#include "TClassDocOutput.h"
#include "TBaseClass.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TMethodArg.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TDocInfo.h"
#include "TDocParser.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "THtml.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TVirtualMutex.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include <sstream>
TClassDocOutput::TClassDocOutput(THtml& html, TClass* cl, TList* typedefs):
TDocOutput(html), fHierarchyLines(0), fCurrentClass(cl),
fCurrentClassesTypedefs(typedefs), fParser(0)
fParser = new TDocParser(*this, fCurrentClass);
delete fParser;
void TClassDocOutput::Class2Html(Bool_t force)
TString filename(fCurrentClass->GetName());
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filename);
filename += ".html";
if (!force && !IsModified(fCurrentClass, kSource)
&& !IsModified(fCurrentClass, kDoc)) {
Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "-no change-", fHtml->GetCounter(), filename.Data());
std::ofstream classFile(filename);
if (!classFile.good()) {
Error("Make", "Can't open file '%s' !", filename.Data());
Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "", fHtml->GetCounter(), filename.Data());
WriteHtmlHeader(classFile, fCurrentClass->GetName(), "", fCurrentClass);
TString declf;
if (fHtml->GetDeclFileName(fCurrentClass, kTRUE, declf))
WriteHtmlFooter(classFile, "",
void TClassDocOutput::ListFunctions(std::ostream& classFile)
classFile << endl << "<div id=\"functions\">" << endl;
classFile << "<h2><a id=\"" << fCurrentClass->GetName()
<< ":Function_Members\"></a>Function Members (Methods)</h2>" << endl;
const char* tab4nbsp=" ";
TString declFile;
fHtml->GetDeclFileName(fCurrentClass, kFALSE, declFile);
if (fCurrentClass->Property() & kIsAbstract)
classFile << " <br /><b>"
<< tab4nbsp << "This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.<br />" << endl
<< tab4nbsp << "Look at the <a href=\""
<< gSystem->BaseName(declFile)
<< "\">header</a> to check for available constructors.</b><br />" << endl;
Int_t minAccess = 0;
if (fHtml->IsNamespace(fCurrentClass))
minAccess = TDocParser::kPublic;
for (Int_t access = TDocParser::kPublic; access >= minAccess; --access) {
const TList* methods = fParser->GetMethods((TDocParser::EAccess)access);
if (methods->GetEntries() == 0)
classFile << "<div class=\"access\" ";
const char* accessID [] = {"priv", "prot", "publ"};
const char* accesstxt[] = {"private", "protected", "public"};
classFile << "id=\"func" << accessID[access] << "\"><b>"
<< accesstxt[access] << ":</b>" << endl
<< "<table class=\"func\" id=\"tabfunc" << accessID[access] << "\" cellspacing=\"0\">" << endl;
TIter iMethWrap(methods);
TDocParser::TMethodWrapper *methWrap = 0;
while ((methWrap = (TDocParser::TMethodWrapper*) iMethWrap())) {
const TMethod* method = methWrap->GetMethod();
Bool_t isctor = (!strcmp(method->GetName(), method->GetReturnTypeName()));
Bool_t isdtor = (!isctor && method->GetName()[0] == '~');
classFile << "<tr class=\"func";
if (method->GetClass() != fCurrentClass)
classFile << "inh";
classFile << "\"><td class=\"funcret\">";
if (kIsVirtual & method->Property()) {
if (!isdtor)
classFile << "virtual ";
classFile << " virtual";
if (kIsStatic & method->Property())
classFile << "static ";
if (!isctor && !isdtor)
fParser->DecorateKeywords(classFile, method->GetReturnTypeName());
TString mangled(method->GetClass()->GetName());
classFile << "</td><td class=\"funcname\"><a class=\"funcname\" href=\"";
if (method->GetClass() != fCurrentClass) {
TString htmlFile;
fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(method->GetClass(), htmlFile);
classFile << htmlFile;
classFile << "#" << mangled;
classFile << ":";
mangled = method->GetName();
classFile << mangled << "\">";
if (method->GetClass() != fCurrentClass) {
classFile << "<span class=\"baseclass\">";
ReplaceSpecialChars(classFile, method->GetClass()->GetName());
classFile << "::</span>";
ReplaceSpecialChars(classFile, method->GetName());
classFile << "</a>";
fParser->DecorateKeywords(classFile, const_cast<TMethod*>(method)->GetSignature());
bool propSignal = false;
bool propMenu = false;
bool propToggle = false;
bool propGetter = false;
if (method->GetTitle()) {
propSignal = (strstr(method->GetTitle(), "*SIGNAL*"));
propMenu = (strstr(method->GetTitle(), "*MENU*"));
propToggle = (strstr(method->GetTitle(), "*TOGGLE*"));
propGetter = (strstr(method->GetTitle(), "*GETTER"));
if (propSignal || propMenu || propToggle || propGetter) {
classFile << "<span class=\"funcprop\">";
if (propSignal) classFile << "<abbr title=\"emits a signal\">SIGNAL</abbr> ";
if (propMenu) classFile << "<abbr title=\"has a popup menu entry\">MENU</abbr> ";
if (propToggle) classFile << "<abbr title=\"toggles a state\">TOGGLE</abbr> ";
if (propGetter) {
TString getter(method->GetTitle());
Ssiz_t posGetter = getter.Index("*GETTER=");
getter.Remove(0, posGetter + 8);
