// @(#)root/roostats:$Id: HypoTestCalculator.h 26964 2008-12-16 16:30:01Z moneta $ // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOSTATS_HypoTestCalculator #define ROOSTATS_HypoTestCalculator //#include "TNamed.h" //_________________________________________________ /* BEGIN_HTML <p> HypoTestCalculator is an interface class for a tools which produce RooStats HypoTestResults. The interface currently assumes that any hypothesis test calculator can be configured by specifying: <ul> <li>a model for the null,</li> <li>a model for the alternate,</li> <li>a data set, </li> <li>a set of parameters of which specify the null (including values and const/non-const status), and </li> <li>a set of parameters of which specify the alternate (including values and const/non-const status).</li> </ul> The interface allows one to pass the model, data, and parameters via a workspace and then specify them with names. The interface will be extended so that one does not need to use a workspace. </p> <p> After configuring the calculator, one only needs to ask GetHypoTest, which will return a HypoTestResult pointer. </p> <p> The concrete implementations of this interface should deal with the details of how the nuisance parameters are dealt with (eg. integration vs. profiling) and which test-statistic is used (perhaps this should be added to the interface). </p> <p> The motivation for this interface is that we hope to be able to specify the problem in a common way for several concrete calculators. </p> END_HTML */ // class RooAbsPdf; class RooArgSet; class RooWorkspace; namespace RooStats { class HypoTestResult; class HypoTestCalculator { public: // Concrete implementations should have a constructor like: // HypoTestCalculator(RooWorkspace*, RooAbsData*,RooAbsPdf*, RooAbsPdf*, RooArgSet*, RooArgSet*) // Concrete implementations should have a constructor like: // HypoTestCalculator(RooAbsData*,RooAbsPdf*, RooAbsPdf*, RooArgSet*, RooArgSet*) virtual ~HypoTestCalculator() {} // main interface to get a HypoTestResult, pure virtual virtual HypoTestResult* GetHypoTest() const = 0; // Initialize the calculator from a given data set, a null pdf and an alternate pdf. // The null parameters and alternate parameters can be optionally passed otherwise by default // the parameters of the pdf's will be used. // In addition, one can give optionally a nuisance pdf with nuisance parameters to be marginalized virtual void Initialize(RooAbsData & data, RooAbsPdf & nullPdf, RooAbsPdf & alternatePdf, RooArgSet * nullParameters = 0, RooArgSet * alternateParameters = 0, RooArgSet * nuisanceParameters = 0, RooAbsPdf * nuisancePdf = 0 ) { SetData(data); SetNullPdf(nullPdf); SetAlternatePdf(alternatePdf); if (nullParameters) SetNullParameters(*nullParameters); if (alternateParameters) SetAlternateParameters(*alternateParameters); if (nuisanceParameters) SetNuisanceParameters(*nuisanceParameters); if (nuisancePdf) SetNuisancePdf(*nuisancePdf); } // Initialize the calculator from a given data set and a common pdf for null and alternate hypothesis. // In this case the null parameters and alternate parameters must be given. // In addition, one can give optionally a nuisance pdf with nuisance parameters to be marginalized virtual void Initialize(RooAbsData & data, RooAbsPdf & commonPdf, RooArgSet & nullParameters, RooArgSet & alternateParameters, RooArgSet * nuisanceParameters = 0, RooAbsPdf * nuisancePdf = 0 ) { Initialize(data, commonPdf, commonPdf, &nullParameters, &alternateParameters, nuisanceParameters, nuisancePdf); } // Initialize the calculator from a workspace and names for the data set, // the null pdf and the alternate pdf. // The null parameters and alternate parameters can be optionally passed otherwise by default // the parameters of the pdf's will be used. // In addition, one can give optionally a nuisance pdf with nuisance parameters to be marginalized virtual void Initialize(RooWorkspace & ws, const char * data, const char * nullPdf, const char * alternatePdf, RooArgSet * nullParameters = 0, RooArgSet * alternateParameters = 0, RooArgSet * nuisanceParameters = 0, const char * nuisancePdf = 0 ) { SetWorkspace(ws); SetData(data); SetNullPdf(nullPdf); SetAlternatePdf(alternatePdf); if (nullParameters) SetNullParameters(*nullParameters); if (alternateParameters) SetAlternateParameters(*alternateParameters); if (nuisanceParameters) SetNuisanceParameters(*nuisanceParameters); if (nuisancePdf) SetNuisancePdf(nuisancePdf); } // Initialize the calculator from a workspace and names for the data set and a common pdf // for both the null and the alternate hypothesis. // In this case the null parameters and alternate parameters must be given. // In addition, one can give optionally a nuisance pdf with nuisance parameters to be marginalized virtual void Initialize(RooWorkspace & ws, const char * data, const char * commonPdf, RooArgSet & nullParameters, RooArgSet & alternateParameters, RooArgSet * nuisanceParameters = 0, const char * nuisancePdf = 0 ) { Initialize(ws, data, commonPdf, commonPdf, &nullParameters, &alternateParameters, nuisanceParameters, nuisancePdf); } // set a workspace that owns all the necessary components for the analysis virtual void SetWorkspace(RooWorkspace& ws) = 0; // set the PDF for the null hypothesis virtual void SetNullPdf(const char* name) = 0; // set the PDF for the alternate hypothesis virtual void SetAlternatePdf(const char* name) = 0; // set a common PDF for both the null and alternate hypotheses virtual void SetCommonPdf(const char* name) { SetNullPdf(name); SetAlternatePdf(name); } // Set a common PDF for both the null and alternate, add to the the workspace if not already there virtual void SetCommonPdf(RooAbsPdf& pdf) { SetNullPdf(pdf); SetAlternatePdf(pdf); } // Set the PDF for the null, add to the the workspace if not already there virtual void SetNullPdf(RooAbsPdf& pdf) = 0; // Set the PDF for the alternate hypothesis, add to the the workspace if not already there virtual void SetAlternatePdf(RooAbsPdf& pdf) = 0; // specify the name of the dataset in the workspace to be used virtual void SetData(const char* name) = 0; // Set the DataSet, add to the the workspace if not already there virtual void SetData(RooAbsData& data) = 0; // set parameter values for the null if using a common PDF virtual void SetNullParameters(RooArgSet&) = 0; // set parameter values for the alternate if using a common PDF virtual void SetAlternateParameters(RooArgSet&) = 0; // set the pdf name for an auxillary measurement of the nuisance which will be marginalized by the calculator // needs to be implemented by the derived class only if this feature is supported virtual void SetNuisancePdf(const char * ) {} // set the pdf for an auxillary measurement which will be marginalized by the calculator // needs to be implemented by the derived class only if this feature is supported virtual void SetNuisancePdf(RooAbsPdf &) {} // set the parameters for the constraned pdf which will be marginalized by the calculator // needs to be implemented by the derived class if this feature is supported virtual void SetNuisanceParameters(RooArgSet &) {} protected: ClassDef(HypoTestCalculator,1) // Interface for tools doing hypothesis tests }; } #endif