i = (Int_t)dc;
v1 = dc-i;
v = fLHweight*v+(1-fLHweight)*v1;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
da = 1.0/(Double_t)fLevels;
if (v<da) v = da;
} else {
da = 2.0/(Double_t)fLevels;
if (v<da) v = da;
Double_t TSpectrum2Painter::ShadowColorCalculation(Double_t xtaz, Double_t ytaz,
Double_t ztaz,
Double_t shad_noise)
Int_t sx2,sy2,sz1,sz2,skrokx,skroky,xmax,ymax;
Double_t sx1,sy1;
Double_t pom1,pom2,sdx1=0,sdx2=0,sdy1,sdy2,spriz;
switch (fZscale) {
case kZScaleLog:
if (ztaz>900) ztaz = 900;
ztaz = exp(ztaz);
if (ztaz>32767) ztaz = 32767;
case kZScaleSqrt:
ztaz = ztaz*ztaz;
spriz = 0;
sx1 = xtaz;
sy1 = ytaz;
sz1 = (Int_t)ztaz;
sx2 = fXlight;
sy2 = fYlight;
sz2 = fZlight;
xmax = fXmax;
ymax = fYmax;
if (sx1!=sx2) {
if (sx1<sx2) skrokx = 1;
else skrokx = -1;
if (sy1<sy2) skroky = 1;
else skroky = -1;
pom1 = sx2-sx1;
pom2 = sy2-sy1;
if (TMath::Abs(pom1)>0.0000001) sdx1 = pom2/pom1;
pom1 = sx1;
pom2 = sy1;
sdy1 = pom2-sdx1*pom1;
pom1 = sx2-sx1;
pom2 = sz2-sz1;
if (TMath::Abs(pom1)>0.0000001) sdx2 = pom2/pom1;
pom1 = sx1;
pom2 = sz1;
sdy2 = pom2-sdx2*pom1;
spriz = 0;
pom1 = sx1;
pom2 = pom1*sdx1+sdy1;
sy1 = pom2;
for (;(sx1>(fXmin-skrokx)) && (sx1<(xmax-skrokx)) &&
(sy1>(fYmin-skroky)) && (sy1<(ymax-skroky)) &&
(spriz==0);sx1+=skrokx) {
pom1 = sx1;
pom2 = pom1*sdx1+sdy1;
sy1 = pom2+skroky;
if ((sy1>=fYmin)&&(sy1<=fYmax)) {
sz1 = (Int_t)(fH2->GetBinContent((Int_t)sx1+1,(Int_t)sy1+1));
pom2 = pom1*sdx2+sdy2;
sz2 = (Int_t)(pom2+shad_noise);
if (sz1>sz2) spriz = 1;
} else if (sy1!=sy2) {
if (sy1<sy2) skroky = 1;
else skroky = -1;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sz2-sz1;
if (TMath::Abs(pom1)>0.0000001) sdx2 = pom2/pom1;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sz1;
sdy2 = pom2-sdx2*pom1;
spriz = 0;
for (;(sy1>(fYmin-skroky)) && (sy1<(ymax-skroky)) &&
(spriz==0);sy1+=skroky) {
sz1 = (Int_t)(fH2->GetBinContent((Int_t)sx1+1,(Int_t)sy1+1));
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = pom1*sdx2+sdy2;
sz2 = (Int_t)(pom2+shad_noise);
if (sz1>sz2) spriz=1;
void TSpectrum2Painter::ColorModel(unsigned ui, unsigned ui1, unsigned ui2,
unsigned ui3)
unsigned uinc1=0,uinc2=0,uinc3=0,upom,i;
Double_t a,b,c,d,h,v,s,f;
Int_t j,iv=ui;
Double_t red=0,green=0,blue=0;
if (iv<0) iv = 0;
else if (iv>255) iv = 255;
if (gROOT->GetColor(250+iv)) {
fNewColorIndex = 250+iv;
if (fColorAlg%2==0) {
a = fRainbow1Step;
a = ui*a;
a = ui1+a;
uinc1 = (Int_t)a;
upom = uinc1%256;
i = (uinc1-upom)/256;
if ((i%2)==0) uinc1 = upom;
else uinc1 = 255-upom;
b = fRainbow2Step;
b = ui*b;
b = ui2+b;
uinc2 = (Int_t)b;
upom = uinc2%256;
i = (uinc2-upom)/256;
if ((i%2)==0) uinc2 = upom;
else uinc2 = 255-upom;
c = fRainbow3Step;
c = ui*c;
c = ui3+c;
uinc3 = (Int_t)c;
upom = uinc3%256;
i = (uinc3-upom)/256;
if ((i%2)==0) uinc3 = upom;
else uinc3 = 255-upom;
if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgCmySmooth) {
uinc1 = 255-uinc1;
uinc2 = 255-uinc2;
uinc3 = 255-uinc3;
} else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgCieSmooth) {
a = uinc1;
b = uinc2;
c = uinc3;
d = a+b+c;
if (d!=0) {
a = a/d;
b = b/d;
c = c/d;
red = a*255;
green = b*255;
blue = c*255;
uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
} else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgYiqSmooth) {
a = uinc1;
b = uinc2;
c = uinc3;
a = a/256;
b = b/256;
c = c/256;
red = a+0.956*b+0.62*c;
green = a-0.272*b-0.647*c;
blue = a-1.108*b+1.705*c;
if (red>=2) red = red-2;
else if (red>=1) red = 2-red;
if (green<0) green = -green;
if (blue>=2) blue = blue-2;
else if (blue>=1) blue = 2-blue;
else if (blue<-1) blue = 2+blue;
else if (blue<0) blue = -blue;
red = red*255;
green = green*255;
blue = blue*255;
uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
} else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgHvsSmooth) {
h = uinc1;
v = uinc2;
s = uinc3;
h = h/256;
v = v/256;
s = s/256;
if (s==0) {
red = v;
green = v;
blue = v;
} else {
if (h==1.0) h=0;
h = 6.0*h;
j = (Int_t)h;
f = h-j;
a = v*(1-s);
b = v*(1-s*f);
c = v*(1-s*(1-f));
switch (j) {
case 0:
red = v;
green = c;
blue = a;
case 1:
red = b;
green = v;
blue = a;
case 2:
red = a;
green = v;
blue = c;
case 3:
red = a;
green = b;
blue = v;
case 4:
red = c;
green = a;
blue = v;
case 5:
red = v;
green = a;
blue = b;
red = red*255;
green = green*255;
blue = blue*255;
uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
ui = uinc1+uinc2*256+uinc3*65536;
} else if (fColorAlg%2==1) {
a = fRainbow1Step;
a = ui*a;
a = ui1/2+a;
uinc1 = (Int_t)a;
uinc1 = uinc1%256;
b = fRainbow2Step;
b = ui*b;
b = ui2/2+b;
uinc2 = (Int_t)b;
uinc2 = uinc2%256;
c = fRainbow3Step;
c = ui*c;
c = ui3/2+c;
uinc3 = (Int_t)c;
uinc3 = uinc3%256;
if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgCmyModulo) {
uinc1 = 255-uinc1;
uinc2 = 255-uinc2;
uinc3 = 255-uinc3;
} else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgCieModulo) {
a = uinc1;
b = uinc2;
c = uinc3;
d = a+b+c;
if (d!=0) {
a = a/d;
b = b/d;
c = c/d;
red = a*255;
green = b*255;
blue = c*255;
uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
} else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgYiqModulo) {
a = uinc1;
b = uinc2;
c = uinc3;
a = a/256;
b = b/256;
c = c/256;
red = a+0.956*b+0.62*c;
green = a-0.272*b-0.647*c;
blue = a-1.108*b+1.705*c;
if (red>=2) red = red-2;
else if (red>=1) red = red-1;
if (green<0) green = 1+green;
if (blue>=2) blue = blue-2;
else if (blue>=1) blue = blue-1;
else if (blue<-1) blue = 2+blue;
else if (blue<0) blue = 1+blue;
red = red*255;
green = green*255;
blue = blue*255;
uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
} else if (fColorAlg==kColorAlgHvsModulo) {
h = uinc1;
v = uinc2;
s = uinc3;
h = h/256;
v = v/256;
s = s/256;
if (s==0) {
red = v;
green = v;
blue = v;
} else {
if (h==1.0) h = 0;
h = 6.0*h;
j = (Int_t)h;
f = h-j;
a = v*(1-s);
b = v*(1-s*f);
c = v*(1-s*(1-f));
switch (j) {
case 0:
red = v;
green = c;
blue = a;
case 1:
red = b;
green = v;
blue = a;
case 2:
red = a;
green = v;
blue = c;
case 3:
red = a;
green = b;
blue = v;
case 4:
red = c;
green = a;
blue = v;
case 5:
red = v;
green = a;
blue = b;
red = red*255;
green = green*255;
blue = blue*255;
uinc1 = (Int_t)red;
uinc2 = (Int_t)green;
uinc3 = (Int_t)blue;
ui = uinc1+uinc2*256+uinc3*65536;
red = uinc1;
green = uinc2;
blue = uinc3;
red = red/255.0;
green = green/255.0;
blue = blue/255.0;
fNewColor = new TColor(250+iv,red,green,blue);
fNewColorIndex = 250+iv;
Int_t TSpectrum2Painter::BezC(Int_t i)
Int_t j,a;
a = 1;
for (j=i+1;j<=3;j++) a = a*j;
for (j=1;j<=3-i;j++) a = a/j;
return a;
Double_t TSpectrum2Painter::BezierBlend(Int_t i,Double_t bezf)
Int_t j;
Double_t v;
v = BezC(i);
for (j=1;j<=i;j++) v = v*bezf;
for (j=1;j<=3-i;j++) v = v*(1-bezf);
return v;
void TSpectrum2Painter::BezierSmoothing(Double_t bezf)
Int_t i;
Double_t b;
fGbezx = 0;
fGbezy = 0;
for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
b = BezierBlend(i,bezf);
fGbezx += fBzX[i]*b;
fGbezy += fBzY[i]*b;
void TSpectrum2Painter::Envelope(Int_t x1,Int_t y1,Int_t x2,Int_t y2)
Int_t x,y,krok,xold=0,yold=0,prvy,yprv=0;
Double_t fx,fy,fx1,fy1;
if (y1<fBy1) y1 = fBy1;
if (y2<fBy1) y2 = fBy1;
if (x1==x2) {
if ((y1>=fEnvelope[x1]) && (y2>=fEnvelope[x1])) {
if (x1>0) {
if (y1<=fEnvelope[x1-1]||y2<=fEnvelope[x1-1]) {
if (y1>fEnvelope[x1-1]) y1 = fEnvelope[x1-1];
if (y2>fEnvelope[x1-1]) y2 = fEnvelope[x1-1];
fLine = 2;
fXs = x1;
fYs = y1;
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if (x1<fBx2) {
if (y1<=fEnvelope[x1+1]||y2<=fEnvelope[x1+1]) {
if (y1>fEnvelope[x1+1]) y1 = fEnvelope[x1+1];
if (y2>fEnvelope[x1+1]) y2 = fEnvelope[x1+1];
fLine = 2;
fXs = x1;
fYs = y1;
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if ((y1<fEnvelope[x1]) && (y2<fEnvelope[x1])) {
fLine = 2;
fXs = x1;
fYs = y1;
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if (y1<y2) fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
else fEnvelope[x1] = y2;
if (y1<y2) {
fLine = 2;
fXs = x1;
fYs = y1;
fXe = x1;
fYe = fEnvelope[x1];
fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
} else {
fLine = 2;
fXs = x1;
fYs = y2;
fXe = x1;
fYe = fEnvelope[x1];
fEnvelope[x1] = y2;
krok = (x1<x2)? 1:-1;
fLine = 0;
prvy = 0;
x = x1;
y = y1;
if (y<=fEnvelope[x]) {
xold = x;
yold = y;
if (fLine==0) {
fLine = 1;
if (prvy==1) {
if (yprv<=fEnvelope[x]) fYs = yprv;
else fYs = fEnvelope[x];
fXs = x;
} else {
fXs = x;
fYs = y;
if (x!=x2) fEnvelope[x] = y;
} else {
prvy = 1;
yprv = y;
if (fLine==1) {
fLine = 2;
fXe = xold;
fYe = yold;
if (x1==x2) {
if (y1!=y2) y += (y1<y2)? +1:-1;
if (y!=y2) goto l1;
} else {
x += krok;
fy1 = y2-y1;
fx1 = x2-x1;
fx = x-x1;
fy = fy1*fx/fx1;
y = (Int_t)(y1+fy);
if (((x<=x2)&&(x1<x2)) || ((x>=x2)&&(x1>x2))) goto l1;
void TSpectrum2Painter::EnvelopeBars(Int_t x1,Int_t y1,Int_t x2,Int_t y2)
Int_t x,y,krok,xold=0,yold=0,prvy,xprv,yprv=0;
Double_t fx,fy,fx1,fy1;
if (x1==x2) {
if ((y1>=fEnvelope[x1]) && (y2>=fEnvelope[x1])) {
fLine = 0;
if ((y1<fEnvelope[x1]) && (y2<fEnvelope[x1])) {
fLine = 2;
fXs = x1;
fYs = y1;
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if (y1<y2) fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
else fEnvelope[x1] = y2;
if (y1<y2) {
fLine = 2;
fXs = x1;
fYs = y1;
fXe = x1;
fYe = fEnvelope[x1];
fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
} else {
fLine = 2;
fXs = x1;
fYs = y2;
fXe = x1;
fYe = fEnvelope[x1];
fEnvelope[x1] = y2;
krok = (x1<x2)? 1:-1;
fLine = 0;
prvy = 0;
x = x1;
y = y1;
if (y<=fEnvelope[x]) {
xold = x;
yold = y;
if (fLine==0) {
fLine = 1;
if (prvy==1) {
xprv = x;
fXs = xprv;
fYs = yprv;
} else {
fXs = x;
fYs = y;
if (x!=x2) fEnvelope[x] = y;
} else {
prvy = 1;
xprv = x;
yprv = y;
if (fLine==1) {
fLine = 2;
fXe = xold;
fYe = yold;
if (x1==x2) {
if (y1!=y2) y+=(y1<y2)? +1:-1;
if (y!=y2) goto l1;
} else {
x += krok;
fy1 = y2-y1;
fx1 = x2-x1;
fx = x-x1;
fy = fy1*fx/fx1;
y = (Int_t)(y1+fy);
if (((x<=x2)&&(x1<x2)) || ((x>=x2)&&(x1>x2))) goto l1;
void TSpectrum2Painter::DrawMarker(Int_t x,Int_t y,Int_t w,Int_t h,Int_t type)
TLine *line=new TLine();
TEllipse *ellipse=new TEllipse();
switch (type) {
case kChannelMarksStyleDot:
case kChannelMarksStyleCross:
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2+1)+1);
case kChannelMarksStyleStar:
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y)+1,
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2+1)+1);
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
case kChannelMarksStyleRectangle:
case kChannelMarksStyleX:
