The Experimental
particle physics department (F9) at the J. Stefan
Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, has an early stage researcher
position available for research work on the Belle and Belle II experiments.
We are looking for a young experimental physicist, ready to participate in our
research activities as an early-stage researcher (3.5-year research position).
The research work will lead to the award of a PhD.
The Belle collaboration is one of the best known research groups in particle physics, and has significantly
contributed to the experimental confirmation of the Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism of CP violation, for
which the Nobel prize was awarded in 2008. The
Ljubljana Belle team has made major contributions to some of the
key analyses of Belle data, and plays an important part in preparations of the Belle II
The early stage researcher will focus his/her research on the
analysis of the rich data sample of B meson decays, collected with the Belle spectrometer,
as well as on the research and development
related to the particle identification system for the future Belle II experiment, in particular a
proximity focusing ring imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector.
For further details please contact:
prof. Peter
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
phone:+386-1-477-3786, fax:+386-1-4773166,
mobile: +386-41-709-338,
email: peter.krizan @ ijs.si.
