/* @(#)root/base:$Id: GuiTypes.h 20877 2007-11-19 11:17:07Z rdm $ */ /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_GuiTypes #define ROOT_GuiTypes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // GuiTypes // // // // Types used by the GUI classes. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_Rtypes #include "Rtypes.h" #endif // Basic GUI types typedef ULong_t Handle_t; //Generic resource handle typedef Handle_t Display_t; //Display handle typedef Handle_t Visual_t; //Visual handle typedef Handle_t Window_t; //Window handle typedef Handle_t Pixmap_t; //Pixmap handle typedef Handle_t Drawable_t; //Drawable handle typedef Handle_t Region_t; //Region handle typedef Handle_t Colormap_t; //Colormap handle typedef Handle_t Cursor_t; //Cursor handle typedef Handle_t FontH_t; //Font handle (as opposed to Font_t which is an index) typedef Handle_t KeySym_t; //Key symbol handle typedef Handle_t Atom_t; //WM token typedef Handle_t GContext_t; //Graphics context handle typedef Handle_t FontStruct_t; //Pointer to font structure typedef ULong_t Pixel_t; //Pixel value typedef UInt_t Mask_t; //Structure mask type typedef ULong_t Time_t; //Event time enum EGuiConstants { kNotUseful = 0, kWhenMapped = 1, kAlways = 2, kIsUnmapped = 0, kIsUnviewable = 1, kIsViewable = 2, kInputOutput = 1, kInputOnly = 2, kLineSolid = 0, kLineOnOffDash = 1, kLineDoubleDash = 2, kCapNotLast = 0, kCapButt = 1, kCapRound = 2, kCapProjecting = 3, kJoinMiter = 0, kJoinRound = 1, kJoinBevel = 2, kFillSolid = 0, kFillTiled = 1, kFillStippled = 2, kFillOpaqueStippled = 3, kEvenOddRule = 0, kWindingRule = 1, kClipByChildren = 0, kIncludeInferiors = 1, kArcChord = 0, kArcPieSlice = 1 }; // GUI event types. Later merge with EEventType in Button.h and rename to // EEventTypes. Also rename in that case kGKeyPress to kKeyPress. enum EGEventType { kGKeyPress, kKeyRelease, kButtonPress, kButtonRelease, kMotionNotify, kEnterNotify, kLeaveNotify, kFocusIn, kFocusOut, kExpose, kConfigureNotify, kMapNotify, kUnmapNotify, kDestroyNotify, kClientMessage, kSelectionClear, kSelectionRequest, kSelectionNotify, kColormapNotify, kButtonDoubleClick, kOtherEvent }; enum EGraphicsFunction { kGXclear = 0, // 0 kGXand, // src AND dst kGXandReverse, // src AND NOT dst kGXcopy, // src kGXandInverted, // NOT src AND dst kGXnoop, // dst kGXxor, // src XOR dst kGXor, // src OR dst kGXnor, // NOT src AND NOT dst kGXequiv, // NOT src XOR dst kGXinvert, // NOT dst kGXorReverse, // src OR NOT dst kGXcopyInverted, // NOT src kGXorInverted, // NOT src OR dst kGXnand, // NOT src OR NOT dst kGXset // 1 }; enum { kDefaultScrollBarWidth = 16 }; const Handle_t kNone = 0; const Handle_t kCopyFromParent = 0; const Handle_t kParentRelative = 1; // Attributes that can be used when creating or changing a window struct SetWindowAttributes_t { Pixmap_t fBackgroundPixmap; // background or kNone or kParentRelative ULong_t fBackgroundPixel; // background pixel Pixmap_t fBorderPixmap; // border of the window ULong_t fBorderPixel; // border pixel value UInt_t fBorderWidth; // border width in pixels Int_t fBitGravity; // one of bit gravity values Int_t fWinGravity; // one of the window gravity values Int_t fBackingStore; // kNotUseful, kWhenMapped, kAlways ULong_t fBackingPlanes; // planes to be preseved if possible ULong_t fBackingPixel; // value to use in restoring planes Bool_t fSaveUnder; // should bits under be saved (popups)? Long_t fEventMask; // set of events that should be saved Long_t fDoNotPropagateMask; // set of events that should not propagate Bool_t fOverrideRedirect; // boolean value for override-redirect Colormap_t fColormap; // color map to be associated with window Cursor_t fCursor; // cursor to be displayed (or kNone) Mask_t fMask; // bit mask specifying which fields are valid }; // Window attributes that can be inquired struct WindowAttributes_t { Int_t fX, fY; // location of window Int_t fWidth, fHeight; // width and height of window Int_t fBorderWidth; // border width of window Int_t fDepth; // depth of window void *fVisual; // the associated visual structure Window_t fRoot; // root of screen containing window Int_t fClass; // kInputOutput, kInputOnly Int_t fBitGravity; // one of bit gravity values Int_t fWinGravity; // one of the window gravity values Int_t fBackingStore; // kNotUseful, kWhenMapped, kAlways ULong_t