The detector
development lab of the Experimental
particle physics department (F9) at the J. Stefan
Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, has an early stage researcher
position available for research work
on the development of photon detectors in high magnetic fields.
In the framework of the MC-PAD,
a FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network on
Particle Detectors, we are looking for a young experimental
physicist or electronics engineer, ready to participate in research training as an
early-stage researcher (3-year position). The research work may lead to the award of a PhD.
The research will be carried out within the project
'Photodetectors for High-B Fields'. The aim of
this project is to develop and test novel
position sensitive single photon detectors for
operation in high magnetic fields, and use them
in prototype devices. Novel sensors currently
evaluated are e.g. multianode micro-channel plates
(MCP), silicon photomultipliers (SiPM, Geiger
mode APDs). Prototype photon detectors will be
tested in collaboration with CERN, Photonis and
other network partners. Pulsed light sources will
allow scans of the spatial uniformity of response,
sensitivity and time resolution. The photon
detectors will be installed in two prototype
detector set-ups,
a proximity focusing ring imaging Cherenkov counter,
and a PET apparatus. It is expected that
part of the prototype tests will be carried out at CERN or at DESY.
For further details please contact:
prof. Peter
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
phone:+386-1-477-3786, fax:+386-1-4773166,
mobile: +386-41-709-338,
email: peter.krizan @ ijs.si.