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x-w/2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
case kChannelMarksStyleDiamond:
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1);
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y+h/2)+1,
gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1);
case kChannelMarksStyleTriangle:
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1,
gPad->PixeltoX(x) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y-h/2)+1);
delete line;
delete ellipse;
void TSpectrum2Painter::Slice(Double_t xr, Double_t yr, Double_t xs,
Double_t ys, TLine *line)
Int_t krok,xi,yi,xj,yj,a,b,as,bs,pr,ae,be;
Double_t fx,fy,fx1,fy1;
xi = (Int_t)(fTxx*(xr-fXmin)/fKx+fTxy*(yr-fYmin)/fKy+fVx);
xj = (Int_t)(fTxx*(xs-fXmin)/fKx+fTxy*(ys-fYmin)/fKy+fVx);
yi = (Int_t)(fTyx*(xr-fXmin)/fKx+fTyy*(yr-fYmin)/fKy+fTyz*fZ+fVy);
yj = (Int_t)(fTyx*(xs-fXmin)/fKx+fTyy*(ys-fYmin)/fKy+fTyz*fZ+fVy);
as = xi;
bs = yi;
ae = xj;
be = yj;
a = xi;
b = yi;
pr = 0;
krok = (xi<xj)? 1:-1;
if (b<=fEnvelope[a]) {
fEnvelopeContour[a] = b;
if (pr==0) {
pr = 1;
as = a;
bs = b;
} else {
if (pr==1) {
pr = 2;
ae = a;
be = b;
if (xi==xj) {
if (yi!=yj) b += (yi<yj)? +1:-1;
if (b!=yj) goto l1;
} else {
a += krok;
fy1 = yj-yi;
fx1 = xj-xi;
fx = a-xi;
fy = fy1*fx/fx1;
b = (Int_t)(yi+fy);
if (a!=xj) goto l1;
if (pr!=0) {
if (pr==1) {
ae = xj;
be = yj;
void TSpectrum2Painter::CopyEnvelope(Double_t xr, Double_t xs, Double_t yr,
Double_t ys)
Int_t xi,xj,a;
xi = (Int_t)(fTxx*(xr-fXmin)/fKx+fTxy*(yr-fYmin)/fKy+fVx);
xj = (Int_t)(fTxx*(xs-fXmin)/fKx+fTxy*(ys-fYmin)/fKy+fVx);
if (xi<xj) {
for (a=xi;a<=xj;a++) {
if (fEnvelopeContour[a]<fEnvelope[a])
fEnvelope[a] = fEnvelopeContour[a];
fEnvelopeContour[a] = fBy2;
} else if (xj<xi) {
for (a=xj;a<=xi;a++) {
if (fEnvelopeContour[a]<fEnvelope[a])
fEnvelope[a] = fEnvelopeContour[a];
fEnvelopeContour[a] = fBy2;
void TSpectrum2Painter::Paint(Option_t * )
/* -->
<h2><i>Goal: to present 2-dimensional spectra in suitable visual form</i></h2>
This package has several display mode groups and display modes, which can be
employed for the presentation of 2-dimensional histograms
<h2><i>Display modes groups:</i></h2>
<p><li><b>kModeGroupSimple</b> - it covers simple display modes using one
color only
<p><li><b>kModeGroupLight</b> - in this group the shading is carried out
according to the position of the fictive
light source
<p><li><b>kModeGroupHeight</b> - in this group the shading is carried out
according to the channel contents
<p><li><b>kModeGroupLightHeight</b> - combination of two previous shading
algorithms. One can control the weight
between both algorithms.
<h2><i>Display modes:</i></h2>
<p><li><b>kDisplayModePoints, </b>
<p><li><b>kDisplayModeGrid, </b>
one can combine the above given modes groups and display modes. The meaningful
combinations (denoted by x) are given in the next table.
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<tr><th>Points </th><th>X</th><th>X</th><th>X</th><th>X</th></tr>
<tr><th>Grid </th><th>X</th><th>X</th><th>X</th><th>X</th></tr>
<tr><th>Contours </th><th>X</th><th>-</th><th>X</th><th>-</th></tr>
<tr><th>Bars </th><th>X</th><th>-</th><th>X</th><th>-</th></tr>
<tr><th>LinesX </th><th>X</th><th>X</th><th>X</th><th>X</th></tr>
<tr><th>LinesY </th><th>X</th><th>X</th><th>X</th><th>X</th></tr>
<tr><th>BarsX </th><th>X</th><th>-</th><th>X</th><th>-</th></tr>
<tr><th>BarsY </th><th>X</th><th>-</th><th>X</th><th>-</th></tr>
<tr><th>Needles </th><th>X</th><th>-</th><th>-</th><th>-</th></tr>
<tr><th>Surface </th><th>-</th><th>X</th><th>X</th><th>X</th></tr>
<h2>void TSpectrum2Painter::SetDisplayMode (Int_t modeGroup, Int_t displayMode)</h2>
This function controls the display mode group and display mode of the
histogram drawing. To illustrate the possible effects of the various display
modes we introduce a set of examples. Default values:
<p><li> <b>modeGroup = kModeGroupLightHeight </b>
<p><li> <b>displayMode = kDisplayModeSurface </b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter001.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = points, 256 x 256 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter002.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = grid, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter003.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = contours, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter004.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = bars, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter005.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = linesX, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter006.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = linesY, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter007.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = barsX, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter008.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = barsY, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter009.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = needles, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter010.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = triangles, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter011.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = points, 256 x 256 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter012.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = grid, 256 x 256 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter013.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter014.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = triangles, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter015.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = points, 256 x 256 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter016.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = grid, 256 x 256 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter017.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = contours, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter018.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = bars, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter019.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter020.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = triangles, 64 x 64 channels.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter021.jpg"></center>
Light - height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels. The weight
between both shading algorithms is set to 0.5. One can observe the influence of
both shadings.
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetPenAttr(Int_t color,Int_t style,Int_t width)</h2>
Using this function one can change pen color, pen style and pen width.
Possible pen styles are:
<p><li><b> kPenStyleSolid,</b>
<p><li><b> kPenStyleDash,</b>
<p><li><b> kPenStyleDot,</b>
<p><li><b> kPenStyleDashDot.</b>
<p>Default values:
<p><li><b> color = kBlack</b>
<p><li><b> style = kPenStyleSolid</b>
<p><li><b> width = 1</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter022.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = linesX, 64 x 64 channels. Pen width = 3.
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetNodes(Int_t nodesx,Int_t nodesy)</h2>
<p>Sometimes the displayed region is rather large. When displaying all channels
pictures become very dense and complicated. It is very difficult to understand
overall shape of the data. Therefore in the package we have implemented the
possibility to change the density of displayed channels. Only channels
coinciding with given nodes are displayed. In the next figure we introduce the
example of the above presented spectrum with number of nodes set to 64x64.
<p>Default values:
<p><li><b> nodesx = Xmax-Xmin+1</b>
<p><li><b> nodesy = Ymax-Ymin+1</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter023.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = grid, 256 x 256 channels.
Number of nodes is 64x64.
<h2>void TSpectrum2Painter::SetAngles (Int_t alpha,Int_t beta, Int_t view)</h2>
<p>One can change the angles of the position of 3-d space and to rotate the
space. Alpha parameter defines the angle between bottom horizontal screen line
and the displayed space on the right side of the picture and beta on the left
side, respectively. One can rotate the 3-d space around vertical axis going
through the center of it employing the view parameter.
Allowed values are 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees respectively.
<p>Default values:
<p><li><b> alpha = 20</b>
<p><li><b> beta = 60</b>
<p><li><b> view = 0</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter024.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 256 x 256 channels. Angles are
set as follows: alpha=40, beta=30, view=0.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter025.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 256 x 256 channels. Angles are
set as follows: alpha=30, beta=30, view=90.
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetZScale(Int_t scale)</h2>
<p>One can change the scale of z-axis. Possible values are:
<p><li><b> kZScaleLinear</b>
<p><li><b> kZScaleLog</b>
<p><li><b> kZScaleSqrt</b>
<p>Default value is:
<p><li><b> scale = kZScaleLinear</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter026.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, log scale.
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetColorIncrements(Double_t r,Double_t g,Double_t b);</h2>
<p> For sophisticated shading (in <b>kModeGroupLight, kModeGroupHeight</b>
and <b>kModeGroupLightHeight</b> display modes groups) the color palette starts
from the basic pen color (see SetPenAttr function). There is a predefined number
of color levels (256). Color in every level is calculated by adding the
increments of the r, g, b components to the previous level. Using this function
one can change the color increments between two neighboring color levels. The
function does not apply for <b>kModeGroupSimple</b> display modes group.
Default values: <b>r=1, g=1, b=1;</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter027.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color increments
r=1, g=2, b=3.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter028.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color
increments r=4, g=2, b=1.