classFile << "<abbr title=\"use " + getter + "() as getter\">GETTER</abbr> ";
classFile << "</span>";
classFile << "</td></tr>" << endl;
classFile << endl << "</table></div>" << endl;
classFile << "</div>" << endl;
void TClassDocOutput::ListDataMembers(std::ostream& classFile)
Bool_t haveDataMembers = (fParser->GetDataMembers(TDocParser::kPrivate)->GetEntries() ||
fParser->GetDataMembers(TDocParser::kProtected)->GetEntries() ||
fParser->GetDataMembers(TDocParser::kPublic)->GetEntries() ||
fParser->GetEnums(TDocParser::kPublic)->GetEntries() ||
fParser->GetEnums(TDocParser::kProtected)->GetEntries() ||
if (!haveDataMembers) return;
classFile << endl << "<div id=\"datamembers\">" << endl;
classFile << "<h2><a name=\"" << fCurrentClass->GetName()
<< ":Data_Members\"></a>Data Members</h2>" << endl;
for (Int_t access = 5; access >= 0 && !fHtml->IsNamespace(fCurrentClass); --access) {
const TList* datamembers = 0;
if (access > 2) datamembers = fParser->GetEnums((TDocParser::EAccess) (access - 3));
else datamembers = fParser->GetDataMembers((TDocParser::EAccess) access);
if (datamembers->GetEntries() == 0)
classFile << "<div class=\"access\" ";
const char* what = "data";
if (access > 2) what = "enum";
const char* accessID [] = {"priv", "prot", "publ"};
const char* accesstxt[] = {"private", "protected", "public"};
classFile << "id=\"" << what << accessID[access%3] << "\"><b>"
<< accesstxt[access%3] << ":</b>" << endl
<< "<table class=\"data\" id=\"tab" << what << accessID[access%3] << "\" cellspacing=\"0\">" << endl;
TIter iDM(datamembers);
TDataMember *member = 0;
TString prevEnumName;
Bool_t prevIsInh = kTRUE;
while ((member = (TDataMember*) iDM())) {
Bool_t haveNewEnum = access > 2 && prevEnumName != member->GetTypeName();
if (haveNewEnum) {
if (prevEnumName.Length()) {
classFile << "<tr class=\"data";
if (prevIsInh)
classFile << "inh";
classFile << "\"><td class=\"datatype\">};</td><td></td><td></td></tr>" << endl;
prevEnumName = member->GetTypeName();
classFile << "<tr class=\"data";
prevIsInh = (member->GetClass() != fCurrentClass);
if (prevIsInh)
classFile << "inh";
classFile << "\"><td class=\"datatype\">";
if (haveNewEnum) {
TString enumName(member->GetTypeName());
TString myScope(fCurrentClass->GetName());
myScope += "::";
enumName.ReplaceAll(myScope, "");
if (enumName.EndsWith("::"))
enumName += "<i>[unnamed]</i>";
Ssiz_t startClassName = 0;
if (!enumName.BeginsWith("enum "))
classFile << "enum ";
startClassName = 5;
Ssiz_t endClassName = enumName.Last(':');
if (endClassName != kNPOS && endClassName > 0 && enumName[endClassName - 1] == ':') {
TSubString substr(enumName(startClassName, endClassName - startClassName + 1));
enumName.Insert(substr.Start() + substr.Length(), "</span>");
enumName.Insert(substr.Start(), "<span class=\"baseclass\">");
classFile << enumName << " { ";
} else
if (access < 3) {
if (member->Property() & G__BIT_ISSTATIC)
classFile << "static ";
fParser->DecorateKeywords(classFile, member->GetFullTypeName());
TString mangled(member->GetClass()->GetName());
classFile << "</td><td class=\"dataname\"><a ";
if (member->GetClass() != fCurrentClass) {
classFile << "href=\"";
TString htmlFile;
fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(member->GetClass(), htmlFile);
classFile << htmlFile << "#";
} else
classFile << "name=\"";
classFile << mangled;
classFile << ":";
mangled = member->GetName();
classFile << mangled << "\">";
if (member->GetClass() == fCurrentClass)
classFile << "</a>";
if (access < 3 && member->GetClass() != fCurrentClass) {
classFile << "<span class=\"baseclass\">";
ReplaceSpecialChars(classFile, member->GetClass()->GetName());
classFile << "::</span>";
ReplaceSpecialChars(classFile, member->GetName());
for (Int_t indx = 0; indx < member->GetArrayDim(); ++indx)
if (member->GetMaxIndex(indx) <= 0)
classFile << "[" << member->GetMaxIndex(indx) << "]";
if (member->GetClass() != fCurrentClass)
classFile << "</a>";
classFile << "</td>";
if (member->GetTitle() && member->GetTitle()[0]) {
classFile << "<td class=\"datadesc\">";
ReplaceSpecialChars(classFile, member->GetTitle());
} else classFile << "<td>";
classFile << "</td></tr>" << endl;
if (prevEnumName.Length()) {
classFile << "<tr class=\"data";
if (prevIsInh)
classFile << "inh";
classFile << "\"><td class=\"datatype\">};</td><td></td><td></td></tr>" << endl;
classFile << endl << "</table></div>" << endl;
classFile << "</div>" << endl;
Bool_t TClassDocOutput::ClassDotCharts(std::ostream& out)
if (!fHtml->HaveDot())
return kFALSE;
TString title(fCurrentClass->GetName());
TString dir("inh");
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), dir);
dir = "inhmem";
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), dir);
dir = "incl";
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), dir);
dir = "lib";
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), dir);
TString filenameInh(title);
gSystem->PrependPathName("inh", filenameInh);
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filenameInh);
