// A RooCurve is a one-dimensional graphical representation of a real-valued function.
// A curve is approximated by straight line segments with endpoints chosen to give
// a "good" approximation to the true curve. The goodness of the approximation is
// controlled by a precision and a resolution parameter. To view the points where
// a function y(x) is actually evaluated to approximate a smooth curve, use:
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "RooCurve.h"
#include "RooHist.h"
#include "RooAbsReal.h"
#include "RooArgSet.h"
#include "RooRealVar.h"
#include "RooRealIntegral.h"
#include "RooRealBinding.h"
#include "RooScaledFunc.h"
#include "RooMsgService.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <deque>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std ;
RooCurve::RooCurve(const RooAbsReal &f, RooAbsRealLValue &x, Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi, Int_t xbins,
Double_t scaleFactor, const RooArgSet *normVars, Double_t prec, Double_t resolution,
Bool_t shiftToZero, WingMode wmode, Int_t nEvalError, Int_t doEEVal, Double_t eeVal)
TString name(f.GetName());
TString title(f.GetTitle());
if(0 != strlen(f.getUnit()) || 0 != strlen(x.getUnit())) {
title.Append(" ( ");
if(0 != strlen(f.getUnit())) {
title.Append(" ");
if(0 != strlen(x.getUnit())) {
title.Append("/ ");
title.Append(" ");
RooAbsFunc *funcPtr = 0;
RooAbsFunc *rawPtr = 0;
funcPtr= f.bindVars(x,normVars,kTRUE);
if(scaleFactor != 1) {
rawPtr= funcPtr;
funcPtr= new RooScaledFunc(*rawPtr,scaleFactor);
assert(0 != funcPtr);
Double_t prevYMax = getYAxisMax() ;
list<Double_t>* hint = f.plotSamplingHint(x,xlo,xhi) ;
if (hint) {
delete hint ;
delete funcPtr;
if(rawPtr) delete rawPtr;
if (shiftToZero) shiftCurveToZero(prevYMax) ;
Int_t i ;
for (i=0 ; i<GetN() ; i++) {
Double_t x2,y2 ;
GetPoint(i,x2,y2) ;
RooCurve::RooCurve(const char *name, const char *title, const RooAbsFunc &func,
Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi, UInt_t minPoints, Double_t prec, Double_t resolution,
Bool_t shiftToZero, WingMode wmode, Int_t nEvalError, Int_t doEEVal, Double_t eeVal)
Double_t prevYMax = getYAxisMax() ;
if (shiftToZero) shiftCurveToZero(prevYMax) ;
Int_t i ;
for (i=0 ; i<GetN() ; i++) {
Double_t x,y ;
GetPoint(i,x,y) ;
RooCurve::RooCurve(const char* name, const char* title, const RooCurve& c1, const RooCurve& c2, Double_t scale1, Double_t scale2)
initialize() ;
SetName(name) ;
SetTitle(title) ;
deque<Double_t> pointList ;
Double_t x,y ;
Int_t i1,n1 = c1.GetN() ;
for (i1=0 ; i1<n1 ; i1++) {
const_cast<RooCurve&>(c1).GetPoint(i1,x,y) ;
pointList.push_back(x) ;
Int_t i2,n2 = c2.GetN() ;
for (i2=0 ; i2<n2 ; i2++) {
const_cast<RooCurve&>(c2).GetPoint(i2,x,y) ;
pointList.push_back(x) ;
sort(pointList.begin(),pointList.end()) ;
deque<double>::iterator iter ;
Double_t last(-RooNumber::infinity()) ;
for (iter=pointList.begin() ; iter!=pointList.end() ; ++iter) {
if ((*iter-last)>1e-10) {
addPoint(*iter,scale1*c1.interpolate(*iter)+scale2*c2.interpolate(*iter)) ;
last = *iter ;
void RooCurve::initialize()
void RooCurve::shiftCurveToZero(Double_t prevYMax)
Int_t i ;
Double_t minVal(1e30) ;
Double_t maxVal(-1e30) ;
for (i=1 ; i<GetN()-1 ; i++) {
Double_t x,y ;
GetPoint(i,x,y) ;
if (y<minVal) minVal=y ;
if (y>maxVal) maxVal=y ;
for (i=1 ; i<GetN()-1 ; i++) {
Double_t x,y ;
GetPoint(i,x,y) ;
SetPoint(i,x,y-minVal) ;
if (getYAxisMax()>prevYMax) {
Double_t newMax = maxVal - minVal ;
setYAxisLimits(getYAxisMin(), newMax<prevYMax ? prevYMax : newMax) ;
void RooCurve::addPoints(const RooAbsFunc &func, Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi,
