2.6.5 Sphere Sweep Object
A Sphere Sweep is the envelope of a moving sphere with varying radius, or, in other words,
the space a sphere occupies during its movement along a trajectory in space. This shape was
first introduced to raytracing by J.J. van Wijk. Sphere Sweeps are modeled by specifying a
list of single spheres which are then interpolated. The current implementation allows for three
kinds of interpolation:
- Interpolating the input data with a linear function, which means that the single spheres are connected by straight tubes.
- Approximating the input data using a cubic B-Spline function, which results in a curved object.
- Approximating the input data using a cubic spline, which results in a curved object.
A code example:
sphere_sweep {
<-5,-5, 0>, 1
<-5, 5, 0>, 1
< 5,-5, 0>, 1
< 5, 5, 0>, 1