#ifndef ROOT_TXProofServ
#define ROOT_TXProofServ
#ifndef ROOT_TProofServ
#include "TProofServ.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TXHandler
#include "TXHandler.h"
class TXProofServInterruptHandler;
class TXSocketHandler;
class TXProofServ : public TProofServ, public TXHandler {
TXProofServInterruptHandler *fInterruptHandler;
TXSocketHandler *fInputHandler;
TString fSockPath;
Bool_t fTerminated;
Int_t LockSession(const char *sessiontag, TProofLockPath **lck);
Int_t Setup();
TXProofServ(Int_t *argc, char **argv, FILE *flog = 0);
virtual ~TXProofServ();
Int_t CreateServer();
void DisableTimeout();
void EnableTimeout();
EQueryAction GetWorkers(TList *workers, Int_t &prioritychange);
Bool_t HandleError(const void *in = 0);
Bool_t HandleInput(const void *in = 0);
void HandleUrgentData();
void HandleSigPipe();
void HandleTermination();
void ReleaseWorker(const char *ord);
void Terminate(Int_t status);
Last change: Thu Dec 18 09:31:40 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-18 09:31
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