#ifndef ROOT_TXProofMgr
#define ROOT_TXProofMgr
#ifndef ROOT_TProofMgr
#include "TProofMgr.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TUrl
#include "TUrl.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TXHandler
#include "TXHandler.h"
const Int_t kXPROOF_Protocol = 1;
class TXSocket;
class TXProofMgr : public TProofMgr, public TXHandler {
TXSocket *fSocket;
Int_t Init(Int_t loglevel = -1);
TXProofMgr(const char *url, Int_t loglevel = -1, const char *alias = "");
virtual ~TXProofMgr();
Bool_t HandleInput(const void *);
Bool_t HandleError(const void *in = 0);
Bool_t IsValid() const { return fSocket; }
void SetInvalid();
TProof *AttachSession(Int_t id, Bool_t gui = kFALSE)
{ return TProofMgr::AttachSession(id, gui); }
TProof *AttachSession(TProofDesc *d, Bool_t gui = kFALSE);
void DetachSession(Int_t, Option_t * = "");
TProofLog *GetSessionLogs(Int_t ridx = 0, const char *stag = 0,
const char *pattern = 0);
Bool_t MatchUrl(const char *url);
void ShowROOTVersions();
TList *QuerySessions(Option_t *opt = "S");
TObjString *ReadBuffer(const char *file, Long64_t ofs, Int_t len);
TObjString *ReadBuffer(const char *file, const char *pattern);
Int_t Reset(Bool_t hard = kFALSE, const char *usr = 0);
Int_t SendMsgToUsers(const char *msg, const char *usr = 0);
void SetROOTVersion(const char *tag);
void ShowWorkers();
Last change: Tue Jul 15 16:23:15 2008
Last generated: 2008-07-15 16:23
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