filenameInh += "_Inh";
if (!CreateDotClassChartInh(filenameInh + ".dot") ||
!RunDot(filenameInh, &out))
return kFALSE;
TString filenameInhMem(title);
gSystem->PrependPathName("inhmem", filenameInhMem);
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filenameInhMem);
filenameInhMem += "_InhMem";
if (CreateDotClassChartInhMem(filenameInhMem + ".dot"))
RunDot(filenameInhMem, &out);
TString filenameIncl(title);
gSystem->PrependPathName("incl", filenameIncl);
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filenameIncl);
filenameIncl += "_Incl";
if (CreateDotClassChartIncl(filenameIncl + ".dot"))
RunDot(filenameIncl, &out);
TString filenameLib(title);
gSystem->PrependPathName("lib", filenameLib);
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filenameLib);
filenameLib += "_Lib";
if (CreateDotClassChartLib(filenameLib + ".dot"))
RunDot(filenameLib, &out);
out << "<div class=\"tabs\">" << endl
<< "<a id=\"img" << title << "_Inh\" class=\"tabsel\" href=\"inh/" << title << "_Inh.gif\" onclick=\"javascript:return SetImg('Charts','inh/" << title << "_Inh.gif');\">Inheritance</a>" << endl
<< "<a id=\"img" << title << "_InhMem\" class=\"tab\" href=\"inhmem/" << title << "_InhMem.gif\" onclick=\"javascript:return SetImg('Charts','inhmem/" << title << "_InhMem.gif');\">Inherited Members</a>" << endl
<< "<a id=\"img" << title << "_Incl\" class=\"tab\" href=\"incl/" << title << "_Incl.gif\" onclick=\"javascript:return SetImg('Charts','incl/" << title << "_Incl.gif');\">Includes</a>" << endl
<< "<a id=\"img" << title << "_Lib\" class=\"tab\" href=\"lib/" << title << "_Lib.gif\" onclick=\"javascript:return SetImg('Charts','lib/" << title << "_Lib.gif');\">Libraries</a><br/>" << endl
<< "</div><div class=\"classcharts\"><div class=\"classchartswidth\"></div>" << endl
<< "<img id=\"Charts\" alt=\"Class Charts\" class=\"classcharts\" usemap=\"#Map" << title << "_Inh\" src=\"inh/" << title << "_Inh.gif\"/></div>" << endl;
return kTRUE;
void TClassDocOutput::ClassHtmlTree(std::ostream& out, TClass * classPtr,
ETraverse dir, int depth)
if (dir == kBoth) {
out << "<!--INHERITANCE TREE-->" << endl;
out << "<table><tr><td width=\"10%\"></td><td width=\"70%\">"
<< "<a href=\"ClassHierarchy.html\">Inheritance Chart</a>:</td></tr>";
out << "<tr class=\"inhtree\"><td width=\"10%\"></td><td width=\"70%\">";
out << "<table class=\"inhtree\"><tr><td>" << endl;
out << "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" ";
out << "cellpadding =\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\"><tr>" << endl;
} else {
out << "<table><tr>";
if (dir == kUp || dir == kBoth) {
TBaseClass *inheritFrom;
TIter nextBase(classPtr->GetListOfBases());
UInt_t bgcolor=255-depth*8;
Bool_t first = kTRUE;
while ((inheritFrom = (TBaseClass *) nextBase())) {
if (first) {
out << "<td><table><tr>" << endl;
first = kFALSE;
} else
out << "</tr><tr>" << endl;
out << "<td bgcolor=\""
<< Form("#%02x%02x%02x", bgcolor, bgcolor, bgcolor)
<< "\" align=\"right\">" << endl;
TClass *classInh = fHtml->GetClass((const char *) inheritFrom->GetName());
if (classInh)
ClassHtmlTree(out, classInh, kUp, depth+1);
out << "<tt>"
<< (const char *) inheritFrom->GetName()
<< "</tt>";
out << "</td>"<< endl;
if (!first) {
out << "</tr></table></td>" << endl;
out << "<td>←</td>";
out << "<td>" << endl;
const char *className = classPtr->GetName();
TString htmlFile;
fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(classPtr, htmlFile);
TString anchor(className);
if (dir == kUp) {
if (htmlFile) {
out << "<center><tt><a name=\"" << anchor;
out << "\" href=\"" << htmlFile << "\">";
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, className);
out << "</a></tt></center>" << endl;
} else
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, className);
if (dir == kBoth) {
if (htmlFile.Length()) {
out << "<center><big><b><tt><a name=\"" << anchor;
out << "\" href=\"" << htmlFile << "\">";
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, className);
out << "</a></tt></b></big></center>" << endl;
} else
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, className);
out << "</td>" << endl;
if (dir == kDown || dir == kBoth) {
out << "<td><table><tr>" << endl;
fHierarchyLines = 0;
out << "</tr></table>";
if (dir==kBoth && fHierarchyLines>=10)
out << "</td><td align=\"left\"> <a href=\"ClassHierarchy.html\">[more...]</a>";
out<<"</td>" << endl;
out << "</tr></table>" << endl;
if (dir == kBoth)
out << "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>"<<endl;
void TClassDocOutput::ClassTree(TVirtualPad * psCanvas, Bool_t force)
if (!psCanvas || !fCurrentClass)
TString filename(fCurrentClass->GetName());
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filename);
filename += "_Tree.pdf";
if (IsModified(fCurrentClass, kTree) || force) {
Int_t saveErrorIgnoreLevel = gErrorIgnoreLevel;
gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;
gErrorIgnoreLevel = saveErrorIgnoreLevel;
} else
Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "-no change-", "", filename.Data());
Bool_t TClassDocOutput::CreateDotClassChartInh(const char* filename)
std::ofstream outdot(filename);
outdot << "strict digraph G {" << endl
<< "rankdir=RL;" << endl
<< "ranksep=2;" << endl
<< "nodesep=0;" << endl
<< "size=\"8,10\";" << endl
<< "ratio=auto;" << endl
<< "margin=0;" << endl
<< "node [shape=plaintext,fontsize=40,width=4,height=0.75];" << endl
<< "\"" << fCurrentClass->GetName() << "\" [shape=ellipse];" << endl;
std::stringstream ssDep;
std::list<TClass*> writeBasesFor;
Bool_t haveBases = fCurrentClass->GetListOfBases() &&
if (haveBases) {
outdot << "{" << endl;
while (!writeBasesFor.empty()) {
TClass* cl = writeBasesFor.front();
if (cl != fCurrentClass) {
outdot << " \"" << cl->GetName() << "\"";
const char* htmlFileName = fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(cl->GetName());
if (htmlFileName)
outdot << " [URL=\"" << htmlFileName << "\"]";
outdot << ";" << endl;
if (cl->GetListOfBases() && cl->GetListOfBases()->GetSize()) {
ssDep << " \"" << cl->GetName() << "\" -> {";
TIter iBase(cl->GetListOfBases());
TBaseClass* base = 0;
while ((base = (TBaseClass*)iBase())) {
ssDep << " \"" << base->GetName() << "\";";
ssDep << "}" << endl;
outdot << "}" << endl;
std::map<TClass*, Int_t> derivesFromMe;
std::map<TClass*, unsigned int> entriesPerDerived;
std::set<TClass*> wroteNode;
static const unsigned int maxClassesPerDerived = 20;
fHtml->GetDerivedClasses(fCurrentClass, derivesFromMe);
outdot << "{" << endl;
for (Int_t level = 1; kTRUE; ++level) {
Bool_t levelExists = kFALSE;
for (std::map<TClass*, Int_t>::iterator iDerived = derivesFromMe.begin();
iDerived != derivesFromMe.end(); ++iDerived) {
if (iDerived->second != level) continue;
levelExists = kTRUE;
TIter iBaseOfDerived(iDerived->first->GetListOfBases());
TBaseClass* baseDerived = 0;
Bool_t writeNode = kFALSE;
TClass* writeAndMoreFor = 0;
while ((baseDerived = (TBaseClass*) iBaseOfDerived())) {
TClass* clBaseDerived = baseDerived->GetClassPointer();
if (clBaseDerived->InheritsFrom(fCurrentClass)
&& wroteNode.find(clBaseDerived) != wroteNode.end()) {
unsigned int& count = entriesPerDerived[clBaseDerived];
if (count < maxClassesPerDerived) {
writeNode = kTRUE;
ssDep << "\"" << iDerived->first->GetName() << "\" -> \""
<< clBaseDerived->GetName() << "\";" << endl;
} else if (count == maxClassesPerDerived) {
writeAndMoreFor = clBaseDerived;
ssDep << "\"...andmore" << clBaseDerived->GetName() << "\"-> \""
<< clBaseDerived->GetName() << "\";" << endl;
if (writeNode) {
outdot << " \"" << iDerived->first->GetName() << "\"";
const char* htmlFileName = fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(iDerived->first->GetName());
if (htmlFileName)
outdot << " [URL=\"" << htmlFileName << "\"]";
outdot << ";" << endl;
} else if (writeAndMoreFor) {
outdot << " \"...andmore" << writeAndMoreFor->GetName()
<< "\" [label=\"...and more\",fontname=\"Times-Italic\",fillcolor=lightgrey,style=filled];" << endl;
if (!levelExists) break;
outdot << "}" << endl;
outdot << ssDep.str();
outdot << "}" << endl;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TClassDocOutput::CreateDotClassChartInhMem(const char* filename) {
std::ofstream outdot(filename);
outdot << "strict digraph G {" << endl
<< "ratio=auto;" << endl
<< "rankdir=RL;" << endl
<< "compound=true;" << endl
<< "constraint=false;" << endl
<< "ranksep=0.1;" << endl
<< "nodesep=0;" << endl
<< "margin=0;" << endl;
outdot << " node [style=filled,width=0.7,height=0.15,fixedsize=true,shape=plaintext,fontsize=10];" << endl;
std::stringstream ssDep;
const int numColumns = 3;
std::list<TClass*> writeBasesFor;
while (!writeBasesFor.empty()) {
TClass* cl = writeBasesFor.front();
const char* htmlFileName = fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(cl->GetName());
outdot << "subgraph \"cluster" << cl->GetName() << "\" {" << endl
<< " color=lightgray;" << endl
<< " label=\"" << cl->GetName() << "\";" << endl;
if (cl != fCurrentClass && htmlFileName)
outdot << " URL=\"" << htmlFileName << "\"" << endl;
Bool_t haveFuncs = cl->GetListOfMethods() && cl->GetListOfMethods()->GetSize();
std::map<std::string, TDataMember*> dmMap;
TIter iDM(cl->GetListOfDataMembers());
TDataMember* dm = 0;
while ((dm = (TDataMember*) iDM()))
dmMap[dm->GetName()] = dm;
outdot << "subgraph \"clusterData0" << cl->GetName() << "\" {" << endl
<< " color=white;" << endl
<< " label=\"\";" << endl
<< " \"clusterNode0" << cl->GetName() << "\" [height=0,width=0,style=invis];" << endl;
TString prevColumnNode;
Int_t pos = dmMap.size();
Int_t column = 0;
Int_t newColumnEvery = (pos + numColumns - 1) / numColumns;
for (std::map<std::string, TDataMember*>::iterator iDM = dmMap.begin();
iDM != dmMap.end(); ++iDM, --pos) {
TDataMember* dm = iDM->second;
TString nodeName(cl->GetName());
nodeName += "::";
nodeName += dm->GetName();
if (iDM == dmMap.begin())
prevColumnNode = nodeName;