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetColorAlgorithm(Int_t colorAlgorithm)</h2>
<p>To define the colors one can employ one of the following color algorithms
(rgb, cmy, cie, yiq, hvs models [1], [2]). When the level of a component
achieves the limit value one can choose either smooth transition (by decreasing
the limit value) or sharp - modulo transition (continuing with 0 value). This
makes possible to realize various visual effects. One can choose from the
following set of the algorithms:
<p><li><b> kColorAlgRgbSmooth </b>
<p><li><b> kColorAlgRgbModulo </b>
<p><li><b> kColorAlgCmySmooth </b>
<p><li><b> kColorAlgCmyModulo </b>
<p><li><b> kColorAlgCieSmooth </b>
<p><li><b> kColorAlgCieModulo </b>
<p><li><b> kColorAlgYiqSmooth </b>
<p><li><b> kColorAlgYiqModulo </b>
<p><li><b> kColorAlgHvsSmooth </b>
<p><li><b> kColorAlgHvsModulo </b>
<p>The function does not apply for <b>kModeGroupSimple</b> display modes group.
Default value is:
<p><li><b> colorAlgorithm = kColorAlgRgbSmooth</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter029.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color algorithm
is cmy smooth.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter030.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color algorithm
is hvs smooth.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter031.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color algorithm
is yiq smooth.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter032.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, color algorithm
is rgb modulo.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter033.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = surface, 256 x 256 channels, color
algorithm is rgb modulo, increments r=5, g=5, b=5, angles alpha=0, beta=90,
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetLightPosition(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z)</h2>
<p>In <b>kModeGroupLight</b> and <b>kModeGroupLightHeight</b> display modes
groups the color palette is calculated according to the fictive light source
position in 3-d space. Using this function one can change the position of the
source and thus to achieve various graphical effects. The function does not
apply for <b>kModeGroupSimple</b> and<b> kModeGroupHeight </b>display modes
groups. Default values are: <b>x=1000, y=1000, z=1000.</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter034.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels. Position of the
light source was set to x=0, y=1000, z=1000.
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetShading(Int_t shading,Int_t shadow)</h2>
<p>Surface of the picture is composed of triangles. If desired the edges of the
neighboring triangles can be smoothed (shaded). If desired the display of the
shadow can be painted as well. The function does not apply for
<b>kModeGroupSimple</b> display modes group.
<p>Possible values for shading are:
<p><li><b> kNotShaded</b>
<p><li><b> kShaded.</b>
<p>Possible values for shadow are:
<p><li><b> kShadowsNotPainted</b>
<p><li><b> kShadowsPainted</b>
<p>Default values:
<p><li><b> shading = kShaded</b>
<p><li><b> shadow = kShadowsNotPainted</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter035.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, not shaded.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter036.jpg"></center>
<p>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, shaded, with
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetBezier(Int_t bezier)</h2>
<p>For kModeGroupSimple display modes group and for <b>kDisplayModeGrid,
kDisplayModeLinesX</b> >and <b>kDisplayModeLinesY</b> display modes one
can smooth data using Bezier smoothing algorithm. The function does not apply
for other display modes groups and display modes. Possible values are:
<p><li><b> kNoBezierInterpol</b>
<p><li><b> kBezierInterpol</b>
<p>Default value is:
<p><li><b> bezier = kNoBezierInterpol.</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter005.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = linesX, 64 x 64 channels with Bezier
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetContourWidth(Int_t width)</h2>
<p>This function applies only for <b>kDisplayModeContours</b> display mode.
One can change the width between horizontal slices and thus their density.
Default value: <b>width=50.</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter037.jpg"></center>
<p>Simple modes group, display mode = contours, 64 x 64 channels. Width between
slices was set to 30.
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetLightHeightWeight(Double_t weight)</h2>
<p>For <b>kModeGroupLightHeight</b> display modes group one can change the
weight between both shading algorithm. The function does not apply for other
display modes groups. Default value is: <b>weight=0.5.</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter038.jpg"></center>
<p>Light - height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels.
The weight between both shading algorithms is set to 0.7.
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetChanMarks(Int_t enable,Int_t color,Int_t width,Int_t height,Int_t style)</h2>
In addition to the surface drawn using any above given algorithm one can display
channel marks. One can control the color as well as the width, height
(in pixels) and the style of the marks. The parameter enable can be set to:
<p><li> <b>kChannelMarksNotDrawn</b>
<p><li> <b>kChannelMarksDrawn.</b>
The possible styles can be chosen from the set:
<p><li><b> kChannelMarksStyleDot</b>
<p><li><b> kChannelMarksStyleCross</b>
<p><li><b> kChannelMarksStyleStar</b>
<p><li><b> kChannelMarksStyleRectangle</b>
<p><li><b> kChannelMarksStyleX</b>
<p><li><b> kChannelMarksStyleDiamond</b>
<p><li><b> kChannelMarksStyleTriangle.</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter039.jpg"></center>
<p><b>Light modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels,
with marks (red circles).</b></p>
<h2>TSpectrum2Painter::SetChanGrid(Int_t enable,Int_t color)</h2>
<p>In addition to the surface drawn using any above given algorithm one can
display grid using the color parameter. The parameter enable can be set to:
<p><li><b> kChannelGridNotDrawn</b>
<p><li><b> kChannelGridDrawn.</b>
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter040.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, with blue grid.
<p><center><img src="gif/spectrumpainter041.jpg"></center>
<p>Height modes group, display mode = surface, 64 x 64 channels, with marks
(red circles) and blue grid.
<p> [1] Morháč M., Kliman J., Matoušek V., Turzo I.,
Sophisticated visualization algorithms for analysis of multidimensional
experimental nuclear data, Acta Physica Slovaca 54 (2004) 385.
<p> [2] D. Hearn, M. P. Baker: Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall International,
Inc. 1994.
// Example to draw source spectrum (class TSpectrum2Painter).
// To execute this example, do
// root > .x VisA.C
#include "TSpectrum2Painter.h"
void VisA() {
TFile *f = new TFile("TSpectrum2.root");
TH2F *graph=(TH2F*) f->Get("graph2;1");
TCanvas *Graph2 = new TCanvas("Graph2","Illustration of 2D graphics",10,10,1000,700);
<!-- */
// --> End_Html
Int_t turni,turnj,w1,w2,x,y;
Int_t q1,q2,qv,smer,flag,i,j,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,uhl,xp1,yp1,xp2,yp2;
Int_t ix5,iy5,x6,y6,x7,y7,y8,x1d,y1d,x2d=0,y2d=0;
Int_t i1=0,i2=0,i3=0,i4=0,j1=0,j2=0,j3=0,j4=0;
Int_t s1=0,s2=0,s3=0,s4=0,t1=0,t2=0,t3=0,t4=0;
Double_t dx1,dx2,dx3,dx4,dy1,dy2,dy3,dy4,z1,z2,z3,z4,zl,zh;
Double_t xa,xb=0,ya,yb=0,x5=0,y5=0;
Double_t da=0,db=0,dc=0,dd=0,xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,v,shad_noise;
Int_t iv=0,ekv,stvor,sx1,sx2,sx3,sx4,sx5,sy1,sy2,sy3,sy4,sy5;
Double_t pom1,pom2,sdx1,sdy1,sdx2=0,sdy2,sdx3,sdy3,sdy4,spriz;
Int_t sr1=0,sr2=0,sr3=0,sr4=0,sr5=0,sr6=0,sr7=0,sr8=0;
Int_t tr1=0,tr2=0,tr3=0,tr4=0,tr5=0,tr6=0,tr7=0,tr8=0;
Int_t il,iv1=0,iv2=0,iv3=0,iv4=0;
Double_t v1=0,v2=0,v3=0,v4=0,dxr1,dxr2,dyr1,dyr2,zr1,zr2,bezf;
Double_t dcount_reg,z1l,z2l,z3l,z4l,sdx2p,sdy2p,dap,dbp,dcp,ddp;
Int_t sx1p,sy1p,sx3p,uip=0;
Double_t bezx1,bezy1,bezx2,bezy2;
Double_t p000x,p000y,p100x,p100y,p010x,p010y,p110x,p110y;
Double_t p001x,p001y,p101x,p101y,p011x,p011y,p111x,p111y;
Int_t ibezx1=0,ibezy1=0,ibezx2,ibezy2;
unsigned ui1,ui2,ui3;
Double_t fi,alfa,beta,x3max,y3max,mul,movx,movy;
Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,mx,my,mz;
Double_t mxx,mxy,myx,myy,myz,px,py,kx,ky;
Double_t bxl,bxh,byl,byh,xd,yd,a,b,rotx,roty;
TLine *line = new TLine();
TBox *box = new TBox();
TColor *pen_col;
pen_col = (TColor*)(gROOT->GetListOfColors()->At(fPenColor));
ui1 = (Int_t)(256*pen_col->GetRed());
ui2 = (Int_t)(256*pen_col->GetGreen());
ui3 = (Int_t)(256*pen_col->GetBlue());
for (i=fBx1;i<fBx2;i++) {
fEnvelope[i] = fBy2;
fEnvelopeContour[i] = fBy2;
fBx1 = gPad->XtoPixel(0.1);
fBx2 = gPad->XtoPixel(0.99);
fBy1 = gPad->YtoPixel(0.99);
fBy2 = gPad->YtoPixel(0.05);
fXmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetFirst();
fXmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetLast();
fYmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetFirst();
fYmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetLast();
fZmax = fH2->GetMaximum();
fZmin = fH2->GetMinimum();
xmin = fXmin;
xmax = fXmax;
ymin = fYmin;
ymax = fYmax;
zmin = fZmin;
zmax = fZmax;
xd = (xmax-xmin)/2;
yd = (ymax-ymin)/2;
a = (xmax+xmin)/2;
b = (ymax+ymin)/2;
fi = (fViewAngle*3.1415927)/180;
alfa = (fAlpha*3.1415927)/180;
beta = (fBeta*3.1415927)/180;
rotx = (-1)*a*cos(fi)+b*sin(fi)+xd*TMath::Abs(cos(fi))+yd*TMath::Abs(sin(fi));
roty = (-1)*a*sin(fi)-b*cos(fi)+xd*TMath::Abs(sin(fi))+yd*TMath::Abs(cos(fi));
x3max = (xmax-xmin)*TMath::Abs(cos(fi))+(ymax-ymin)*TMath::Abs(sin(fi));
y3max = (xmax-xmin)*TMath::Abs(sin(fi))+(ymax-ymin)*TMath::Abs(cos(fi));
bxl = fBx1;
bxh = fBx2;
byl = fBy1;
byh = fBy2;
mx = (bxh-bxl)/(x3max*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
my = (bxh-bxl)/(y3max*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
mul = (byh-byl)/(bxh-bxl);
movx = bxl+my*cos(alfa)*y3max;
mxx = mx*cos(beta)*cos(fi)-my*cos(alfa)*sin(fi);
mxy = (-1)*mx*cos(beta)*sin(fi)-my*cos(alfa)*cos(fi);
myx = mul*(mx*sin(beta)*cos(fi)+my*sin(alfa)*sin(fi));
myy = mul*((-1)*mx*sin(beta)*sin(fi)+my*sin(alfa)*cos(fi));
px = rotx*mx*cos(beta)-roty*my*cos(alfa)+movx;
kx = (xmax-xmin)/(fNodesx-1);
ky = (ymax-ymin)/(fNodesy-1);
fKx = kx;
fKy = ky;
fMxx = mxx;
fMxy = mxy;
fMyx = myx;
fMyy = myy;
fTxx = mxx*kx;
fTxy = mxy*ky;
fTyx = myx*kx;
fTyy = myy*ky;
fVx = mxx*xmin+mxy*ymin+px;
if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
mz = (bxh-bxl)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)-sin(alfa)-sin(beta));
mz = mz/((zmax-zmin)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
movy = byl+mul*mz*zmax;
myz = (-1)*mz*mul;
py = mul*(rotx*mx*sin(beta)+roty*my*sin(alfa))+movy;
fTyz = myz;
fVy = myx*xmin+myy*ymin+py;
fNuSli = (zmax-zmin)/(Double_t)fContWidth;
} else if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
if (zmin>=1) zmin = log(zmin);
else zmin = 0;
if (zmax>=1) zmax = log(zmax);
else zmax = 0;
if ((zmax-zmin)<0.000001) zmax = zmin+0.000001;
mz = (bxh-bxl)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)-sin(alfa)-sin(beta));
mz = mz/((zmax-zmin)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
movy = byl+mul*mz*zmax;
myz = (-1)*mz*mul;
py = mul*(rotx*mx*sin(beta)+roty*my*sin(alfa))+movy;
fTyz = myz;
fVy = myx*xmin+myy*ymin+py;
fNuSli = (zmax-zmin)/(Double_t)fContWidth;
} else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
if (zmin>=1) zmin = sqrt(zmin);
else zmin = 0;
if (zmax>=1) zmax = sqrt(zmax);
else zmax = 0;
if ((zmax-zmin)<0.000001) zmax = zmin+0.000001;
mz = (bxh-bxl)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)-sin(alfa)-sin(beta));
mz = mz/((zmax-zmin)*(cos(alfa)+cos(beta)));
movy = byl+mul*mz*zmax;
myz = (-1)*mz*mul;
py = mul*(rotx*mx*sin(beta)+roty*my*sin(alfa))+movy;
fTyz = myz;
fVy = myx*xmin+myy*ymin+py;
fNuSli = (zmax-zmin)/(Double_t)fContWidth;
switch (fZscale) {
case kZScaleLog:
case kZScaleSqrt:
shad_noise = fZmax;
shad_noise /= 100.;
w1 = fNodesx-1;
w2 = fNodesy-1;
p000x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
p000y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
p100x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
p100y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
p010x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
p010y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
p110x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