fBackingPlanes; // planes to be preserved if possible ULong_t fBackingPixel; // value to be used when restoring planes Bool_t fSaveUnder; // boolean, should bits under be saved? Colormap_t fColormap; // color map to be associated with window Bool_t fMapInstalled; // boolean, is color map currently installed Int_t fMapState; // kIsUnmapped, kIsUnviewable, kIsViewable Long_t fAllEventMasks; // set of events all people have interest in Long_t fYourEventMask; // my event mask Long_t fDoNotPropagateMask; // set of events that should not propagate Bool_t fOverrideRedirect; // boolean value for override-redirect void *fScreen; // back pointer to correct screen }; // Bits telling which SetWindowAttributes_t fields are valid const Mask_t kWABackPixmap = BIT(0); const Mask_t kWABackPixel = BIT(1); const Mask_t kWABorderPixmap = BIT(2); const Mask_t kWABorderPixel = BIT(3); const Mask_t kWABorderWidth = BIT(4); const Mask_t kWABitGravity = BIT(5); const Mask_t kWAWinGravity = BIT(6); const Mask_t kWABackingStore = BIT(7); const Mask_t kWABackingPlanes = BIT(8); const Mask_t kWABackingPixel = BIT(9); const Mask_t kWAOverrideRedirect = BIT(10); const Mask_t kWASaveUnder = BIT(11); const Mask_t kWAEventMask = BIT(12); const Mask_t kWADontPropagate = BIT(13); const Mask_t kWAColormap = BIT(14); const Mask_t kWACursor = BIT(15); // Input event masks, used to set SetWindowAttributes_t::fEventMask // and to be passed to TVirtualX::SelectInput() const Mask_t kNoEventMask = 0; const Mask_t kKeyPressMask = BIT(0); const Mask_t kKeyReleaseMask = BIT(1); const Mask_t kButtonPressMask = BIT(2); const Mask_t kButtonReleaseMask = BIT(3); const Mask_t kPointerMotionMask = BIT(4); const Mask_t kButtonMotionMask = BIT(5); const Mask_t kExposureMask = BIT(6); const Mask_t kStructureNotifyMask = BIT(7); const Mask_t kEnterWindowMask = BIT(8); const Mask_t kLeaveWindowMask = BIT(9); const Mask_t kFocusChangeMask = BIT(10); const Mask_t kOwnerGrabButtonMask = BIT(11); const Mask_t kColormapChangeMask = BIT(12); // Event structure struct Event_t { EGEventType fType; // of event (see EGEventType) Window_t fWindow; // window reported event is relative to Time_t fTime; // time event event occured in ms Int_t fX, fY; // pointer x, y coordinates in event window Int_t fXRoot, fYRoot; // coordinates relative to root UInt_t fCode; // key or button code UInt_t fState; // key or button mask UInt_t fWidth, fHeight; // width and height of exposed area Int_t fCount; // if non-zero, at least this many more exposes Bool_t fSendEvent; // true if event came from SendEvent Handle_t fHandle; // general resource handle (used for atoms or windows) Int_t fFormat; // Next fields only used by kClientMessageEvent Long_t fUser[5]; // 5 longs can be used by client message events // NOTE: only [0], [1] and [2] may be used. // [1] and [2] may contain >32 bit quantities // (i.e. pointers on 64 bit machines) }; // Key masks, used as modifiers to GrabButton and GrabKey and // in Event_t::fState in various key-, mouse-, and button-related events const Mask_t kKeyShiftMask = BIT(0); const Mask_t kKeyLockMask = BIT(1); const Mask_t kKeyControlMask = BIT(2); const Mask_t kKeyMod1Mask = BIT(3); // typically the Alt key const Mask_t kKeyMod2Mask = BIT(4); // typically mod on numeric keys const Mask_t kButton1Mask = BIT(8); const Mask_t kButton2Mask = BIT(9); const Mask_t kButton3Mask = BIT(10); const Mask_t kButton4Mask = BIT(11); const Mask_t kButton5Mask = BIT(12); const Mask_t kAnyModifier = BIT(15); // Button names. Used as arguments to GrabButton and as Event_t::fCode // for button events. Maps to the X11 values. enum EMouseButton { kAnyButton, kButton1, kButton2, kButton3, kButton4, kButton5 }; // Some magic X notify modes used in TGTextEntry widget. // Values must match the ones in /usr/include/X11/X.h. Check when porting. enum EXMagic { kNotifyNormal = 0, kNotifyGrab = 1, kNotifyUngrab = 2, kNotifyPointer = 5, kColormapUninstalled = 0, kColormapInstalled = 1 }; // Graphics context structure struct GCValues_t { EGraphicsFunction fFunction; // logical operation ULong_t fPlaneMask; // plane mask ULong_t fForeground; // foreground pixel ULong_t fBackground; // background pixel Int_t fLineWidth; // line width Int_t fLineStyle; // kLineSolid, kLineOnOffDash, kLineDoubleDash Int_t fCapStyle; // kCapNotLast, kCapButt, // kCapRound, kCapProjecting Int_t