CERN - IJS/F-9 Collaboration: The LHC-Atlas Experiment

Barrel and Forward Power Distribution

Cable and DPP1 Tester

Downloadable documentation  (date 2005.05.27.) :

  34 KB PDF: CTB2_Sch.pdf ........ CTB2 schematic (Cable test board 2, with 2 17W5 connectors and switchable HV load)
  29 KB PDF: CTB1_Sch.pdf ........ CTB1 (Cable test board 1) schematic (replaces DummyPP1 in cable tests)
  24 KB PDF: CTB1_pcb.pdf ........ CTB1 (Cable test board 1) printed circuit board

120 KB PDF: TestSensitivity.pdf......Tester description and measurement sensitivity estimation

111 KB PDF: iddt_sch.pdf............. Tester : 24 channel +/-2.5V drive side subcircuit schematic
196 KB PDF: iddt_pcb.pdf............. Tester : 24 channel +/-2.5V drive side subcircuit printed circuit board
  84 KB PDF: idst_sch.pdf............. Tester :  20 channel V-sense + 4 channel I-sense subcircuit schematic
198 KB PDF: idst_pcb.pdf............. Tester :  20 channel V-sense + 4 channel I-sense subcircuit + 16-bit ADC printed circuit board
  77 KB PDF: adc16_sch.pdf ......... Tester : the ADC-16bit subcircuit schematic (PCB on "idst_pcb.pdf")
  96 KB PDF: hv_t_sch.pdf ........... Tester : High-Voltage test schematic - old version
142 KB PDF: hv_t_pcb.pdf ........... Tester : High-Voltage test printed circuit board - old  version
119 KB PDF: HV_2tt_sch.pdf ...... Tester : High-Voltage test schematic - new version
100 KB PDF: HV_2tt_pcb.pdf ..... Tester : High-Voltage test printed circuit board - new version
  91 KB PDF: rw_t_sch.pdf .......... Tester : Cable wire resistance test schematic
  69 KB PDF: rw_t_pcb.pdf .......... Tester : Cable wire resistance test printed circuit board
118 KB PDF: prn2bus0_sch.pdf .... Tester : PC-PRN port interface schematic
187 KB PDF: prn2bus0_pcb.pdf ... Tester : PC-PRN port interface printed circuit board
158 KB PDF: vlim_t_sch.pdf ... Tester : Voltage Limiter test card schematic (PCB same as rw_t_pcb)

Note: The old development info (obsolete) is still available

Please send comments regarding specs or hardware to : Erik Margan
Please send comments regarding the program to : Gregor Kramberger
First Publication Date : 2005-05-27
Last Revision Date : 2006-03-19