#ifndef ROO_2DKEYS
#define ROO_2DKEYS
#include "RooAbsPdf.h"
#include "RooRealProxy.h"
#include "RooAbsReal.h"
#include "RooDataSet.h"
class Roo2DKeysPdf : public RooAbsPdf
Roo2DKeysPdf(const char *name, const char *title,
RooAbsReal& xx, RooAbsReal &yy, RooDataSet& data, TString options = "a", Double_t widthScaleFactor = 1.0);
Roo2DKeysPdf(const Roo2DKeysPdf& other, const char* name=0);
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new Roo2DKeysPdf(*this,newname); }
virtual ~Roo2DKeysPdf();
Int_t loadDataSet(RooDataSet& data, TString options);
void setOptions(TString options);
void getOptions(void) const;
inline void setWidthScaleFactor(Double_t widthScaleFactor);
Int_t calculateBandWidth(Int_t kernel = -999);
Int_t getBandWidthType() const;
Double_t getMean(const char * axis) const;
Double_t getSigma(const char * axis) const;
void PrintInfo(ostream &) const;
void writeToFile(char * outputFile, const char * name) const;
void writeHistToFile(char * outputFile, const char * histName) const;
void writeNTupleToFile(char * outputFile, const char * name) const;
RooRealProxy x;
RooRealProxy y;
Double_t evaluate() const;
Double_t evaluateFull(Double_t thisX, Double_t thisY) const;
Double_t g(Double_t var1, Double_t * _var1, Double_t sigma1, Double_t var2,
Double_t * _var2, Double_t sigma2) const;
Double_t highBoundaryCorrection(Double_t thisVar, Double_t thisH, Double_t high, Double_t tVar) const;
Double_t lowBoundaryCorrection(Double_t thisVar, Double_t thisH, Double_t low, Double_t tVar) const;
Double_t * _x;
Double_t * _hx;
Double_t * _y;
Double_t * _hy;
Double_t _norm;
Double_t _xMean;
Double_t _xSigma;
Double_t _yMean;
Double_t _ySigma;
Double_t _n;
Double_t _n16;
Double_t _sqrt2pi;
Double_t _2pi;
Double_t _lox,_hix;
Double_t _loy,_hiy;
Double_t _xoffset;
Double_t _yoffset;
Double_t _widthScaleFactor;
Int_t _nEvents;
Int_t _BandWidthType;
Int_t _MirrorAtBoundary;
Int_t _debug;
Int_t _verbosedebug;
Int_t _vverbosedebug;
inline void Roo2DKeysPdf::setWidthScaleFactor(Double_t widthScaleFactor) { _widthScaleFactor = widthScaleFactor; }
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:31:25 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:31
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