p110y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
fZPresetValue = fZmax;
p001x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
p001y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
p101x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
p101y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
p011x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
p011y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
p111x = gPad->PixeltoX(fXt);
p111y = gPad->PixeltoY(fYt)+1;
Double_t bmin, bmax, binLow, binHigh, binWidth;
Double_t axisLevel, gridDist, gridY1, gridY2;
Int_t ndivx = 0, ndivy, ndivz, nbins;
TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis();
TGaxis *xaxis = new TGaxis();
TGaxis *yaxis = new TGaxis();
TGaxis *zaxis = new TGaxis();
if (fViewAngle==0) {
axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p100x, p100y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p010x, p010y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p101x, p101y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p001x, p001y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
bmin = fZmin;
bmax = fZmax;
ndivz = 10;
THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bmin, bmax, ndivz, binLow, binHigh,
nbins, binWidth, " ");
for (i = 0; i < nbins + 1; i++) {
axisLevel = binLow+i*binWidth;
gridDist = (axisLevel-bmin)*(p001y-p000y)/(bmax-bmin);
gridY1 = p000y + gridDist, gridY2 = p100y + gridDist;
gridY2 = p010y + gridDist;
} else if (fViewAngle==90) {
axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p000x, p000y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p001x, p001y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p011x, p011y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
bmin = fZmin;
bmax = fZmax;
ndivz = 10;
THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bmin, bmax, ndivz, binLow, binHigh,
nbins, binWidth, " ");
for (i = 0; i < nbins + 1; i++) {
axisLevel = binLow+i*binWidth;
gridDist = (axisLevel-bmin)*(p011y-p010y)/(bmax-bmin);
gridY1 = p010y + gridDist, gridY2 = p000y + gridDist;
gridY2 = p110y + gridDist;
} else if (fViewAngle==180) {
axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p010x, p010y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p100x, p100y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p011x, p011y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p111x, p111y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
bmin = fZmin;
bmax = fZmax;
ndivz = 10;
THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bmin, bmax, ndivz, binLow, binHigh,
nbins, binWidth, " ");
for (i = 0; i < nbins + 1; i++) {
axisLevel = binLow+i*binWidth;
gridDist = (axisLevel-bmin)*(p111y-p110y)/(bmax-bmin);
gridY1 = p110y + gridDist, gridY2 = p010y + gridDist;
gridY2 = p100y + gridDist;
} else if (fViewAngle==270) {
axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p000x, p000y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p111x, p111y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p101x, p101y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
if (fZscale==kZScaleLinear) {
bmin = fZmin;
bmax = fZmax;
ndivz = 10;
THLimitsFinder::Optimize(bmin, bmax, ndivz, binLow, binHigh,
nbins, binWidth, " ");
for (i = 0; i < nbins + 1; i++) {
axisLevel = binLow+i*binWidth;
gridDist = (axisLevel-bmin)*(p101y-p100y)/(bmax-bmin);
gridY1 = p100y + gridDist, gridY2 = p110y + gridDist;
gridY2 = p000y + gridDist;
turni = 0;
turnj = 0;
x1 = fXt;
x2 = fXt;
x3 = fXt;
if (x2>=x1) turnj = 1;
if (x3>=x2) turni = 1;
q1 = 1;
q2 = 0;
qv = 1;
do {
uhl = 0;
smer = 0;
flag = 0;
if (turni==1) {
i = q1;
} else {
i = w1-q1;
if (turnj==1) {
j = q2;
} else {
j = w2-q2;
x1 = fXt;
y1 = fYt;
x1d = fXt;
y1d = fYt;
do {
if (flag==0) {
flag = 1;
if (smer==0) q1 -= 1;
else q2 -= 1;
} else {
flag = 0;
if (smer==0) q2 += 1;
else q1 += 1;
if (turni==1) {
i = q1;
} else {
i = w1-q1;
if (turnj==1) {
j = q2;
} else {
j = w2-q2;
x2 = fXt;
y2 = fYt;
if (flag==1) {
x = x1;
y = y1;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
x2 = x;
y2 = y;
switch (fDisplayMode) {
case kDisplayModePoints:
if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupSimple) {
if (y1<=fEnvelope[x1]) {
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x1) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y1)+1,
if (y2<=fEnvelope[x2]) {
line->PaintLine(gPad->PixeltoX(x2) ,gPad->PixeltoY(y2)+1,
} else {
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0) && flag==1) {
s1 = q1+1;
t1 = q2;
s2 = q1;
t2 = q2;
s3 = q1;
t3 = q2+1;
s4 = q1+1;
t4 = q2+1;
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = s1;
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
sr2 = s2;
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
tr3 = t2;
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
tr4 = t3;
sr5 = s3;
tr5 = t3+1;
sr6 = s4;
tr6 = t4+1;
sr7 = s4+1;
tr7 = t4;
sr8 = s1+1;
tr8 = t1;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
i3 = s3;
i4 = s4;
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
j3 = t3;
j4 = t4;
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
x1 = fXt;
y1 = fYt;
dx1 = fDxspline;
dy1 = fDyspline;
z1 = fZ;
x2 = fXt;
y2 = fYt;
dx2 = fDxspline;
dy2 = fDyspline;
z2 = fZ;
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
dx3 = fDxspline;
dy3 = fDyspline;
z3 = fZ;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
dx4 = fDxspline;
dy4 = fDyspline;
z4 = fZ;
xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v4 = v/4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
v = v+spriz;
v = v/2;
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
v4 = v/4;
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2.0;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
if (fEnvelope[x1]>=y1) {
fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
if (fEnvelope[x2]>=y2) {
fEnvelope[x2] = y2;
if (fEnvelope[x4]>=y4) {
fEnvelope[x4] = y4;
} else {
if (fEnvelope[x1]>=y1) {
iv = iv1;
fEnvelope[x1] = y1;
if (fEnvelope[x2]>=y2) {
iv = iv2;
if (fEnvelope[x4]>=y4) {
iv = iv4;
fEnvelope[x4] = y4;
xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) v=ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
if (fEnvelope[x3]>=y3) {
fEnvelope[x3] = y3;
} else {
if (fEnvelope[x3]>=y3) {
iv = iv3;
case kDisplayModeGrid:
if (fBezier==kNoBezierInterpol) {
if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupSimple) {
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
} else {
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
s1 = q1+1;
t1 = q2;
s2 = q1;
t2 = q2;
s3 = q1;
t3 = q2+1;
s4 = q1+1;
t4 = q2+1;
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = s1;
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
sr2 = s2;
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
tr3 = t2;
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
tr4 = t3;
sr5 = s3;
tr5 = t3+1;
sr6 = s4;
tr6 = t4+1;
sr7 = s4+1;
tr7 = t4;
sr8 = s1+1;
tr8 = t1;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
i3 = s3;
i4 = s4;
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
j3 = t3;
j4 = t4;
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
x1 = fXt;
y1 = fYt;
dx1 = fDxspline;
dy1 = fDyspline;
z1 = fZ;
x2 = fXt;
y2 = fYt;
dx2 = fDxspline;
dy2 = fDyspline;
z2 = fZ;
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
dx3 = fDxspline;
dy3 = fDyspline;
z3 = fZ;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
dx4 = fDxspline;
dy4 = fDyspline;
z4 = fZ;
xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v4 = v/4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
v = v+spriz;
v = v/2;
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
v4 = v/4;
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2.0;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x1;
dy1 = y1;
dx2 = x2;
dy2 = y2;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv1;
z2 = iv2;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx1 = x1;
sy1 = y1;
sx2 = x2;
sy2 = y2;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
sdx1 = 0;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)(sdy4);
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
sx1 = x1;
sy1 = y1;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx3<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx3;
sy1 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
pom1 = sy3-sy1;
pom2 = sx3-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
sx1p = sx1;
sy1p = sy1;
sx3p = sx3;
sdx2p = sdx2;
sdy2p = sdy2;
dap = da;
dbp = db;
dcp = dc;
ddp = dd;
uip = fNewColorIndex;
xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x2;
dy1 = y2;
dx2 = x3;
dy2 = y3;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv2;
z2 = iv3;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx1 = x2;
sy1 = y2;
sx2 = x3;
sy2 = y3;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
sdx1 = 0;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
for (sx4=sx1p,sx5=sx1p,sy5=sy1p;sx4<=sx3p;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2p*pom1+sdy2p;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
sx2 = x3;
sy2 = y3;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx3<sx2) {
sx4 = sx2;
sy4 = sy2;
sx2 = sx3;
sy2 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
sdx2 = 0;
pom1 = sy3-sy2;
pom2 = sx3-sx2;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy2;
pom2 = sx2;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
for (sx4=sx2,sx5=sx2,sy5=sy2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
} else {
if (((flag==0)&&(smer==0))||((flag!=0)&&(smer!=0))) {
s1 = q1;
t1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(q2-1,0);
s2 = q1;
t2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(q2+2,w2);
} else if (((flag!=0)&&(smer==0))||((flag==0)&&(smer!=0))) {
s1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(q1-1,0);
t1 = q2;
s2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(q1+2,w1);
t2 = q2;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
} else {
i1 = w1-s1;
i2 = w1-s2;
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
} else {
j1 = w2-t1;
j2 = w2-t2;
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
bezx1 = x1+(x2-x1)/3;
bezx2 = x1+2*(x2-x1)/3;
bezy1 = y1+(y2-y3)/6;
bezy2 = y2-(y4-y1)/6;
if (x1<=x2) {
if (bezx1<=x1) {
bezx1 = x1;
bezy1 = y1;
if (bezx1>=x2) {
bezx1 = x2;
bezy1 = y2;
if (bezx2<=x1) {
bezx2 = x1;
bezy2 = y1;
if (bezx2>=x2) {
bezx2 = x2;
bezy2 = y2;
fBzX[0] = x1;
fBzY[0] = y1;
fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
fBzX[3] = x2;
fBzY[3] = y2;
for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
if (bezf==0) {
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
} else {
ibezx2 = ibezx1;
ibezy2 = ibezy1;
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = ibezx1;
fYe = ibezy1;
} else if (x1>x2) {
if (bezx1>=x1) {
bezx1 = x1;
bezy1 = y1;
if (bezx1<=x2) {
bezx1 = x2;
bezy1 = y2;
if (bezx2>=x1) {
bezx2 = x1;
bezy2 = y1;
if (bezx2<=x2) {
bezx2 = x2;
bezy2 = y2;
fBzX[0] = x1;
fBzY[0] = y1;
fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
fBzX[3] = x2;
fBzY[3] = y2;
for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
if (bezf==0) {
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
} else {
ibezx2 = ibezx1;
ibezy2 = ibezy1;
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = ibezx2;
fYe = ibezy2;
case kDisplayModeContours:
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
s1 = q1+1;
t1 = q2;
s2 = q1;
t2 = q2;
s3 = q1;
t3 = q2+1;
s4 = q1+1;
t4 = q2+1;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s1);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s2);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s3);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s4);
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t1);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t2);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t3);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t4);
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
dx1 = fDxspline;
dy1 = fDyspline;
z1 = fZ;
z1l = fZeq;
dx2 = fDxspline;
dy2 = fDyspline;
z2 = fZ;
z2l = fZeq;
dx3 = fDxspline;
dy3 = fDyspline;
z3 = fZ;
z3l = fZeq;
dx4 = fDxspline;
dy4 = fDyspline;
z4 = fZ;
z4l = fZeq;
zh = (Double_t)TMath::Max(z1,z2);
zh = (Double_t)TMath::Max(zh,z3);
zh = (Double_t)TMath::Max(zh,z4);
zl = (Double_t)TMath::Min(z1l,z2l);
zl = (Double_t)TMath::Min(zl,z3l);
zl = (Double_t)TMath::Min(zl,z4l);
i1 = (Int_t)(zl/dcount_reg+1);
if (z1!=z2||z2!=z3||z3!=z4) {
do {
fZ = i1*dcount_reg;
switch (fZscale) {
case kZScaleLog:
if (fZ>=1.0) fZ = log(fZ);
else fZ = 0;
case kZScaleSqrt:
