Literatura pri NDDOP Splošno o detektorjih, prehod nabitih delcev in fotonov skozi snov 1. W.R. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Springer-Verlag, Berlin; poglavje: Passage of Radiation Through Matter 2. K. Kleinknecht, Detectors for Particle Radiation, Cambridge University Press; podpoglavje Neutron Counters v poglavju Particle identification. 3. G. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement, 3rd Edition, 2000 4. Vsa poglavja zgornjih knjig (in še vec) pokriva H. Kolanoski, N. Wermes, Particle Detectors, 2022 Izbrani eksperimenti 1. Cahn, Goldhaber: The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics Obdelava podatkov 1. G. Cowan, Statistical Data Analysis, Oxford University Press, 1998. Dodatno ctivo: 1. C. Grupen, B. Shwartz, Particle Detectors, Cambridge University Press, 2008. (zamenjava za Kleinknechta) 2. Handbook of Particle Detection and Imaging, Volume 1 and 2, edited by Claus Grupen, Ir?ne Buvat. Poglavja so prispevali vrhunski strokovnjaki s posameznih področij. 3. T. Ferbel (editor), Experimental Techniques in High-Energy Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2nd Edition, World Scientic 1991. 4. F. Sauli (editor), Instrumentation in High Energy Physics, World Scientic 1992. 5. P. Horowitz, W. Hill, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University Press 1996. 6. H. Wiedermann, Particle Accelerator Physics, Springer-Verlag 1993. 7. K.G. Stephen, High Energy Beam Optics, Interscience Publishers 1996.