Int_t minPoints, Double_t prec, Double_t resolution, WingMode wmode,
Int_t numee, Bool_t doEEVal, Double_t eeVal, list<Double_t>* samplingHint)
if(!func.isValid()) {
coutE(InputArguments) << fName << "::addPoints: input function is not valid" << endl;
if(minPoints <= 0 || xhi <= xlo) {
coutE(InputArguments) << fName << "::addPoints: bad input (nothing added)" << endl;
if (samplingHint) {
minPoints = samplingHint->size() ;
Int_t step;
Double_t dx= (xhi-xlo)/(minPoints-1.);
Double_t *yval= new Double_t[minPoints];
list<Double_t>* xval = samplingHint ;
if (!xval) {
xval = new list<Double_t> ;
for(step= 0; step < minPoints; step++) {
xval->push_back(xlo + step*dx) ;
Double_t ymax(-1e30), ymin(1e30) ;
step=0 ;
for(list<Double_t>::iterator iter = xval->begin() ; iter!=xval->end() ; ++iter,++step) {
Double_t xx = *iter ;
if (step==minPoints-1) xx-=1e-15 ;
yval[step]= func(&xx);
if (RooAbsReal::numEvalErrors()>0) {
if (numee>=0) {
coutW(Plotting) << "At observable [x]=" << xx << " " ;
RooAbsReal::printEvalErrors(ccoutW(Plotting),numee) ;
if (doEEVal) {
yval[step]=eeVal ;
RooAbsReal::clearEvalErrorLog() ;
if (yval[step]>ymax) ymax=yval[step] ;
if (yval[step]<ymin) ymin=yval[step] ;
Double_t yrangeEst=(ymax-ymin) ;
Double_t minDx= resolution*(xhi-xlo);
Double_t x1,x2= xlo;
if (wmode==Extended) {
addPoint(xlo-dx,0) ;
addPoint(xlo-dx,yval[0]) ;
} else if (wmode==Straight) {
addPoint(xlo,0) ;
list<Double_t>::iterator iter2 = xval->begin() ;
x1 = *iter2 ;
step=1 ;
while(true) {
x1= x2;
iter2++ ;
if (iter2==xval->end()) {
break ;
x2= *iter2 ;
step++ ;
addPoint(xhi,yval[minPoints-1]) ;
if (wmode==Extended) {
addPoint(xhi+dx,yval[minPoints-1]) ;
addPoint(xhi+dx,0) ;
} else if (wmode==Straight) {
addPoint(xhi,0) ;
delete [] yval;
if (xval != samplingHint) {
delete xval ;
void RooCurve::addRange(const RooAbsFunc& func, Double_t x1, Double_t x2,
Double_t y1, Double_t y2, Double_t minDy, Double_t minDx,
Int_t numee, Bool_t doEEVal, Double_t eeVal)
if (fabs(x2-x1)<1e-20) {
return ;
Double_t xmid= 0.5*(x1+x2);
Double_t ymid= func(&xmid);
if (RooAbsReal::numEvalErrors()>0) {
if (numee>=0) {
coutW(Plotting) << "At observable [x]=" << xmid << " " ;
RooAbsReal::printEvalErrors(ccoutW(Plotting),numee) ;
if (doEEVal) {
ymid=eeVal ;
RooAbsReal::clearEvalErrorLog() ;
Double_t dy= ymid - 0.5*(y1+y2);
if((xmid - x1 >= minDx) && fabs(dy)>0 && fabs(dy) >= minDy) {
else {
void RooCurve::addPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y)
Int_t next= GetN();
SetPoint(next, x, y);
Double_t RooCurve::getFitRangeNEvt() const {
return 1;
Double_t RooCurve::getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t, Double_t) const
return 1 ;
Double_t RooCurve::getFitRangeBinW() const {
return 0 ;
void RooCurve::printName(ostream& os) const
os << GetName() ;
void RooCurve::printTitle(ostream& os) const
os << GetTitle() ;
void RooCurve::printClassName(ostream& os) const
os << IsA()->GetName() ;
void RooCurve::printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t , Bool_t , TString indent) const
os << indent << "--- RooCurve ---" << endl ;
Int_t n= GetN();
os << indent << " Contains " << n << " points" << endl;
os << indent << " Graph points:" << endl;
for(Int_t i= 0; i < n; i++) {
os << indent << setw(3) << i << ") x = " << fX[i] << " , y = " << fY[i] << endl;
Double_t RooCurve::chiSquare(const RooHist& hist, Int_t nFitParam) const
Int_t i,np = hist.GetN() ;
Double_t x,y,eyl,eyh ;
Double_t hbinw2 = hist.getNominalBinWidth()/2 ;
Double_t xstart,xstop ;
GetPoint(0,xstart,y) ;
GetPoint(GetN()-1,xstop,y) ;
const_cast<RooCurve*>(this)->GetPoint(0,xstart,y) ;
