// @(#)root/base:$Id: TBranchProxy.cxx 23466 2008-04-23 13:52:45Z brun $
// Author: Philippe Canal  13/05/2003

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun, Fons Rademakers and al.           *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TBranchProxy                                                         //
// Base class for all the proxy object.  It includes the imeplemtation
// of the autoloading of branches as well as all the generic setup 
// routine.
//                                                                      //

#include "TBranchProxy.h"
#include "TLeaf.h"
#include "TBranchElement.h"
#include "TStreamerElement.h"
#include "TStreamerInfo.h"


ROOT::TBranchProxy::TBranchProxy() :
   fDirector(0), fInitialized(false), fBranchName(""), fParent(0),
   fDataMember(""), fIsMember(false), fIsClone(false), fIsaPointer(0),
   fClassName(""), fClass(0), fElement(0), fMemberOffset(0), fOffset(0),
   fBranch(0), fBranchCount(0),
   fLastTree(0), fRead(-1), fWhere(0),fCollection(0)
   // Constructor.

ROOT::TBranchProxy::TBranchProxy(TBranchProxyDirector* boss, const char* top,
                                 const char* name) :
   fDirector(boss), fInitialized(false), fBranchName(top), fParent(0),
   fDataMember(""), fIsMember(false), fIsClone(false), fIsaPointer(false),
   fClassName(""), fClass(0), fElement(0), fMemberOffset(0), fOffset(0),
   fBranch(0), fBranchCount(0),
   fLastTree(0), fRead(-1),  fWhere(0),fCollection(0)
   // Constructor.

   if (fBranchName.Length() && fBranchName[fBranchName.Length()-1]!='.' && name) {
   if (name) ((TString&)fBranchName).Append(name);

ROOT::TBranchProxy::TBranchProxy(TBranchProxyDirector* boss, const char *top, const char *name, const char *membername) :
   fDirector(boss), fInitialized(false),  fBranchName(top), fParent(0),
   fDataMember(membername), fIsMember(true), fIsClone(false), fIsaPointer(false),
   fClassName(""), fClass(0), fElement(0), fMemberOffset(0), fOffset(0),
   fBranch(0), fBranchCount(0),
   fLastTree(0), fRead(-1), fWhere(0),fCollection(0)
   // Constructor.

   if (name && strlen(name)) {
      if (fBranchName.Length() && fBranchName[fBranchName.Length()-1]!='.') {

ROOT::TBranchProxy::TBranchProxy(TBranchProxyDirector* boss, TBranchProxy *parent, const char* membername, const char* top,
                                 const char* name) :
   fDirector(boss), fInitialized(false),  fBranchName(top), fParent(parent),
   fDataMember(membername), fIsMember(true), fIsClone(false), fIsaPointer(false),
   fClassName(""), fClass(0), fElement(0), fMemberOffset(0), fOffset(0),
   fBranch(0), fBranchCount(0),
   fLastTree(0), fRead(-1), fWhere(0),fCollection(0)
   // Constructor.

   if (name && strlen(name)) {
      if (fBranchName.Length() && fBranchName[fBranchName.Length()-1]!='.') {

   // Typical Destructor

void ROOT::TBranchProxy::Reset()
   // Completely reset the object.

   fWhere = 0;
   fBranch = 0;
   fBranchCount = 0;
   fRead = -1;
   fClass = 0;
   fElement = 0;
   fMemberOffset = 0;
   fIsClone = false;
   fInitialized = false;
   fLastTree = 0;
   delete fCollection;

void ROOT::TBranchProxy::Print()
   // Display the content of the object

   cout << "fBranchName " << fBranchName << endl;
   //cout << "fTree " << fDirector->fTree << endl;
   cout << "fBranch " << fBranch << endl;
   if (fBranchCount) cout << "fBranchCount " << fBranchCount << endl;

Bool_t ROOT::TBranchProxy::Setup()
   // Initialize/cache the necessary information.

