MathMore Library

MathMore library

MathMore provides an advanced collection of functions and C++ classes for HEP numerical computing.

This is an extension of the functionality provided by the MathCore library. The current set includes classes and functions for:

The mathematical functions are implemented as a set of free functions in the namespace ROOT::Math. The naming used for the special functions is the same proposed for the C++ standard (see C++ standard extension proposal document).

The MathMore library is implemented wrapping in C++ the GNU Scientific Library (GSL).

To build MathMore you need to have first GSL installed somewhere in your system. A version of GSL larger or equal 1.8 is required. A tar file of GSL can be downloaded from the GSL Web site. Windows binaries, compiled using Visual Studio 7.1 are also available on the Web or can be downloaded from this location.
MathMore (and its ROOT CINT dictionary) can be built within ROOT whenever a GSL library is found in the system. Optionally the GSL library and header file location can be specified in the ROOT configure script with configure --with-gsl-incdir=... --with-gsl-libdir=.... MathMore links with the GSL static libraries. On some platform (like Linux x86_64) GSL needs to be compiled with the option --with-pic.

The source code of MathMore is distributed under the GNU General Public License

See also :

N.B.: For browsing the reference MathMore documentation it is strongly recommended to look at these online doc. The class documentation shown from the class links below is not complete, it is missing ROOT::Math functions, template methods and in same case the class descriptions are not appropriate.

Last modified: Tue Jun 24 00:06:47 CEST 2008

Further Reading


List of Classes

Class Index

Jump to

R ROOT::Math::G ROOT::Math::GSLN ROOT::Math::GSLR ROOT::Math::I ROOT::Math::M ROOT::Math::R ROOT::Math::Ro ROOT::Math::Roots:

Last change: Thu Dec 18 10:00:27 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-18 10:00

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