const_cast<RooCurve*>(this)->GetPoint(GetN()-1,xstop,y) ;
Int_t nbin(0) ;
Double_t chisq(0) ;
for (i=0 ; i<np ; i++) {
((RooHist&)hist).GetPoint(i,x,y) ;
if (x<xstart || x>xstop) continue ;
nbin++ ;
eyl = hist.GetEYlow()[i] ;
eyh = hist.GetEYhigh()[i] ;
Double_t avg = average(x-hbinw2,x+hbinw2) ;
if (y!=0) {
Double_t pull = (y>avg) ? ((y-avg)/eyl) : ((y-avg)/eyh) ;
chisq += pull*pull ;
return chisq / (nbin-nFitParam) ;
Double_t RooCurve::average(Double_t xFirst, Double_t xLast) const
if (xFirst>=xLast) {
coutE(InputArguments) << "RooCurve::average(" << GetName()
<< ") invalid range (" << xFirst << "," << xLast << ")" << endl ;
return 0 ;
Double_t yFirst = interpolate(xFirst,1e-10) ;
Double_t yLast = interpolate(xLast,1e-10) ;
Int_t ifirst = findPoint(xFirst,1e10) ;
Int_t ilast = findPoint(xLast,1e10) ;
Double_t xFirstPt,yFirstPt,xLastPt,yLastPt ;
const_cast<RooCurve&>(*this).GetPoint(ifirst,xFirstPt,yFirstPt) ;
const_cast<RooCurve&>(*this).GetPoint(ilast,xLastPt,yLastPt) ;
Double_t tolerance=1e-3*(xLast-xFirst) ;
if (ilast-ifirst==1 &&(xFirstPt-xFirst)<-1*tolerance && (xLastPt-xLast)>tolerance) {
return 0.5*(yFirst+yLast) ;
if ((xFirstPt-xFirst)<-1*tolerance) {
ifirst++ ;
const_cast<RooCurve&>(*this).GetPoint(ifirst,xFirstPt,yFirstPt) ;
if ((xLastPt-xLast)>tolerance) {
ilast-- ;
const_cast<RooCurve&>(*this).GetPoint(ilast,xLastPt,yLastPt) ;
Double_t sum(0),x1,y1,x2,y2 ;
sum += (xFirstPt-xFirst)*(yFirst+yFirstPt)/2 ;
Int_t i ;
for (i=ifirst ; i<ilast ; i++) {
const_cast<RooCurve&>(*this).GetPoint(i,x1,y1) ;
const_cast<RooCurve&>(*this).GetPoint(i+1,x2,y2) ;
sum += (x2-x1)*(y1+y2)/2 ;
sum += (xLast-xLastPt)*(yLastPt+yLast)/2 ;
return sum/(xLast-xFirst) ;
Int_t RooCurve::findPoint(Double_t xvalue, Double_t tolerance) const
Double_t delta(999.),x,y ;
Int_t i,n = GetN() ;
Int_t ibest(-1) ;
for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
((RooCurve&)*this).GetPoint(i,x,y) ;
if (fabs(xvalue-x)<delta) {
delta = fabs(xvalue-x) ;
ibest = i ;
return (delta<tolerance)?ibest:-1 ;
Double_t RooCurve::interpolate(Double_t xvalue, Double_t tolerance) const
int n = GetN() ;
int ibest = findPoint(xvalue,1e10) ;
Double_t xbest, ybest ;
const_cast<RooCurve*>(this)->GetPoint(ibest,xbest,ybest) ;
if (fabs(xbest-xvalue)<tolerance) {
return ybest ;
Double_t xother,yother, retVal(0) ;
if (xbest<xvalue) {
if (ibest==n-1) {
return ybest ;
const_cast<RooCurve*>(this)->GetPoint(ibest+1,xother,yother) ;
if (xother==xbest) return ybest ;
retVal = ybest + (yother-ybest)*(xvalue-xbest)/(xother-xbest) ;
} else {
if (ibest==0) {
return ybest ;
const_cast<RooCurve*>(this)->GetPoint(ibest-1,xother,yother) ;
if (xother==xbest) return ybest ;
retVal = yother + (ybest-yother)*(xvalue-xother)/(xbest-xother) ;
return retVal ;
Bool_t RooCurve::isIdentical(const RooCurve& other, Double_t tol) const
Int_t n= min(GetN(),other.GetN());
Double_t xmin(1e30), xmax(-1e30), ymin(1e30), ymax(-1e30) ;
for(Int_t i= 0; i < n; i++) {
if (fX[i]<xmin) xmin=fX[i] ;
if (fX[i]>xmax) xmax=fX[i] ;
if (fY[i]<ymin) ymin=fY[i] ;
if (fY[i]>ymax) ymax=fY[i] ;
Double_t Yrange=ymax-ymin ;
Bool_t ret(kTRUE) ;
for(Int_t i= 2; i < n-2; i++) {
Double_t yTest = interpolate(other.fX[i],1e-10) ;
Double_t rdy = fabs(yTest-other.fY[i])/Yrange ;
if (rdy>tol) {
cout << "RooCurve::isIdentical[" << i << "] Y tolerance exceeded (" << rdy << ">" << tol
<< "), X=" << other.fX[i] << "(" << fX[i] << ")" << " Ytest=" << yTest << " Yref=" << other.fY[i] << " range = " << Yrange << endl ;
ret=kFALSE ;
return ret ;
Last change: Fri Nov 14 16:34:06 2008
Last generated: 2008-11-14 16:34
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