// RooCFunction1Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds
// generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++
// functions to be used as RooFit functions. Instances of function binding
// classes are fully functional RooFit function objects with one exception:
// if the bound function is _not_ a standard TMath or MathMore function the
// class cannot be persisted in a RooWorkspace without registering the function
// pointer first using RooCFunction1Binding<T1,T2>::register().
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "RooCFunction1Binding.h"
#include "RooCintUtils.h"
using namespace std ;
template<> RooCFunction1Map<double,double>* RooCFunction1Ref<double,double>::_fmap = 0 ;
template<> RooCFunction1Map<double,int>* RooCFunction1Ref<double,int>::_fmap = 0 ;
namespace RooFit {
RooAbsReal* bindFunction(const char* name,void* func,RooAbsReal& x)
if (RooCintUtils::matchFuncPtrArgs(func,"int")) return new RooCFunction1Binding<Double_t,Int_t>(name,name,(CFUNCD1I)func,x) ;
if (RooCintUtils::matchFuncPtrArgs(func,"double")) return new RooCFunction1Binding<Double_t,Double_t>(name,name,(CFUNCD1D)func,x) ;
oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "bindFunction::ERROR No matching RooCFunction1Binding<> class found for function " << RooCintUtils::functionName(func) << endl ;
return 0 ;
RooAbsReal* bindFunction(const char* name,CFUNCD1D func,RooAbsReal& x) {
return new RooCFunction1Binding<Double_t,Double_t>(name,name,func,x) ;
RooAbsReal* bindFunction(const char* name,CFUNCD1I func,RooAbsReal& x) {
return new RooCFunction1Binding<Double_t,Int_t>(name,name,func,x) ;
RooAbsPdf* bindPdf(const char* name,void* func,RooAbsReal& x)
if (RooCintUtils::matchFuncPtrArgs(func,"int")) return new RooCFunction1PdfBinding<Double_t,Int_t>(name,name,(CFUNCD1I)func,x) ;
if (RooCintUtils::matchFuncPtrArgs(func,"double")) return new RooCFunction1PdfBinding<Double_t,Double_t>(name,name,(CFUNCD1D)func,x) ;
oocoutE((TObject*)0,InputArguments) << "bindFunction::ERROR No matching RooCFunction1PdfBinding<> class found for function " << RooCintUtils::functionName(func) << endl ;
return 0 ;
RooAbsPdf* bindPdf(const char* name,CFUNCD1D func,RooAbsReal& x) {
return new RooCFunction1PdfBinding<Double_t,Double_t>(name,name,func,x) ;
RooAbsPdf* bindPdf(const char* name,CFUNCD1I func,RooAbsReal& x) {
return new RooCFunction1PdfBinding<Double_t,Int_t>(name,name,func,x) ;
Last change: Mon Aug 25 11:35:16 2008
Last generated: 2008-08-25 11:35
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