outdot << "\"" << nodeName << "\" [label=\""
<< dm->GetName() << "\"";
if (dm->Property() & kIsPrivate)
outdot << ",color=\"#FFCCCC\"";
else if (dm->Property() & kIsProtected)
outdot << ",color=\"#FFFF77\"";
outdot << ",color=\"#CCFFCC\"";
outdot << "];" << endl;
if (pos % newColumnEvery == 1) {
outdot << "};" << endl
<< "subgraph \"clusterData" << column << cl->GetName() << "\" {" << endl
<< " color=white;" << endl
<< " label=\"\";" << endl
<< " \"clusterNode" << column << cl->GetName() << "\" [height=0,width=0,style=invis];" << endl;
} else if (iDM != dmMap.begin() && pos % newColumnEvery == 0) {
ssDep << "\"" << prevColumnNode
<< "\" -> \"" << nodeName << "\""<< " [style=invis,weight=100];" << endl;
prevColumnNode = nodeName;
while (column < numColumns - 1) {
outdot << " \"clusterNode" << column << cl->GetName() << "\" [height=0,width=0,style=invis];" << endl;
outdot << "};" << endl;
if (haveFuncs) {
std::map<std::string, TMethod*> methMap;
TIter iMeth(cl->GetListOfMethods());
TMethod* meth = 0;
while ((meth = (TMethod*) iMeth()))
methMap[meth->GetName()] = meth;
outdot << "subgraph \"clusterFunc0" << cl->GetName() << "\" {" << endl
<< " color=white;" << endl
<< " label=\"\";" << endl
<< " \"clusterNode0" << cl->GetName() << "\" [height=0,width=0,style=invis];" << endl;
TString prevColumnNodeFunc;
Int_t pos = methMap.size();
Int_t column = 0;
Int_t newColumnEvery = (pos + numColumns - 1) / numColumns;
for (std::map<std::string, TMethod*>::iterator iMeth = methMap.begin();
iMeth != methMap.end(); ++iMeth, --pos) {
TMethod* meth = iMeth->second;
TString nodeName(cl->GetName());
nodeName += "::";
nodeName += meth->GetName();
if (iMeth == methMap.begin())
prevColumnNodeFunc = nodeName;
outdot << "\"" << nodeName << "\" [label=\"" << meth->GetName() << "\"";
if (cl != fCurrentClass &&
outdot << ",color=\"#777777\"";
else if (meth->Property() & kIsPrivate)
outdot << ",color=\"#FFCCCC\"";
else if (meth->Property() & kIsProtected)
outdot << ",color=\"#FFFF77\"";
outdot << ",color=\"#CCFFCC\"";
outdot << "];" << endl;
if (pos % newColumnEvery == 1) {
outdot << "};" << endl
<< "subgraph \"clusterFunc" << column << cl->GetName() << "\" {" << endl
<< " color=white;" << endl
<< " label=\"\";" << endl;
} else if (iMeth != methMap.begin() && pos % newColumnEvery == 0) {
ssDep << "\"" << prevColumnNodeFunc
<< "\" -> \"" << nodeName << "\""<< " [style=invis,weight=100];" << endl;
prevColumnNodeFunc = nodeName;
outdot << "};" << endl;
outdot << "}" << endl;
for (Int_t pos = 0; pos < numColumns - 1; ++pos)
ssDep << "\"clusterNode" << pos << cl->GetName() << "\" -> \"clusterNode" << pos + 1 << cl->GetName() << "\" [style=invis];" << endl;
if (cl->GetListOfBases() && cl->GetListOfBases()->GetSize()) {
TIter iBase(cl->GetListOfBases());
TBaseClass* base = 0;
while ((base = (TBaseClass*)iBase())) {
ssDep << " \"clusterNode" << numColumns - 1 << cl->GetName() << "\" -> "
<< " \"clusterNode0" << base->GetName() << "\" [ltail=\"cluster" << cl->GetName()
<< "\",lhead=\"cluster" << base->GetName() << "\"";
if (base != cl->GetListOfBases()->First())
ssDep << ",weight=0";
ssDep << "];" << endl;
outdot << ssDep.str();
outdot << "}" << endl;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TClassDocOutput::CreateDotClassChartIncl(const char* filename) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> filesToParse;
std::list<std::string> listFilesToParse;
TString declFileName;
TString implFileName;
fHtml->GetImplFileName(fCurrentClass, kFALSE, implFileName);
if (fHtml->GetDeclFileName(fCurrentClass, kFALSE, declFileName)) {
TString real;
if (fHtml->GetDeclFileName(fCurrentClass, kTRUE, real)) {
filesToParse[declFileName.Data()] = real.Data();
std::ofstream outdot(filename);
outdot << "strict digraph G {" << endl
<< "ratio=compress;" << endl
<< "rankdir=TB;" << endl
<< "concentrate=true;" << endl
<< "ranksep=0;" << endl
<< "nodesep=0;" << endl
<< "size=\"8,10\";" << endl
<< "node [fontsize=20,shape=plaintext];" << endl;
for (std::list<std::string>::iterator iFile = listFilesToParse.begin();
iFile != listFilesToParse.end(); ++iFile) {
ifstream in(filesToParse[*iFile].c_str());
std::string line;
while (in && !in.eof()) {
std::getline(in, line);
size_t pos = 0;
while (line[pos] == ' ' || line[pos] == '\t') ++pos;
if (line[pos] != '#') continue;
while (line[pos] == ' ' || line[pos] == '\t') ++pos;
if (line.compare(pos, 8, "include ") != 0) continue;
pos += 8;
while (line[pos] == ' ' || line[pos] == '\t') ++pos;
if (line[pos] != '"' && line[pos] != '<')
char delim = line[pos];
if (delim == '<') delim = '>';
line.erase(0, pos);
pos = 0;
pos = line.find(delim);
if (pos == std::string::npos) continue;
if (filesToParse.find(line) == filesToParse.end()) {
TString sysfilename;
if (!GetHtml()->GetPathDefinition().GetFileNameFromInclude(line.c_str(), sysfilename))
filesToParse[line] = sysfilename;
if (*iFile == implFileName.Data() || *iFile == declFileName.Data())
