// Class RooCmdConfig is a configurable parser for RooCmdArg named
// arguments. It maps the contents of named arguments named to integers,
// doubles, strings and TObjects that can be retrieved after processing
// a set of RooCmdArgs. The parser also has options to enforce syntax
// rules such as (conditionally) required arguments, mutually exclusive
// arguments and dependencies between arguments
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "RooCmdConfig.h"
#include "RooInt.h"
#include "RooDouble.h"
#include "RooArgSet.h"
#include "RooStringVar.h"
#include "RooTObjWrap.h"
#include "RooAbsData.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "RooMsgService.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
RooCmdConfig::RooCmdConfig(const char* methodName) :
_verbose = kFALSE ;
_error = kFALSE ;
_allowUndefined = kFALSE ;
_iIter = _iList.MakeIterator() ;
_dIter = _dList.MakeIterator() ;
_sIter = _sList.MakeIterator() ;
_oIter = _oList.MakeIterator() ;
_rIter = _rList.MakeIterator() ;
_fIter = _fList.MakeIterator() ;
_mIter = _mList.MakeIterator() ;
_yIter = _yList.MakeIterator() ;
_pIter = _pList.MakeIterator() ;
RooCmdConfig::RooCmdConfig(const RooCmdConfig& other) : TObject(other)
_name = other._name ;
_verbose = other._verbose ;
_error = other._error ;
_allowUndefined = other._allowUndefined ;
_iIter = _iList.MakeIterator() ;
_dIter = _dList.MakeIterator() ;
_sIter = _sList.MakeIterator() ;
_oIter = _oList.MakeIterator() ;
_rIter = _rList.MakeIterator() ;
_fIter = _fList.MakeIterator() ;
_mIter = _mList.MakeIterator() ;
_yIter = _yList.MakeIterator() ;
_pIter = _pList.MakeIterator() ;
other._iIter->Reset() ;
RooInt* ri ;
while((ri=(RooInt*)other._iIter->Next())) {
_iList.Add(ri->Clone()) ;
other._dIter->Reset() ;
RooDouble* rd ;
while((rd=(RooDouble*)other._dIter->Next())) {
_dList.Add(rd->Clone()) ;
other._sIter->Reset() ;
RooStringVar* rs ;
while((rs=(RooStringVar*)other._sIter->Next())) {
_sList.Add(rs->Clone()) ;
other._oIter->Reset() ;
RooTObjWrap* os ;
while((os=(RooTObjWrap*)other._oIter->Next())) {
_oList.Add(os->Clone()) ;
other._rIter->Reset() ;
TObjString* rr ;
while((rr=(TObjString*)other._rIter->Next())) {
_rList.Add(rr->Clone()) ;
other._fIter->Reset() ;
TObjString* ff ;
while((ff=(TObjString*)other._fIter->Next())) {
_fList.Add(ff->Clone()) ;
other._mIter->Reset() ;
TObjString* mm ;
while((mm=(TObjString*)other._mIter->Next())) {
_mList.Add(mm->Clone()) ;
other._yIter->Reset() ;
TObjString* yy ;
while((yy=(TObjString*)other._yIter->Next())) {
_yList.Add(yy->Clone()) ;
other._pIter->Reset() ;
TObjString* pp ;
while((pp=(TObjString*)other._pIter->Next())) {
_pList.Add(pp->Clone()) ;
delete _iIter ;
delete _dIter ;
delete _sIter ;
delete _oIter ;
delete _rIter ;
delete _fIter ;
delete _mIter ;
delete _yIter ;
delete _pIter ;
_iList.Delete() ;
_dList.Delete() ;
_sList.Delete() ;
_oList.Delete() ;
_rList.Delete() ;
_fList.Delete() ;
_mList.Delete() ;
_yList.Delete() ;
_pList.Delete() ;
