The two files stones1.inc and stones2.inc contain lists of predefined stone textures.
The file "stones1.inc" contains texture definitions for T_Grnt0 to T_Grnt29, T_Grnt1a to T_Grnt24a, and T_Stone0 to T_Stone24.
The T_GrntXX, T_GrntXXa, and CrackX textures are "building blocks that are used to create the final "usable" T_StoneX textures (and other textures that *you* design, of course!)
The T_GrntXX textures generally contain no transparency, but the T_GrntXXa textures do contain transparency. The CrackX textures are clear with thin opaque bands, simulating cracks.
The file "stones2.inc" provides additional stone textures, and contains texture definitions for T_Stone25 to T_Stone44.
The file "stones.inc" simply includes both "stones1.inc" and "stones2.inc", and the file "stoneold.inc" provides backwards compatability for old scenes, the user is advised to use the textures in "stones1.inc" instead.