outdot << "\"" << *iFile << "\" [style=filled,fillcolor=lightgray];" << endl;
outdot << "\"" << *iFile << "\" -> \"" << line << "\";" << endl;
outdot << "}" << endl;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TClassDocOutput::CreateDotClassChartLib(const char* filename) {
std::ofstream outdot(filename);
outdot << "strict digraph G {" << endl
<< "ratio=auto;" << endl
<< "rankdir=RL;" << endl
<< "compound=true;" << endl
<< "constraint=false;" << endl
<< "ranksep=0.7;" << endl
<< "nodesep=0.3;" << endl
<< "size=\"8,8\";" << endl
<< "ratio=compress;" << endl;
TString libs(fCurrentClass->GetSharedLibs());
outdot << "\"All Libraries\" [URL=\"LibraryDependencies.html\",shape=box,rank=max,fillcolor=lightgray,style=filled];" << endl;
if (libs.Length()) {
TString firstLib(libs);
Ssiz_t end = firstLib.Index(' ');
if (end != kNPOS) {
firstLib.Remove(end, firstLib.Length());
libs.Remove(0, end + 1);
} else libs = "";
Ssiz_t posExt = firstLib.First(".");
if (posExt != kNPOS)
firstLib.Remove(posExt, firstLib.Length());
outdot << "\"All Libraries\" -> \"" << firstLib << "\" [style=invis];" << endl;
outdot << "\"" << firstLib << "\" -> {" << endl;
if (firstLib != "libCore")
libs += " libCore";
if (firstLib != "libCint")
libs += " libCint";
TString thisLib;
for (Ssiz_t pos = 0; pos < libs.Length(); ++pos)
if (libs[pos] != ' ')
thisLib += libs[pos];
else if (thisLib.Length()) {
Ssiz_t posExt = thisLib.First(".");
if (posExt != kNPOS)
thisLib.Remove(posExt, thisLib.Length());
outdot << " \"" << thisLib << "\";";
thisLib = "";
if (thisLib.Length()) {
Ssiz_t posExt = thisLib.First(".");
if (posExt != kNPOS)
thisLib.Remove(posExt, thisLib.Length());
outdot << " \"" << thisLib << "\";";
thisLib = "";
outdot << "}" << endl;
} else
outdot << "\"No rlibmap information avaliable.\"" << endl;
outdot << "}" << endl;
return kTRUE;
void TClassDocOutput::CreateClassHierarchy(std::ostream& out, const char* docFileName)
TList *bases = fCurrentClass->GetListOfBases();
if (!bases || bases->IsEmpty())
out << "<hr />" << endl;
out << "<table><tr><td><ul><li><tt>";
if (docFileName) {
out << "<a name=\"" << fCurrentClass->GetName() << "\" href=\""
<< docFileName << "\">";
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, fCurrentClass->GetName());
out << "</a>";
} else {
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, fCurrentClass->GetName());
out << "</tt></li></ul></td>";
fHierarchyLines = 0;
DescendHierarchy(out, fCurrentClass);
out << "</tr></table>" << endl;
Bool_t TClassDocOutput::CreateHierarchyDot()
const char* title = "ClassHierarchy";
TString filename(title);
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), filename);
std::ofstream dotout(filename + ".dot");
if (!dotout.good()) {
Error("CreateHierarchy", "Can't open file '%s.dot' !",
return kFALSE;
dotout << "digraph G {" << endl
<< "ratio=auto;" << endl
<< "rankdir=RL;" << endl;
TClassDocInfo* cdi = 0;
TIter iClass(fHtml->GetListOfClasses());
while ((cdi = (TClassDocInfo*)iClass())) {
TDictionary *dict = cdi->GetClass();
TClass *cl = dynamic_cast<TClass*>(dict);
if (cl == 0) {
if (!dict)
Warning("THtml::CreateHierarchy", "skipping class %s\n", cdi->GetName());
TList *bases = cl->GetListOfBases();
if (bases && !bases->IsEmpty()) {
dotout << "\"" << cdi->GetName() << "\" -> { ";
TIter iBase(bases);
TBaseClass* base = 0;
while ((base = (TBaseClass*) iBase())) {
if (base != bases->First())
dotout << "; ";
dotout << "\"" << base->GetName() << "\"";
dotout << "};" << endl;
} else
dotout << "\"" << cdi->GetName() << "\";" << endl;
dotout << "}";
std::ofstream out(filename + ".html");
if (!out.good()) {
Error("CreateHierarchy", "Can't open file '%s.html' !",
return kFALSE;
Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "", fHtml->GetCounter(), (filename + ".html").Data());
WriteHtmlHeader(out, "Class Hierarchy");
out << "<h1>Class Hierarchy</h1>" << endl;
RunDot(filename, &out);
out << "<img usemap=\"#Map" << title << "\" src=\"" << title << ".gif\"/>" << endl;
return kTRUE;
void TClassDocOutput::CreateSourceOutputStream(std::ostream& out, const char* extension,
TString& sourceHtmlFileName)
TString sourceHtmlDir("src");
gSystem->PrependPathName(fHtml->GetOutputDir(), sourceHtmlDir);
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(sourceHtmlDir))
sourceHtmlFileName = fCurrentClass->GetName();
gSystem->PrependPathName(sourceHtmlDir, sourceHtmlFileName);
sourceHtmlFileName += extension;
if (!out) {
Warning("LocateMethodsInSource", "Can't open beautified source file '%s' for writing!",
TString title(fCurrentClass->GetName());
title += " - source file";
WriteHtmlHeader(out, title, "../", fCurrentClass);
out << "<pre class=\"code\">" << std::endl;
void TClassDocOutput::DescendHierarchy(std::ostream& out, TClass* basePtr, Int_t maxLines, Int_t depth)
if (maxLines)
if (fHierarchyLines >= maxLines) {
out << "<td></td>" << endl;
UInt_t numClasses = 0;
TClassDocInfo* cdi = 0;
TIter iClass(fHtml->GetListOfClasses());
