2.3 What is POV-Ray?
The Persistence of Vision Ray-Tracer(tm) was developed from DKBTrace 2.12
(written by David K. Buck and Aaron A. Collins) by a bunch of people (called
the POV-Team(tm)) in their spare time. The headquarters of the POV-Team is on
the internet at »www.povray.org (see
"Where to Find POV-Ray Files"
for more details).
The POV-Ray package includes detailed instructions on using the ray-tracer
and creating scenes. Many stunning scenes are included with POV-Ray so you
can start creating images immediately when you get the package. These scenes
can be modified so you don't have to start from scratch.
In addition to the pre-defined scenes, a large library of pre-defined shapes
and materials is provided. You can include these shapes and materials in your
own scenes by just including the library file name at the top of your scene
file, and by using the shape or material name in your scene.