if (fZ>0) fZ = sqrt(fZ);
else fZ = 0;
if (fModeGroup!=kModeGroupSimple) {
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,fZ,dx2,dy2,fZ,dx4,dy4,fZ);
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
if (fZ>zh) goto eqend;
i1 += 1;
ekv = 0;
stvor = 0;
if ((z2<=fZ&&fZ<z1)||(z2<fZ&&fZ<=z1)) {
xb = (fZ-z2)*(dx1-dx2)/(z1-z2)+dx2;
goto ekvi1;
if ((z1<=fZ&&fZ<z2)||(z1<fZ&&fZ<=z2)) {
xb = (fZ-z1)*(dx2-dx1)/(z2-z1)+dx1;
goto ekvi1;
if (z2==fZ&&fZ==z1) {
xb = dx2;
yb = dy2;
ekv = 1;
x5 = xb;
y5 = yb;
stvor += 1;
if ((z1<=fZ&&fZ<z4)||(z1<fZ&&fZ<=z4)) {
ya = (fZ-z1)*(dy4-dy1)/(z4-z1)+dy1;
goto ekvi2;
if ((z4<=fZ&&fZ<z1)||(z4<fZ&&fZ<=z1)) {
ya = (fZ-z4)*(dy1-dy4)/(z1-z4)+dy4;
goto ekvi2;
if (z4==fZ&&fZ==z1) {
ya = dy1;
xa = dx1;
if (ekv==1) {
stvor += 1;
xb = xa;
yb = ya;
ekv = 1;
if ((z3<=fZ&&fZ<z4)||(z3<fZ&&fZ<=z4)) {
xa = (fZ-z3)*(dx4-dx3)/(z4-z3)+dx3;
goto ekvi3;
if ((z4<=fZ&&fZ<z3)||(z4<fZ&&fZ<=z3)) {
xa = (fZ-z4)*(dx3-dx4)/(z3-z4)+dx4;
goto ekvi3;
if (z4==fZ&&fZ==z3) {
xa = dx4;
ya = dy4;
if (ekv==1) {
stvor += 1;
xb = xa;
yb = ya;
ekv = 1;
if ((z2<=fZ&&fZ<z3)||(z2<fZ&&fZ<=z3)) {
ya = (fZ-z2)*(dy3-dy2)/(z3-z2)+dy2;
goto ekvi4;
if ((z3<=fZ&&fZ<z2)||(z3<fZ&&fZ<=z2)) {
ya = (fZ-z3)*(dy2-dy3)/(z2-z3)+dy3;
goto ekvi4;
if (z3==fZ&&fZ==z2) {
ya = dy3;
xa = dx3;
if (ekv==1) {
stvor += 1;
if (stvor==4) Slice(xa,ya,x5,y5,line);
} while (fZ<=zh);
case kDisplayModeBars:
case kDisplayModeBarsX:
case kDisplayModeBarsY:
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
s1 = q1+1;
t1 = q2;
s2 = q1;
t2 = q2;
s3 = q1;
t3 = q2+1;
s4 = q1+1;
t4 = q2+1;
if (turni==1) {
if (fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBarsX) {
if (s1<=w1&&s2<=w1&&s3<=w1&&s4<=w1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
i3 = s3;
i4 = s4;
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s1);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s2);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s3);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s4);
} else {
if (fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBarsX) {
if (s1<=w1&&s2<=w1&&s3<=w1&&s4<=w1) {
i1 = w1-s1;
i2 = w1-s2;
i3 = w1-s3;
i4 = w1-s4;
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
if (turnj==1) {
if (fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBarsY) {
if (t1<=w2&&t2<=w2&&t3<=w2&&t4<=w2) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
j3 = t3;
j4 = t4;
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t1);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t2);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t3);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t4);
} else {
if (fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBarsY) {
if (t1<=w2&&t2<=w2&&t3<=w2&&t4<=w2) {
j1 = w2-t1;
j2 = w2-t2;
j3 = w2-t3;
j4 = w2-t4;
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
x1 = fXt;
dx1 = fDxspline;
dy1 = fDyspline;
z1 = fZ;
x2 = fXt;
dx2 = fDxspline;
dy2 = fDyspline;
z2 = fZ;
x3 = fXt;
dx3 = fDxspline;
dy3 = fDyspline;
z3 = fZ;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
dx4 = fDxspline;
dy4 = fDyspline;
z4 = fZ;
ix5 = fXt;
iy5 = fYt;
x6 = fXt;
y6 = fYt;
x7 = fXt;
y7 = fYt;
y8 = fYt;
y1 = iy5+(y4-y8);
y2 = y6+(y4-y8);
y3 = y7+(y4-y8);
if ((fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBars)&&(q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&(flag==1)) {
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x6;
fYe = y6;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x7;
fYe = y7;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x1;
fYe = y1;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x3;
fYe = y3;
if (fModeGroup!=kModeGroupSimple) {
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z4,dx2,dy2,z4,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
uip = fNewColorIndex;
sx1 = x1;
sy1 = y1;
sx2 = x2;
sy2 = y2;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
if (sx3<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx3;
sy1 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
if (sy2<sy3) {
sx4 = sx2;
sy4 = sy2;
sx2 = sx3;
sy2 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
sdx1 = 0;
sdx2 = 0;
sdx3 = 0;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
pom1 = sy3-sy1;
pom2 = sx3-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
pom1 = sy3-sy2;
pom2 = sx3-sx2;
if (pom2!=0) sdx3 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy2;
pom2 = sx2;
sdy3 = pom1-sdx3*pom2;
if (sx2<sx3) {
if (sx1!=sx2) {
for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx3!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (sx2!=sx3) {
for (sx4=sx2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx3!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
} else {
if (sx3!=sx1) {
for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx2!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (sx2!=sx3) {
for (sx4=sx3;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx2!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
sx1 = x2;
sy1 = y2;
sx2 = x3;
sy2 = y3;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
if (sx3<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx3;
sy1 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
if (sy2<sy3) {
sx4 = sx2;
sy4 = sy2;
sx2 = sx3;
sy2 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
sdx1 = 0;
sdx2 = 0;
sdx3 = 0;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
pom1 = sy3-sy1;
pom2 = sx3-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
pom1 = sy3-sy2;
pom2 = sx3-sx2;
if (pom2!=0) sdx3 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy2;
pom2 = sx2;
sdy3 = pom1-sdx3*pom2;
if (sx2<sx3) {
if (sx1!=sx2) {
for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx3!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (sx2!=sx3) {
for (sx4=sx2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx3!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
} else {
if (sx3!=sx1) {
for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx2!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (sx2!=sx3) {
for (sx4=sx3;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx2!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x3;
fYe = y3;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x4;
fYe = y4;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x3;
fYe = y3;
} else if ((fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBarsY)&&(((flag!=0)&&(smer==0))||((flag==0)&&(smer!=0)))) {
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x6;
fYe = y6;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = ix5;
fYe = iy5;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x6;
fYe = y6;
if (fModeGroup!=kModeGroupSimple) {
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z4,dx2,dy2,z4,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
uip = fNewColorIndex;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if (fModeGroup!=kModeGroupSimple) {
} else if ((fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeBarsX)&&(((flag==0)&&(smer==0))||((flag!=0)&&(smer!=0)))) {
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x6;
fYe = y6;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x6;
fYe = y6;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x7;
fYe = y7;
if (fModeGroup!=kModeGroupSimple) {
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z4,dx2,dy2,z4,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
uip = fNewColorIndex;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if (fModeGroup!=kModeGroupSimple) {
case kDisplayModeLinesX:
if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupSimple) {
if (((flag==0)&&(smer==0))||((flag!=0)&&(smer!=0))) {
if (fBezier==kNoBezierInterpol) {
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
} else {
s1 = q1;
t1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(q2-1,0);
s2 = q1;
t2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(q2+2,w2);
if (turni==1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
bezx1 = x1+(x2-x1)/3;
bezx2 = x1+2*(x2-x1)/3;
bezy1 = y1+(y2-y3)/6;
bezy2 = y2-(y4-y1)/6;
if (x1<=x2) {
if (bezx1<=x1) {
bezx1 = x1;
bezy1 = y1;
if (bezx1>=x2) {
bezx1 = x2;
bezy1 = y2;
if (bezx2<=x1) {
bezx2 = x1;
bezy2 = y1;
if (bezx2>=x2) {
bezx2 = x2;
bezy2 = y2;
fBzX[0] = x1;
fBzY[0] = y1;
fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
fBzX[3] = x2;
fBzY[3] = y2;
for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
if (bezf==0) {
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
} else {
ibezx2 = ibezx1;
ibezy2 = ibezy1;
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = ibezx1;
fYe = ibezy1;
} else if (x1>x2) {
if (bezx1>=x1) {
bezx1 = x1;
bezy1 = y1;
if (bezx1<=x2) {
bezx1 = x2;
bezy1 = y2;
if (bezx2>=x1) {
bezx2 = x1;
bezy2 = y1;
if (bezx2<=x2) {
bezx2 = x2;
bezy2 = y2;
fBzX[0] = x1;
fBzY[0] = y1;
fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
fBzX[3] = x2;
fBzY[3] = y2;
for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
if (bezf==0) {
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
} else {
ibezx2 = ibezx1;
ibezy2 = ibezy1;
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = ibezx2;
fYe = ibezy2;
} else {
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
s1 = q1+1;
t1 = q2;
s2 = q1;
t2 = q2;
s3 = q1;
t3 = q2+1;
s4 = q1+1;
t4 = q2+1;
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = s1;
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
sr2 = s2;
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
tr3 = t2;
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
tr4 = t3;
sr5 = s3;
tr5 = t3+1;
sr6 = s4;
tr6 = t4+1;
sr7 = s4+1;
tr7 = t4;
sr8 = s1+1;
tr8 = t1;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
i3 = s3;
i4 = s4;
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
j3 = t3;
j4 = t4;
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
x1 = fXt;
y1 = fYt;
dx1 = fDxspline;
dy1 = fDyspline;
z1 = fZ;
x2 = fXt;
y2 = fYt;
dx2 = fDxspline;
dy2 = fDyspline;
z2 = fZ;
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
dx3 = fDxspline;
dy3 = fDyspline;
z3 = fZ;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
dx4 = fDxspline;
dy4 = fDyspline;
z4 = fZ;
xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v4 = v/4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
v = v+spriz;
v = v/2;
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
v4 = v/4;
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2.0;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x1;
dy1 = y1;
dx2 = x2;
dy2 = y2;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv1;
z2 = iv2;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx1 = x1;
sy1 = y1;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx3<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx3;
sy1 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
pom1 = sy3-sy1;
pom2 = sx3-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
sx1p = sx1;
sy1p = sy1;
sx3p = sx3;
sdx2p = sdx2;
sdy2p = sdy2;
dap = da;
dbp = db;
dcp = dc;
ddp = dd;
uip = fNewColorIndex;
xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) v=ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x2;
dy1 = y2;
dx2 = x3;
dy2 = y3;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv2;
z2 = iv3;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx1 = x2;
sy1 = y2;
sx2 = x3;
sy2 = y3;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
sdx1 = 0;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
for (sx4=sx1p,sx5=sx1p,sy5=sy1p;sx4<=sx3p;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2p*pom1+sdy2p;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
case kDisplayModeLinesY:
if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupSimple) {
if (((flag!=0)&&(smer==0))||((flag==0)&&(smer!=0))) {
if (fBezier==kNoBezierInterpol) {
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
} else {
s1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(q1-1,0);
t1 = q2;
s2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(q1+2,w1);
t2 = q2;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
} else {
i1 = w1-s1;
i2 = w1-s2;
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
} else {
j1 = w2-t1;
j2 = w2-t2;
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
bezx1 = x1+(x2-x1)/3;
bezx2 = x1+2*(x2-x1)/3;
bezy1 = y1+(y2-y3)/6;
bezy2 = y2-(y4-y1)/6;
if (x1<=x2) {
if (bezx1<=x1) {
bezx1 = x1;
bezy1 = y1;
if (bezx1>=x2) {
bezx1 = x2;
bezy1 = y2;
if (bezx2<=x1) {
bezx2 = x1;
bezy2 = y1;
if (bezx2>=x2) {
bezx2 = x2;
bezy2 = y2;
fBzX[0] = x1;
fBzY[0] = y1;
fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
fBzX[3] = x2;
fBzY[3] = y2;
for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