fJoinStyle; // kJoinMiter, kJoinRound, kJoinBevel Int_t fFillStyle; // kFillSolid, kFillTiled, // kFillStippled, kFillOpaeueStippled Int_t fFillRule; // kEvenOddRule, kWindingRule Int_t fArcMode; // kArcChord, kArcPieSlice Pixmap_t fTile; // tile pixmap for tiling operations Pixmap_t fStipple; // stipple 1 plane pixmap for stipping Int_t fTsXOrigin; // offset for tile or stipple operations Int_t fTsYOrigin; FontH_t fFont; // default text font for text operations Int_t fSubwindowMode; // kClipByChildren, kIncludeInferiors Bool_t fGraphicsExposures; // boolean, should exposures be generated Int_t fClipXOrigin; // origin for clipping Int_t fClipYOrigin; Pixmap_t fClipMask; // bitmap clipping; other calls for rects Int_t fDashOffset; // patterned/dashed line information Char_t fDashes[8]; // dash pattern list (dash length per byte) Int_t fDashLen; // number of dashes in fDashes Mask_t fMask; // bit mask specifying which fields are valid GCValues_t() : // default constructor fFunction (kGXcopy), fPlaneMask (0), fForeground (0), fBackground (1), fLineWidth (0), fLineStyle (kLineSolid), fCapStyle (kCapButt), fJoinStyle (kJoinMiter), fFillStyle (kFillSolid), fFillRule (kEvenOddRule), fArcMode (kArcPieSlice), fTile (0), fStipple (0), fTsXOrigin (0), fTsYOrigin (0), fFont (0), fSubwindowMode (kClipByChildren), fGraphicsExposures (kTRUE), fClipXOrigin (0), fClipYOrigin (0), fClipMask (0), fDashOffset (0), fDashLen (2), fMask (0) { for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++) fDashes[i] = 0; fDashes[0] = 5; // dashed fDashes[1] = 5; } }; // Bits telling which GCValues_t fields are valid const Mask_t kGCFunction = BIT(0); const Mask_t kGCPlaneMask = BIT(1); const Mask_t kGCForeground = BIT(2); const Mask_t kGCBackground = BIT(3); const Mask_t kGCLineWidth = BIT(4); const Mask_t kGCLineStyle = BIT(5); const Mask_t kGCCapStyle = BIT(6); const Mask_t kGCJoinStyle = BIT(7); const Mask_t kGCFillStyle = BIT(8); const Mask_t kGCFillRule = BIT(9); const Mask_t kGCTile = BIT(10); const Mask_t kGCStipple = BIT(11); const Mask_t kGCTileStipXOrigin = BIT(12); const Mask_t kGCTileStipYOrigin = BIT(13); const Mask_t kGCFont = BIT(14); const Mask_t kGCSubwindowMode = BIT(15); const Mask_t kGCGraphicsExposures = BIT(16); const Mask_t kGCClipXOrigin = BIT(17); const Mask_t kGCClipYOrigin = BIT(18); const Mask_t kGCClipMask = BIT(19); const Mask_t kGCDashOffset = BIT(20); const Mask_t kGCDashList = BIT(21); const Mask_t kGCArcMode = BIT(22); struct ColorStruct_t { ULong_t fPixel; // color pixel value (index in color table) UShort_t fRed; // red component (0..65535) UShort_t fGreen; // green component (0..65535) UShort_t fBlue; // blue component (0..65535) UShort_t fMask; // mask telling which color components are valid }; // Bits telling which ColorStruct_t fields are valid const Mask_t kDoRed = BIT(0); const Mask_t kDoGreen = BIT(1); const Mask_t kDoBlue = BIT(2); struct PictureAttributes_t { Colormap_t fColormap; // colormap to use Int_t fDepth; // depth of window UInt_t fWidth; // width of picture UInt_t fHeight; // height of picture UInt_t fXHotspot; // picture x hotspot coordinate UInt_t fYHotspot; // picture y hotspot coordinate ULong_t *fPixels; // list of used color pixels (if set use delete[]) UInt_t fNpixels; // number of used color pixels UInt_t fCloseness; // allowable RGB deviation Mask_t fMask; // mask specifying which attributes are defined }; // PictureAttributes_t masks bits const Mask_t kPAColormap = BIT(0); const Mask_t kPADepth = BIT(1); const Mask_t kPASize = BIT(2); // width and height const Mask_t kPAHotspot = BIT(3); // x and y hotspot const Mask_t kPAReturnPixels = BIT(4); const Mask_t kPACloseness = BIT(5); // Initial window mapping state enum EInitialState { kNormalState = BIT(0), kIconicState = BIT(1) }; // Used for drawing line segments (maps to the X11 XSegments structure) struct Segment_t { Short_t fX1, fY1, fX2, fY2; }; // Point structure (maps to the X11 XPoint structure) struct Point_t { Short_t fX, fY; }; // Rectangle structure (maps to the X11 XRectangle structure) struct Rectangle_t { Short_t fX, fY; UShort_t fWidth, fHeight; }; // Atoms used for text cut and paste between windows const Atom_t kPrimarySelection = 1; // magic values, must match the ones const Atom_t kCutBuffer = 9; // in /usr/include/X11/Xatom.h const Int_t kMaxPixel = 32000; #endif