// @(#)root/reflex:$Id: UnionBuilder.cxx 23671 2008-05-07 09:41:12Z axel $
// Author: Stefan Roiser 2004

// Copyright CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, 2004-2006, All rights reserved.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
// purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that this copyright and
// permissions notice appear in all copies and derivatives.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.


#include "Reflex/Builder/UnionBuilder.h"

#include "Reflex/Any.h"
#include "Reflex/Callback.h"
#include "Reflex/Member.h"
#include "DataMember.h"
#include "FunctionMemberTemplateInstance.h"
#include "Union.h"

//  UnionBuilderImpl

Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl::UnionBuilderImpl(const char* nam, size_t size, const std::type_info& ti, unsigned int modifiers /*= 0*/, TYPE typ /*=UNION*/)
: fUnion(0)
, fLastMember()
// Construct union info.
   std::string nam2(nam);
   const Type& c = Type::ByName(nam2);
   if (c) {
      // We found a typedef to a class with the same name
      if (c.IsTypedef()) {
         nam2 += " @HIDDEN@";
      // Type already exists. Check if it was a class, struct, or union.
      else if (!c.IsClass()) {
         throw RuntimeError("Attempt to replace a non-class type with a union"); // FIXME: We should not throw!
   fUnion = new Union(nam2.c_str(), size, ti, modifiers, typ);

// UnionBuilderImpl destructor. Used for call back functions (e.g. Cintex).

void Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl::AddItem(const char* nam, const Type& typ)
// Add data member info (internal).  !!! Obsolete, do not use.
   fLastMember = Member(new DataMember(nam, typ, 0, 0));

void Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl::AddDataMember(const char* nam, const Type& typ, size_t offs, unsigned int modifiers /*= 0*/)
// Add data member info (internal).
   fLastMember = Member(new DataMember(nam, typ, offs, modifiers));

void Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl::AddFunctionMember(const char* nam, const Type& typ, StubFunction stubFP, void* stubCtx /*= 0*/, const char* params /*= 0*/, unsigned int modifiers /*= 0*/)
// Add function member info (internal).
   if (Tools::IsTemplated(nam)) {
      fLastMember = Member(new FunctionMemberTemplateInstance(nam, typ, stubFP, stubCtx, params, modifiers, *(dynamic_cast<ScopeBase*>(fUnion))));
   else {
      fLastMember = Member(new FunctionMember(nam, typ, stubFP, stubCtx, params, modifiers));

void Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl::AddProperty(const char* key, const char* value)
// Attach property to this union as string.
   AddProperty(key, Any(value));

void Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl::AddProperty(const char* key, Any value)
// Attach property to this union as Any object.
   if (fLastMember) {
      fLastMember.Properties().AddProperty(key, value);
   else {
      fUnion->Properties().AddProperty(key, value);

void Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl::SetSizeOf(size_t size)
// Set the size of the union (internal).

Reflex::Type Reflex::UnionBuilderImpl::ToType()
// Return the type currently being built.
   return fUnion->ThisType();

//  UnionBuilder

Reflex::UnionBuilder::UnionBuilder(const char* nam, const std::type_info& ti, size_t size, unsigned int modifiers /*= 0*/, TYPE typ /*= UNION*/)
: fUnionBuilderImpl(nam, size, ti, modifiers, typ)
// Constructor.

// Destructor.

Reflex::UnionBuilder& Reflex::UnionBuilder::AddItem(const char* nam, const char* typ)
// !!! Obsolete, do not use.
   fUnionBuilderImpl.AddItem(nam, TypeBuilder(typ));
   return *this;

Reflex::UnionBuilder& Reflex::UnionBuilder::AddDataMember(const Type& typ, const char* nam, size_t offs, unsigned int modifiers /*= 0*/)
// Add data member info to this union.
   fUnionBuilderImpl.AddDataMember(nam, typ, offs, modifiers);
   return *this;

Reflex::UnionBuilder& Reflex::UnionBuilder::AddFunctionMember(const Type& typ, const char* nam, StubFunction stubFP, void* stubCtx, const char* params, unsigned int modifiers)
// Add function member info to this union.
   fUnionBuilderImpl.AddFunctionMember(nam, typ, stubFP, stubCtx, params, modifiers);
   return *this;

Reflex::UnionBuilder& Reflex::UnionBuilder::SetSizeOf(size_t size)
// Set the object / memory size of the union.
   return *this;

Reflex::Type Reflex::UnionBuilder::ToType()
// Get the union's Type object.
   return fUnionBuilderImpl.ToType();

Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:31:21 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:31

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