if (bezf==0) {
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
} else {
ibezx2 = ibezx1;
ibezy2 = ibezy1;
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = ibezx1;
fYe = ibezy1;
} else if (x1>x2) {
if (bezx1>=x1) {
bezx1 = x1;
bezy1 = y1;
if (bezx1<=x2) {
bezx1 = x2;
bezy1 = y2;
if (bezx2>=x1) {
bezx2 = x1;
bezy2 = y1;
if (bezx2<=x2) {
bezx2 = x2;
bezy2 = y2;
fBzX[0] = x1;
fBzY[0] = y1;
fBzX[1] = (Int_t)bezx1;
fBzY[1] = (Int_t)bezy1;
fBzX[2] = (Int_t)bezx2;
fBzY[2] = (Int_t)bezy2;
fBzX[3] = x2;
fBzY[3] = y2;
for (bezf=0;bezf<1.01;bezf+=0.1) {
if (bezf==0) {
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
} else {
ibezx2 = ibezx1;
ibezy2 = ibezy1;
ibezx1 = (Int_t)(fGbezx+0.5);
ibezy1 = (Int_t)(fGbezy+0.5);
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = ibezx2;
fYe = ibezy2;
} else {
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
s1 = q1+1;
t1 = q2;
s2 = q1;
t2 = q2;
s3 = q1;
t3 = q2+1;
s4 = q1+1;
t4 = q2+1;
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = s1;
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
sr2 = s2;
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
tr3 = t2;
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
tr4 = t3;
sr5 = s3;
tr5 = t3+1;
sr6 = s4;
tr6 = t4+1;
sr7 = s4+1;
tr7 = t4;
sr8 = s1+1;
tr8 = t1;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
i3 = s3;
i4 = s4;
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
j3 = t3;
j4 = t4;
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
x1 = fXt;
y1 = fYt;
dx1 = fDxspline;
dy1 = fDyspline;
z1 = fZ;
x2 = fXt;
y2 = fYt;
dx2 = fDxspline;
dy2 = fDyspline;
z2 = fZ;
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
dx3 = fDxspline;
dy3 = fDyspline;
z3 = fZ;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
dx4 = fDxspline;
dy4 = fDyspline;
z4 = fZ;
xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v4 = v/4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
v = v+spriz;
v = v/2;
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
v4 = v/4;
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2.0;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x1;
dy1 = y1;
dx2 = x2;
dy2 = y2;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv1;
z2 = iv2;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx1 = x1;
sy1 = y1;
sx2 = x2;
sy2 = y2;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
sdx1 = 0;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) v=ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x2;
dy1 = y2;
dx2 = x3;
dy2 = y3;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv2;
z2 = iv3;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx2 = x3;
sy2 = y3;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx3<sx2) {
sx4 = sx2;
sy4 = sy2;
sx2 = sx3;
sy2 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
sdx2 = 0;
pom1 = sy3-sy2;
pom2 = sx3-sx2;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy2;
pom2 = sx2;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
for (sx4=sx2,sx5=sx2,sy5=sy2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
case kDisplayModeNeedles:
x2d = fXt;
y2d = fYt;
if (flag==1) {
x = x1d;
y = y1d;
x1d = x2d;
y1d = y2d;
x2d = x;
y2d = y;
case kDisplayModeSurface:
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
s1 = q1+1;
t1 = q2;
s2 = q1;
t2 = q2;
s3 = q1;
t3 = q2+1;
s4 = q1+1;
t4 = q2+1;
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = s1;
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
sr2 = s2;
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
tr3 = t2;
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
tr4 = t3;
sr5 = s3;
tr5 = t3+1;
sr6 = s4;
tr6 = t4+1;
sr7 = s4+1;
tr7 = t4;
sr8 = s1+1;
tr8 = t1;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
i3 = s3;
i4 = s4;
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
j3 = t3;
j4 = t4;
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
x1 = fXt;
y1 = fYt;
dx1 = fDxspline;
dy1 = fDyspline;
z1 = fZ;
x2 = fXt;
y2 = fYt;
dx2 = fDxspline;
dy2 = fDyspline;
z2 = fZ;
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
dx3 = fDxspline;
dy3 = fDyspline;
z3 = fZ;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
dx4 = fDxspline;
dy4 = fDyspline;
z4 = fZ;
xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v4 = v/4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
v = v+spriz;
v = v/2;
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
v4 = v/4;
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels+0.5;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels+0.5;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels+0.5;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2.0;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x1;
dy1 = y1;
dx2 = x2;
dy2 = y2;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv1;
z2 = iv2;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx1 = x1;
sy1 = y1;
sx2 = x2;
sy2 = y2;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
if (sx3<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx3;
sy1 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
if (sy2<sy3) {
sx4 = sx2;
sy4 = sy2;
sx2 = sx3;
sy2 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
sdx1 = 0;
sdx2 = 0;
sdx3 = 0;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
pom1 = sy3-sy1;
pom2 = sx3-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
pom1 = sy3-sy2;
pom2 = sx3-sx2;
if (pom2!=0) sdx3 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy2;
pom2 = sx2;
sdy3 = pom1-sdx3*pom2;
if (sx2<sx3) {
if (sx1!=sx2) {
for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx3!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
dx1 = sx4;
if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
else dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
if (sx2!=sx3) {
for (sx4=sx2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx3!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
dx1 = sx4;
if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
else dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
} else {
if (sx3!=sx1) {
for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx2!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
dx1 = sx4;
if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
else dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
if (sx2!=sx3) {
for (sx4=sx3;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx2!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
dx1 = sx4;
if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
else dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) v=ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x2;
dy1 = y2;
dx2 = x3;
dy2 = y3;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv2;
z2 = iv3;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx1 = x2;
sy1 = y2;
sx2 = x3;
sy2 = y3;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
if (sx3<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx3;
sy1 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
if (sy2<sy3) {
sx4 = sx2;
sy4 = sy2;
sx2 = sx3;
sy2 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
sdx1 = 0;
sdx2 = 0;
sdx3 = 0;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
pom1 = sy3-sy1;
pom2 = sx3-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
pom1 = sy3-sy2;
pom2 = sx3-sx2;
if (pom2!=0) sdx3 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy2;
pom2 = sx2;
sdy3 = pom1-sdx3*pom2;
if (sx2<sx3) {
if (sx1!=sx2) {
for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx3!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
dx1 = sx4;
if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
else dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv2+iv3+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
if (sx2!=sx3) {
for (sx4=sx2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx3!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
dx1 = sx4;
if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
else dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv2+iv3+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
} else {
if (sx3!=sx1) {
for (sx4=sx1;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx2!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
dx1 = sx4;
if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
else dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv2+iv3+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
if (sx2!=sx3) {
for (sx4=sx3;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx3*pom1+sdy3;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sx2!=sx1) {
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy5 = (Int_t)sdy4;
y5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (sy4<sy5) {
pom1 = sy4;
sy4 = sy5;
sy5 = (Int_t)pom1;
if ((sy4<=y5)||(sy5<y5)) {
sy4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy4,(Int_t)y5);
sy5 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(sy5,(Int_t)y5);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
for (il=sy5;il<=sy4+1;il++) {
dx1 = sx4;
if(il<=sy4) dy1 = il;
else dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v =(iv2+iv3+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
case kDisplayModeTriangles:
if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupSimple) {
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
s1 = q1+1;
t1 = q2;
s2 = q1;
t2 = q2;
s3 = q1;
t3 = q2+1;
s4 = q1+1;
t4 = q2+1;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s1);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s2);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s3);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w1,s4);
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t1);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t2);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t3);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Min(w2,t4);
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
x1 = fXt;
y1 = fYt;
x2 = fXt;
y2 = fYt;
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x3;
fYe = y3;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x4;
fYe = y4;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x4;
fYe = y4;
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x4;
fYe = y4;
} else {
if ((q1!=q2||smer!=0)&&flag==1) {
s1 = q1+1;
t1 = q2;
s2 = q1;
t2 = q2;
s3 = q1;
t3 = q2+1;
s4 = q1+1;
t4 = q2+1;
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = s1;
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t1-1,0);
sr2 = s2;
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(t2-1,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s2-1,0);
tr3 = t2;
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(s3-1,0);
tr4 = t3;
sr5 = s3;
tr5 = t3+1;
sr6 = s4;
tr6 = t4+1;
sr7 = s4+1;
tr7 = t4;
sr8 = s1+1;
tr8 = t1;
if (turni==1) {
i1 = s1;
i2 = s2;
i3 = s3;
i4 = s4;
} else {
i1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s1,0);
i2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s2,0);
i3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s3,0);
i4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-s4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
sr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr1,0);
sr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr2,0);
sr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr3,0);
sr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr4,0);
sr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr5,0);
sr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr6,0);
sr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr7,0);
sr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w1-sr8,0);
if (turnj==1) {
j1 = t1;
j2 = t2;
j3 = t3;
j4 = t4;
} else {
j1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t1,0);
j2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t2,0);
j3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t3,0);
j4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-t4,0);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
tr1 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr1,0);
tr2 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr2,0);
tr3 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr3,0);
tr4 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr4,0);
tr5 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr5,0);
tr6 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr6,0);
tr7 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr7,0);
tr8 = (Int_t)TMath::Max(w2-tr8,0);
x1 = fXt;
y1 = fYt;
dx1 = fDxspline;
dy1 = fDyspline;
z1 = fZ;
x2 = fXt;
y2 = fYt;
dx2 = fDxspline;
dy2 = fDyspline;
z2 = fZ;
x3 = fXt;
y3 = fYt;
dx3 = fDxspline;
