// @(#)root/tmva $Id: Option.h 26050 2008-11-01 09:18:41Z brun $ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : Option * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Option container * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Joerg Stelzer - CERN, Switzerland * * Helge Voss - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Copyright (c) 2005: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * LAPP, Annecy, France * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://mva.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * **********************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Option #define ROOT_TMVA_Option ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Option // // // // Class for MVA-option handling // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include "TObject.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TString #include "TString.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TList #include "TList.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MsgLogger #include "TMVA/MsgLogger.h" #endif namespace TMVA { class Configurable; class OptionBase : public TObject { public: friend class Configurable; OptionBase( const TString& name, const TString& desc ) : TObject(), fName(name), fNameAllLower(name), fDescription(desc), fIsSet(kFALSE), fLogger("OptionBase") { fNameAllLower.ToLower(); } virtual ~OptionBase() {} virtual const char* GetName() const { return fNameAllLower.Data(); } virtual const char* TheName() const { return fName.Data(); } virtual TString GetValue(Int_t i=-1) const = 0; Bool_t IsSet() const { return fIsSet; } virtual Bool_t IsArrayOpt() const = 0; const TString& Description() const { return fDescription; } virtual Bool_t IsPreDefinedVal(const TString&) const = 0; virtual Bool_t HasPreDefinedVal() const = 0; virtual Int_t GetArraySize() const = 0; virtual Bool_t SetValue( const TString& vs, Int_t i=-1 ); using TObject::Print; virtual void Print( ostream&, Int_t levelofdetail=0 ) const = 0; private: virtual void SetValueLocal(const TString& vs, Int_t i=-1) = 0; const TString fName; // name of variable TString fNameAllLower; // name of variable const TString fDescription; // its description Bool_t fIsSet; // set by user ? protected: mutable MsgLogger fLogger; // message logger }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template class Option : public OptionBase { public: Option( T& ref, const TString& name, const TString& desc ) : OptionBase(name, desc), fRefPtr(&ref) {} virtual ~Option() {} // getters virtual TString GetValue( Int_t i=-1 ) const; virtual const T& Value ( Int_t i=-1 ) const; virtual Bool_t HasPreDefinedVal() const { return (fPreDefs.size()!=0); } virtual Bool_t IsPreDefinedVal( const TString& ) const; virtual Bool_t IsArrayOpt() const { return kFALSE; } virtual Int_t GetArraySize() const { return 0; } // setters virtual void AddPreDefVal(const T&); using OptionBase::Print; virtual void Print ( ostream&, Int_t levelofdetail=0 ) const; virtual void PrintPreDefs( ostream&, Int_t levelofdetail=0 ) const; protected: T& Value(Int_t=-1); virtual void SetValueLocal( const TString& val, Int_t i=-1 ); virtual Bool_t IsPreDefinedValLocal( const T& ) const; T* fRefPtr; std::vector fPreDefs; // templated vector }; template class Option : public Option { public: Option( T*& ref, Int_t size, const TString& name, const TString& desc ) : Option(*ref,name, desc), fVRefPtr(&ref), fSize(size) {} virtual ~Option() {} TString GetValue( Int_t i ) const { std::stringstream str; str << Value(i); return str.str(); } const T& Value( Int_t i ) const { return (*fVRefPtr)[i]; } virtual Bool_t IsArrayOpt() const { return kTRUE; } virtual Int_t GetArraySize() const { return fSize; } using Option::Print; virtual void Print( ostream&, Int_t levelofdetail=0 ) const; virtual Bool_t SetValue( const TString& val, Int_t i=0 ); T& Value(Int_t i) { return (*fVRefPtr)[i]; } T ** fVRefPtr; Int_t fSize; }; } // namespace namespace TMVA { //______________________________________________________________________ template inline const T& TMVA::Option::Value( Int_t ) const { return *fRefPtr; } template inline T& TMVA::Option::Value( Int_t ) { return *fRefPtr; } template inline TString TMVA::Option::GetValue( Int_t ) const { std::stringstream str; str << this->Value(); return str.str(); } template<> inline TString TMVA::Option::GetValue( Int_t ) const { return Value() ? "True" : "False"; } template<> inline TString TMVA::Option::GetValue( Int_t i ) const { return Value(i) ? "True" : "False"; } template inline Bool_t TMVA::Option::IsPreDefinedVal( const TString& val ) const { // template T tmpVal; std::stringstream str(val.Data()); str >> tmpVal; return IsPreDefinedValLocal(tmpVal); } template inline Bool_t TMVA::Option::IsPreDefinedValLocal(const T& val) const { // template if (fPreDefs.size()==0) return kTRUE; // if nothing pre-defined then allow everything typename std::vector::const_iterator predefIt; predefIt = fPreDefs.begin(); for (;predefIt!