// @(#)root/spectrumpainter:$Id: TSpectrum2Painter.h,v 1.0 // Author: Miroslav Morhac 29/09/06 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TSpectrum2Painter #define ROOT_TSpectrum2Painter #ifndef ROOT_TNamed #include "TNamed.h" #endif class TH2; class TLine; class TColor; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TSpectrum2Painter Algorithms // // // // 3D graphics representations package. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TSpectrum2Painter: public TNamed { public: TSpectrum2Painter(TH2* h2); virtual ~TSpectrum2Painter(); void GetAngles(Int_t &alpha,Int_t &beta,Int_t &view); void GetBezier(Int_t &bezier); void GetChanGrid(Int_t &enable,Int_t &color); void GetChanMarks(Int_t &enable,Int_t &color,Int_t &width,Int_t &height,Int_t &style); void GetColorAlgorithm(Int_t &colorAlgorithm); void GetColorIncrements(Double_t &r,Double_t &g,Double_t &b); void GetContourWidth(Int_t &width); void GetDisplayMode(Int_t &modeGroup,Int_t &displayMode); void GetLightHeightWeight(Double_t &weight); void GetLightPosition(Int_t &x,Int_t &y,Int_t &z); void GetNodes(Int_t &nodesx,Int_t &nodesy); void GetPenAttr(Int_t &color, Int_t &style, Int_t &width); void GetShading(Int_t &shading,Int_t &shadow); void GetZScale(Int_t &scale); void Paint(Option_t *option); void SetAngles(Int_t alpha,Int_t beta,Int_t view); void SetBezier(Int_t bezier); void SetChanGrid(Int_t enable,Int_t color); void SetChanMarks(Int_t enable,Int_t color,Int_t width,Int_t height,Int_t style); void SetColorAlgorithm(Int_t colorAlgorithm); void SetColorIncrements(Double_t r,Double_t g,Double_t b); void SetContourWidth(Int_t width); void SetDisplayMode(Int_t modeGroup,Int_t displayMode); void SetLightHeightWeight(Double_t weight); void SetLightPosition(Int_t x,Int_t y,Int_t z); void SetNodes(Int_t nodesx,Int_t nodesy); void SetPenAttr(Int_t color,Int_t style,Int_t width); void SetShading(Int_t shading,Int_t shadow); void SetZScale(Int_t scale); static void PaintSpectrum(TH2* h2, Option_t *option=""); enum { kModeGroupSimple=0, kModeGroupHeight=1, kModeGroupLight=2, kModeGroupLightHeight=3, kDisplayModePoints=1, kDisplayModeGrid=2, kDisplayModeContours=3, kDisplayModeBars=4, kDisplayModeLinesX=5, kDisplayModeLinesY=6, kDisplayModeBarsX=7, kDisplayModeBarsY=8, kDisplayModeNeedles=9, kDisplayModeSurface=10, kDisplayModeTriangles=11, kZScaleLinear=0, kZScaleLog=1, kZScaleSqrt=2, kColorAlgRgbSmooth=0, kColorAlgRgbModulo=1, kColorAlgCmySmooth=2, kColorAlgCmyModulo=3, kColorAlgCieSmooth=4, kColorAlgCieModulo=5, kColorAlgYiqSmooth=6, kColorAlgYiqModulo=7, kColorAlgHvsSmooth=8, kColorAlgHvsModulo=9, kShadowsNotPainted=0, kShadowsPainted=1, kNotShaded=0, kShaded=1, kNoBezierInterpol=0, kBezierInterpol=1, kPenStyleSolid=1, kPenStyleDash=2, kPenStyleDot=3, kPenStyleDashDot=4, kChannelMarksNotDrawn=0, kChannelMarksDrawn=1, kChannelMarksStyleDot=1, kChannelMarksStyleCross=2, kChannelMarksStyleStar=3, kChannelMarksStyleRectangle=4, kChannelMarksStyleX=5, kChannelMarksStyleDiamond=6, kChannelMarksStyleTriangle=7, kChannelGridNotDrawn=0, kChannelGridDrawn=1, kMaximumXScreenResolution=1600 }; protected: TH2 *fH2; //pointer to 2D histogram TH2 Int_t fXmin; //x-starting channel of spectrum Int_t fXmax; //x-end channel of spectrum Int_t fYmin; //y-starting channel of spectrum Int_t fYmax; //y-end channel of spectrum Double_t fZmin; //base counts Double_t fZmax; //counts full scale Int_t fBx1; //positon of picture on Canvas, min x Int_t fBx2; //positon of picture on Canvas, max x Int_t fBy1; //positon of picture on Canvas, min y Int_t fBy2; //positon of picture on Canvas, max y Int_t fPenColor; //color of spectrum Int_t fPenDash; //style of pen Int_t fPenWidth; //width of line Int_t fModeGroup; //display mode algorithm group (simple modes-kModeGroupSimple, modes with shading according to light-kModeGroupLight, modes with shading according to channels counts-kModeGroupHeight, modes of combination of shading according to light and to channels counts-kModeGroupLightHeight) Int_t fDisplayMode; //spectrum display mode (points, grid, contours, bars, x_lines, y_lines, bars_x, bars_y, needles, surface, triangles) Int_t fZscale; //z scale (linear, log, sqrt) Int_t fNodesx; //number of nodes in x dimension of grid Int_t fNodesy; //number of nodes in y dimension of grid Int_t fContWidth; //width between