void RooCmdConfig::defineRequiredArgs(const char* argName1, const char* argName2,
const char* argName3, const char* argName4,
const char* argName5, const char* argName6,
const char* argName7, const char* argName8)
if (argName1) _rList.Add(new TObjString(argName1)) ;
if (argName2) _rList.Add(new TObjString(argName2)) ;
if (argName3) _rList.Add(new TObjString(argName3)) ;
if (argName4) _rList.Add(new TObjString(argName4)) ;
if (argName5) _rList.Add(new TObjString(argName5)) ;
if (argName6) _rList.Add(new TObjString(argName6)) ;
if (argName7) _rList.Add(new TObjString(argName7)) ;
if (argName8) _rList.Add(new TObjString(argName8)) ;
const char* RooCmdConfig::missingArgs() const
static TString ret ;
ret="" ;
_rIter->Reset() ;
TObjString* s ;
Bool_t first(kTRUE) ;
while((s=(TObjString*)_rIter->Next())) {
if (first) {
first=kFALSE ;
} else {
ret.Append(", ") ;
ret.Append(s->String()) ;
return ret.Length() ? ret.Data() : 0 ;
void RooCmdConfig::defineDependency(const char* refArgName, const char* neededArgName)
TNamed* dep = new TNamed(refArgName,neededArgName) ;
_yList.Add(dep) ;
void RooCmdConfig::defineMutex(const char* argName1, const char* argName2)
TNamed* mutex1 = new TNamed(argName1,argName2) ;
TNamed* mutex2 = new TNamed(argName2,argName1) ;
_mList.Add(mutex1) ;
_mList.Add(mutex2) ;
void RooCmdConfig::defineMutex(const char* argName1, const char* argName2, const char* argName3)
defineMutex(argName1,argName2) ;
defineMutex(argName1,argName3) ;
defineMutex(argName2,argName3) ;
void RooCmdConfig::defineMutex(const char* argName1, const char* argName2, const char* argName3, const char* argName4)
defineMutex(argName1,argName2) ;
defineMutex(argName1,argName3) ;
defineMutex(argName1,argName4) ;
defineMutex(argName2,argName3) ;
defineMutex(argName2,argName4) ;
defineMutex(argName3,argName4) ;
Bool_t RooCmdConfig::defineInt(const char* name, const char* argName, Int_t intNum, Int_t defVal)
if (_iList.FindObject(name)) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooCmdConfig::defintInt: name '" << name << "' already defined" << endl ;
return kTRUE ;
RooInt* ri = new RooInt(defVal) ;
ri->SetName(name) ;
ri->SetTitle(argName) ;
ri->SetUniqueID(intNum) ;
_iList.Add(ri) ;
return kFALSE ;
Bool_t RooCmdConfig::defineDouble(const char* name, const char* argName, Int_t doubleNum, Double_t defVal)
if (_dList.FindObject(name)) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooCmdConfig::defineDouble: name '" << name << "' already defined" << endl ;
return kTRUE ;
RooDouble* rd = new RooDouble(defVal) ;
rd->SetName(name) ;
rd->SetTitle(argName) ;
rd->SetUniqueID(doubleNum) ;
_dList.Add(rd) ;
return kFALSE ;
Bool_t RooCmdConfig::defineString(const char* name, const char* argName, Int_t stringNum, const char* defVal, Bool_t appendMode)
if (_sList.FindObject(name)) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooCmdConfig::defineString: name '" << name << "' already defined" << endl ;
return kTRUE ;
RooStringVar* rs = new RooStringVar(name,argName,defVal,10240) ;
