// @(#)root/ged:$Id: TAxisEditor.h 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $ // Author: Ilka Antcheva 11/05/04 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2002, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TAxisEditor #define ROOT_TAxisEditor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TAxisEditor // // // // Implements GUI for axis attributes. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ROOT_TGedFrame #include "TGedFrame.h" #endif class TAxis; class TGLabel; class TGComboBox; class TGNumberEntry; class TGTextEntry; class TGCheckButton; class TGColorSelect; class TGFontTypeComboBox; class TAxisEditor : public TGedFrame { protected: TAxis *fAxis; // axis object TGColorSelect *fAxisColor; // color selection widget TGCheckButton *fLogAxis; // logarithmic check box TGNumberEntry *fTickLength; // tick length number entry TGNumberEntry *fDiv1; // primary axis division number entry TGNumberEntry *fDiv2; // secondary axis division number entry TGNumberEntry *fDiv3; // tertiary axis division number entry TGCheckButton *fOptimize; // tick optimization check box TGCheckButton *fTicksBoth; // check box setting ticks on both axis sides TGCheckButton *fMoreLog; // more logarithmic labels check box Int_t fTicksFlag; // positive/negative ticks' flag TGTextEntry *fTitle; // axis title input field TGColorSelect *fTitleColor; // color selection widget TGFontTypeComboBox *fTitleFont; // title font combo box Int_t fTitlePrec; // font precision level TGNumberEntry *fTitleSize; // title size number entry TGNumberEntry *fTitleOffset; // title offset number entry TGCheckButton *fCentered; // check button for centered title TGCheckButton *fRotated; // check button for rotated title TGColorSelect *fLabelColor; // color selection widget TGFontTypeComboBox *fLabelFont; // label font combo box Int_t fLabelPrec; // font precision level TGNumberEntry *fLabelSize; // label size number entry TGNumberEntry *fLabelOffset; // label offset number entry TGCheckButton *fNoExponent; // check box for No exponent choice TGCheckButton *fDecimal; // decimal part check box virtual void ConnectSignals2Slots(); public: TAxisEditor(const TGWindow *p = 0, Int_t width = 140, Int_t height = 30, UInt_t options = kChildFrame, Pixel_t back = GetDefaultFrameBackground()); virtual ~TAxisEditor(); virtual void SetModel(TObject* obj); // slots related to axis attributes virtual void DoTickLength(); virtual void DoAxisColor(Pixel_t color); virtual void DoTicks(); virtual void DoDivisions(); virtual void DoLogAxis(); virtual void DoMoreLog(); // slots related to axis title attributes virtual void DoTitleColor(Pixel_t color); virtual void DoTitle(const char *text); virtual void DoTitleSize(); virtual void DoTitleFont(Int_t font); virtual void DoTitleOffset(); virtual void DoTitleCentered(); virtual void DoTitleRotated(); // slots related to axis labels attributes virtual void DoLabelColor(Pixel_t color); virtual void DoLabelSize(); virtual void DoLabelFont(Int_t font); virtual void DoLabelOffset(); virtual void DoNoExponent(); virtual void DoDecimal(Bool_t on); ClassDef(TAxisEditor,0) // axis editor }; #endif