contours, applies only for contours display mode Int_t fAlpha; //angles of display,alfa+beta must be less or equal to 90, alpha- angle between base line of Canvas and right lower edge of picture base plane Int_t fBeta; //angle between base line of Canvas and left lower edge of picture base plane Int_t fViewAngle; //rotation angle of the view, it can be 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees Int_t fLevels; //# of color levels for rainbowed display modes, it does not apply for simple display modes algorithm group Double_t fRainbow1Step; //determines the first component step for neighbouring color levels, applies only for rainbowed display modes, it does not apply for simple display modes algorithm group Double_t fRainbow2Step; //determines the second component step for neighbouring color levels, applies only for rainbowed display modes, it does not apply for simple display modes algorithm group Double_t fRainbow3Step; //determines the third component step for neighbouring color levels, applies only for rainbowed display modes, it does not apply for simple display modes algorithm group Int_t fColorAlg; //applies only for rainbowed display modes (rgb smooth alorithm, rgb modulo color component, cmy smooth alorithm, cmy modulo color component, cie smooth alorithm, cie modulo color component, yiq smooth alorithm, yiq modulo color component, hsv smooth alorithm, hsv modulo color component, it does not apply for simple display modes algorithm group Double_t fLHweight; //weight between shading according to fictive light source and according to channels counts, applies only for kModeGroupLightHeight modes group Int_t fXlight; //x position of fictive light source, applies only for rainbowed display modes with shading according to light Int_t fYlight; //y position of fictive light source, applies only for rainbowed display modes with shading according to light Int_t fZlight; //z position of fictive light source, applies only for rainbowed display modes with shading according to light Int_t fShadow; //determines whether shadow will be drawn (no shadow, shadow), for rainbowed display modes with shading according to light Int_t fShading; //determines whether the picture will shaded, smoothed (no shading, shading), for rainbowed display modes only Int_t fBezier; //determines Bezier interpolation (applies only for simple display modes group for grid, x_lines, y_lines display modes) Int_t fChanmarkEnDis; //decides whether the channel marks are shown Int_t fChanmarkStyle; //style of channel marks Int_t fChanmarkWidth; //width of channel marks Int_t fChanmarkHeight;//height of channel marks Int_t fChanmarkColor; //color of channel marks Int_t fChanlineEnDis; //decides whether the channel lines (grid) are shown Int_t fChanlineColor; //color of channel lines (grid) //auxiliary variables,transformation coeffitients for internal use only Double_t fKx; Double_t fKy; Double_t fMxx; Double_t fMxy; Double_t fMyx; Double_t fMyy; Double_t fTxx; Double_t fTxy; Double_t fTyx; Double_t fTyy; Double_t fTyz; Double_t fVx; Double_t fVy; Double_t fNuSli; //auxiliary internal variables, working place Double_t fZ,fZeq,fGbezx,fGbezy,fDxspline,fDyspline,fZPresetValue; Int_t fXt,fYt,fXs,fYs,fXe,fYe,fLine; Short_t *fEnvelope; //! Short_t *fEnvelopeContour; //! TColor *fNewColor; //! Int_t fNewColorIndex; Int_t fBzX[4]; Int_t fBzY[4]; Int_t BezC(Int_t i); Double_t BezierBlend(Int_t i,Double_t bezf); void BezierSmoothing(Double_t bezf); Double_t ColorCalculation(Double_t dx1,Double_t dy1,Double_t z1,Double_t dx2,Double_t dy2,Double_t z2,Double_t dx3,Double_t dy3,Double_t z3);//calculation of new color void ColorModel(unsigned ui,unsigned ui1,unsigned ui2,unsigned ui3);//calculation of color according to chosen algorithm void CopyEnvelope(Double_t xr,Double_t xs,Double_t yr,Double_t ys); void DrawMarker(Int_t x,Int_t y,Int_t w,Int_t h,Int_t type); void Envelope(Int_t x1,Int_t y1,Int_t x2,Int_t y2); void EnvelopeBars(Int_t x1,Int_t y1,Int_t x2,Int_t y2); Double_t ShadowColorCalculation(Double_t xtaz,Double_t ytaz,Double_t ztaz,Double_t shad_noise);//shadow color void Slice(Double_t xr,Double_t yr,Double_t xs,Double_t ys,TLine *line); void Transform(Int_t it,Int_t jt,Int_t zmt);//transform function public: ClassDef(TSpectrum2Painter,0) //TSpectrum 3d graphics package }; #endif