   // Should we check the type?

   if (!fDirector->GetTree()) {
      return false;
   if (fParent) {

      TClass *pcl = fParent->GetClass();

      if (pcl==TClonesArray::Class()) {
         // We always skip the clones array

         Int_t i = fDirector->GetReadEntry();
         if (i<0)  fDirector->SetReadEntry(0);
         if (i<0) fDirector->SetReadEntry(i);

         TClonesArray *clones;
         clones = (TClonesArray*)fParent->GetStart();

         pcl = clones->GetClass();
      } else if (pcl->GetCollectionProxy()) {
         // We always skip the collections.

         if (fCollection) delete fCollection;
         fCollection = pcl->GetCollectionProxy()->Generate();
         pcl = fCollection->GetValueClass();

      fElement = (TStreamerElement*)pcl->GetStreamerInfo()->GetElements()->FindObject(fDataMember);
      fIsaPointer = fElement->IsaPointer();
      fClass = fElement->GetClassPointer();


      fIsClone = (fClass==TClonesArray::Class());

      fOffset = fMemberOffset = fElement->GetOffset();

      fWhere = fParent->fWhere; // not really used ... it is reset by GetStart and GetClStart

      if (fParent->IsaPointer()) {
         // fprintf(stderr,"non-split pointer de-referencing non implemented yet \n");
         // nothing to do!
      } else {
         // Accumulate offsets.
         // or not!? fOffset = fMemberOffset = fMemberOffset + fParent->fOffset;

      // This is not sufficient for following pointers

   } else if (!fBranch) {

      // This does not allow (yet) to precede the branch name with
      // its mother's name
      fBranch = fDirector->GetTree()->GetBranch(fBranchName.Data());
      if (!fBranch) return false;

      TLeaf *leaf = (TLeaf*)fBranch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0); // fBranch->GetLeaf(fLeafname);
      if (leaf) leaf = leaf->GetLeafCount();
      if (leaf) {
         fBranchCount = leaf->GetBranch();
//          fprintf(stderr,"for leaf %s setting up leafcount %s branchcount %s\n",
//                  fBranch->GetName(),leaf->GetName(),fBranchCount->GetName());

      fWhere = (double*)fBranch->GetAddress();

      if (!fWhere && fBranch->IsA()==TBranchElement::Class()
          && ((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetMother()) {

         TBranchElement* be = ((TBranchElement*)fBranch);

         fWhere =  (double*)fBranch->GetAddress();

      if (!fWhere && fBranch->IsA()==TBranch::Class()) {
         TLeaf *leaf2 = (TLeaf*)fBranch->GetListOfLeaves()->At(0); // fBranch->GetLeaf(fLeafname);
         fWhere = leaf2->GetValuePointer();

      if (!fWhere) {
         fWhere =  (double*)fBranch->GetAddress();

      if (fWhere && fBranch->IsA()==TBranchElement::Class()) {

         TBranchElement* be = ((TBranchElement*)fBranch);

         TStreamerInfo * info = be->GetInfo();
         Int_t id = be->GetID();
         if (id>=0) {
            fOffset = info->GetOffsets()[id];
            fElement = (TStreamerElement*)info->GetElements()->At(id);
            fIsaPointer = fElement->IsaPointer();
            fClass = fElement->GetClassPointer();

            if ((fIsMember || (be->GetType()!=3 && be->GetType() !=4)) 
                  && (be->GetType()!=31 && be->GetType()!=41)) {

               if (fClass==TClonesArray::Class()) {
                  Int_t i = be->GetTree()->GetReadEntry();
                  if (i<0) i = 0;

                  TClonesArray *clones;
                  if ( fIsMember && be->GetType()==3 ) {
                     clones = (TClonesArray*)be->GetObject();
                  } else if (fIsaPointer) {
                     clones = (TClonesArray*)*(void**)((char*)fWhere+fOffset);
                  } else {
                     clones = (TClonesArray*)((char*)fWhere+fOffset);
                  if (!fIsMember) fIsClone = true;
                  fClass = clones->GetClass();
               } else if (fClass && fClass->GetCollectionProxy()) {
                  delete fCollection;
                  fCollection = fClass->GetCollectionProxy()->Generate();
                  fClass = fCollection->GetValueClass();

            if (fClass) fClassName = fClass->GetName();
         } else {
            fClassName = be->GetClassName();
            fClass = TClass::GetClass(fClassName);

         if (be->GetType()==3) {
            // top level TClonesArray

            if (!fIsMember) fIsClone = true;
            fIsaPointer = false;
            fWhere = be->GetObject();

