#ifndef ROOT_TASImagePlugin
#define ROOT_TASImagePlugin
#ifndef ROOT_TImagePlugin
#include "TImagePlugin.h"
struct ASImage;
class TASImagePlugin : public TImagePlugin {
TASImagePlugin(const char *ext) : TImagePlugin(ext) { }
virtual ~TASImagePlugin() { }
virtual unsigned char *ReadFile(const char * , UInt_t & , UInt_t & ) { return 0; }
virtual Bool_t WriteFile(const char * , unsigned char * , UInt_t , UInt_t ) { return kFALSE; }
virtual ASImage *File2ASImage(const char * ) { return 0; }
virtual Bool_t ASImage2File(ASImage * ) { return kFALSE; }
ClassDef(TASImagePlugin, 0)
Last change: Tue Dec 9 09:00:34 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-09 09:00
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