if (appendMode) {
rs->setAttribute("RooCmdConfig::AppendMode") ;
rs->SetUniqueID(stringNum) ;
_sList.Add(rs) ;
return kFALSE ;
Bool_t RooCmdConfig::defineObject(const char* name, const char* argName, Int_t setNum, const TObject* defVal, Bool_t isArray)
if (_oList.FindObject(name)) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooCmdConfig::defineObject: name '" << name << "' already defined" << endl ;
return kTRUE ;
RooTObjWrap* os = new RooTObjWrap((TObject*)defVal,isArray) ;
os->SetName(name) ;
os->SetTitle(argName) ;
os->SetUniqueID(setNum) ;
_oList.Add(os) ;
return kFALSE ;
void RooCmdConfig::print()
_iIter->Reset() ;
RooInt* ri ;
while((ri=(RooInt*)_iIter->Next())) {
cout << ri->GetName() << "[Int_t] = " << *ri << endl ;
_dIter->Reset() ;
RooDouble* rd ;
while((rd=(RooDouble*)_dIter->Next())) {
cout << rd->GetName() << "[Double_t] = " << *rd << endl ;
_sIter->Reset() ;
RooStringVar* rs ;
while((rs=(RooStringVar*)_sIter->Next())) {
cout << rs->GetName() << "[string] = \"" << rs->getVal() << "\"" << endl ;
_oIter->Reset() ;
RooTObjWrap* ro ;
while((ro=(RooTObjWrap*)_oIter->Next())) {
cout << ro->GetName() << "[TObject] = " ;
if (ro->obj()) {
cout << ro->obj()->GetName() << endl ;
} else {
cout << "(null)" << endl ;
Bool_t RooCmdConfig::process(const RooLinkedList& argList)
Bool_t ret(kFALSE) ;
TIterator* iter = argList.MakeIterator() ;
RooCmdArg* arg ;
while((arg=(RooCmdArg*)iter->Next())) {
ret |= process(*arg) ;
delete iter ;
return ret ;
Bool_t RooCmdConfig::process(const RooCmdArg& arg1, const RooCmdArg& arg2, const RooCmdArg& arg3, const RooCmdArg& arg4,
const RooCmdArg& arg5, const RooCmdArg& arg6, const RooCmdArg& arg7, const RooCmdArg& arg8)
Bool_t ret(kFALSE) ;
ret |= process(arg1) ;
ret |= process(arg2) ;
ret |= process(arg3) ;
ret |= process(arg4) ;
ret |= process(arg5) ;
ret |= process(arg6) ;
ret |= process(arg7) ;
ret |= process(arg8) ;
return ret ;
Bool_t RooCmdConfig::process(const RooCmdArg& arg)
const char* opc = arg.opcode() ;
if (!opc) return kFALSE ;
if (_fList.FindObject(opc)) {
coutE(InputArguments) << _name << " ERROR: argument " << opc << " not allowed in this context" << endl ;
_error = kTRUE ;
return kTRUE ;
TObject* dep = _yList.FindObject(opc) ;
if (dep) {
if (!_pList.FindObject(dep->GetTitle())) {
_rList.Add(new TObjString(dep->GetTitle())) ;
if (_verbose) {
cout << "RooCmdConfig::process: " << opc << " has unprocessed dependent " << dep->GetTitle()
<< ", adding to required list" << endl ;
} else {
if (_verbose) {
cout << "RooCmdConfig::process: " << opc << " dependent " << dep->GetTitle() << " is already processed" << endl ;
TObject * mutex = _mList.FindObject(opc) ;
if (mutex) {
if (_verbose) {
cout << "RooCmdConfig::process: " << opc << " excludes " << mutex->GetTitle()
<< ", adding to forbidden list" << endl ;
_fList.Add(new TObjString(mutex->GetTitle())) ;
Bool_t anyField(kFALSE) ;
_iIter->Reset() ;
RooInt* ri ;
while((ri=(RooInt*)_iIter->Next())) {