         } else if (be->GetType()==4) {
            // top level TClonesArray

            fCollection = be->GetCollectionProxy()->Generate();
            fIsaPointer = false;
            fWhere = be->GetObject();

         } else if (id<0) {
            // top level object

            fIsaPointer = false;
            fWhere = be->GetObject();

         } else if (be->GetType()==41) {

            fCollection = be->GetCollectionProxy()->Generate();
            fWhere   = be->GetObject();
            fOffset += be->GetOffset();

         } else if (be->GetType()==31) {

            fWhere   = be->GetObject();
            fOffset += be->GetOffset();

         } else if (be->GetType()==2) {
            // this might also be the right path for GetType()==1

            fWhere = be->GetObject();

         } else {

            // fWhere = ((unsigned char*)fWhere) + fOffset;
            fWhere = ((unsigned char*)be->GetObject()) + fOffset;

      } else {
         fClassName = fBranch->GetClassName();
         fClass = TClass::GetClass(fClassName);

        fClassName = fBranch->GetClassName(); // What about TClonesArray?
        if ( fBranch->IsA()==TBranchElement::Class() &&
        ((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetType()==31 ||((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetType()==3 ) {

        Int_t id = ((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetID();
        if (id>=0) {

        fElement = ((TStreamerElement*)(((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetInfo())->GetElements()->At(id));
        fClass = fElement->GetClassPointer();
        if (fClass) fClassName = fClass->GetName();

        if (fClass==0 && fClassName.Length()) fClass = TClass::GetClass(fClassName);
      //fprintf(stderr,"For %s fClass is %p which is %s\n",
      //        fBranchName.Data(),fClass,fClass==0?"not set":fClass->GetName());

      if ( fBranch->IsA()==TBranchElement::Class() &&
           (((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetType()==3 || fClass==TClonesArray::Class()) &&
           !fIsMember ) {
         fIsClone = true;

      if (fIsMember) {
         if ( fBranch->IsA()==TBranchElement::Class() &&
              fClass==TClonesArray::Class() &&
              (((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetType()==31 || ((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetType()==3) ) {

            TBranchElement *bcount = ((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetBranchCount();
            TString member;
            if (bcount) {
               TString bname = fBranch->GetName();
               TString bcname = bcount->GetName();
               member = bname.Remove(0,bcname.Length()+1);
            } else {
               member = fDataMember;

            fMemberOffset = fClass->GetDataMemberOffset(member);

            if (fMemberOffset<0) {
               Error("Setup",Form("Negative offset %d for %s in %s",

         } else if (fClass) {

            fElement = (TStreamerElement*)
            if (fElement)
               fMemberOffset = fElement->GetOffset();
            else {
               // Need to compose the proper sub name

               TString member;

               Bool_t forgotWhenThisHappens = false;

               member += fDataMember;
               fMemberOffset = fClass->GetDataMemberOffset(member);


         } else {
            Error("Setup",Form("Missing TClass object for %s\n",fClassName.Data()));

         if ( fBranch->IsA()==TBranchElement::Class()
              && (((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetType()==31 || ((TBranchElement*)fBranch)->GetType()==3) ) {

            fOffset = fMemberOffset;

         } else {

            fWhere = ((unsigned char*)fWhere) + fMemberOffset;
   if (fClass==TClonesArray::Class()) fIsClone = true;
   if (fWhere!=0) {
      if (fCollection) {
         if (IsaPointer()) {
            fCollection->PushProxy( *(void**)fWhere );
         } else {
            fCollection->PushProxy( fWhere );
      fLastTree = fDirector->GetTree();
      fInitialized = true;
      return true;
   } else {
      return false;

Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:31:10 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:31

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