dy3 = fDyspline;
z3 = fZ;
x4 = fXt;
y4 = fYt;
dx4 = fDxspline;
dy4 = fDyspline;
z4 = fZ;
xtaz = (dx1+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy1+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z1+z2+z4)/3;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx4,dy4,z4);
if (fShading==kShaded) {
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4);
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1);
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3);
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
v = ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v = v+ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1);
v4 = v/4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
v = v+spriz;
v = v/2;
if (sr1<0||sr1>w1||tr1<0||tr1>w2) Transform(sr1,tr1,-1);
else Transform(sr1,tr1,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr8<0||sr8>w1||tr8<0||tr8>w2) Transform(sr8,tr8,-1);
else Transform(sr8,tr8,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dxr1+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr1+dxr2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr1+dyr2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr1+zr2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx1,dy1,z1,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx1+dx4)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy1+dy4)/3;
dc = (zr2+z1+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
v1 = v/4;
if (sr3<0||sr3>w1||tr3<0||tr3>w2) Transform(sr3,tr3,-1);
else Transform(sr3,tr3,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr2<0||sr2>w1||tr2<0||tr2>w2) Transform(sr2,tr2,-1);
else Transform(sr2,tr2,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy1+dy2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z1+z2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr1+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr1+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr1+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dxr2+dx2+dx1)/3;
db = (dyr2+dy2+dy1)/3;
dc = (zr2+z2+z1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx2,dy2,z2,dx1,dy1,z1)+spriz)/2;
v2 = v/4;
if (sr5<0||sr5>w1||tr5<0||tr5>w2) Transform(sr5,tr5,-1);
else Transform(sr5,tr5,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr4<0||sr4>w1||tr4<0||tr4>w2) Transform(sr4,tr4,-1);
else Transform(sr4,tr4,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx2+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy2+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z2+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx3+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy3+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z3+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx2+dxr2+dx3)/3;
db = (dy2+dyr2+dy3)/3;
dc = (z2+zr2+z3)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dx3,dy3,z3)+spriz)/2;
v3 = v/4;
if (sr7<0||sr7>w1||tr7<0||tr7>w2) Transform(sr7,tr7,-1);
else Transform(sr7,tr7,0);
dxr1 = fDxspline;
dyr1 = fDyspline;
zr1 = fZ;
if (sr6<0||sr6>w1||tr6<0||tr6>w2) Transform(sr6,tr6,-1);
else Transform(sr6,tr6,0);
dxr2 = fDxspline;
dyr2 = fDyspline;
zr2 = fZ;
da = (dx1+dx3+dx4)/3;
db = (dy1+dy3+dy4)/3;
dc = (z1+z3+z4)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = (ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dx3+dxr2)/3;
db = (dy4+dy3+dyr2)/3;
dc = (z4+z3+zr2)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dx3,dy3,z3,dxr2,dyr2,zr2)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx4+dxr2+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy4+dyr2+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z4+zr2+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx4,dy4,z4,dxr2,dyr2,zr2,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
da = (dx1+dx4+dxr1)/3;
db = (dy1+dy4+dyr1)/3;
dc = (z1+z4+zr1)/3;
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(da,db,dc,shad_noise);
v = v+(ColorCalculation(dx1,dy1,z1,dx4,dy4,z4,dxr1,dyr1,zr1)+spriz)/2;
v4 = v/4;
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels+0.5;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2.0;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)(v+0.5);
} else {
v1 = v1*fLevels;
iv1 = fLevels-(Int_t)v1;
v2 = v2*fLevels;
iv2 = fLevels-(Int_t)v2;
v4 = v4*fLevels;
iv4 = fLevels-(Int_t)v4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x1;
dy1 = y1;
dx2 = x2;
dy2 = y2;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv1;
z2 = iv2;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx1 = x1;
sy1 = y1;
sx2 = x2;
sy2 = y2;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
sdx1 = 0;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
sx1 = x1;
sy1 = y1;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx3<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx3;
sy1 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
pom1 = sy3-sy1;
pom2 = sx3-sx1;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
sx1p = sx1;
sy1p = sy1;
sx3p = sx3;
sdx2p = sdx2;
sdy2p = sdy2;
dap = da;
dbp = db;
dcp = dc;
ddp = dd;
uip = fNewColorIndex;
xtaz = (dx3+dx2+dx4)/3;
ytaz = (dy3+dy2+dy4)/3;
ztaz = (z3+z2+z4)/3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) v = ColorCalculation(dx2,dy2,z2,dx3,dy3,z3,dx4,dy4,z4);
spriz = 0;
if (fShadow==kShadowsNotPainted) {
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
} else {
spriz = ShadowColorCalculation(xtaz,ytaz,ztaz,shad_noise);
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
v = v*fLevels/2;
iv = fLevels-(Int_t)v;
iv = (Int_t)(iv-fLevels*spriz/2);
} else {
v3 = v3*fLevels;
iv3 = fLevels-(Int_t)v3;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = x2;
dy1 = y2;
dx2 = x3;
dy2 = y3;
dx3 = x4;
dy3 = y4;
z1 = iv2;
z2 = iv3;
z3 = iv4;
da = (dy2-dy1)*(z3-z1)-(dy3-dy1)*(z2-z1);
db = (z2-z1)*(dx3-dx1)-(z3-z1)*(dx2-dx1);
dc = (dx2-dx1)*(dy3-dy1)-(dx3-dx1)*(dy2-dy1);
dd = -da*dx1-db*dy1-dc*z1;
sx1 = x2;
sy1 = y2;
sx2 = x3;
sy2 = y3;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
sdx1 = 0;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
sx1 = x2;
sy1 = y2;
sx2 = x4;
sy2 = y4;
if (sx2<sx1) {
sx4 = sx1;
sy4 = sy1;
sx1 = sx2;
sy1 = sy2;
sx2 = sx4;
sy2 = sy4;
pom1 = sy2-sy1;
pom2 = sx2-sx1;
sdx1 = 0;
if (pom2!=0) sdx1 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy1;
pom2 = sx1;
sdy1 = pom1-sdx1*pom2;
for (sx4=sx1,sx5=sx1,sy5=sy1;sx4<=sx2;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx1*pom1+sdy1;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
for (sx4=sx1p,sx5=sx1p,sy5=sy1p;sx4<=sx3p;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2p*pom1+sdy2p;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dcp!=0) v = (-ddp-dap*dx1-dbp*dy1)/dcp;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
sx2 = x3;
sy2 = y3;
sx3 = x4;
sy3 = y4;
if (sx3<sx2) {
sx4 = sx2;
sy4 = sy2;
sx2 = sx3;
sy2 = sy3;
sx3 = sx4;
sy3 = sy4;
sdx2 = 0;
pom1 = sy3-sy2;
pom2 = sx3-sx2;
if (pom2!=0) sdx2 = pom1/pom2;
pom1 = sy2;
pom2 = sx2;
sdy2 = pom1-sdx2*pom2;
for (sx4=sx2,sx5=sx2,sy5=sy2;sx4<=sx3;sx4++) {
pom1 = sx4;
sdy4 = sdx2*pom1+sdy2;
sy4 = (Int_t)sdy4;
if (sy4<=fEnvelope[sx4]) {
fEnvelope[sx4] = sy4;
if (fShading==kNotShaded) {
} else {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = sy4;
} else {
sy4 = fEnvelope[sx4];
if (fShading==kNotShaded&&sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
} else if (sy5<=fEnvelope[sx5]) {
dx1 = sx4;
dy1 = sy4;
if (dc!=0) v = (-dd-da*dx1-db*dy1)/dc;
else v = (iv1+iv2+iv4)/3;
iv = (Int_t)v;
sy5 = fEnvelope[sx4];
sx5 = sx4;
if (flag==1) {
x = x1;
y = y1;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
x2 = x;
y2 = y;
x = x1d;
y = y1d;
x1d = x2d;
y1d = y2d;
x2d = x;
y2d = y;
if (smer==0) q1 += 1;
else q2 += 1;
} else {
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
x1d = x2d;
y1d = y2d;
} while ((q1!=qv||(q2!=(qv-1) && q2!=w2)||smer!=0||flag!=1) &&
((q1!=(qv-1) && q1!=w1)||q2!=qv||smer!=1||flag!=1) &&
if (qv<=w2&&qv<=w1) {
if (uhl==0) {
if (smer==0) {
smer = 1;
q1 = 0;
flag = 0;
q2 = qv;
xp1 = x1;
yp1 = y1;
goto l2;
} else {
smer = 0;
uhl = 1;
q1 = qv;
q2 = qv-1;
xp2 = x1;
yp2 = y1;
x1 = xp1;
y1 = yp1;
flag = 1;
goto l2;
} else {
if (smer==0) {
smer = 1;
x1 = xp2;
y1 = yp2;
q1 = qv-1;
q2 = qv;
flag = 1;
goto l2;
q2 = 0;
qv += 1;
q1 = qv;
if (q1>w1) {
q2 = qv;
q1 = 0;
smer = 1;
flag = 0;
uhl = 0;
if (q2<=w2) goto l2;
} while (q1<=w1&&q2<=w2);
if (fChanmarkEnDis==kChannelMarksDrawn ||
fChanlineEnDis==kChannelGridDrawn) {
for (i=fBx1;i<=fBx2;i++) fEnvelope[i] = fBy2;
turni = 0;
turnj = 0;
x1 = fXt;
x2 = fXt;
x3 = fXt;
if (x2>=x1) turnj = 1;
if (x3>=x2) turni = 1;
q1 = 1;
q2 = 0;
qv = 1;
do {
uhl = 0;
smer = 0;
flag = 0;
if (turni==1) {
i = q1;
} else {
i = w1-q1;
if (turnj==1) {
j = q2;
} else {
j = w2-q2;
x1 = fXt;
y1 = fYt;
x1d = fXt;
y1d = fYt;
do {
if (flag==0) {
flag = 1;
if (smer==0) q1 -= 1;
else q2 -= 1;
} else {
flag = 0;
if (smer==0) q2 += 1;
else q1 += 1;
if (turni==1) {
i = q1;
} else {
i = w1-q1;
if (turnj==1) {
j = q2;
} else {
j = w2-q2;
x2 = fXt;
y2 = fYt;
if (flag==1) {
x = x1;
y = y1;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
x2 = x;
y2 = y;
if (fChanlineEnDis==kChannelGridDrawn) {
if (fLine!=0) {
if (fLine==1) {
fXe = x2;
fYe = y2;
if (fChanmarkEnDis==kChannelMarksDrawn) {
if (y1<=fEnvelope[x1]) {
if (flag==1) {
x = x1;
y = y1;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
x2 = x;
y2 = y;
x = x1d;
y = y1d;
x1d = x2d;
y1d = y2d;
x2d = x;
y2d = y;
if (smer==0) q1 += 1;
else q2 += 1;
} else {
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
x1d = x2d;
y1d = y2d;
} while ((q1!=qv||(q2!=(qv-1)&&q2!=w2)||smer!=0||flag!=1) &&
((q1!=(qv-1)&&q1!=w1)||q2!=qv||smer!=1||flag!=1) &&
if (qv<=w2&&qv<=w1) {
if (uhl==0) {
if (smer==0) {
smer = 1;
q1 = 0;
flag = 0;
q2 = qv;
xp1 = x1;
yp1 = y1;
goto lc2;
} else {
smer = 0;
uhl = 1;
q1 = qv;
q2 = qv-1;
xp2 = x1;
yp2 = y1;
x1 = xp1;
y1 = yp1;
flag = 1;
goto lc2;
} else {
if (smer==0) {
smer = 1;
x1 = xp2;
y1 = yp2;
q1 = qv-1;
q2 = qv;
flag = 1;
goto lc2;
q2 = 0;
qv += 1;
q1 = qv;
if (q1>w1) {
q2 = qv;
q1 = 0;
smer = 1;
flag = 0;
uhl = 0;
if (q2<=w2) goto lc2;
} while (q1<=w1&&q2<=w2);
static char chopt[10] = "";
if (fViewAngle==0) {
axis->PaintAxis(p101x, p101y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p011x, p011y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
ndivx = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetNdivisions();
bmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
bmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH-");
if (ndivx < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivx = -ndivx;
xaxis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, chopt);
ndivy = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetNdivisions();
bmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
bmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH+");
if (ndivy < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivy = -ndivy;
yaxis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivy, chopt);
ndivz = 510;
bmin = fZmin;
bmax = fZmax;
if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
ndivz = 510;
if (bmin <= 0) bmin=0.001*bmax;
zaxis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "G+");
} else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
TF1 *f1=new TF1("f1","sqrt(x)",bmin,bmax);
TGaxis *a1 = new TGaxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, "f1", ndivz, "SDH+");
delete f1;
delete a1;
} else {
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH+");
if (ndivz < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivz = -ndivz;
zaxis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, chopt);
} else if (fViewAngle==90) {
axis->PaintAxis(p001x, p001y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p111x, p111y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
ndivx = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetNdivisions();
bmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
bmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH+");
if (ndivx < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivx = -ndivx;
xaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p100x, p100y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, chopt);
ndivy = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetNdivisions();
bmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
bmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH+");
if (ndivy < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivy = -ndivy;
yaxis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivy, chopt);
ndivz = 510;
bmin = fZmin;
bmax = fZmax;