while ((cdi = (TClassDocInfo*)iClass()) && (!maxLines || fHierarchyLines<maxLines)) {
TClass *classPtr = dynamic_cast<TClass*>(cdi->GetClass());
if (!classPtr) continue;
TList* bases=classPtr->GetListOfBases();
if (!bases) continue;
TBaseClass *inheritFrom=(TBaseClass*)bases->FindObject(basePtr->GetName());
if (!inheritFrom) continue;
if (!numClasses)
out << "<td>←</td><td><table><tr>" << endl;
out << "</tr><tr>"<<endl;
UInt_t bgcolor=255-depth*8;
out << "<td bgcolor=\""
<< Form("#%02x%02x%02x", bgcolor, bgcolor, bgcolor)
<< "\">";
out << "<table><tr><td>" << endl;
TString htmlFile(cdi->GetHtmlFileName());
if (htmlFile.Length()) {
out << "<center><tt><a name=\"" << cdi->GetName() << "\" href=\""
<< htmlFile << "\">";
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, cdi->GetName());
out << "</a></tt></center>";
} else {
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, cdi->GetName());
out << "</td>" << endl;
DescendHierarchy(out,classPtr,maxLines, depth+1);
out << "</tr></table></td>" << endl;
if (numClasses)
out << "</tr></table></td>" << endl;
out << "<td></td>" << endl;
void TClassDocOutput::MakeTree(Bool_t force )
if (!fCurrentClass || fHtml->HaveDot())
TString htmlFile;
fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(fCurrentClass, htmlFile);
if (htmlFile.Length()
&& (htmlFile.BeginsWith("http://")
|| htmlFile.BeginsWith("https://")
|| gSystem->IsAbsoluteFileName(htmlFile))
) {
if (!htmlFile.Length()) {
TString what(fCurrentClass->GetName());
what += " (source not found)";
Printf(fHtml->GetCounterFormat(), "-skipped-", "", what.Data());
Bool_t wasBatch = gROOT->IsBatch();
if (!wasBatch)
TVirtualPad *psCanvas = (TVirtualPad*)gROOT->ProcessLineFast("new TCanvas(\"R__THtml\",\"psCanvas\",0,0,1000,1200);");
if (!wasBatch)
if (!psCanvas) {
Error("MakeTree", "Cannot create a TCanvas!");
ClassTree(psCanvas, force);
delete psCanvas;
void TClassDocOutput::WriteClassDescription(std::ostream& out, const TString& description)
out << "<div class=\"dropshadow\"><div class=\"withshadow\">";
TString anchor(fCurrentClass->GetName());
out << "<h1><a name=\"" << anchor;
out << ":description\"></a>";
if (fHtml->IsNamespace(fCurrentClass))
out << "namespace ";
out << "class ";
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, fCurrentClass->GetName());
Bool_t first = kTRUE;
TBaseClass *inheritFrom;
TIter nextBase(fCurrentClass->GetListOfBases());
while ((inheritFrom = (TBaseClass *) nextBase())) {
if (first) {
out << ": ";
first = kFALSE;
} else
out << ", ";
Long_t property = inheritFrom->Property();
if (property & kIsPrivate)
out << "private ";
else if (property & kIsProtected)
out << "protected ";
out << "public ";
TClass *classInh = fHtml->GetClass(inheritFrom->GetName());
TString htmlFile;
fHtml->GetHtmlFileName(classInh, htmlFile);
if (htmlFile.Length()) {
out << "<a href=\"" << htmlFile << "\">";
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, inheritFrom->GetName());
out << "</a>";
} else
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, inheritFrom->GetName());
out << "</h1>" << endl;
out << "<div class=\"classdescr\">" << endl;
if (description.Length())
out << "<pre>" << description << "</pre>";
if (fCurrentClassesTypedefs && !fCurrentClassesTypedefs->IsEmpty()) {
out << "<h4>This class is also known as (typedefs to this class)</h4>";
TIter iTD(fCurrentClassesTypedefs);
bool firsttd = true;
TDataType* dt = 0;
while ((dt = (TDataType*) iTD())) {
if (!firsttd)
out << ", ";
else firsttd = false;
fParser->DecorateKeywords(out, dt->GetName());
out << "</div>" << std::endl
<< "</div></div>" << std::endl;
out << "<h2><a id=\"" << fCurrentClass->GetName()
<< ":Class_Charts\"></a>Class Charts</h2>" << endl;
if (!fHtml->IsNamespace(fCurrentClass))
if (!ClassDotCharts(out))
ClassHtmlTree(out, fCurrentClass);
out << "<h2>Function documentation</h2>" << endl;
void TClassDocOutput::WriteClassDocHeader(std::ostream& classFile)
classFile << "<a name=\"TopOfPage\"></a>" << endl;
TString sTitle(fCurrentClass->GetName());
if (fHtml->IsNamespace(fCurrentClass))
sTitle.Prepend("namespace ");
sTitle.Prepend("class ");
TString sInclude;
TString sLib;
const char* lib=fCurrentClass->GetSharedLibs();
GetHtml()->GetPathDefinition().GetIncludeAs(fCurrentClass, sInclude);
if (lib) {
char* libDup=StrDup(lib);
char* libDupSpace=strchr(libDup,' ');
if (libDupSpace) *libDupSpace=0;
char* libDupEnd=libDup+strlen(libDup);
while (libDupEnd!=libDup)
if (*(--libDupEnd)=='.') {
sLib = libDup;
delete[] libDup;
classFile << "<script type=\"text/javascript\">WriteFollowPageBox('"
<< sTitle << "','" << sLib << "','" << sInclude << "');</script>" << endl;
TString modulename;
fHtml->GetModuleNameForClass(modulename, fCurrentClass);
TModuleDocInfo* module = (TModuleDocInfo*) fHtml->GetListOfModules()->FindObject(modulename);
WriteTopLinks(classFile, module, fCurrentClass->GetName());
classFile << "<div class=\"descrhead\">" << endl
<< "<span class=\"descrtitle\">Source:</span>" << endl;