=fPreDefs.end(); predefIt++) if ( (*predefIt)==val ) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } template<> inline Bool_t TMVA::Option::IsPreDefinedValLocal( const TString& val ) const { // template specialization for Bool_t TString tVal(val); tVal.ToLower(); if (fPreDefs.size()==0) return kFALSE; // if nothing pre-defined then allow everything Bool_t foundPreDef = kFALSE; std::vector::const_iterator predefIt; predefIt = fPreDefs.begin(); for (;predefIt!=fPreDefs.end(); predefIt++) { TString s(*predefIt); s.ToLower(); if (s==tVal) { foundPreDef = kTRUE; break; } } return foundPreDef; } //______________________________________________________________________ template inline void TMVA::Option::AddPreDefVal( const T& val ) { // template fPreDefs.push_back(val); } template<> inline void TMVA::Option::AddPreDefVal( const Bool_t& ) { // template specialization for Bool_t fLogger << kFATAL << " predefined values for Option don't make sense" << Endl; } template<> inline void TMVA::Option::AddPreDefVal( const Float_t& ) { // template specialization for Float_t fLogger << kFATAL << " predefined values for Option don't make sense" << Endl; } template inline void TMVA::Option::Print( ostream& os, Int_t levelofdetail ) const { // template specialization for TString printing os << TheName() << ": " << "\"" << GetValue() << "\"" << " [" << Description() << "]"; this->PrintPreDefs(os,levelofdetail); } template inline void TMVA::Option::Print( ostream& os, Int_t levelofdetail ) const { // template specialization for TString printing for (Int_t i=0; iTheName() << "[" << i << "]: " << "\"" << this->GetValue(i) << "\"" << " [" << this->Description() << "]"; else os << " " << this->TheName() << "[" << i << "]: " << "\"" << this->GetValue(i) << "\""; if (i!=fSize-1) os << std::endl; } this->PrintPreDefs(os,levelofdetail); } //______________________________________________________________________ template inline void TMVA::Option::PrintPreDefs( ostream& os, Int_t levelofdetail ) const { // template specialization for TString printing if (HasPreDefinedVal() && levelofdetail>0) { os << std::endl << "PreDefined - possible values are:" << std::endl; typename std::vector::const_iterator predefIt; predefIt = fPreDefs.begin(); for (;predefIt!=fPreDefs.end(); predefIt++) { os << " "; os << " - " << (*predefIt) << std::endl; } } } //______________________________________________________________________ template inline Bool_t TMVA::Option::SetValue( const TString& val, Int_t ind ) { // template if (ind >= fSize) return kFALSE; std::stringstream str(val.Data()); if (ind < 0) { str >> Value(0); for (Int_t i=1; i> Value(ind); } return kTRUE; } template inline void TMVA::Option::SetValueLocal( const TString& val, Int_t i ) { // template std::stringstream str(val.Data()); str >> Value(i); } template<> inline void TMVA::Option::SetValueLocal( const TString& val, Int_t ) { // set TString value TString valToSet(val); if (fPreDefs.size()!=0) { TString tVal(val); tVal.ToLower(); std::vector::const_iterator predefIt; predefIt = fPreDefs.begin(); for (;predefIt!=fPreDefs.end(); predefIt++) { TString s(*predefIt); s.ToLower(); if (s==tVal) { valToSet = *predefIt; break; } } } std::stringstream str(valToSet.Data()); str >> Value(-1); } template<> inline void TMVA::Option::SetValueLocal( const TString& val, Int_t ) { // set Bool_t value TString valToSet(val); valToSet.ToLower(); if (valToSet=="1" || valToSet=="true" || valToSet=="ktrue" || valToSet=="t") { this->Value() = true; } else if (valToSet=="0" || valToSet=="false" || valToSet=="kfalse" || valToSet=="f") { this->Value() = false; } else { fLogger << kFATAL << " value \'" << val << "\' can not be interpreted as boolean" << Endl; } } } #endif