if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
ndivz = 510;
if (bmin <= 0) bmin=0.001*bmax;
zaxis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "G+");
} else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
TF1 *f1=new TF1("f1","sqrt(x)",bmin,bmax);
TGaxis *a1 = new TGaxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, "f1", ndivz, "SDH+");
delete f1;
delete a1;
} else {
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH+");
if (ndivz < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivz = -ndivz;
zaxis->PaintAxis(p110x, p110y, p111x, p111y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, chopt);
} else if (fViewAngle==180) {
axis->PaintAxis(p011x, p011y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p101x, p101y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
ndivx = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetNdivisions();
bmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
bmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH+");
if (ndivx < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivx = -ndivx;
xaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p100x, p100y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, chopt);
ndivy = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetNdivisions();
bmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
bmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH-");
if (ndivy < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivy = -ndivy;
yaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p010x, p010y, bmin, bmax, ndivy, chopt);
ndivz = 510;
bmin = fZmin;
bmax = fZmax;
if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
if (bmin <= 0) bmin=0.001*bmax;
zaxis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "G+");
} else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
TF1 *f1=new TF1("f1","sqrt(x)",bmin,bmax);
TGaxis *a1 = new TGaxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, "f1", ndivz, "SDH+");
delete f1;
delete a1;
} else {
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH+");
if (ndivz < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivz = -ndivz;
zaxis->PaintAxis(p100x, p100y, p101x, p101y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, chopt);
} else if (fViewAngle==270) {
axis->PaintAxis(p111x, p111y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p001x, p001y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
axis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p011x, p011y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, "");
ndivx = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetNdivisions();
bmin = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
bmax = fH2->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH-");
if (ndivx < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivx = -ndivx;
xaxis->PaintAxis(p010x, p010y, p110x, p110y, bmin, bmax, ndivx, chopt);
ndivy = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetNdivisions();
bmin = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin();
bmax = fH2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH-");
if (ndivy < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivy = -ndivy;
yaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p010x, p010y, bmin, bmax, ndivy, chopt);
ndivz = 510;
bmin = fZmin;
bmax = fZmax;
if (fZscale==kZScaleLog) {
ndivz = 510;
if (bmin <= 0) bmin=0.001*bmax;
zaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "G+");
} else if (fZscale==kZScaleSqrt) {
TF1 *f1=new TF1("f1","sqrt(x)",bmin,bmax);
TGaxis *a1 = new TGaxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, "f1", ndivz, "SDH+");
delete f1;
delete a1;
} else {
chopt[0] = 0; strcat(chopt, "SDH+");
if (ndivz < 0) {
strcat(chopt, "N");
ndivz = -ndivz;
zaxis->PaintAxis(p000x, p000y, p001x, p001y, bmin, bmax, ndivz, "SDH+");
delete axis;
delete xaxis;
delete yaxis;
delete zaxis;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetDisplayMode(Int_t modeGroup,Int_t displayMode)
if (modeGroup>=kModeGroupSimple&&modeGroup<=kModeGroupLightHeight) {
if (displayMode>=kDisplayModePoints&&displayMode<=kDisplayModeTriangles) {
fModeGroup = modeGroup;
fDisplayMode = displayMode;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetPenAttr(Int_t color,Int_t style,Int_t width)
if (color>=0 && style >=kPenStyleSolid && style <= kPenStyleDashDot && width > 0) {
fPenColor = color;
fPenDash = style;
fPenWidth = width;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetNodes(Int_t nodesx,Int_t nodesy)
if (nodesx>1&&nodesy>1) {
fNodesx = nodesx;
fNodesy = nodesy;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetAngles(Int_t alpha,Int_t beta,Int_t view)
if (alpha>=0&&alpha<=90&&beta>=0&&beta<=90&&alpha+beta<=90) {
fAlpha = alpha;
fBeta = beta;
view = view/90;
if (view>=0&&view<=3) fViewAngle = view*90;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetZScale(Int_t scale)
if (scale>=kZScaleLinear&&scale<=kZScaleSqrt) {
fZscale = scale;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetColorAlgorithm(Int_t colorAlgorithm)
if (fModeGroup!=kModeGroupSimple) {
if (colorAlgorithm>=kColorAlgRgbSmooth&&colorAlgorithm<=kColorAlgHvsModulo) fColorAlg = colorAlgorithm;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetColorIncrements(Double_t r,Double_t g,Double_t b)
if (r>=0&&r<=255&&g>=0&&g<=255&&b>=0&&b<=255) {
fRainbow1Step = r;
fRainbow2Step = g;
fRainbow3Step = b;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetLightPosition(Int_t x,Int_t y,Int_t z)
if (x>=0&&y>=0&&z>=0) {
fXlight = x;
fYlight = y;
fZlight = z;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetShading(Int_t shading,Int_t shadow)
if (fModeGroup!=kModeGroupSimple) {
if (shading==kNotShaded||shading==kShaded) fShading = shading;
if (shadow==kShadowsNotPainted||shadow==kShadowsPainted) fShadow = shadow;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetBezier(Int_t bezier)
if (fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeGrid || fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeLinesX ||
fDisplayMode==kDisplayModeLinesY) {
if (bezier==kBezierInterpol||bezier==kNoBezierInterpol) fBezier = bezier;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetContourWidth(Int_t width)
if (width>=1) fContWidth = width;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetLightHeightWeight(Double_t weight)
if (fModeGroup==kModeGroupLightHeight) {
if (weight>=0&&weight<=1) fLHweight = weight;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetChanMarks(Int_t enable,Int_t color,Int_t width,Int_t height,Int_t style)
if (enable==kChannelMarksNotDrawn||enable==kChannelMarksDrawn) {
if (enable==kChannelMarksDrawn) {
if (style>=kChannelMarksStyleDot&&style<=kChannelMarksStyleTriangle) {
fChanmarkStyle = style;
fChanmarkColor = color;
if (width>=4) {
fChanmarkWidth = width;
else fChanmarkWidth = 4;
if (height>=4) {
fChanmarkHeight = height;
else fChanmarkHeight = 4;
fChanmarkEnDis = enable;
void TSpectrum2Painter::SetChanGrid(Int_t enable,Int_t color)
if (enable==kChannelGridNotDrawn||enable==kChannelGridDrawn) {
if (enable==kChannelGridDrawn) {
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetDisplayMode(Int_t &modeGroup,Int_t &displayMode)
modeGroup = fModeGroup;
displayMode = fDisplayMode;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetPenAttr(Int_t &color, Int_t &style, Int_t &width)
color = fPenColor;
style = fPenDash;
width = fPenWidth;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetNodes(Int_t &nodesx,Int_t &nodesy)
nodesx = fNodesx;
nodesy = fNodesy;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetAngles(Int_t &alpha,Int_t &beta,Int_t &view)
alpha = fAlpha;
beta = fBeta;
view = fViewAngle;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetZScale(Int_t &scale)
scale = fZscale;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetColorAlgorithm(Int_t &colorAlgorithm)
colorAlgorithm = fColorAlg;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetColorIncrements(Double_t &r,Double_t &g,Double_t &b)
r = fRainbow1Step;
g = fRainbow2Step;
b = fRainbow3Step;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetLightPosition(Int_t &x,Int_t &y,Int_t &z)
x = fXlight;
y = fYlight;
z = fZlight;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetShading(Int_t &shading,Int_t &shadow)
shading = fShading;
shadow = fShadow;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetBezier(Int_t &bezier)
bezier = fBezier;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetContourWidth(Int_t &width)
width = fContWidth;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetLightHeightWeight(Double_t &weight)
weight = fLHweight;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetChanMarks(Int_t &enable,Int_t &color,Int_t &width,Int_t &height,Int_t &style)
style = fChanmarkStyle,width=fChanmarkWidth,height=fChanmarkHeight,color=fChanmarkColor;
enable = fChanmarkEnDis;
void TSpectrum2Painter::GetChanGrid(Int_t &enable,Int_t &color)
color = fChanlineColor;
enable = fChanlineEnDis;
void TSpectrum2Painter::PaintSpectrum(TH2* h2, Option_t *option)
<img src="gif/spectrumpainter.gif">
TString opt = option;
TSpectrum2Painter sp(h2);
if (gPad->GetLogz()) sp.SetZScale(kZScaleLog);
sp.SetPenAttr(h2->GetLineColor(), h2->GetLineStyle(), h2->GetLineWidth());
TString token;
Int_t i1, i2, i3, i4, i5;
Double_t f1, f2, f3;
Ssiz_t from = 4;
while (opt.Tokenize(token, from, "[ (]")) {
if (token=="dm") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
if (i1<0 || i1>3) {
printf("PaintSpectrum: Display modes groups should be in the [0,3] range\n");
i1 = 0;
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i2 = token.Atoi();
if (i2<1 || i2>11) {
printf("PaintSpectrum: Display modes should be in the [1,11] range\n");
i2 = 1;
sp.SetDisplayMode(i1, i2);
} else if (token=="pa") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i2 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i3 = token.Atoi();
sp.SetPenAttr(i1, i2, i3);
} else if (token=="n") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i2 = token.Atoi();
sp.SetNodes(i1, i2);
} else if (token=="ca") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i1 = token.Atoi();
if (i1<0 || i1>9) {
printf("PaintSpectrum: Color Algorithm should be in the [0,9] range\n");
i1 = 1;
} else if (token=="zs") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i1 = token.Atoi();
if (i1<0 || i1>2) {
printf("PaintSpectrum: Z-Scale should be in the [0,2] range\n");
i1 = 0;
} else if (token=="ci") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); f1 = token.Atof();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); f2 = token.Atof();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); f3 = token.Atof();
sp.SetColorIncrements(f1, f2, f3);
} else if (token=="lhw") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); f1 = token.Atof();
} else if (token=="lp") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i2 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i3 = token.Atoi();
sp.SetLightPosition(i1, i2, i3);
} else if (token=="cw") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i1 = token.Atoi();
} else if (token=="b") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i1 = token.Atoi();
if (i1<0 || i1>1) {
printf("PaintSpectrum: Bezier should be in the [0,1] range\n");
i1 = 0;
} else if (token=="s") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
if (i1<0 || i1>1) {
printf("PaintSpectrum: Shading should be in the [0,1] range\n");
i1 = 0;
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i2 = token.Atoi();
if (i2<0 || i2>1) {
printf("PaintSpectrum: Shadow should be in the [0,1] range\n");
i2 = 0;
sp.SetShading(i1, i2);
} else if (token=="cm") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i2 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i3 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i4 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i5 = token.Atoi();
sp.SetChanMarks(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5);
} else if (token=="cg") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i2 = token.Atoi();
sp.SetChanGrid(i1, i2);
} else if (token=="a" || token=="a=") {
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i1 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ","); i2 = token.Atoi();
opt.Tokenize(token, from, ")"); i3 = token.Atoi();
sp.SetAngles(i1, i2, i3);
} else {
if (!token.IsNull()) {
printf("Unknown option \"%s\"\n",token.Data());
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:53:14 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:53
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