if (!TString(opc).CompareTo(ri->GetTitle())) {
*ri = arg.getInt(ri->GetUniqueID()) ;
anyField = kTRUE ;
if (_verbose) {
cout << "RooCmdConfig::process " << ri->GetName() << "[Int_t]" << " set to " << *ri << endl ;
_dIter->Reset() ;
RooDouble* rd ;
while((rd=(RooDouble*)_dIter->Next())) {
if (!TString(opc).CompareTo(rd->GetTitle())) {
*rd = arg.getDouble(rd->GetUniqueID()) ;
anyField = kTRUE ;
if (_verbose) {
cout << "RooCmdConfig::process " << rd->GetName() << "[Double_t]" << " set to " << *rd << endl ;
_sIter->Reset() ;
RooStringVar* rs ;
while((rs=(RooStringVar*)_sIter->Next())) {
if (!TString(opc).CompareTo(rs->GetTitle())) {
const char* oldStr = rs->getVal() ;
if (oldStr && strlen(oldStr)>0 && rs->getAttribute("RooCmdConfig::AppendMode")) {
rs->setVal(Form("%s,%s",rs->getVal(),arg.getString(rs->GetUniqueID()))) ;
} else {
rs->setVal(arg.getString(rs->GetUniqueID())) ;
anyField = kTRUE ;
if (_verbose) {
cout << "RooCmdConfig::process " << rs->GetName() << "[string]" << " set to " << rs->getVal() << endl ;
_oIter->Reset() ;
RooTObjWrap* os ;
while((os=(RooTObjWrap*)_oIter->Next())) {
if (!TString(opc).CompareTo(os->GetTitle())) {
os->setObj((TObject*)arg.getObject(os->GetUniqueID())) ;
anyField = kTRUE ;
if (_verbose) {
cout << "RooCmdConfig::process " << os->GetName() << "[TObject]" << " set to " ;
if (os->obj()) {
cout << os->obj()->GetName() << endl ;
} else {
cout << "(null)" << endl ;
if (!anyField && !_allowUndefined) {
coutE(InputArguments) << _name << " ERROR: unrecognized command: " << opc << endl ;
TObject* obj = _rList.FindObject(opc) ;
if (obj) {
_rList.Remove(obj) ;
TNamed *pcmd = new TNamed(opc,opc) ;
_pList.Add(pcmd) ;
Bool_t depRet = kFALSE ;
if (arg._procSubArgs) {
for (Int_t ia=0 ; ia<arg._argList.GetSize() ; ia++) {
RooCmdArg* subArg = static_cast<RooCmdArg*>(arg._argList.At(ia)) ;
if (strlen(subArg->GetName())>0) {
RooCmdArg subArgCopy(*subArg) ;
subArgCopy.SetName(Form("%s::%s",arg.GetName(),subArg->GetName())) ;
depRet |= process(subArgCopy) ;
return ((anyField||_allowUndefined)?kFALSE:kTRUE)||depRet ;
Bool_t RooCmdConfig::hasProcessed(const char* cmdName) const
return _pList.FindObject(cmdName) ? kTRUE : kFALSE ;
Int_t RooCmdConfig::getInt(const char* name, Int_t defVal)
RooInt* ri = (RooInt*) _iList.FindObject(name) ;
return ri ? (Int_t)(*ri) : defVal ;
Double_t RooCmdConfig::getDouble(const char* name, Double_t defVal)
RooDouble* rd = (RooDouble*) _dList.FindObject(name) ;
return rd ? (Double_t)(*rd) : defVal ;
const char* RooCmdConfig::getString(const char* name, const char* defVal, Bool_t convEmptyToNull)
RooStringVar* rs = (RooStringVar*) _sList.FindObject(name) ;
return rs ? ((convEmptyToNull && strlen(rs->getVal())==0) ? 0 : ((const char*)rs->getVal()) ) : defVal ;
TObject* RooCmdConfig::getObject(const char* name, TObject* defVal)
RooTObjWrap* ro = (RooTObjWrap*) _oList.FindObject(name) ;
return ro ? ro->obj() : defVal ;
const RooLinkedList& RooCmdConfig::getObjectList(const char* name)
static RooLinkedList defaultDummy ;
