// Implementation of BlindTools' precision blinding method
// A RooUnblindPrecision object is a real valued function
// object, constructed from a blind value holder and a
// set of unblinding parameters. When supplied to a PDF
// in lieu of a regular parameter, the blind value holder
// supplied to the unblinder objects will in a fit be minimized
// to blind value corresponding to the actual minimum of the
// parameter. The transformation is chosen such that the
// the error on the blind parameters is indentical to that
// of the unblind parameter
#include "RooFit.h"
#include "RooArgSet.h"
#include "RooArgSet.h"
#include "RooUnblindPrecision.h"
RooUnblindPrecision::RooUnblindPrecision() : _blindEngine("")
RooUnblindPrecision::RooUnblindPrecision(const char *name, const char *title,
const char *blindString, Double_t centralValue,
Double_t scale, RooAbsReal& value,
Bool_t sin2betaMode)
: RooAbsHiddenReal(name,title),
_value("value","Precision blinded value",this,value),
RooUnblindPrecision::RooUnblindPrecision(const char *name, const char *title,
const char *blindString, Double_t centralValue,
Double_t scale, RooAbsReal& value, RooAbsCategory& blindState,
Bool_t sin2betaMode)
: RooAbsHiddenReal(name,title,blindState),
_value("value","Precision blinded value",this,value),
RooUnblindPrecision::RooUnblindPrecision(const RooUnblindPrecision& other, const char* name) :
RooAbsHiddenReal(other, name),
Double_t RooUnblindPrecision::evaluate() const
if (isHidden()) {
return _blindEngine.UnHidePrecision(_value);
} else {
return _value ;
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:34:29 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:34
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