7.3.2  colors.inc - Color macros

In POV-Ray all colors are handled in RGB color space with a component for the amount of red, green and blue light. However, not everybody thinks this is the most intuitive way to specify colors. For your convenience there are macros included in colors.inc that converts between a few different types of color spaces.
The three supported color spaces:

CHSL2RGB(Color). Converts a color given in HSL space to one in RGB space.

CRGB2HSL(Color). Converts a color given in RGB space to one in HSL space.

CHSV2RGB(Color). Converts a color given in HSV space to one in RGB space.

CRGB2HSV(Color). Converts a color given in RGB space to one in HSV space.

Convert_Color(SourceType, DestType, Color). Converts a color from one color space to another. Color spaces available are: RGB, HSL, and HSV.