RooTObjWrap* ro = (RooTObjWrap*) _oList.FindObject(name) ;
return ro ? ro->objList() : defaultDummy ;
Bool_t RooCmdConfig::ok(Bool_t verbose) const
if (_rList.GetSize()==0 && !_error) return kTRUE ;
if (verbose) {
const char* margs = missingArgs() ;
if (margs) {
coutE(InputArguments) << _name << " ERROR: missing arguments: " << margs << endl ;
} else {
coutE(InputArguments) << _name << " ERROR: illegal combination of arguments and/or missing arguments" << endl ;
return kFALSE ;
void RooCmdConfig::stripCmdList(RooLinkedList& cmdList, const char* cmdsToPurge)
if (!cmdsToPurge) return ;
char buf[1024] ;
strcpy(buf,cmdsToPurge) ;
char* name = strtok(buf,",") ;
while(name) {
TObject* cmd = cmdList.FindObject(name) ;
if (cmd) cmdList.Remove(cmd) ;
name = strtok(0,",") ;
Int_t RooCmdConfig::decodeIntOnTheFly(const char* callerID, const char* cmdArgName, Int_t intIdx, Int_t defVal, const RooCmdArg& arg1,
const RooCmdArg& arg2, const RooCmdArg& arg3, const RooCmdArg& arg4,
const RooCmdArg& arg5, const RooCmdArg& arg6, const RooCmdArg& arg7,
const RooCmdArg& arg8, const RooCmdArg& arg9)
RooCmdConfig pc(callerID) ;
pc.allowUndefined() ;
pc.defineInt("theInt",cmdArgName,intIdx,defVal) ;
pc.process(arg1) ; pc.process(arg2) ; pc.process(arg3) ;
pc.process(arg4) ; pc.process(arg5) ; pc.process(arg6) ;
pc.process(arg7) ; pc.process(arg8) ; pc.process(arg9) ;
return pc.getInt("theInt") ;
const char* RooCmdConfig::decodeStringOnTheFly(const char* callerID, const char* cmdArgName, Int_t strIdx, const char* defVal, const RooCmdArg& arg1,
const RooCmdArg& arg2, const RooCmdArg& arg3, const RooCmdArg& arg4,
const RooCmdArg& arg5, const RooCmdArg& arg6, const RooCmdArg& arg7,
const RooCmdArg& arg8, const RooCmdArg& arg9)
static string retBuf = "" ;
RooCmdConfig pc(callerID) ;
pc.allowUndefined() ;
pc.defineString("theString",cmdArgName,strIdx,defVal) ;
pc.process(arg1) ; pc.process(arg2) ; pc.process(arg3) ;
pc.process(arg4) ; pc.process(arg5) ; pc.process(arg6) ;
pc.process(arg7) ; pc.process(arg8) ; pc.process(arg9) ;
const char* ret = pc.getString("theString",0,kTRUE) ;
if (ret) {
retBuf = ret ;
} else {
retBuf.clear() ;
return retBuf.c_str() ;
TObject* RooCmdConfig::decodeObjOnTheFly(const char* callerID, const char* cmdArgName, Int_t objIdx, TObject* defVal, const RooCmdArg& arg1,
const RooCmdArg& arg2, const RooCmdArg& arg3, const RooCmdArg& arg4,
const RooCmdArg& arg5, const RooCmdArg& arg6, const RooCmdArg& arg7,
const RooCmdArg& arg8, const RooCmdArg& arg9)
RooCmdConfig pc(callerID) ;
pc.allowUndefined() ;
pc.defineObject("theObj",cmdArgName,objIdx,defVal) ;
pc.process(arg1) ; pc.process(arg2) ; pc.process(arg3) ;
pc.process(arg4) ; pc.process(arg5) ; pc.process(arg6) ;
pc.process(arg7) ; pc.process(arg8) ; pc.process(arg9) ;
return (TObject*) pc.getObject("theObj") ;
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:32:23 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:32
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