TString classFileName(fCurrentClass->GetName());
TString headerFileName;
fHtml->GetDeclFileName(fCurrentClass, kFALSE, headerFileName);
TString sourceFileName;
fHtml->GetImplFileName(fCurrentClass, kFALSE, sourceFileName);
if (headerFileName.Length())
classFile << "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"src/" << classFileName
<< ".h.html\">header file</a>" << endl;
if (sourceFileName.Length())
classFile << "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"src/" << classFileName
<< ".cxx.html\">source file</a>" << endl;
if (!fHtml->IsNamespace(fCurrentClass) && !fHtml->HaveDot()) {
classFile << "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"" << classFileName << "_Tree.pdf\"";
classFile << ">inheritance tree (.pdf)</a> ";
const TString& viewCVSLink = GetHtml()->GetViewCVS();
Bool_t mustReplace = viewCVSLink.Contains("%f");
if (viewCVSLink.Length()) {
if (headerFileName.Length()) {
TString link(viewCVSLink);
TString sHeader(headerFileName);
if (GetHtml()->GetProductName() && !strcmp(GetHtml()->GetProductName(), "ROOT")
&& sHeader.BeginsWith("include")) {
if (sourceFileName && strstr(sourceFileName, "src")) {
TString src(sourceFileName);
src.Remove(src.Index("src"), src.Length());
src += "inc";
} else {
TString src(fCurrentClass->GetSharedLibs());
Ssiz_t posEndLib = src.Index(' ');
if (posEndLib != kNPOS)
src.Remove(posEndLib, src.Length());
if (src.BeginsWith("lib"))
src.Remove(0, 3);
posEndLib = src.Index('.');
if (posEndLib != kNPOS)
src.Remove(posEndLib, src.Length());
src += "/inc";
if (sHeader.BeginsWith("tmva/inc/TMVA"))
sHeader.Remove(8, 5);
if (mustReplace) link.ReplaceAll("%f", sHeader);
else link += sHeader;
classFile << "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"" << link << "\">viewVC header</a> ";
if (sourceFileName.Length()) {
TString link(viewCVSLink);
if (mustReplace) link.ReplaceAll("%f", sourceFileName);
else link += sourceFileName;
classFile << "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"" << link << "\">viewVC source</a> ";
TString currClassNameMangled(fCurrentClass->GetName());
TString wikiLink = GetHtml()->GetWikiURL();
if (wikiLink.Length()) {
if (wikiLink.Contains("%c")) wikiLink.ReplaceAll("%c", currClassNameMangled);
else wikiLink += currClassNameMangled;
classFile << "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"" << wikiLink << "\">wiki</a> ";
classFile << endl << "</div>" << endl;
classFile << "<div class=\"descrhead\">" << endl
<< "<span class=\"descrtitle\">Sections:</span>" << endl
<< "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"#" << currClassNameMangled;
if (fHtml->IsNamespace(fCurrentClass))
classFile << ":description\">namespace description</a> ";
classFile << ":description\">class description</a> ";
classFile << endl
<< "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"#" << currClassNameMangled << ":Function_Members\">function members</a>" << endl
<< "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"#" << currClassNameMangled << ":Data_Members\">data members</a>" << endl
<< "<a class=\"descrheadentry\" href=\"#" << currClassNameMangled << ":Class_Charts\">class charts</a>" << endl
<< "</div>" << endl
<< "</div>" << endl;
void TClassDocOutput::WriteMethod(std::ostream& out, TString& ret,
TString& name, TString& params,
const char* filename, TString& anchor,
TString& comment, TString& codeOneLiner,
TMethod* guessedMethod)
out << "<div class=\"funcdoc\"><span class=\"funcname\">"
<< ret << " <a class=\"funcname\" name=\"";
TString mangled(fCurrentClass->GetName());
out << mangled << ":";
mangled = name;
out << mangled << "\" href=\"src/" << filename;
if (anchor.Length())
out << "#" << anchor;
out << "\">";
ReplaceSpecialChars(out, name);
out << "</a>";
if (guessedMethod) {
out << "(";
TMethodArg* arg;
TIter iParam(guessedMethod->GetListOfMethodArgs());
Bool_t first = kTRUE;
while ((arg = (TMethodArg*) iParam())) {
if (!first) out << ", ";
else first = kFALSE;
TString paramGuessed(arg->GetFullTypeName());
paramGuessed += " ";
paramGuessed += arg->GetName();
if (arg->GetDefault() && strlen(arg->GetDefault())) {
paramGuessed += " = ";
paramGuessed += arg->GetDefault();
out << paramGuessed;
out << ")";
if (guessedMethod->Property() & kIsMethConst)
out << " const";
} else {
out << params;
out << "</span><br />" << std::endl;
if (comment.Length())
out << "<div class=\"funccomm\"><pre>" << comment << "</pre></div>" << std::endl;
if (codeOneLiner.Length()) {
out << std::endl << "<div class=\"code\"><code class=\"inlinecode\">"
<< codeOneLiner << "</code></div>" << std::endl
<< "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>" << std::endl;
out << "</div>" << std::endl;
Last change: Mon Dec 8 09:59:59 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-08 09:59
This page has been automatically generated. If you have any comments or suggestions about the page layout send a mail to ROOT support, or contact the developers with any questions or problems regarding ROOT.